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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1399440
The tales of coming together to reveal the truth of human and creature nature alike.
Chapter 16

“What in heaven's name happened to you?” Tim asked with horror in his voice

as he examined her swollen face and her wrists that had fresh scars that ran

across her wrists. Zeath and Largo had the same reaction. They never knew a

someone could be beaten up so badly.

“Someone must have invaded our camping ground. Look for any items that

might be worth stealing,” announced Zeath. Biggie stood next to Tim with his arms

crossed, staring at Julie. He made sure she did not tell on them.

“I can't heal her,” Tim said to Zeath and Largo. “We have to get to Celestial

City fast and get some immediate help. Do you think you can make it, Julie?”

Julie nodded slowly and stared at a lonely twig on the damp campground.

“Sorry I can't do anything to help, Julie,” apologized Tim and put his hands on

her shoulder for a second and left to help the team to pack. Biggie stood staring at

Julie, thinking of last night's incident. He didn't know what took over him. Anger or

But whatever it was, he felt good about it and wanted to scream at

Julie that she deserved it, but he held it in. He turned and walked away from Julie

and glanced back once more and went to help the others.


No one seemed to care. Julie quietly stood up and packed up her tent. Her

body was still stabbing at her but she managed to endure the pain and keep a

straight face. Oh God, why did you bring me to this world? Why create such a

worthless creature like me?
Julie was the last one to pack up. Tim waited for her

to catch up with the others.

Everyone didn't say much, maybe because it was morning and everyone was

grumpy. The birds started to sing one by one, like a chain of songs to wake the

woods from its deep slumber. The creatures in the woods bellowed and yawned as

they awaited for something new to happen.

“How long will it be to get to Celestial City? I'm starving,” complained Boar and

everyone muttered and agreed. Largo looked up at the sky for any signs of the

weather for the whole week.

“Hmm, somewhere around one or two days. This forest is a maze,” grumbled

Largo. Tim stared straight ahead and walked on, keeping silent as he meditated his

thoughts about Julie's injuries. Something was suspicious.

“Last night was a blast. Want to do it again?” whispered Boar to Biggie.

“Nah, I think she learned her lesson. How about we make her the human trash

can from now on?” smiled Biggie.

Boar nodded and laughed softly, “Good idea.”

The two fairies had gone up in the air to scout while the party walked on. The

sound of the crisp leaves echoed in the open forest.

Suddenly, Twinkle flew down and squeaked loudly, “Bad guys up ahead! Bad

guys up ahead!”

Winkle flew down next and chirped, “A band of Scoffers up ahead, two miles

from here!”

Biggie and Boar looked at them frowning, lost and confused. “Uhh...Scoffers?”

Zeath sighed and took out his sword. “Pirates. But these pirates are land


Biggie smirked at Zeath's dark humor. When the party approached the scene,

the Scoffers had surrounded a carriage. Four horses and two men were already

dead on the ground.

The party with weapons drawn advanced towards them, ready to fight.

A Scoffer spotted them and shouted at the others. A tall muscular Scoffer with

a red bandanna on his head, likely the Scoffer leader held his hand to the party,

signaling to stop.

“Its-a bad idea-ah you came trough this way, ya fools. Now it look like ya

hafta pay up,” The Scoffer leader squalled in a broken accent.

The party just looked at him in confusion.

“What?” asked Zeath and looked at the rest of the party. Everyone shrugged,

so Zeath did the honors. He pointed his sword toward the sky and beams of pure

white holy bolts shot at the Scoffers from the heavens.

“Aye-yah, paladin!” screamed the Scoffers and ran. Zeath continued to hold

his sword out until he couldn't hear the awful screams of the retreating Scoffers.

The hijacked carriage was overturned but there were signs of survivors inside.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” shouted Boar. Silence. “I was sure there was

something moving in that carriage.”

Tim scratched his head and whispered, “Someone check it out.”

Largo stepped forward and said, “I'll do it.”

“Uh...guys, do you feel that?” asked Violet nervously.

“Feel what?” Boar turned his head and suddenly stopped in his track.

