Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1399044-Moms-moment
Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #1399044
Family, Being a mom
I am a very concerned parent! I have a total of 5 children, yes we are a blended family! We all come from many walks of life. There is a lot of lost and unspoken words in our home. Many times you would think that we live in a jungle! There are several issues that arise every day. This is where choices and mistakes get made.
I feel that as being a mom, friend, role model, and what ever other category a mom gets placed in, that there is some sort of connection that you are given when you have children, I am not talking about the bond that is their when your pregnant. Maybe it is a gift! I have a strong heart and I care for my family & the kids friends I have been to many places some good & bad. I have seen lives ripped apart when their was no real logical reason. I have felt and been through horrific events in my own life. When given the chance to help I am there. I understand the pain and the hurt most of these kids go through including my own.
I just recently went through a very scary situation with my 12 daughter an a 16 year old boy. He was charged with forcible touching. I was very angry and wanted this matter to be handle ASP ! Me being the mom that I am, my need to know what is wrong with this kid. I needed to understand what was going on in his mind. I spoke to my daughter a few times about what happened. I really thought that he was your average teen. But my heart felt different.
Talking and listening to the kids and others, even old teachers of his said he is a really good kid with a good heart. "You know you have to dig."
This kid had lived his childhood with a lot of abusive torment on top of being MR . (Mentally Retarded) I spoke to everyone that I could, without breaking confidentiality, He needed treatment. Just one more chance to learn that he can become a man of great worth.
I guess to learn that there are people in this world who are lost at birth and this is where things get lost. At BIRTH. My mother was told that I was going to be MR or that I was going to die, this is the result to that, I have been in 10 hospitals and 2 of them were RTC. So I guess you could say that I am psyched out! I have been in the mental health system since I was 12. I am know 32 with a mission. What that is I still do not know.
I truly believe that the system does not work, "Oh"should I say, "they just fall through the cracks." you have to start with getting the facts before you make up the statistics. I know that I don't fit in that statistical realm. I am a mom who gives and get’ s nothing back, with contentment. I have seen with my own children that I can’t change who they are because they are a part of what I taught them. I gave them the coping tools that they need to get through life and I am not perfect but I pray that they look at what mistakes that I made as their mother, so they don’t follow me. I will lead them, yet I have made many bad choice, no I made learning choices that took me in the wrong direction. Those are where I want them to not follow.
I have spoken just in conversation about life, the things that go on in our so called JUSTICE and SOICIAL SERVICE system! The problem starts with WHO work s in IT, I do realize that everyone has 2 sides to them. The fact that we have CPS workers who are worse then the families they shredd to pieces. "Why are they given that amount of control?" You must now this, I do not bash CPS workers there is great need for them yet, the way that I have seen a few worker handle issuse is uncomprehicible. Yes, speaking from my own experience!
The more I write this the more you need to know, the best is yet to come!
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