Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1398271-Unsung-Songs-part-one
by Dr.Jay
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #1398271
Some musings from Central COC in Monticello, FL
Caught in the black

As one marches forward, we others stay back
As he reaches fullness, we suffer in lack
Caught in the black

The light of the presence, in fullness he sees
Variations of grey are our symphony
Wandering seas

Someday we will stand on eternity’s shore
Then we will know what is hidden no more
Life evermore

Written on the occasion of the death of one of the members at Central
8/7/07  wjt


A face in the crowd
Unknown to the faithful
Seeking sure steps in mysterious terrain
Will those who don’t know us
With God’s love bestow us
A place to relax and remain?

Written on the occasion of a new couple’s first visit to Central

Moving to Texas

Up, out of Alva, flew life’s greatest treasure
Joy beyond measure
With finest silk chords still to Goldbugs connected
See her rise; resurrected

The motherland offered the now vacant room
Return to the womb
The boundless beauty of God’s great creation
Texas – enjoy the sensation

For Beth on the occasion of her move to the motherland

Elder’s Tears

Life has a way of honoring
A way of humbling too
One day we’re full of pomp and pride
The next undone and blue

But some folks have a special way
Of raising pain to cheer
For when I needed heart-felt praise
Robert Edward shed a tear

I cannot brag about the pain
My leaving caused this man
And certainly to cause distress
Was never in the plan

But on those days when hope seems lost
And fear replaces pride
I still can count my greatest praise
For Robert Edward Cried.

For Bobby S., who loves me and doesn’t care who knows it 8/14/07

Unplayable Lie

Little snowman, driver in hand
Searching for the errant drive
Wind is blowing, nothing showing
Above the fairway’s white

Little snowman, bag on your back
Plenty of clubs to play
Footsteps glowing, still its snowing
This is your triumph day

Little snowman, the time is gone
And spring is looming near
Hopes are melting, rain is pelting
We’ll play again, next year

Just for fun – for the little snowman golfer on my desk 8/15/07

Forwarded E-mail

I remember fondly
The days of “snail mail”
Before great impatience
Made the personal pale

When spam was a lunch meat
And forward meant go
When letters handwritten
Were heartfelt and slow

When postmen delivered
The family news
And vast piles of clutter
Were utterly few

But time is of essence
I must keep my friends
I calmly surrender
And forward again.

For Larry W., who sends better forwards than most 8/16/07

In Gethsemane’s Garden

In Gethsemane’s quiet garden
The olive press was still
As my dear Lord and savior
Lay wrestling with his will 

The eternal will of the Father
Called Him to follow through
Sacrifice Messiah’s own body
God’s heavn’ly love to prove

A work in progress 8/20/07

Women Preachers

The question is not whether women can  preach
Since we are all certain they can
The question is whether a woman should preach
And that in the presence of man

For me, being married these twenty three years
Has taught me a lesson quite plain
The question of whether a woman will preach
Was answered the very first day

(With apologies to Becky)  Written on the occasion of Helen L. offering me the use of a lesson series on Daniel; by a woman preacher / teacher.  8-20-07

A Crisis of Uncounted Sheep

To get up early and walk with Tom
Might sound good on the surface
To wake and rise to Becky’s alarm
Starts the day with a purpose

But slumber is important to me
As those who know might repeat
It is seldom before eight-thirty
My eyes peep over the sheets

For Tom and Helen – who want me to be healthy very early in the morning! 8-21-07

My Crisis

I suppose it’s always been this way
Wondering what (or if) to say
Blowing smoke along the tracks
Like some old fashioned train

Children in control
Vexes my soul
Angry tone

Wondering if I’m at all cut out for even helping in the classroom 8-22-07

Forever Remain in His Love

May you always go forth in the joy of God’s grace
May your life reflect His glorified face
May you never stop feeling the presence of hope
But forever remain in His Love

May the peace of His presence show clearly in me
May faith shine brightly that others might see
May we never give in to the enemy’s hate
But forever remain in His Love


Death to the Ego

I guess my fears were founded
Solid as a rock
My ego has been pounded
Nickels in a sock

My foe was not a strong man
Not a man at all
A little girl in cornrows
Caused my egos fall          

Written on the occasion of being invited not to volunteer in Becky’s class -

Vindication – of a sort

My little girl in cornrows
(Who fights all by herself)
While I was home on Hampton
Assaulted someone else

My presence did not matter
For evil or for good
It did not mean she wouldn’t
Nor did it mean she would

Perhaps teachers can insert
Some light in that small space
Save the kindergarten kids
And save the human raceJ  8/29/07
© Copyright 2008 Dr.Jay (wjtyree at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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