Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1399448-CIELO-SISSAL-AND-PACO-GO-TO-TOWN
Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #1399448
A children's story about two llamas and a boy and their mishaps on their way to town.

There was two llamas one was named Cielo (pronounced "sea el low" ) and he was white like clouds on a warm sunny summer day.Sissal was a tanned colored llama, he looked like the color of rope.
One day as they sat on a hillside under a big shade tree, Cielo said to Sissal, man it sure has been boring around here for day's not a thing has happened. Sissal replied back to Cielo " that's the way, I like it perfectly boring" as he was answering Cielo Sissal hadn't opened his eyes once it was as if he was talking in his sleep. Cielo was the adventurous of the two llamas he didn't like staying still for to long. Cielo liked action he liked living in the fast lane, he wanted to live the " la vida loca" he wasn't sure what that meant but he was sure it wasn't boring, because it just didn't sound boring.
Sissal liked the way things were, he liked just lying around in the shade of a big pelull tree and sleeping the day away, except when it was time to eat then he would begrudgingly
get up and go down to the feed trough and eat, but couldn't see why his owners just couldn't just bring his hay up to him under this big tree so he wouldn't have to get up. He thought he figured out how he could eat without having to wake up, if only his owner would lay the hay next to his head while he was laying down under the big tree, he could put his face in the hay and when he snored he would inhale some hay, chew it and when he breathes in to get ready to snore again he would simply swallow it. But he hadn't been able to try out his theory yet because his owner took exception to having to climb the hill while carrying hay just for one llama to try out his theory of "eat sleeping".
As the two llamas were lying in the shade of the big pelul tree, Cielo was trying to figure out what to do that was exciting, and Sissal snoring and sleeping and talking to Cielo in his sleep, they heard the bell ring. Their owners would ring a bell and all the llamas on the ranch would go down to the corrals and some of the llamas would carry packs and go some where with the owners. They never knew which of the llamas would get chosen. Cielo and Sissal had just learned how to carry the packs on their backs, now they both thought carrying the packs was hard work knowing all the signals and orders given by their owner was the hardest part. They had to know when to stop, when to turn to the left or right, when to lay down so the owners could get the things out of the packs. And they were suppose to remember how to get to the Village and how to get back home again. Well, the two young llamas made their way down to the corrals where the owners were waiting. Cielo was hoping they would be chosen to go on the trip, Sissal was hoping that they wouldn't get chosen so they could go back to lying down in the shade under the big tree. When Cielo and Sissal got to the corrals they stood standing at the back of the herd because they were still young and didn't t have any standing in the herd yet. As they waited for their master's to chose which llamas would go to the village. The men talked and Cielo was bored and looked around to see if anything else was going on. Sissal was standing stiff legged and was listening intently to every word the men were saying and doing as were all the other llamas.As the men talked they drank Mate.
They were all waiting to see which llamas would be going to the town. Cielo found something that caught his eye. A minuet later Sissal turned his head slightly around and saw Cielo disappearing behind the barn. Cielo stop to smell the ground and the air to see if he could smell something familiar. He thought to himself " mmm, this is a strange smell". Then he found something on the ground, Ohhh, this isn't from a llama.or one of those funny looking animals that the masters ride a round on.They were strange creatures thought Cielo. Just then he saw a funny looking thing going around the next corner of the barn. it was kind of a dark brownish looking thing and funny ears hanging down with a long tail. As Cielo went around the corner, then it happened all of a sudden the little creature turned around and began making a very mean noise. Then it started running at Cielo, he turned around and began running like a jet. Cielo ran around the first corner then he ran around the second corner. Cielo was running as fast he could go. Before he realized that he was aiming right for the group of llamas listening to the masters and he could also see the masters on the other side of the llamas. Cielo was trying to stop as quick as he could, but it wasn't working as he was trying to stop he just slid on his backside as if he was siting down and ran down the group of llamas that were in his way it was like bowling for llamas the group of llamas also began rolling and they knocked over other llamas and then Cielo ran over the master's. He was still traveling very fast, at the speed of light. And he was just a blur to those who were trying to get out of his way or out of the way of the other llamas. Cielo ducked his head as he went past the corrals where there was a piece of wood hanging over the corrals and Cielo was going right for it. Cielo hit a bump and then ran right into a pile of hay and all he could think of was, at least I had a soft landing , he laughed and thought I'd like to do it again. The other llamas were trying to compose themselves and the masters were trying to stand up although there was lots of mud and water and the ground was very slick, the men kept on slipping and falling down and they were mumbling notty things under their breath. Cielo was trying to figure out why everyone was angry at him, he just thought it was fun. After the Masters were all collected and standing , they thought to themselves who owns these llamas, because they really knew who owned the llamas. Senor Sanchez was the headMaster and looked at Paco with a stern face, all the men took a step back so Paco was standing alone . Senor Sanchez could see Paco was embarrassed, so he just smiled twisted the corners of his mustache and said , Paco I hope your llamas will behave themselves on our trip. Paco was just looking at his feet and shuck his head, yes, they will as he was taking a glance at Senor Sanchez. Paco went over to Cielo, and Sissal and pleaded with them please brothers behave yourselves on our trip. Cielo cried out to Paco
Oh yes , we will behave we will carry the heaviest packs on the longest route. As Paco retuned to where the masters were gathered Cielo turned to Sissal and said what does behave mean. Sissal said well you know how we just slipped and everyone fell, Cielo said yeah, well behaving is just the opposite, ooooh, said Cielo.
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