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Rated: · Other · Fantasy · #1397145
Jane, imagination, fiction
Jane’s Imagination

Jane had come home late again. She hadn’t meant to, she wasn’t doing anything bad, nothing against the rules. She had simply been in the forest behind her house, nestled with the wild flowers and trees, daydreaming that the brook that trickled past went somewhere…, magical. To a land far from her. But when she stepped through the door her little sister immediately ran to her mother in the kitchen to squeal that “ Jane’s late again!” She despised her brat of a sister, not to mention her three year old twin brothers, who constantly whined for attention. So Jane ran up the stairs to her room ignoring the warnings and scoldings she was receiving. “Oh sanctuary,” she called to her room as she fell backward onto her bed. “Take me away from this place!” Books and drawings filled her room. Alice‘s Adventures in Wonderland, Narnia, Peter Pan, The complete works of William Shakespeare, she had read every word over and over until she could recite them by heart. Those books took her to a place she felt she belonged. She lay there in nonsensical thought. Her father’s words then appeared in her mind, “ Find some real friends instead of those stupid books!” “Stupid books?” she sat up. “ These books are ingenious and far better than having friends that I could never relate to.” She gritted her teeth and began to cry. “ Oh why can’t these lands of wonder be real?!” she pleaded. “Why couldn’t they…just be, and her mental exhaustion had lulled her to sleep.
She awoke suddenly in the middle of the night to a CRASH. She got up, felt for the doorway and made her way to her parents room to find that they weren’t in bed. Still dazed from her sudden awakening and not finding her siblings in their rooms she began to panic. She rushingly stumbled downstairs in the dark to another crash. From the moonlight in the kitchen window she could see that her house was in disarray, tables and chairs slung over, lamps and dishes in pieces on the floor. Her mind was racing, burglars?! Out of the corner of her eye she saw something small scurry out of the front door. She cautiously followed behind, grabbing one of the broken lamps for protection. She followed the raccoon-like creature through the forest to the brook, only… the brook…the brook had turned into a sea shore! With nothing but ocean in front of her.
“Am I still asleep?” she turned back around to see the forest still there, but when she reached the edge of the wood, a sparkling kingdom of glowing lights lay in the distance, a field lay to her left, and mountains to her right. “Where am I” she questioned out loud. “Why, you’re in the Land of Imagination.” the faun who was now standing next to her said. It took her a moment to completely understand, and as she did the sun began to rise. “Ah Its time! Its time! Its time! Come flowers, Its your time!” the faun said. “Who are you?” Jane said. Me? I Am the flower faun I control the growing of all of the plants. But we shall get to the introductions later, we must get to the flowers.” “ But I would like to know how I got here and why.” complained Jane. “why you got here by chasing the raccoonee. And you are here because you are the new Queen.” “ Queen? Raccoonee?” “Yes, yes the raccoonee, the throws a few tantrums but he’s quite harmless.” “ Harmless? He destroyed my living room and kitchen!” she laughed. “Your living quarters are quite unharmed I assure you, and at the castle, you have no need to go into the kitchen quarters.” “ You don’t understand,” she said “I’m not a queen, I’m just a girl.” “No, not any girl.” he said with kind eyes. “ I will explain the prophecy to you, but first I must awaken the flowers.” “Prophecy?” she asked to herself. She shrugged it off not knowing what else to do and followed the faun. “Wake up, wake up!” he called to the plants and one by one as if by magic they blossomed. Lilies, daisies, daffodils, iris, wildflowers of all shapes and sizes sprang to life. After getting over the awe of the flowers blooming all around her, she asked, “ Might I at least know your name faun?” “ Fredrick’s my name and flowers are my game” he chuckled. “

