Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1398413-Anexiety-Screamed-The-Kiss
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Adult · #1398413
What happens when drama ensues in a gay relationship? FUN!
Disclaimer: I don't own kingdom hearts. Their characters are just included because they're the closest, and in all honesty, these characters are loosely based on real people with nicknames from the game.

It started with merely a kiss, but it still amazed him as to how it became what it was now.

He fell to the ground in his room barely finishing another work out to keep his body in shape.  He didn't really need the work out, his body kept its tone so easily. The only problem was his self-conscious ways, he was never happy with how he looked even when he was perfectly fit. But above all, it was a way for him to push everything out of his mind and focus on one thing before reality came back to him again. It was a way to escape.

How did it come to this?

He was always kept himself in check, always trying to make sure he never said anything out of turn or do anything like that. He tried to be perfect even though he knew he was more than a little flawed. His friend always tried to get him to open up, and he always did to an extent but he still went on trying to be the golden boy, the one everyone could depend on but never needed anyone himself. Only he... the one he confided in knew just how much pain he went through. Only he could understand. But it seemed like it's him he hurt the most.



"It's no problem. Well... Hi, my name is Sora."

"Artemis." he said with a cheerful smile.

"Are you here with someone?"

"Just my sister. I was actually about to grab someone for her, a friend of ours."

They continued bantering to each other as the minutes passed. Artemis quickly forgot the task he was sent to accomplish, and Sora couldn't help staring at the not-so-small teen. Artemis would never have thought what had happened next could ever happen. Sora planted his lips on Artemis' breaking him from his words.

"W-Wha.. Umm..." His brain could barely process what had just happened, and his heart was pumping blood a mile a minute. "I-I... " he said barely able to piece coherent words together in his mind, let alone in speech.

"Sorry about that, you just seemed so cute." He said it with such honesty and tenderness like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He couldn't help but make Artemis blush as he leaned in again and placed a piece of paper in his hands drawing their faces near again. "Call me sometime, k?" He spoke softly into his ear. And with that Sora winked and walked off, leaving a stunned teen in the middle of a crowd.

He was kissed by a stranger. A male stranger in the middle of the mall. But he couldn't help but stand there and stare at his retreating figure. His eyes gained focus again and he let out a small blush that colored his cheeks lightly.

"Looking for me?" A familiar voice said accompanied by a tap on the shoulder.



A knock on his door broke his thoughts and a sudden intrusion that was all too familiar played out.

"Come on! You never spend time with me anymore~" She whined to the boy on the ground. It was what she said everyday, and he was amazed he still put up with her.

"Seriously Elle, when are you gunna find someone else to bug!"

"Maybe when I actually meet a guy worth dating."

His sister hadn't touched the dating scene in a long time to his remorse. She relied on him for companionship in the form of a brother-sister bond.

"So if all men are horrible bastards, why do you stick around me?" He asked, a challenging tone mixed with his playful voice. "That's because you're my brother, you don't count as a guy." She answered the question just as she had so many times before. Even though their ages were separated by almost 15 years, they acted closer than any regular brother and sister. This was partially due to his maturity and her childish nature, or so he liked to think.

He picked himself up from the ground, waving his sister off and receiving a groan of boredom in return. The door clicked shut and he stripped himself of his clothing, lightly wrapping a towel around his waist. He made his way into the bathroom that he had privately. It was a luxury he took advantage almost as soon as they had moved into their current residence. But even during the small time his sister disturbed him, he still couldn't get what he wanted to out of his head. He would have to drown out his thoughts in favor of fantasies and mist. What more would you have expected from a teenage boy?

His mind was restless as ever and not giving him a moment to breathe beneath his skin. The thoughts pounded his skull trying to burst out from their shell. That’s what happens when you try to be perfect; you get let down that much easier. He let the towel unwrap itself from his form as he turned the water on. He quickly tested it as he put the cloth on the rack next to the shower.

Clear your mind...

He let the water massage the kinks and tension he created during his workout. To bad there wasn't magical relief for his mind or the problems that occurred in every day life. He long ago lost the ability to cry, so when he felt drained and depressed he would let the rain or the water from a shower act like the tears he could no longer create.

I'm freakin' pathetic. It's my own fault.. UGH! Why do you have to be so frustrating!

It was all he knew how to do at the moment. He could only torture himself, dwelling on what he shouldn't have done. And to think lust and desire is what got him into this whole mess in the first place. He wasn't amazingly gorgeous, but he was far the average. Brown wavy hair that curled slightly with hints of red and gold, eyes silver alight with crystal blue. His friends were jealous of him, but he always told them they were wrong, that they only wanted to make him feel better about himself. God knows he had enough self-esteem to barely get him through the day.

After a few minutes of the water drenching his body and washing his hair, he turned the water off and opened the sliding glass door. He grabbed the towel on the rack next to the tub and dried himself from head to toe. Sluggishly he finished his hygiene ritual, brushing his teeth, mouthwash, and checking for any change in his form. Vain in his own way, he couldn't not look in a mirror, though it was only to criticize himself.

