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Jim and Cliff move in with each other and Jims belly starts to swell |
skater4volcom2004: Jim walked into his dorm room, it was his first day of college and he was ready to take it on skater4volcom2004: He was a track runner in high school standing at 5'11" and a slim but muscular 140 pounds Clifton Kelly: He had met Clifton, his roommate, several weeks earlier at orientation skater4volcom2004: Hey Cliff, do you mind if I call you Cliff Clifton Kelly: Cool w/ me. My family does. skater4volcom2004: Good deal, so you excited about the school year. Clifton Kelly: Yeah, I just hope I don't flunk math. It's at 8:00. skater4volcom2004: Ewe I made all my classes later in the day so I can sleep in, hey are you hungry? Clifton Kelly: A little! Is there anywhere half-way decent close by? skater4volcom2004: well I thought we could check out the cafeteria, I got a meal plan, and I heard it is buffet style Clifton Kelly: Coolness, let's hit it Clifton Kelly: you look like you could use a good meal, lol skater4volcom2004: Hah, yeah you too skinny (the two head down to the cafeteria) skater4volcom2004: Man look at all this food, I hope I can stay skinny here Clifton Kelly: Yeah, I hear most guys pack on like 15 pounds their first semester Clifton Kelly: My cousin went to FSU last year. When he came back for Thanksgiving none of his pants would button, haha skater4volcom2004: Wow really? well hopefully that won’t happen to us, huh bud? (Jim grabs a tray and loads up) Clifton Kelly: Whoa, you really MUST be hungry. Clifton Kelly: (Cliff makes a salad and gets a cherry coke) skater4volcom2004: Well it looks like you aren't, skater4volcom2004: I have a fast metabolism so I don’t need to worry about it Clifton Kelly: Yeah, you look pretty athletic skater4volcom2004: Yeah, I use to run track, but I am thinking of taking a year off to focus on school Clifton Kelly: Makes sense. Hey, I forgot to get a straw. Need anything? skater4volcom2004: Uhh, grab me some brownies Clifton Kelly: LOL ok. Ice cream? skater4volcom2004: uhhh sure make it a brownie a la mode Clifton Kelly: coming up skater4volcom2004: thanks bud Clifton Kelly: Clifton grabs a straw, chooses three huge brownies, and pours thick vanilla ice cream over the top Clifton Kelly: Looks like you tried every entree there, bro. Which one was best? skater4volcom2004: Ummm I def like the Lasagna, and the mashed potatoes Clifton Kelly: Coolness. My mom and I both make kickass Italian. You should come home w/ me one weekend. skater4volcom2004: Yeah, sounds great skater4volcom2004: Well I am full, you ready to head back up to the room Clifton Kelly: Sure. We ought to grab something to take w/ us, in case we get hungry later. skater4volcom2004: yeah, let’s run by the store Clifton Kelly: awesome. Your car or mine? skater4volcom2004: you can drive, I need to rest this food [Jim pats his belly] Clifton Kelly: HA! Yeah, looks like you got your money's worth (Clifton thumps Jim's belly, making a meaty sound) skater4volcom2004: Don’t want to waste mom and dads money Clifton Kelly: Might as well fill up since they played for it, right? skater4volcom2004: Defiantly (the two head to the store) Clifton Kelly: Hmm, I have no idea what I want. What do you usually snack on? skater4volcom2004: Well skater4volcom2004: most anything, Chips, brownies, doughnuts Clifton Kelly: Salty and sweet, that works. Clifton Kelly: Soda preference? skater4volcom2004: Um sprite, I am not really a soda person, I like juices Clifton Kelly: Coolness. I have to have juice in the mornings too. I brought my fridge, let's just get a selection. Clifton Kelly: BTW, you can use my fridge whenever you want. My mom will probably keep it stocked skater4volcom2004: Thanks bro Clifton Kelly: I'm gonna grab sandwich stuff and some microwave stuff skater4volcom2004: Cool I will grab some stuff as well Clifton Kelly: Coolness. Clifton Kelly: They check out with over 50 dollars worth of groceries skater4volcom2004: [back at the room] Wow I think we over did it Clifton Kelly: Yeah, um, I hope you plan to eat well this week, because I probably