My family has been doing this for decades, my great-grandfather, my grand father, my father, myself, my children one day…” his voice trailed off as he had moved on several feet from Jane, who stood, trying to make sense of all of this. Flowers , mushrooms, and tiny ferns began to pop up all around her, but at closer look these weren’t plants, they were only the headdresses of some sort of tiny natives , who, began throwing pebbles and twigs at her ankles. “ Uh…Fredrick? Fredrick!” She began to run as the tiny natives chased after her. She reached the faun, who was still consumed in his work, and hid behind him. “ What are those!” “ Oh, get! Shoo! Go on now, she’ll do you no harm, nasty little buggers.” The natives stopped, looking confused, realized who they were chasing, and all began to bow along the sides of the path. “Those, my lady are the protectors of the forest, for the forest belongs to them, given to them by the Great King Arcanian may his soul rest in peace. “Oh” Jane said a little wearily. “ I would hope you would let them keep it, what with you being the new queen and all.” He gleamed. “ Yes I, I still wonder if I’m dreaming, but if I’m not,” she asked almost to herself. “ then, a queen? The queen…why me?” “ I can answer that.” Fredrick said “ But first my dear! You look utterly exhausted, shall we rest by the river? I swear it that then I will explain everything.” “ Please do.” Jane said willingly. So with the tranquil river flowing in front of them, Fredrick began to tell of the prophecy. “ In the royal scrolls of old it is written that in this lunar cycle, a young woman, running away from her own world, would lead us into a glorious new revolution.” Well I was chasing that raccoonee more that I was running away from my own world.” she laughed. “ Yes, but you’ve been running from your world for some time now, you just haven’t realized it.” he frowned. “ You have been sighted here at the river front several times now, and that is why I am here, to see if I could see you for myself.” She thought sadly on how she had hated her world for some time, but pushed those thoughts away and smiled, “ Well I am definitely from another world.” “ Indeed.” Replied the faun, who eyed the odd clothing of the queen to be. She noticed him looking at her and laughed, for what seemed the first time in a very long time. “ If you wish to become Queen of Marigolds, Queen of Imagi-nation and save our ruined kingdom, we must make the long journey to the castle.” “ Being Queen of Imagi-nation is simple, you simply use your imagination, but it is tiresome I will grant you that. But that is the duty of our great leader.” “ Well I suppose I am suck here, I may as well try.” she said. So they started off on they’re way through the forest, Fredrick awakening flowers, and the miniature native people bowing to her as they past by. At the end of the forest there was a clearing, with nothing but plains ahead. “ Well nothing but flat grass for a good long way now, I’m fine on my own hooves but… I think her highness will be needing a means of transportation. “ But how? I mean I’ve seen no stables or wild horses along the way.”

“Simple.” he said as he pulled out his flute and played an enchanting tune that Jane had never heard before. The clouds above gathered and morphed and came lower to the ground, and before her eyes was the most dazzling pure white stallion she had ever laid her eyes on. “ This is the lord of the horses, Bree, who has vowed to only let the queen, Queen Marigold of the new revolution ride him.” he said. And so they ventured on toward the castle, and as she went, the wild spirit of the stallion started to take over. She felt more wild and free than she ever had. Fredrick noticed this and called out to her as they ran, “ It’s a gift from him, most humanoids secretly wish to know the freedom of a wild animal, but none have been aloud.” “It’s wonderful!” she laughed gleefully. After a time, passing rivers and forests the castle, and kingdom came into view. Crystal and Ivory towers and houses were in ruins and the townspeople looked like peasants from the mid-evil times. “It’s awful.” she said. “ Yes, it is, it has been anarchy since the King died and left no heir. Left Imagi-nation to wither and die.” “Then I suppose I must take on this task.” she said. “Great!” Fredrick shouted. “ But, we must present you properly to the people, so imagine yourself as Queen Marigold, and you will be.” “ Imagine beautiful clothing, appropriate for this world or course.” “ And a crown embedded with sapphire and emeralds, with the symbol, of imagi-nation, that symbol, the two lions facing each other, there on the gates of entry.” So she imagined fine clothes of silk and flowing robes of satin, all in royal and baby blues. She imagined her shoulder length brown hair, into long flowing locks of raven hair that hung to the middle of her back. But last she fashioned her crown, it sat across her forehead with the emblem of the lions in the center of the crown.

