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Rated: E · Article · Educational · #1396748
Free energy, and why we'll never have it.
Free Energy
Why we'll never have it.

Think about it folks. There are sources of free energy available to us right now.
I've come very close to making my own electro magnetic perpetual propulsion engine,
and I'm nothing more than a backyard inventor. I just need to overcome one element of
the design to make it viable. And unfortunately, or maybe it is fortunate, I haven't been
able to overcome this one stumbling block. After research I've decided to put off the
continued experimentation for one good reason. I don't want to be killed.

Now to the many who don't consider, and just poo poo this kind of thing as
conspiracy nonsense, please consider the following. What would be the effect of
a free non consumptive perpetual energy supply?

Answer: Absolute and total devastation of the world economy.
What do you mean by that? Well let's take a look.

No need for oil. Think about it. Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Vans, Trains, Aircraft,
Ships, and so on don't need it. So, no need for the millions of retailers world wide that have gas stations. No need for production of the gas storage tanks, the metal, rubber,
electronics, and all other assorted paraphernalia needed for such fuel. No jobs for the truckers, shipers, refineries, etc..., that produce and transport fuel. No need for the equipment and R&D necessary for continued exploration to find the fuel, or any need to have oil rigs in the oceans, and the workers to run them. And dear Lord what would happen to the governments that suck us dry with the applied taxes to these fuels.

O.K. now lets look at the electricity. If you've got a three foot by three foot power station next to your house or in your garage, who needs the power company. Just think of all the power lines, necessary tree harvesting, lineman jobs, billing services, meter readers, etc..., who are out of work. And dear Lord what would happen to the governments that suck us dry with the applied taxes to your electric bill, phone bill.

Then there's natural gas, again where is the need, for pipelines, control valves, maintenance personnel. And dear Lord what, well you get the idea.

Coal, don't need it, or anything associated with it.
Solar, don't need it, or anything associated with it.
Hydroelectric, don't need it, or anything associated with it.
Wind, don't need it, or anything associated with it.

I don't have a clue as to how many jobs this would destroy, but needless to say it
would reach close to a Billion world wide, if not more. Governments would kill to keep such a technology from coming forward. People who depend on fuel sources for employment would kill to keep their jobs, so as to feed their families. Big industry would kill to keep such a source of free energy from reaching the marketplace, and destroying their profit line and their business. The stock markets around the world would crash. And I really don't think I need to go any further.

If you haven't see the big picture by now you never will. So as for me, should I succeed at overcoming the obstacle I face and make my electro magnetic engine work, don't be looking for my name in the press. I'll tell no one, and simply use the technology for myself in secret. I may join the ranks of Nikola Tesla and Edward Leedskalnin, but it will only be in private. This world can't handle free energy.
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