won't touch most of this. skater4volcom2004: Well don't worry I will, you really should eat some more, you are so small Clifton Kelly: Eh. It runs in my family. You can afford to eat everything in sight, you run track. skater4volcom2004: Yeah def Clifton Kelly: You really put away a lot at dinner! Do you eat like that all the time? skater4volcom2004: Yeah, my parents generally tried to keep me from eating too much, but now I can eat what I want skater4volcom2004: I think my stomach has settled, I am going to grab some of those snacks Clifton Kelly: Go for it! If you want beer, there's some in the fridge. My buddy upstairs hooked me up Clifton Kelly: Can't believe you're hungry again already! Your belly was pretty tight earlier. skater4volcom2004: Yeah, but there is some more room, and thanks I'd love a beer Clifton Kelly: Ha ha, apparently you believe in eating until it hurts. skater4volcom2004: Haha yeah, that is when I stop Clifton Kelly: I'm pretty impressed. I wonder how much you can put away in one night, for such a small guy. skater4volcom2004: Well lets see (Jim grabs some of everything and begins eating) I can't do this every night, or I will get huge Clifton Kelly: Nah, metabolism, remember? skater4volcom2004: yeah, you’re right Clifton Kelly: Damn, you're putting it away FAST skater4volcom2004: (A few hours pass and Jim has finished up his food) skater4volcom2004: Umgf, I am so full skater4volcom2004: (Jim Rubs his belly) I think I am gonna go to bed now, try and sleep this off Clifton Kelly: Let me know if you go into labor (Cliff laughs and pats Jim's distended gut) skater4volcom2004: He he yeah, night dude, I had a fun first day (Jim drifts off to sleep) skater4volcom2004: [A few weeks pass and Jim eats quite similar to his first day and works out very sparingly] Clifton Kelly: (Clifton comes back from class to find Jim sitting shirtless on the couch w/ a bag of potato chips, his belly bulging over his waistband) Clifton Kelly: DAMN boy, let me know if you go into labor! skater4volcom2004: Jims looks down haha, I am just bloated Clifton Kelly: (Clifton sits down and pats Jim's gut firmly, rubbing it for a second) Yep, feels pretty tight. How much did you pack away today? skater4volcom2004: Well I ate a pretty big breakfast, and had some pizza for an early lunch Clifton Kelly: Well, I have some leftovers from moms in the fridge. You gotta try the roast and the ziti! skater4volcom2004: thanks bro, I think I will grab something to go; I gotta get to class (Jim stands up and dusts some crumbs off his belly. Walked over and pulled up his pants) skater4volcom2004: (They didn't fasten quite as easily as before) Maybe I should slow down Clifton Kelly: It looks bigger when you stand up, ha ha! Clifton Kelly: nah, it's because you just ate. Tonight they'll probably fit again skater4volcom2004: Yeah haha, well I am off, see yeah later (Jim grabs a small bag of chips and heads out) Clifton Kelly: see yeah skater4volcom2004: {another week passes} skater4volcom2004: [It is early in the morning and Jim comes walking into the room after his shower in his boxer briefs and a towel over his shoulder] skater4volcom2004: {His stomach has softened up a bit more, covering his lower abs and rounding out a bit} skater4volcom2004: [he still looks fit, just with a bit of flab] Clifton Kelly: Hey man, I had to get up early to cram for a psych exam. I picked up biscuits and hash browns at Hardee's. Clifton Kelly: Got you a couple. skater4volcom2004: Thanks, I am starving skater4volcom2004: [Jim grabs the food and begins to munch] Clifton Kelly: ugh, they got my order wrong. I don't eat sausage. Here, you can have my biscuit. skater4volcom2004: Oh thanks skater4volcom2004: [Jim finishes up the biscuit] Clifton Kelly: hey, what are you doing for lunch? skater4volcom2004: Umm nothing yet, you want to eat together Clifton Kelly: Yeah, I heard about a buffet across town. Wanna check it out? My treat! skater4volcom2004: Sure! Clifton Kelly: awesome! Gotta run. See you at 12 skater4volcom2004: See yeah! Clifton Kelly: (the boys meet for lunch) skater4volcom2004: Hey Cliff! how was the