“ Well how do I look?” She asked. Fredrick stared at her in awe, “Queen, you look like the queen.” Bree pranced proudly into the town square, where the townspeople stood in disbelief of her, then began to cheer loudly and bow as she past by. “ I may as well start now.” she thought to herself, and began to transform the city as she past it, cleaning the town and rebuilding it, all with her mind. The peoples rags of clothes transformed into fine materials that the people of the town had only seen in pictures of royalty or the elves when the seldom come to visit, jewels sparkled they’re sleeves and belts. At this some fainted, others cried in joy praising the new Queen, others pledged they’re undying loyalty. She imagined the ruined castle, into a beautiful castle, blindingly vibrant ivory walls and crystal clear towers. She imagined the inside clean and new from the aged cobwebs and dust. New upholstery and paint, new china, and servants. She imagined knights standing at every post and at the entrances of the castle. Jane, Bree, and Fredrick approached the steps of the new majestic home of Jane. The guards at the entrance stepped aside and Jane stepped forward. She turned to see the her two companions weren’t with her. “Aren’t you coming?” she smiled. “ I’m afraid we must leave you now, I must get back to my work, and Bree has his duties with his sky herd. “ wait, your leaving me? I don’t know what to do! I don’t know anyone here, please stay.” “ You will be fine, child, all the advise that I can dispense is that you can imagine anything you like, but remember that it all has consequences. Like if you were to imagine me here with you all of the time, you could, but no flowers would ever blossom, and I would never see my wife or the forest I love ever again.” “ You see everything comes with it’s consequences.” “ I see.” said Jane “ But the royal adviser will help you through these things, he is waiting for you in the counsel room, along with the sorceress. So she bid a sorrowful farewell to her companions and the guards escorted her into the recently renewed castle.

There they ushered her into the counsel room where, an old, wise looking, regal man in velvet robes towered over everyone in the room. Next to him was a short, fat woman, with a wrinkled tired face sat, dressed as a gypsy with a purring feline in her lap. Both stood and bowed, presenting themselves humbly. “ I am Eldor,” the man boomed in a low knowing voice, “And I am your royal adviser, your majesty.” And bowed again before retaking his seat. “I am the royal sorceress, Voronta, and this is my ware-cat Sonja. We are both very excited that you have finally arrived your Gracious Majesty.” “Thank you,” Jane said not knowing exactly what to do. “We are here to be your assistants, whatever you need, we get for you.” “ Even though you can already to it yourself!” the sorceress interrupted. “ Yes, yes,” muttered Eldor looking a little annoyed at Voronta. “ The first matter of the day” Eldor began again, “ Is the great counsel of Imagi-nation.” “ Ambassadors from every semi-nation and tribe come to meet you my Queen.” Voronta butted in again. Eldor sighed, ignoring it, and went on. “As we,” he looked at Voronta, “Were saying, everyone will be here in a matter of hours, messengers have already been sent out to every corner of Imagi-nation with the splendid news!” “ Hours?” Jane said tiredly. “ But of course you will have plenty of time to rest, we have your royal dinner made which you may take in your royal chambers.” Voronta said.

