Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1398379-Runescape-Vs-The-Future
by Larry
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1398379
A war story of Runescape and the Future
A portal opened in a small village in Varrock. Then hundreds of men came out with a weapon we never saw before…guns. They were so powerful, that even our hard, strong armor was use less to the bullets. My name is Lawrencehu…I am a player and I was a survivor in the war. We definitely lost of course. They took over all our towns and soon, the whole world. I hid in the wilderness with my friends. It was deep underground, and no one knew about it but us. I was a brave man, I fought with my friends using magic and bow n’ arrows. They had no protection, so they died with one shot. We hid and made many battles. Our world was about to be saved… by us. My friends were all mad at the strange people. One night, we snuck into a farm land and burned down all the crops. The farmer surrendered and I killed him, taking no chance that he would tell the other farmers. A glider flew…no way…too big to be a glider. Magic would do the trick. We fired, all at once. 100 friends! It went down and a huge explosion happened behind us. A small city was on fire. Our only chance! I didn’t want to kill all these people, but I had to. I had to save our world. I motioned to Deathroar15 to duck down, but he didn’t. He threw a stone at the police and he fell down, unconscious, knocked-out. “Bulls-eye!” he said. The other police saw him and open fired. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! He fell down, not dead, not hurt, but pretending to die. “Yeah! Way to go!” I heard the police yell. I fired a fire bolt at the police’s chest. They fell down, dead. “Move out.” I whispered. The villagers all were greeted when they came out of their homes, a shower of rune arrows. “Nice.” I said. I think I said it too loud, because ten wagons…no way! Eighty police came out of those…you know…things. “Where are they!?” Shouted a man in a green coat and he turned to face a throwing knife. He must be level 2 because his face was all blood. I don’t want to describe it to you. It’s just way too gross. All the police got really suspicious and one came over to where I was. I took my 2-hand out and I swung at him, right at his stomach and he was cut in two. “AGGGGGGRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” He screamed as he fell and died. The whole 79 police shot at my head and I ducked just in time. I made a sign to everyone that meant: Open Fire!!! Every one shot an arrow and Metalz Life1 used a special attack that shot two arrows. I threw my spear at a spy that shot Death ec3. You know what happened…he died. He was one of my best friends…did you know that? I stood up and got out my staff. I shot a fire wave at an old woman and she fell down, dead. A bomb fell at us and we fired water bolts at it and it blew up in mid-air. We retreated back to our hideout. A police was chained up and we were all guarding him heavily. We made him tell their plans and he refused to. We had to whip him and beat him and he told us finally. They were going to search all the places, every single square millimeter. I looked back at the entrance. Ten of my friends were dead. I ducked and bullet hit me in my stomach. My stomach was constricted with pain. My friends were all around me. They shielded me and I thought, “!@#$%^&*()_+!” we heard loud mining near the entrance and I told everyone to reinforce the entrance. Three people stayed with me to help me recover. A big blast blew up the entrance. No one was hurt, but we were found. We killed everyone that dared to show their leg, foot, toe, or knee. We stuck thousands of arrows on the ground to stop people to come in the hideout. I recovered in about, let’s say, seven to ten days. I was so mad at the people and I got out my fire staff. I was an expert in magic. I’m part wizard and part melee. I really suck at range. We took over about one hundred square miles. I was a really good general. I commanded people so they wouldn’t get killed. We still had seventy-five people to support the army. We stole a gun from the police and we had killed many people with it. We were taking over a small village and we spotted a farm. The crops were huge and we were in desperate for food and water. Water was rare because we have to sneak up to find a nearby creek. The money was plentiful, we could buy almost anything in the world, about 12461708462159 mil? One day, a man came to our hideout and he handed us 94 pounds of food and 78 liters of water. We asked him if he wanted to join us and he said, “Hmmm… Maybe I’ll join you guys. The town people may get really suspicious.” I threw a spear at his farm and I told him it was a mark we had been there. He ran away to retrieve it. He said the police may see it and arrest him and bomb us again. I made sure he knew our name. We made up a good name for our group: The underground bandits. Another assassin came into our hideout and killed…no one! He was killed the second he got into the hideout. I made myself look as one of the townspeople and went to the town. I bought some weapons and a carver. I carved: The Underground Bandits on the wall. I made up a group called Rune Robbers. They stole all the money in the town. The man that gave us the food came again and handed us another load of food and water. Chaos was happening in the village. People killed each other because they were thinking someone was a bandit and soon, the village was completely empty. Everyone was dead except for the old man that fed us, was alive. He hid in the basement and no one found him. Metalz Life1 was dead also, he was caught stealing and killed by 15 bullets. We hitched on a glider and moved from…to… I don’t know. I made some notes about where we were. Suddenly a bomb exploded on me. I died…I woke up from my dream and I made breakfast. What an adventurous dream! Then I heard a shout from Hans, a man from Lumbridge. Uh-oh!   
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