Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1400386-Why-I-Write
Rated: E · Essay · Other · #1400386
why i write
I know I write because it's the best way to express myself. I mean if you express anger towards a person then things get said and happen that shouldn't. Writing is great because it doesn't matter if no one listens to you. It helps you put down and open up to realize your fears, likes, dislikes and so much about yourself that you never even knew about yourself. I was never to good as keeping journals mainly because they are never kept private. I will never put my feelings in a journal because nobody respects people's boundaries any more. A lot of the things I write are about what I'm feeling at the moment even if I'm blinded by anger. I'm sure there are some truths in those things but for the most part it helps me vent.

You can't even trust your spouses or any family member for that fact to let you have your private thoughts. So I try writing them from a different perspective. At least then they can't throw it in my face. You can truly discover yourself when you see your own words, thoughts, and feelings, on a sheet of paper. Writing is a way for me to be me. Most of my time revolves around everyone else. Even sleeping. I want the t.v. up he wants it turned all the way down. Laying on me tossing and turning. I'm at my daughter's beck and call and she knows it. So writing is when I get to be me. When I'm lost in my words my only judge is me. I can scream and rant and rave without having to hear it back. I can cry and joke. Do anything I want in the blink of an eye.

Writing is you being true to you. No matter what anyone says does or thinks of you all that matters is you. So write express yourself in the best way you know how.Whether your sad, depressed or just want to have a laugh. Write and don't let anyone's opinion of you or your writing stop you. You don't even have to say a word. Just close your eyes and let you thoughts flow like the ink that is the pen you represent. By the time you finish most of what is bothering is at least subdued. People handle their emotions differently. Me I just love to write and I won't stop. I don't care about being famous. I don't care if you don't like my work I will always be a writer. I will always express myself in a way that is true to me.

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