Out in the woods, about 100 feet away from the party, a very large creature

shot out something from his arms. Something sharp.


Largo was pushed back nine feet into the air and landed on his back.

“Largo!” cried Zeath and quickly came to Largo's side. He pulled out his blade

to make sure there were no other attacks from the forest.

“Violet and Biggie, hurry and pull out any survivors in the carriage and flee.

Boar come and help me take this thing and for heaven's sakes Zeath, get Largo a

towel and move somewhere safe!” shouted Tim as he pulled out Exodius and

summoned a shield out of light particles.

Something bellowed a dry, moaning voice. “What the hell is it?” asked Boar

as he tightened his grip on his mace, his hands trembling with sudden fear.

“A Fedrion. It's a drake that craves bloodshed,” answered Tim. “Watch out!”

Tim swung his shield in front of him and blocked a barrage of sharp splinter

missiles. Then it came out. It was the size of three men and its body was made of

wood and spikes protruded along its arms. The pair of glowing red eyes never

moved but suddenly turned towards Julie who was in the open. “Julie, get out of


Julie was staring at the approaching creature in horror and looked at Tim and

then ran out of sight through a large bush. Now the Fedrion turned its head towards

Boar and Tim and attacked again with its splinter missiles.

“How the hell do we kill it?” asked Boar as he swung his mace several times,

turning the splinter missiles into dust.

“We play with fire,” muttered Tim as his sword glowed white then he slashed

the air, creating a white projectile wave of the slash that flew toward the Fedrion.

The projectile hit the Fedrion and it burst into white flames, bellowing his dry moan

again as it continued to stagger toward Boar and Tim. It stomped twice and started

to stagger towards Simon and Boar.

“Shit! It's still moving!” shouted Boar, his eyes wide with a hint of fear. Tim

looked quickly at Violet and Biggie carrying off three survivors to a safe spot

followed by two tiny fairies. The Fedrion slammed his trunk-like arms into the

ground and wooden spikes started to sprout from underground and towards the

carriage, crushing it into smithereens.

“Holy shit,” mumbled Boar, his fear growing.

“No time to marvel at it, we have to attack it now, while it's burning,” said Tim.

“What can you do?”

Boar blinked and looked at Tim and back at the creature. “Okay, I got it,” said

Boar, as he narrowed his eyes. He stood his ground, and heat waves started to

pour out of Boar. His mace glowed red and he ran toward the injured Fedrion,

shouting his war cry. He did a 360 flip in the air and his mace hit the Fedrion in the

face, splintering its face completely. The head of the Fedrion started to burn and

wither, and then it gave a last dry moan as it fell backwards to the ground, dead.

Boar stood over the Fedrion and did a victory cry, beating his chest with


Tim put a hand on his shoulder and gave Boar a funny look. “Calm down,” said

Tim laughing nervously. Boar chuckled, blushing a slight red. Biggie, Violet, and the

three survivors came out of their hiding spots to congratulate Boar's victory.

Two of the survivors were male and the third one was a lady. The males

identified themselves as “bodyguards”, and the lady introduced herself as Ana

Gardener, a wealthy land-raiser.

A land-raiser is a person, who owns many lands, buying, collecting, and

selling them from and to other people. They were known for their wealthy lifestyles.

In the Zeal War, land-raisers lost the most land in the whole economical system

and they despised witches the most.

“We were taking for a brief walk in the woods, until the those sleazy Scoffers

attacked us,” said Ana crossing her arms and puffing up her

cheeks to show them that she was angry.

Ana was a beautiful girl, with clear bluish-gray eyes, and long golden brown

hair at the young age of 18. She was wearing a flowing dress and her hair was in a

bundle with splinters of wood poking out of her hair.

“She reminds me so much of Jen,” whispered Biggie to Tim. The two

bodyguards were ashamed and apologized to “Lady Ana” for failing to protect her

from the Scoffers.

It's okay, I'm fine,” answered Ana. “Did you know paladins are crazy about

me? They always joke about marrying me and raising children and living happily

ever after.”

She was referring to Tim but he only shrugged and implied that he would take

that as a compliment.