“ But I must wonder what type of food you eat here.” Jane queried. “ I have taken from your memory what you ate in your world and transformed it into this world you see.” the sorceress explained. “ You.. Looked into my memories?” “Well yes, I am a sorceress, but do not fret, I only take small things that can help me better understand you, I never invade your personal privacy my ladyship.” “ I see.” She said relieved. So Jane went to her room, and found it more comfortable and homelike than her room in the old world ever felt. She lay down and slept long hours until her food arrived. She dined on her favorite meals, until she felt she could eat no longer. “ You may rest a bit more until everyone arrives, your highness.” the maid said as she bowed herself out of the doors. Soon after Jane was dressed in the most royal of attire she was escorted into a main chamber where, creatures of all kinds, at one table a group of humans sat, dressed in old fashioned well-to-do clothing, looking down there nose at everyone else, except of course for Jane, who they all tried to suck up to. Jane was gracious about it, making sure to be kind to each and every creature. There were, giants, elves, ogres, gremlins, pixies, fairies, fauns, tall almost transparent albinos, and a few types of talking animals.

Jane came and set in the throne at the head of the room with Eldor at her side. As she sat, everyone chattering amongst themselves fell silent. “ Welcome.” Eldor said in his usual booming voice. “ It is time to meet your new queen who has taken us into a new revolution without even realizing the great thing she has done.” All cheered, which made Jane smile, feeling good that she had done something so appreciated. After this, one by one they stepped up to give homage to they’re new beloved queen. The old fashioned humanoids, called the socialites, gave to Jane they’re best dresses and jewelry and an invitation to tea, Eldor saved Jane by saying that the queen had far to much to do to have tea so soon, and that maybe some other time she would be able to attend, the socialites accepted the answer and stepped back down to they’re seats. The mean tempered giants brought her dwarves to take as prisoners, which she accepted, promising the dwarves that she would release them as soon as she could. The elves brought her a necklace that held a bottle of moonlight, glowing and illuminating her face and those around her, “this will protect you from any ill will that may come your way” the female elf said. Then the most handsome being she had ever seen stepped forward, handing her a beautiful lace garment. “ My Queen” the elf said, his calm blue eyes stayed steadily on hers, making her blush. “ I ask you to come to the sacred elven harvest moon festival, and wear this,” he handed her the garment delicately as if worried her might harm her hand. They’re eyes stayed locked until Eldor cleared his throat, bringing Jane out of her trance. “ I would be honored to attend.” she said to both elves but her eyes kept going back to the sharp featured, calm blue eyed elf who dazed back. As the elves stepped back down she heard the she-elf whisper elbowing him, “ What has enchanted you so Jasper, I have never seen you behave so.” Jasper only stared forward, his heart still pounding in his chest, he hadn’t heard a word his sister had said. Back at the throne, Jane was given all sorts of gifts from the Imagi-nationites. The final creature to pay homage was a mischievous looking fairy princess. Who lightly floated toward the thrown, until she was right before the queens face. “ Here your Majesty” the fairy giggled as she threw an acorn at Jane’s head! “ OUCH! What was that for?” Jane asked. “ That was for you silly laughed the fairy princess. Everyone in the room muffled a laugh, which angered Jane. “ I know that you, you awful thing, but why DID you throw it at my forehead? The fairy princess lowered her head, her face deeply saddened, her wings drooped and she began to glow blue. Jane snapped out of her agitation and immediately felt horrible for snapping at the fairy. “ Fairy, what is your name?” Jane asked kindly. “ It’s Kady, am I in trouble your majesty? I was always in trouble with the great king Arcanian.” “No dear Kady, I apologize for snapping at you, but why did you throw an acorn at me?” “ It’s your gift. Whenever you need me, tap your finger on that acorn and I will appear.” “Oh,” Jane smiled, “ This IS a very lovely gift princess, thank you.” This satisfied the fairy and she descended back into the crowd. “It is time for the royal supper, everyone to the dining room.” Eldor whispered under his breath, I know you’ve already eaten your highness, but you must sit at the head of the table to show respect.” “I understand,” said Jane, only half listening, more eager to find the elf named Jasper. She spotted him heading to the dining room and after everyone had been seated, she took the seat at the head of the table, right next to her elf prince. At first she panicked, not wanting to blush or look stupid in his presence, and on the other hand she wanted to be closer to him.