test skater4volcom2004: {Hey I will} Clifton Kelly: I think I aced it Clifton Kelly: (ok me too) skater4volcom2004: (back) skater4volcom2004: Good job [Jim fills up a tray and begins eating] skater4volcom2004: [he eats his way through a few plates] Clifton Kelly: (back) Clifton Kelly: Yeah man, you better eat up. Get my money's worth. skater4volcom2004: Oh I always do Clifton Kelly: Ha ha! I've noticed! Clifton Kelly: Man, I have never seen a skinny guy eat as much as you! skater4volcom2004: Yeah, I am surprised how much I have been eating, and not even gaining weight Clifton Kelly: {Cliff grinned inwardly. He had noticed his roommate's belly slowly growing over the weeks, and was doing everything he could to help it along) Clifton Kelly: Yeah, it rocks that you can eat that much and not show any effects. Clifton Kelly: I bet you could put away four full plates right now and look normal by dinner skater4volcom2004: [Jim had already eaten three plates and was getting very full] Well I think I could try, can't back down from a challenge skater4volcom2004: [Jim fills a fourth plate and downs it with a bit of struggle] Clifton Kelly: Wow! That was pretty impressive. Now for dessert! skater4volcom2004: Are you kidding! I am gonna bust Clifton Kelly: Dude, you have to try the strawberry shortcake or the pie. They're famous for it! skater4volcom2004: {Jim lifted his shirt to reveal a basketball sized bloated belly} skater4volcom2004: ugh, I will try it Clifton Kelly: Ha ha! Try a little of both, trust me skater4volcom2004: Oh, boy lets see if I can skater4volcom2004: [Jims munches on the first pie, but when he looks at the second he thinks he might get sick] Clifton Kelly: It will be worth it, I promise Clifton Kelly: Just taste it, man. It's fucking heaven. skater4volcom2004: Maybe we should get it to go skater4volcom2004: I can probably eat it in an hour or two skater4volcom2004: I am gonna hurl if I eat another thing Clifton Kelly: Ha ha, well, don't do that Clifton Kelly: we'll get it to go skater4volcom2004: Ok, cool skater4volcom2004: [the boys head back to the room] Clifton Kelly: (They settle on the couch to watch a DVD. Cliff tries not to stare when Jim lifts his shirt up over his swollen belly and rubs it) skater4volcom2004: I think I am gonna explode! haha Clifton Kelly: (Cliff reaches over and rubs Jim's gut) Man, you have the most expandable stomach! skater4volcom2004: Haha thanks, I guess, I think I am just gonna go rest, try to sleep this belly off Clifton Kelly: OK. Grab a beer if you want. skater4volcom2004: Yeah that might help me doze off skater4volcom2004: {Jim grabs a beer and chugs it} Clifton Kelly: Dang, boy, I think I just saw you swell up a little more, lol skater4volcom2004: [He then lies down rubbing his swollen stomach] skater4volcom2004: Haha yeah yeah, let me sleep Clifton Kelly: OK man, if you need another beer let me know skater4volcom2004: For sure skater4volcom2004: (let’s skip to a week ahead) skater4volcom2004: [it was about noon and Jim was waking up from another food-filled night. Cliff was in class so Jim began to get dressed. He pulled up his pants but they didn't fasten as easily as before, he sucked in a bit and they closed. When he exhaled, his stomach pushed out over his waistband] skater4volcom2004: [He looked into the full-length mirror to see his belly pooching out a good 2 inches as Cliff walked in] Clifton Kelly: What's up, bro? Checking out the guns? skater4volcom2004: Haha yeah [Jim flexed a little], do you think I am getting.. a bit... tubby [Jim poked his small belly] or are my pants shrinking Clifton Kelly: hmm, you look the same to me. I might have left everything in the drier too long when I did laundry at my parents' this weekend. sorry about that man! skater4volcom2004: Yeah, must be, I think I have gained a little though, I can barely see my abs [Jim flexed his once fit stomach, but his lower abs were nowhere to be found while his upper abs barely showed through the flab] Clifton Kelly: You probably just haven't been doing crunches consistently. You're still a skinny guy, you just have less definition (Cliff rubs Jim's