“Speaking of paladins....where is Julie, Zeath and Largo?” asked Tim looking

around the woods then stopped. “Oh no. Sometimes I just hate paladin instincts.”

“What is it?” asked Biggie standing up looking at Tim with a worried look.

“I sense something bad...really bad,” said Tim shaking his head. “Let's go find


The rest of the party walked around the woods, looking for Julie, Zeath and

Largo but Tim hid his face as he searched. His face was filled with horror.

Chapter 17

It wasn't long before they found fresh trails of blood leading to a large

campground, where Julie stood her distance from Zeath and Largo. But the most

awkward scene was that Largo was lying on the ground while Zeath was kneeling

and praying out loud. River of tears were flowing out of his eyes.

The party rushed to Largo and Zeath and crowded around them. “Christ...,”

gasped Boar and looked away. Tim punched him in the shoulder, glaring at him for

saying God's name in vain in front of paladins.

Largo's body was withering as they watched as the splinters infected his

body, inflating him into a human balloon then making him wither like a snake

trapped in a jar filled with pesticide. The splinters were definitely spreadshots

covering his body, making him bleed constantly and some were impaled through


Largo was still conscious, grinding his teeth to endure the pain. Zeath's voice

finally cracked, interrupting his prayer to God and sobbed loudly, his hands

squeezing Largo's arm.

“It...it wasn't my fault...” whispered Largo. Tim stepped forward and touched

Largo's head. He was already dead, but he managed with all his strength to keep

alive. What for?

“Julie...” Largo whispered, his body shaking with every word that came out of

his mouth. “Julie...here...”

Everyone turned their heads and stared at Julie. She was standing few yards

away from them. Away from society. Away from the “higher” class, which was what

she was taught to do.

“Julie, Largo's calling you,” whispered Tim. Julie stood up quietly and dropped

to her knees close to Largo's face. She looked at the ground. Witches are never to

make eye contact with a higher authority.

“Closer...” said Largo, coughing up blood. Julie faced Largo's face cautiously

and drew closer. Then Largo spat at her. Blood and spit covered Julie's face and

tears immediately filled her eyes.

“I hate you, bitch...stupid bitch, I hope you die. I hope you go to hell....it's not

my fault...yours...your fault,” spat Largo. Then he died. It was so sudden, that

everyone thought they froze in time. Then shock and disgust drifted in the air like

the stench of rotting flesh.

Ana scrunched up her nose in disgust as she saw Julie's face, drenched with

blood and spit. Tim quickly came to Julie's aid and helped her up and led her away

to a nearby stream. Violet joined Zeath's mourning for Largo's death as Biggie

stood there, watching Largo's half-opened eyes. A paladin dead. Boar walked out of

the campground to settle his stomach, while Ana stood watching with Biggie,


A paladin. Dead.


Boar leaned on a tree moaning as more bile rose from his throat. Largo's body

looked worse than someone that was flailed alive. Especially when he spat blood at

Julie face.

Boar wanted to scream in disgust, never seeing so much blood spilling out of

a human's mouth. He tried to think “happy thoughts” and took out the Rezruby from

his pocket and marveled at its beauty. But it reminded him of Julie, and his disgust

transformed into anger.

Largo had clearly said what he had to say. It was Julie's fault. Largo had

known Julie had cursed them from the beginning. Boar squeezed the ruby in his

hands, trying to let out his anger on the priceless stone. Boar had been suspicious

about witches...he always have.

Boar was a tough street orc, born in Lyforgia. Although he was an orc, a lower

social class, he befriended many humans, especially Biggie. He had seen some

witches entering into the Lyforgia gates to buy supplies or guards taking witches as

slaves, marching them up North to the Slave Factory. Boar was always suspicious

about the witches. Always feeling a little cold around their presence.

When Boar heard that his family was murdered from a haze (group) of

witches, he took action and made a small genocide party to kill all the witches in

Neoxarde. Unfortunately, the king had found out and put a stop to it immediately

before anyone was hurt. But that was the past. Now there was a witch in his group,

cursing him and giving the party bad luck. They had to get rid of her fast. Boar took

a deep breath and sighed as the fresh summer air cooled his soar throat. He ran

back to the party. This time, he was ready to face Largo.