Jasper was the son of an adviser for the queen of elves, he himself had become an apprentice and he and his sister were sent to meet the new queen as a great honor from the elven queen Lilici. Sitting next to Jane gave him butterflies, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. At first Jane felt very uncomfortable with strangers staring at her, but with Kady at one side and Jasper at the other she soon found herself in deep conversation. She found she had very much in common with Kady and they became fast friends. “ I think I’ll be tapping on that acorn more than I thought I would.” laughed Jane. “ I’ve never really had a friend before.” “Well you do now.” smiled the fairy. Soon she spoke with Jasper which made her heart skip a beat with every word he said. He told her of his home land, the Moonglow forest and how beautiful it was. Then they talked about the festival, how excited she was about it. He smiled at this, but he stopped, looking as if something were wrong. She shrugged it off and they went on talking, about they’re childhoods and what they’re worlds were like and before she knew it dinner was over and most had excused they’re selves. They sat there for a while in silence. “ Well, I’m going to go pick on the pixies…” Kady giggled looking at Jane and winking. Jane blushed knowing that Kady meant for her and Jasper to alone. “ Well how do you like the palace and its property my queen.” Said Jasper, “ Well first of all you may call me Jane, and secondly I’ve been so busy since I’ve been here to see anything really.” “ May I have the honor of giving you a tour of the grounds?” “ Well, I suppose the would be alright.” she said looking around for Eldor. So they set out for the palace grounds and he showed her the garden of marigolds the reason she is called the Queen of Marigolds. Afterwards he took down a path to a rocky waterfall with a brook tumbling over it. He sat on one of the rocks and reached for her hand. She took it and sat on a rock beside him. He held on to her hand and stared into her eyes they same way he had when they first met, and at diner. She said in a dazedly voice, entranced by his gaze, “ So, do you miss your home?” “ No, its beautiful there but it could never compare to..” he stopped again. But he gathered up his courage and said, “You, nothing is as beautiful as you.” Her eyes lit up and he leaned in towards her. “ My queen” he sighed about to kiss her when they heard the royal advisor calling for her. “ Oh!” Jane said. Jasper helped her down from the rocks and they made they’re way back to the palace. “ I’ve been looking for you your highness. You mustn’t leave the palace without bodyguards.” “ Oh, but Jasper was only showing me the grounds, Eldor.” “ Yes, well.” he sighed eyeing the two. “I suppose that’s alright.” “But come along we must make our plans for the trip to the moonglow forest and the festival.” After making arrangements the next day Jane said goodbye to Jasper, as he had to be back at the Moonglow forest to help with preparations for the upcoming event. His magical powers would come in great help. He didn’t want to leave her, his heart hurt in his chest as the carriage moved away from her, leaving her only a small spot in the distance after a few moments of staring back. “ I love her.” he thought solemnly to himself. “ We could pack for the trip…” hinted Eldor with a smile. “ Or I could just imagine it packed and ready to go.” Jane laughed. “Now your catching on!” Eldor chuckled. And in yet another day they were off, the queen sharing a carriage with Eldor, Voronta, and Kady which Jane had asked to accompany her. “ I love being you queen here, but I must worry that my family misses me at home.” “ You know,” Voronta said “ You may return any time you please.” “But I feel at home here.” Jane replied. “ You make a good argument.” Kady said, playing with a bag of pixie dust she had taken from one of the said child like creatures at the assembly the few days before. “ But why don’t you just imagine a double of yourself to stay and live in your old world.” She really hadn’t thought of the importance of what she had just said, for she was giggling to herself about the pixies, and how weak they seemed to her. “ Stupid pixies.” she murmured. Everyone stared at Kady for a moment half way about the doppelganger idea and half way about the pixies. “ That is a brilliant idea.” said Eldor still looking at the smug fairy princess playing with the dust. “Yes, but is my imagination that strong?” Jane replied. “ Your imagination is stronger than any one creature in this world. Of course you can.” Voronta said. “ Well I suppose