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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Drama · #1396553
the second bound for life
katy was walking home from school when her phone started buzzing in her bookbag.katy started going through all her items in her bag.
hello?said the out of breath katy
hi...its me..kayce..look i just want to say sorry for acting like i did today at lunch.
oh its ok,will you tell me were you heard that stupid rumor though?
umm ya ok...are u busy or something..you sound out of breath,kayce said
no no im fine,so are you going to tell me
ok umm here it goes kayce said
lizzetie,told anna who told,maggie,who told,josh,who told,gram,who told-
get to the point kayce,i said annoyed
ok well all in all i heard that you were making out with matt..its going around the whole school!
when i walked into my house i was still talking to kayce and trying ot convince her it wasent true.
ok well i have to go study for the math test tomarro
ok well ok bye kayce
after haning up i threw my phone against the wall hoping it would shatter into a million tiny little peices.i turned on my i-pod and went to my lap top and turned on the myspace IM chat

katylooper13 signed in....

destinyadam55 signed in....

katylooper13:hey liz wats up?

destiyadam55:oh nothing much..so kayce just called and told me that the rumor she stared was false!dont belive a word she says

katylooper13:WAIT WHAT!kayce didnt tell me she made it up!

destinyadam55:oh,thats what she told me to keep on the DL

katylooper13:well now that you spilled someone is going to be in alot of trouble!


kayce-da-bomb29 signed in...

kayce-da-bomb29:hey guys wats up? im finally ready for that math test wat about u guys


kayce-da-bomb29:omg liz you were susposed to keep that secret!

destinyadam55:oh wow i really didnt mean to..i hear my mom calling bye

destinyadam55 signed off.....

katylooper13:....kayce im waiting for an answer

kayce-da-bomb signed off.....

that was so not cool i thought to my self.i slammed my lap top and went to my bed in a huf.
(tap..tap...tap)came from my door.
go away i yelled
do i have to spell it for you are something suzie?
my door cracked open and matt walked in
i,umm your parents let me in he explained
(omg was he looking hot tonite!)
what do u want?i asked
well i just wanted to apoligize for the movie the other day
i was way out of line and i shouldnt have kissed you!
im sorry will you forgive me?
(he melts my heart)
yea matt i will
k...so bex was preety mad when you left in such a hurry on staurday...what did you punch her or something matt teased.No i didnt i just told her i didnt want to ....do anything like that.oh i see matt said.i quickly changed the subject,would you like to have something to eat or drink?
umm no thanks im ok,he replied
buz...buz...buz...my phone rang
hold on a sec matt......
i fliped my phone and it said 1 new text message sent at 7:56 pm
i opened it

oh thats just great i said.well i have to run il see you tomarro ok bye,matt siad
ok bye i said weakly.when moarning came i was more than mad.i brushed my teeth and changed into an outfit that looked like i was going to murder someone.I had on a black sweater with black pants and my fav black pumas.i brushed my long balck hair and tied it up with a red hair tie and but on a black head band.really im not goth or emo but today i just felt bad so i allwas dress like my mood and today i felt black.when i walked into school jimmy hareson walked up to me and said are u like in a kick ass mood today or something?go away jimmy or i just might kick yours! ohh yummy i like them fighsty!eww yuck i said and walked away.when i got to class and took my seat i just couldnt help staring at kayce playing with a strand of her long lushious golden hair like their wasnt a care in the world.well their was and for starters how she made up a stupid rumor about me and matt.then how she lied to my face about it.how cold she.we were susposed to be friends.

it was 3:50 and i had been wait since 3:10 for kayce to meet me after school.i was just about to leave when kayce came rushing out with 4 other girls giggling and smiling and wispering to eachother about something.kayce what took you so long i asked?dont you get all mad at her skank!,gina micbrier said.i turned on my heel and walked away followed by a bunch of giggles,one i reconized as kayces.wait katy come back i need to explain kayce called as she ran to catch up with me.no no their is no need to explain kayce,i can see that you rather blow me off for these girls of yours so ok bye.wait no thats not true she pleeded ,dont mind them they are just giggly tolday thats all.their was no way i was beliving that one.even a blind man could tell by the looks on the girls faces that they were obviously talking about me and the whole skank things was not a joke.look katy,i didnt start that rumor i just said i did to get one of my friends off the hook because she feels bad about starting it.well if you didnt then who did?oh well umm,bex lee...you know her rite?.KNOW HER,I PRACTICLY LIVE WITH HER,SHE IS LIKE MY SISTER.HOW COULD SHE DO SUCH A THING.well from that look i think you do know her,kayce snickerd.bex,really,why did she start it.well idk y dont you ask her that.good idea thanks kayce i have to go bye.ok well you forgive me right?yae sure bye.

when i got home i called bex instantly
bex:(ha ha ha ha john stop it im on the phone),hello?
katy:hey bex its me umm i just wanted to say sry
bex:oh ahh hi,can u hold on a sec?
bex:oh ok sry bout that...john keeps tickling my feet
katy:u want me to call back layter?
bex:no no im fine now.so look im guessing you know all about that rumor huh?
katy:who doesnt know about it?
bex:ya look im really sorry about that.i guess i was just a little pissed from saturday still.
katy:ya its ok bex i really shouldnt have said that.
bex:koolio,so you want to hang out this friday?
katy:sure i could use some new stuff anyways.
bex:kool.hey i g2g ill send u a e-mail saying were to meet at.
katy:ok ttyl
i was so much better after talking to bex.it seemed so much better.but what was really buggig me was kayce.she was acting all stcuk up and mean.i know she has beeen hanging out with the kool kids but she doesnt have to be a bitch.

after friday night,i put all my clothes bags in my closet.i had gotten so many new stuff.pink stuff too!i was feeling so much better untill the doorbell rang
i went downstairs and opened the door expecting liz or someone but no i peered into the beautiful eyes of a boy.MATT!

to be continued

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