belly as he says this) skater4volcom2004: Yeah, my muscles must just be loosening up... I will have to hit the Gym soon Clifton Kelly: yeah, you'll get around to it. You had breakfast yet? skater4volcom2004: Nope, I was about to go grab some skater4volcom2004: Want to go grab something Clifton Kelly: Sounds good! What are you in the mood for? skater4volcom2004: Umm McD's Clifton Kelly: Ronald it is! skater4volcom2004: [The boys head out to McD's] Clifton Kelly: (Clifton buys a McGriddle for himself, and for Jim a McGriddle, a sausage biscuit, a large order of hash browns, and two OJs) skater4volcom2004: Man, I hope I can down this Clifton Kelly: Pssh, I've seen you pack away twice this much first thing in the morning skater4volcom2004: Right, I keep thinking of how I use to eat Clifton Kelly: Are you eating a lot more these days? skater4volcom2004: Nah, I don’t think too much more, just a bit larger meals than when I lived at home Clifton Kelly: Yeah, well, your body knows what it needs. If you feel like eating more, you probably need it. Clifton Kelly: You're probably too skinny anyway. skater4volcom2004: Yeah look whose talking Clifton Kelly: Ha ha! I just never have an appetite. I'm jealous that you can stuff yourself and two hours later look normal. skater4volcom2004: Yeah true, I am still surprised myself, ok enough talk, let’s eat [Jim packs away his meal] skater4volcom2004: I think I am gonna go order some more skater4volcom2004: Be right back Clifton Kelly: (Cliff tried to think of a way to convince Jim to pack away as much greasy fast food as he could. Maybe a challenge would work again?) skater4volcom2004: [Jim brings back a bit more food than his first course] This smells so good Clifton Kelly: Damn boy, there's no way you're gonna eat that on top of what you already took in. You're gonna waste half of that. skater4volcom2004: No way, I can defiantly polish it off Clifton Kelly: Right. Clifton Kelly: (Cliff grins smugly) skater4volcom2004: I'll show you haha [Doug downed a few things quickly, but began to slow as he came to the last remaining items] skater4volcom2004: [He slowly finished them off] skater4volcom2004: See told yeah! Clifton Kelly: Wow. You can eat almost as many biscuits as my cousin. He put away 10 in one sitting once Clifton Kelly: now HE is impressive skater4volcom2004: really, well I am stuffed, maybe someday I will be able to Clifton Kelly: I don't know. It's not very common skater4volcom2004: yeah yeah, but neither is my appetite Clifton Kelly: especially for a skinny guy skater4volcom2004: I am not going to be so skinny for so long Clifton Kelly: ha ha. Well, you definitely eat more than anyone would expect, but I seriously doubt you can fit THAT much in a small stomach skater4volcom2004: Well I will be practicing [Jim winked] Clifton Kelly: Yeah, one day you'll go to bed skinny, then wake up the next day the size of a whale Clifton Kelly: Ha ha! Well, whenever you feel ready, I have a twenty that says you can't eat that much at once skater4volcom2004: well see, give me some time and I will defiantly be able to Clifton Kelly: We'll see. skater4volcom2004: I do swell up over the Holidays skater4volcom2004: so I do wake up one day a bit bigger Clifton Kelly: oh really? Clifton Kelly: you're probably the thanksgiving legend, haha skater4volcom2004: Yeah somewhat haha. When it gets cold, I use to stop running and my metabolism slows a bit, and all those food, Yum skater4volcom2004: I gain about 5 to 8 pounds every year Clifton Kelly: Wow. Can you tell? skater4volcom2004: A little, my abs get soft and my pants pinch a bit, but i generally lose it in a few months of running...this year is going to be worse, Winter Break is about a month long compared to only two weeks, I will just have to work twice as hard Clifton Kelly: Yeah, you'll probably sport a little potbelly for a month or so, but with your metabolism it'll go away skater4volcom2004: Yeah def skater4volcom2004: Wanna head back to the room? Clifton Kelly: sure. You SURE you don't need anything else? Wouldn't want you to starve before your first class. ha ha skater4volcom2004: Well