Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1399375-A-Miracle-in-the-Face-of-Death
Rated: 13+ · Other · Emotional · #1399375
This story is about a high school shooting and the amazing survival story.
The weekend had really sucked for David, and now he was on his way back to the only place he detested almost as much as home. He stepped off the bus and walked to his locker. The mundane task seemed to annoy him a bit as he slammed his books around searching for the ones he needed for the first three periods of the day.
         “Hey stick. Why you makin’ such a fuss? Is it that time of the month or somthin’” yelled Kevin from across the hall where he was standing with Nichole his “prissy miss palm-palm” girlfriend and his football buddies.
         David slammed his locker door shut and walked off down the hall with the sound of their jovial laughter ringing in his ears like the sound of microphone feedback. He walked into his history class and Mrs. Sharp handed him the test from last week.
         “Hey David, what did you get?” asked Greg smiling brightly.
         “I got a 95. Why? What did you get?”
         “Perfect score again. What’s the deal man you ever gonna catch up to me?”
         “Yeah whatever. Just you wait.” Said David with a slightly irritated look in his eye. He never seemed to make the grades Greg did no matter how hard he tried.
         Sarah walked in a moment later and handed Mrs. Sharp a late slip from the office. David could never get enough of this girl. As she walked her hips swayed lightly adding a sexy appeal to her plaid mini-skirt. This girl was the goddess of beauty to David. She wore knee high combat boots and black tights under her skirt. Her top was a half sleeve shirt that fit snuggly against her skin and she wore spiked bracelets on her wrists. Her necklace was a collar with metal loops on it and from the center a small cross hung just between her collar bones.
         Sarah walked right by David every day without ever noticing him or saying a word. Today was no different.
         “Face it man she don’t dig you.” Whispered Joseph from behind him.
         “Joseph, if you’d like to share something with the class by all means go ahead. Otherwise stop interrupting my class.” Scolded Mrs. Sharp as she continued with the day’s lesson.
         That after noon David went to the gym to dress out for soccer tryouts. Greg was already there changing.
         “Hey buddy you tryin’ out too huh?” asked Greg.
         “Yeah and I’ll smoke you here that’s for sure.”
         “Don’t count on it. I’ve seen you play.”
         “Thanks for the vote of confidence but I’ve gotten better since the last time we played.”
         The two boys left the locker room and went to try out. David storms back in the locker room thirty minutes latter and puts a chair through a full body mirror hanging on the wall. Hey puts his normal cloths on and runs out just as the other guys are coming back in.
The next morning David gets on the bus and walks to the back of the bus where he sits quietly the entire ride to school. His eyes are gleaming and fierce, but nobody notices the fire burning in those deep green irises. He gets down and goes to the bathroom instead of his locker. He sits in one of the stalls until the bell rings for class and then he walks to the mirror and chuckles at his own reflection.
David walks to class slowly. He has no books, no notebooks, no pens or pencils. He grabs the cold metal doorknob and opens the door. Mrs. Sharp looks up as he raises the object in his left hand.
Pieces of ceiling tile fall to the floor as screams of terror fill the classroom and the immediate hall. David closes the door.
“Put these filling cabinets in front of the door now!” he yells at Kevin as he points the object at him. Nichole clings to Kevin’s arm crying and screaming hysterically as Kevin tries in vain to obey.
David points the object at her, “Let him go now.” He says calmly. “And Kevin do what I say.” Kevin nods weakly and moves to block the door. “Joseph go and help him will you.” Says David motioning with the object.
Mrs. Sharp is huddled in the corner with the kids crying as David sits in one of the desks.
“David why are you doing this?” asks Greg.
“Please, don’t act like you don’t know.”
“You are part of the reason ‘Friend’. You always had to be better than me at everything.”
“And Kevin and Joseph, they’re part of this too. Constantly teasing, just pushing buttons day after day expecting nothing to happen. HA! Well now what?”
“David just let us …” Nichole pleads as David brandishes the object at her making her screech and pass out from terror.
“David there’s something more going on isn’t there?” asks Sarah in a caring tone as she stands to her feet and moves towards David.
“Stop right there! You’re a part of this too.”
“That’s right you never even noticed me until now. I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time and you never even noticed.”
“I did notice David. Just like I noticed you crying under the bleachers after tryouts yesterday, but I was too scared to come and talk to you.” Silence passed between them for a moment.
“No, NO! You never notice me neither does anyone else.” David put the object in her face now. “You don’t care! My mother died this weekend. Nobody cares!” David is sobbing now. “My dad buries himself in a bottle of gin and my sister is still in the hospital. No one cares about me, especially not you!” David is yelling through tears at this point. “All of you are guilty of my pain and you’ll be the first to feel it Sarah.”

“What happened in there young lady?” asked the police officer.
“I don’t know exactly. I remember David firing and then…” Sarah was telling the officer the story.
“I saw a giant winged figure, as bright as the sun, jump in front of her and stop the bullets.” Said Kevin to another officer.
“It touched David and he just fell like a brick to the floor unconscious.” Said Joseph to another cop.
“It was nothing but a miracle that saved us.” Said Sarah as she watched the paramedics load David’s unconscious form into the back of the ambulance and take him to the hospital.
© Copyright 2008 Nicholas J. (godsend87 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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