its worth a try, here goes nothing.” So she imagined herself at home, with her family, at the same time she imagined herself right where she was. It had worked! She had actually made a double of herself. Jane was still triumphing in her own glory when she looked over to see, that Kady was competing with a butterfly who was floating alongside the carriage, Kady making her wings glow every color of the rainbow, making them glitter and shine, and finally the butterfly withdrew from the competition and went on its own way. Kady sat back down, crossing her arms with a “Hm! I’m much more pretty than that stupid overgrown fly.” “ You are just like tinkerbell!” Jane laughed heartily. “ Who in the world is Tinkerbell? Does she live in Imagi-nation? I’ll bet she’s the most ugly creature you’ve ever seen. No matter, the fairy prince chose me, so too bad on her part.” “Don’t get too riled up now Kady she’s only a character in a book from my world, the book is called Peter pan.” “ Oh, I see.” she said relaxing a bit. Jane began laughing again, just out of sheer joy of her new life. Before she new it they were in the moonglow forest. It was a beautiful forest and everything illuminated a beautiful glow, even the flowers on the forest floor. They’re homes were in trees, and they were all tall elegant creatures. “ This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.” she sighed. “ Yes, none other like it.” replied Eldor. “ We must go meet the elven queen Lilici.” “ Of course.” Said Jane. They met the Elven queen in a clearing in the wood where elves were working vigorously to finish with the preparations for the festival. She was a tall, beautiful woman, with bright eyes and long blonde hair. Everything around her had a calm air about it. “Welcome high queen of Imagi-nation. I am honored that you have chosen to attend this sacred festival and I hope you enjoy yourself to the fullest.” “ Thank you Queen Lilici, I am honored to be a part of this. Your ambassadors were very gracious.” Jane said. “ Thank you for allowing them to attend. I have heard only great things about you, especially from Jasper.” She smiled. “ Is, is he here?” Jane said a little hesitantly. “Yes, he is in the main corridors putting the final touches on the festival, you may see him later on, when the party has begun.” Her heart began to beat wildly and her face became red. They all smiled around her knowing exactly what she was feeling. The festival had began and elves of all sorts came out from around talking amongst themselves. All greeting the queens with honor bowing then passing along, singing ancient songs, and growing things with they’re magical powers. It was all to mystical for Jane to take in at once, the air was sweet with the smell of wildflowers, beautiful with the sound of elven voices. She was entranced at once. In a foggy daze, wandering about the groups of elves who told old tales of brave warriors and wise wizards. Jane had never been more content in her life, and hoped this foggy listless feeling wouldn’t leave as soon as it would. Amidst her wandering she unintentionally came upon Jasper playing a flute for an enchanted audience. “Jasper.” she whispered. “ He immediately looked up at her, still in the middle of his song, and continued playing, seeming to play only for her. She floated toward him, her feet feeling as though they had left the ground. When his song was finished, there was applause, and then the crowed scattered and Jane fell into his arms, and they sat there, staring into the stars. They both felt complete wrapped in each others arms. Hours passed and suddenly a band began to play. “ This is the main event, its an old courting ritual. It is said that if two beings dance together to this song they’re lives will be intertwined for all eternity. “ Would you dance with me?” he asked sheepishly. “ Of course.” she said with a blush. But at that moment Eldor and Voronta approached. “ It is almost time for us to depart my queen.” said Eldor. “But the dance.” Jane replied disappointedly. “ I think it best that you don’t.” Eldor said cautiously. “ When an elf falls in love he only falls in love once.” Voronta said. “ Unless you wished yourself an eternal life like his it wouldn’t be fair to him.” She looked at him out in the crowd, and then imagined herself eternal. “ It is done,” said Eldor. “ Well, go dance with him already! Kady pushed. And so they did. And so they were intertwined forever. A month later a royal wedding was being planned and a second throne was placed beside the first. All was well in the land of Imagi-nation.
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