“Here,” said Tim as he handed Julie a towel, as she finished rinsing out the

blood from her face.

“Thanks...” Julie whispered and took the towel and dried her face. Tim leaned

back and watched the river flow down to the sea. The river was like glass, so

transparent, you can see the bottom and the fishes struggling to keep up with the

river's current. Julie was in another trance, the same one that she had when Biggie

blamed her for his family's death. Then tears formed in her eyes and she buried her

head on her lap, sobbing quietly. Tim felt sorry for her but he left her to comfort


Largo was a paladin, but he wasn't faithful to God. Largo cursing at Julie was

still ringing in Tim's ear, giving him a headache.

Was hate stronger than faith? Or was he never faithful to God?

Tim sighed and watched Julie spill her eyes out.

Largo, what had happened to you? Did you stay alive just to say that to Julie?

His last words had probably sent him to Hell, but he tried to bring Julie with

her. Tim knew that Largo didn't care about God or his job as a paladin. All he

wanted was attention and the money. Tim shook his head. He can't think about this


“That's enough, Julie,” said Tim, patting Julie's back.

“It...it was my fault...Largo was right after all,” said Julie choking on her sobs.

“I hate myself so much; I wish it was me instead of Largo...at least he would have

been better with the party. At least everyone would be happy without me.”

“That's not true!” scolded Tim as he folded his arms.

Julie shook her head sadly and whimpered, “It's true, Tim...I can feel the

hatred in them...last night, it was Biggie and Boar who beat me, Tim. They beat me

up and I couldn't do anything about it. Maybe I should leave or kill myself. I think

everyone would do better without The Outcast. Maybe -”

“No, Julie, I won't let you do that,” interrupted Tim, looking Julie in the eyes,

trying to show encouragement, but only sadness filled his eyes. “God made you for

a purpose, so never try to kill yourself. It's a one way ticket to Hell.”

“I deserve to be in Hell, Tim,” whimpered Julie sadly. “I murdered Largo.”

“No you did not. The Fedrion did,” replied Tim. Julie stared at the ground and

was silent. They were quiet for awhile and listened to the endless chorus of the

flowing river.

Tim broke the silence. “You're definitely right. I feel hatred in Biggie and Boar.

They probably did beat you, but that's not the point. You don't suffer because you

deserve it, you suffer because you were meant to suffer. Just like Jesus.”

“Don't compare me with Him...I'm not worthy,” whispered Julie, wiping a tear

with the back of her hand.

“God has a purpose for you, Julie, He's counting on you and you don't want to

fail him,” replied Tim, watching the river again. “If this river was to be suddenly dried

up, God has a purpose. You can't try to run away or hide away from God by killing

yourself, Julie. We were meant to live for so much more.”

Julie was silent again, then finally nodded and said, “You're right, Tim, I


“Good, now let's go see what the rest of the party is doing,” said Tim, helping

Julie stand up. As they walked back to the campground, a fish jumped up from the

river, it's scales gleaming from the sun. Despite the strong current of the river, the

fish easily swam up the river bank. God always had a purpose for every living thing

and He always have. Tim knew it with all his heart.

Chapter 18

Largo was buried by a large tree and Biggie planted a gravestone that said:

“Largo Ventrios. Paladin, Friend, God's Child”. The party crowded around the grave,

in silence.

Julie stayed a few feet back while everyone watched the grave and the wind

blowing against them. Largo's spirit was being taken into heaven. “Let him rest in

peace” said the last words on the gravestone. Zeath and Violet broke into sobs and

Ana and Biggie tried to comfort them. Tim watched the grave, his face frozen into a

serious expression. It took Biggie and Boar to force Zeath to leave Largo and

continue on their journey to Celestial City. Boar took over Largo's position and lead

the party, a pinch of tears forming in his eyes and he quickly wiped them away. The

sun had already gone out so they had to quickly find another campground to camp

for the night. No one made eye contact with Julie as they unpacked and once

again, Julie unpacked away from the rest of them. Tim wanted to camp with Julie,

but he had to comfort his fellow brother in Christ...Zeath was suffering.


