Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1399286-A-letter-from-home
Rated: E · Short Story · Military · #1399286
A story that shows just how much a letter from home can be
There he sits, on a rock taking a look around his surroundings. All he can see for miles is desserts, with small villages of a place that is not as modern as the rest of the world. All he can hear, is the sound of gun shots, and the faint voices of his brothers who have fallen around him. He has become sick of this place, and wonders why he works so hard to keep going instead of going down and being a hero to his country.
        Just as this thought runs through his mind, his name is called and he is handed an envelope. Just reading her name in the upper left hand corner sent a smile across his face. He closed his eyes briefly, just to try and remember the face he has been away from for fifteen months. He opened his eyes and opened the envelope. He pulled out the letter, and sent his mind back home as he read.

    My Dearest love:
          I'm laying here in bed right now, looking over at the empty spot where I know you are supposed to be. Today I saw a couple in the store, and they were fighting over what brand of soup to get. Couples like that don't seem to realize how lucky they are, they get to go to bed with the one they love. I spent our anniversary just sitting around spinning my wedding band, imagining what it would be like to spend an anniversary together. I promise to keep this letter short, I'm sure your very busy, Just heard something on the news so i couldn't sleep. Just know that I love you, miss you, and think about you constantly.

All My Love
-Your wife

    He sat in a daze as he tried to imagine being back home in bed with her, holding her, kissing her. He rubbed his finger across the smear of lipstick at the bottom of the page where she had kissed. All of a sudden his thoughts were directed back home. To some these letters may not seem like much, but in a world of gunshots, and friends dying, for a brief five minutes those fifteen months disappeared. He was bought back to her smiling face, and warm laughter. He folded up the letter put it in his pocket, picked up his gun and went to his bed. He looked up above to see the pictures of him and her together, He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. He now remembered why he must carry on, and not fall and be a hero.
© Copyright 2008 Army Wife (jajlbloom at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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