maybe a McFlurry skater4volcom2004: To go Clifton Kelly: ok, I’ll get it. which kind? skater4volcom2004: any kind, I am not picky Clifton Kelly: K (Cliff buys the largest size and hands it over) skater4volcom2004: Thanks, well I am off to class Clifton Kelly: ok, see you at lunch? skater4volcom2004: A late one, but yeah...I think I will go to the Gym after class Clifton Kelly: ok, see you in the room skater4volcom2004: later skater4volcom2004: [um lets move on another 2 weeks, that puts us at about a month and a half, so about October, oh and where is this school, up north, down south, near the beach? Mountains?] skater4volcom2004: [It’s Friday and Jim is awakening from his bloated slumber, as usual, Cliff is already in class] skater4volcom2004: [Jims grabs a bit to eat, and gets dressed. He pulls on his pants, and as they reach his waist he tries to tug them closed as has been the usual lately] Damn I need to lay off the brownies, or Cliff needs to stop washing my cloths [He lies down on the bed to get more leverage and sucks in as Cliff walks in] Clifton Kelly: Aren't you supposed to be out of bed by now? skater4volcom2004: Haha yeah, I am trying to button this F'in pants [Jim sucks in really deep and he fastens the button. As he exhales, his stomach pushes the waist down and his belly curves out a few inches. It has softened a bit more and his abs are almost long gone] skater4volcom2004: [He lies in his bed huffing for a bit at the amount of work that took, he stands up and walks over to the mirror and looks in. He sees his pooched out belly for the first time really and pokes it, his finger sinks in an inch or so before hitting muscle] skater4volcom2004: I have defiantly gained some weight Clifton Kelly: Eh, not enough to really tell. I guess that means you don't want the bag of donuts i got you? (Cliff holds them out in his fist, pressing it against Jim's convex middle) skater4volcom2004: Well I shouldn't, but a few doughnuts can't hurt, right?[Jims grabs the doughnuts and begins to munch] Clifton Kelly: Everything you eat before noon burns off anyway skater4volcom2004: Yeah I have heard that[Jim says with a full mouth] So are we still up for the beach this weekend? Clifton Kelly: definitely! Do you want to get a room, or just take my tent? skater4volcom2004: Uh, I like room service, haha Clifton Kelly: Ha ha! I figured skater4volcom2004: [Doug looks into the mirror again] You sure I am not fat? Clifton Kelly: (Cliff walks up, looks down at Jim's belly w/ a studious expression) Well, your abs definitely don't show. (He feels Jim's belly for a few seconds, testing its springiness). But you're not all flabby and jiggly. I don't think anyone else will notice. (He pats the gut affectionately) skater4volcom2004: Ok well thanks, I think we should go weigh this sucker thought...just to see the damage Clifton Kelly: most def! skater4volcom2004: [The boys head to the bathroom to use the community scale, it is a scale you see at the doctors with the sliding weights. Jim steps on] Do you want to do the honor? [JIm motions to Cliff to slid the bars] Clifton Kelly: (Cliff adjusts the bars, careful to get an accurate reading) Clifton Kelly: Um, are you ready? skater4volcom2004: yeah Clifton Kelly: 158 skater4volcom2004: Woah, that’s 18 pounds since I got here...Damn [Jim slaps his paunch, sending small ripples through out] Though I have been lifting a lot more...I am sure some is muscle [Jim flexes in the mirror, His beefy body tightens up,] Clifton Kelly: (oops, i thought you started at 145, my bad. but it works for me if you're cool w/ it) skater4volcom2004: (yeah its fine) Clifton Kelly: Yeah, your shoulders and arms all look a lot bigger Clifton Kelly: (Cliff pats Jim's gut playfully) This is just table muscle. One big ab instead of six small ones skater4volcom2004: Haha yeah, too much table is what got me into this [Another student walks into the bathroom] Student: Haha, looks like someone has got his freshman 15 in only 2 months skater4volcom2004: [Another student walks in, presumably a friend of the other student] Look whose talking, [the student lifts the guy’s shirt to