He opened the door that lead to his room and dragged his feet across the carpet. He just couldn't take it… it hurt too much to stay awake, so he drifted. He curled into his sheets, pulling them close to his body and releasing a sigh. Maybe once he slept he could understand it...

Maybe once he slept...



"Hi! I thought you'd never call!"

"Why did you kiss me? I mean... we don't even know each other."

"You were cute. What can I say?"

"You kissed me on a whim? What kind of logic is that!?"

"If it makes you feel any better, you're the first guy I've kissed."

"Well it do-- What!?"

"Well, yeah. I wouldn't mind doing it again either."

Something about the tone in his voice made it impossible for Artemis to believe the boy on the phone. Straight guys don't go around kissing other guys! They especially don't call them cute.

"Okay, dude, what is all this about?"

"If you meet me, I'll tell you. Say, in the next 20 minutes?"

"Fine.. where?"

There was no way this was happening. He was about to meet some random guy! This completely goes against any logic he has. But he wanted to know why some straight guy would kiss him. And if anything, he would smack the guy right upside the head and leave him there if worst came to worst.

"See you there."


He's perfect to me... he's perfectly flawed, and perfectly capable. If only he'd see that with his eyes… maybe then he'd believe me.

Sora looked so heart broken on the floor in front of the fireplace, the fire lighting his eyes with hints of amber in the deep blue. He either stayed at his boyfriend's house, or his best friend's house. With the current situation anyone could only imagine how he didn't want to crawl into bed with his 'lover'. They really were a great couple, but he couldn't help feeling as horrible about the whole situation either way. He loved him, but some things would tear up even the most loyal of couples.

"You look like your whole world is falling apart"

"Because it feels like it is" Sora spoke, melancholy laced thickly in his voice. Roxas handed him a cup of hot chocolate taking his place on the couch behind Sora. Artemis was his best friend's first boyfriend. Hell, the guy didn't even know he liked other men until that kid came along. He knew they undoubtedly felt strongly for each other, he just wondered why Artemis would have done something like that.

I need to talk to him. It doesn't make any sense, this wh--

"Roxas, I know I shouldn't be feeling this way, but I am. I hate myself for it because I know there has to be a reason to it. He'd never do something like that... would he?" Sora said biting back the tears coming to the surface. "Lets talk to him tomorrow" Roxas offered with a hand on his shoulder, "We probably just had something lost in translation. You know that something like... that could be misinterpreted"

"You really are a great friend..." He turned his head to meet the gaze of his best friend as he spoke. He was always someone he could come to. He hoped that little bit of his life would never change no matter how often his personal life did. Artemis would always be there for him, but with the current situation, there's no way he'd want that. He was his pillar of strength that wasn't afraid to be relatable and show emotion, but if needed, Roxas did just as good of a job.

Roxas put his cup of hot cocoa on the table next to him, and no sooner was he pulled to the floor by his friend. A tight embrace wrapped around him in a matter of moments, and the familiar features of his friend pressed into his back. The hold only said one thing to him -- Sora needed comfort. Who was he to deny his friend the comfort he was requesting? He turned to return the embrace only to feel the boy in his arms nuzzle against his chest.

"Sora.. It's probably nothing. We'll figure this all out soon enough..."

His words and warmth soothed the boy into a sleep that was already lingering. He just felt so betrayed and hurt even though he knew there was probably a reasonable explanation. But he had a feeling it wasn't the one he wanted. He wanted to escape this reality for now, and just dream of him… never doing anything like that.

And so they dreamed in the warmth of each other's arms. Sora would dream of no one other than him.

He would dream of Artemis..


He stared at the figure approaching his car knowing full well who it was. Is he completely brain dead, or just fell too soon and too fast? The answers didn't come to him like usual, instead they were replaced by thoughts of greeting.

"Should I surprise him with a kiss again like last time, or is that too rash.." He thought to himself. He didn't have a chance to decide when the figure made it's way right in front of him. So close to the boy he had met only a day earlier, but it felt like if he touched him he would burst into flames.

"Hey kid, didn't think you'd actually come" He said as coolly as he could.

"It's not every day some stranger makes out with you. The least you owe me is an explanation, and I don't buy the whole 'you're straight' thing" He was shocked at how cold he sounded, but was relieved when the boy didn't waver in his expression.

"Haha, well, the whole straight thing is true. You're my first kiss… from a guy anyways"

"That still doesn't explain why you did it"

He shifted his position so now he was facing the young teen while still leaning against his car. "Cause you're cute kid. I was surprised I even had a thought like that"

"How can you not think about that before hand? Are you a total idiot or something?"

"Nah, I think I just like you. It's not a problem, is it?" He inched his way closer, closing the gap between the two.

"I'm not exactly the type of guy to believe in love at first site, so how about we just agree you don't co--" His words were muffled by another kiss for the second time in 24 hours. A stranger... had his lips against his own. Why didn't this feel as wrong as it should? Damn teenage hormones, how many more times would they let him fall into lust?

How many more times?


A/N: WOOO! First Chapter down! BEAT THE BIAOTCH!. I have to say, turned out really good ;'D
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