Julie didn't dare join dinner with the rest of the party, so she stayed in her tent

and grieved for Largo's death. She tried to sleep, but the unusual stillness disturbed

her and she took a peek into the campfire. Everyone was eating, but no one was

talking. The only sounds were the crickets chirping and the spoons clanking on the

bowls and the crackling of the fire. Julie shivered and closed up the flaps of her tent

and laid down again trying to get some sleep. Tim had proved his point, but his

point couldn't calm Julie's heart.


“We must get rid of her immediately,” exclaimed Boar to Tim angrily. “Look

what she had done! She had already killed one of our closest members!”

Tim had his eyes closed and didn't respond. Boar gritted his teeth. “Tim!”

“Zeath didn't even come out of his tent yet. He warded his tent with holy

magic. We have to do something about this,” explained Biggie.

“There is nothing we can do,” said Tim, opening his eyes and looking around.

“She's going to be with us, even if Biggie and I are the only ones to survive.”

“But you said to us directly that you were going to ban her if she attacks us!

She attacked Largo and killed him!” shouted Boar ferociously.

Tim looked around the campfire, looking at every face and then asked, “Ana,

what do you think?”

Everyone raised their eyebrows at the same time. “What do you think, Ana.

Should we ban Julie or should we keep her?”

Ana was speechless. “Umm...well...she killed someone, so she should go on

trial on Celestial City or something.”

Tim nodded. But Biggie disagreed. “She killed someone! If a lower class

murders a higher class, they are immediately hung from the highest tree or burned

in a stake!”

Tim threw his bowl on the ground and Violet jumped. “Julie did not kill Largo!

The Fedrion did! Everyone saw the creature kill Largo! Believe it!”

“But maybe Julie cursed the Fedrion...” whispered Violet and that caused Tim

to storm out of the campfire and into his tent. Everyone in the campfire was silent.

“What do we do?” Biggie asked.

Biggie, Ana, Violet, and the fairies were left in the campfire in silence.

“Well good night, ladies and fairies,” sighed Biggie and left the campfire and

entered his tent. The fairies drifted off, and Violet picked up the plates and Ana

helped her.

“So where are your bodyguards?” asked Violet. Ana looked at Violet in

confusion and finally realized what she was saying.

“Oh, I sent them back to my hometown. They were really my friends,” laughed

Ana. "They aren't bodyguards at all."

“I see,” sighed Violet. They were silent once again. Violet finally asked Ana,

“What do you really think about Julie?”

Ana looked up at the sky and said slowly, “I don't know...I never seen a witch

before, and I never seen anyone or anything being treated like that...how sad is it to

be separated from the other tents?”

Violet snorted and replied, “Witches were evil. We fought with them a long

time ago, before our great, great grandparents were born. You should know the


Ana nodded and retorted, “Yes, but I always thought that was just a myth, but

now I know it's real...well, we should find out when we get to the Celestial City

Courthouse. They have a very good judge there, where she can be tried.”

Violet nodded and said, “OK, good night. We have to wake up early and get to

Celestial City as fast as we possibly can.”

“Good night,” Ana waved and watched Violet go in her tent and she started to

walked toward her tent. She quickly glanced to Julie's tent, where she spotted a

dim light inside the tent. Ana guessed Julie was using it as a night light and went

inside her own tent. She laid on her bed and pondered the thoughts and

accusations of Julie. She had barely met these people and she was already

becoming a part of them.

“Oh well, I would like to join them from now on. I always wanted to be in a

party,” Ana thought to herself as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Julie's eye twitched in slight pain as she sliced her wrist with the knife. She

held the wrist with the other hand tightly and watched as she stopped the

circulation, and she sighed as her body relaxed. Soon cutting herself would

become a habit for her and soon she might even cut a vein and die...but it was

worth it. She let go of her wrist and looked at her new cut. She wiped a tear from

her eyes, still doubtful of Largo's murder and the sudden campfire accusations of

her being burned in a stake or hung from the highest tree. She wished she could

just disappear but still follow them and watch how they would react without her

being in their party. She knew Zeath, Boar, the fairies, Violet, and especially Biggie

would love not having her with them in their party. She stifled a cry and laid down

and pulled her blanket to her chin. She laid sideways and was relieved that her

bones had healed from time to time. The harsh beating and torture from the Orcish

camp was like coming back from Hell. She shuddered as she imagined the guard's

evil laugh and his warm spit on her face. The beating of last night. Her body was

still twitching with pain.