reveal a small beer belly] skater4volcom2004: Jim: Looks like everyone is gaining a bit... Cliff you wanna jump on the scale [Jim grinned slightly] Clifton Kelly: (Cliff shrugged) Why not? skater4volcom2004: Step up (I'll let you decide his weight) Clifton Kelly: (Cliff adjusts the scale and raises his eyebrows) Well, you're not alone, bud. I got here at 165 or so. I'm 171 now. skater4volcom2004: Haha, well I am glad I am not alone [Jim lifts up Cliff’s shirt and pokes his small belly] Clifton Kelly: And that's before breakfast! Clifton Kelly: (Cliff returns the favor by drumming lightly on Jim's belly w/ both hands) So let's go eat! ha ha! skater4volcom2004: Sound's great! Clifton Kelly: (they head to the cafeteria, which is serving pancakes, French toast, and waffles) skater4volcom2004: Smells delish (Do you wanna skip to the next morning) Clifton Kelly: (you can decide all the time cuts ) skater4volcom2004: (ok lol) [Jim tried to cut back a bit yesterday after seeing how much he gained, but still overate a lot, He wakes up to Cliffs alarm, sits up and stretches] Mornin' Clifton Kelly: Mornin, bud. Sleep well? skater4volcom2004: Yup, as usual, you? Clifton Kelly: Yeah. Starving! skater4volcom2004: Same here, let me get my bathing suit on so we can leave after we eat [Jim jumps behind the closet door and changes quickly. When Jim comes out he is looking down at his belly, trying to tie up the strings, but there is a gap not giving way to his belly. He sucks in and ties it real quick, exhaling. His gut reforms pushing over his waistband a bit, noticeably pudgy] Clifton Kelly: Is that an old suit? skater4volcom2004: Ugh, well it use to fit Clifton Kelly: Ha ha! I bet it's from all that working out. (Cliff winks and rapidly rubs Jim's rounded belly, jiggling it up and down) skater4volcom2004: Heh, yeah, workin out at the table [Jim is still a bit uncomfortable about his new weight] Clifton Kelly: Seriously, it's not noticeable. Besides, most people wake up w/ a little retained water weight. In an hour or two, your suit will probably fit just fine. (Cliff can't resist patting Jim's belly one more time) skater4volcom2004: Yeah you're right, you wanna get changed so we can head out Clifton Kelly: on it! skater4volcom2004: Cool cool Clifton Kelly: (Cliff changes quickly, and the boys load up the car and head out) skater4volcom2004: [they stop by the store and grab some munchies and something for breakfast, Jim eats a bit on the way to the beach] Clifton Kelly: (They find a spot and set up their canopy and stereo. Cliff can't help but admire the way Jim unconsciously struts, his gut pushing out above his tight swim trunks) skater4volcom2004: [The two run around playing Frisbee and go for a swim] Hey I am getting kinda hungry do you want to go lay out and eat while we tan Clifton Kelly: Sounds good to me! I'm a little dizzy from the sun anyway skater4volcom2004: Cool [the two go back to the cooler and pulls out a large sub and some chips and dip] Clifton Kelly: I brought some beer too, if you want it skater4volcom2004: Yeah thanks {Doug sips the beer as he munches away} Clifton Kelly: (clif eats very little of his sandwich) Want this? I can't eat when it's this hot outside skater4volcom2004: Yeah, I will nibble on it [Nibble was an understatement] skater4volcom2004: [Jims belly began to push out a bit more, hanging over the tight waist of his suit] Clifton Kelly: (Cliff didn't want to get caught staring at Jim's expanding gut, but couldn't help but sneak glances pretty often) skater4volcom2004: Hey lets go up to the Tiki Bar by the Hotel, get some real food and drinks Clifton Kelly: Coolness. I want something cold anyway, beer doesn't do it for me Clifton Kelly: I think they have a buffet skater4volcom2004: Yeah I think so Clifton Kelly: Sounds like your kinda place, lol skater4volcom2004: Haha yaya, I will hit the Gym Monday [The two hit the buffet and the bar and hang out for the rest of the day] Clifton Kelly: (Throughout the day, Cliff uses any excuse to touch, brush, pat, or rub Jim's belly. He is afraid Jim will balk, but surprisingly, Jim doesn't seem to really mind) |