She tried to think of something else. Ana. The new member of the party seemed

like a nice, quiet young girl. Julie knew she was much younger than her and was

more like a tomboy despite coming from a wealthy family. She wished she was

Ana, where people would always get on your nerves trying to go out with you, or

always trying to talk to you whenever possible...but Julie knew she was too ugly

and would never happen. She was a failure in life. A mistake. No matter how true

Tim's little speech about God's purpose was, she was purposely brainwashed to

think she was a worthless piece of dirt. Not a loner or a loser. A nothing. Tears

started to form in her eyes and she cried herself to sleep. She dreamed of herself

disappearing into the darkness and never to be seen again.

Chapter 19

The party left the campground early in the morning and everyone was

unusually fully awake. They were almost there to Celestial City. Julie was

uncomfortable with going to the boundaries of Celestial City...because she was a

witch and soldiers might be looking for her, from the last incident at Shurban

Desert. She just had to disguise herself or something.

Tim looked serious this morning, not very cheerful and of course no one was

cheerful to see Julie. She saw Biggie and Ana talking and laughing, the only people

who are somewhat happy in the early morning Julie observed that Ana and Biggie

were becoming close friends, or maybe even boyfriends and girlfriends? Julie

giggled. She stopped when she saw Boar glaring at her. He pushed past her,

bumping into her shoulder causing her to fall to the ground. She stood up and

carried the bag with both hands and stared at the ground for more abuse. But Boar

just stared her down and walked to the team, quite satisfied that he hurt Julie in

some way.

Zeath was with Tim and he was talking to him, trying to comfort him about

Largo's death. His back was facing towards her so she couldn't see his face. Zeath

would probably throw up looking at Julie face so she put on her hood, trying to

prevent people from looking at her.

The fairies floated past her, ignoring her, but Julie marveled at the beauty of the

small creatures. Soon, she finally realized she was basically the last one in line of

the party(and I will always will be, Julie thought), and looked back at the

campground they had camped in. She had cut herself many times, from all the

nights of camping out and she didn't know if she can survive. She felt already

incredibly weak from loss of blood and not enough food. But she used all her

strength to catch up with the party and walked faster, but she only tripped on a root

and fell forward on her face. She blushed from embarrassment but no one noticed

her. She dusted herself off, and felt a sharp pain in her ankle. Sprained.

She quickly gathered her bag and limped toward the party. I deserved that. But

her sprained ankle was nothing compared the result of Boar's and Biggie's beating.

Her cheeks were twice as swollen as before, a purple bruise formed under her

eyes, she had lost two teeth with cuts on her lips and her nose was possibly

broken. The pain was immense, but she learned to withstand pain. Soon the

beatings would be on a daily basis and Julie wouldn't even notice it. She shook her

head. What horrible thoughts she had and so little knowledge of surviving.


“Are you sure you know where you are going, Boar?” asked Biggie, looking at

the odd shaped trees, like arms reaching out to grab them. Ana held Biggie's arm

and shuddered.

Boar rubbed his chin. “Hmm, strange, I don't remember seeing these part of

the woods, I think we took a wrong turn...no, I'm sure this is the right path.”

Violet squealed as a tree branch brushed against her arm. “Are you sure we

aren't lost?”

Boar stopped and smiled. He looked like he just won a prize. “Nope, we sure

aren't lost, because I'm that good.” Boar was looking at the sky.

“What the heck does that mean?” asked Violet and looked at where Boar was

looking and gasped. Julie finally caught up with them, her eyes watering with pain

and stopped and gazed in awe. Everyone looked up and they knew they had come

to the right place. It was the towers of Celestial City. The city of the cleansed ones.
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