Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1395451-Im-catching-fireflies
Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1395451
One girl, takes a chance. One boy, never saw it coming.
I'm catching fireflies...

I'm late for bio as usual, running down the wide halls, in and out of people. The bell goes...I am...so late! But I get there just in time, entering room. Our teacher, Mrs. Popoff...I swear she is going to pop out twins any minute. So intstead of walking around her taking attendance in the front of class. I venture all the way around to my seat, saying excuse me to a few classmates. Anywho, I always sit by the window, sometimes I take out a pad of paper, and gaze at the sky. I glance at our football feild, I observe a little snowball fight going on by the portables...and then the smell. I slowly look over to the door, and like slow motion...Charlie walks- no...kinda struts in. I smirk and look down at my paper. He sits beside me pushing his book and binder beside mine. The one I draw hearts all over, the one we scribble inside jokes on about our teacher. Mostly pictures. On many occacions we play hang man...even...tick-tack toe. But today, he is cuter then ever. Maybe it's the new hair cut, nice jeans, or the hat. The one I got for him...as his secret Santa, full time secret lover, and closest friend. Sometimes, I think he knows...I don't have many friends but him. So who else could I tell? Code between us never works...but I got away with words. Even though he wins for the playfulness, the way he smiles...and doesn't hide anything turns me on. But morethen ever...his eyes. I find that when I look into his eyes, I somehow find the urge to ask him...what's on his mind. But he's honest. Just the other day he broke off with his girlfriend...I had the opertunity to touch his buff shoulder, rub it a little. Maybe warm up his spirit. The one I fell in love with, amongst other weaknesses, and strengths. His personallity, his hair, his warm and inviting hugs. I can only imagine. I mean yes, we are close friends...but it all started with the secret santa in gr 9.

I remember sitting in a circle, it was the last period before winter break, and we pushed all the chairs and desks to the side. All I could think, was how lame my gift was. That I couldn't even buy him...more. Cause he...he was my first firend at this school. Ever since the school spread around that I am adopted, therefore dubbed problem child. As if it was written on my forehead, when really I exposed it all loads of times before. I had friends, I just pushed them away...when it happened. Anyway...our teacher, Mr. Yeo, made us put all of our gifts in the middle. I placed mine behind my back...I was so embarrassed! So on his count everyone got up and grabbed a present, some of the unlucky ones got a cheesy card. So I didn't get away with it, and ether did Charlie. So we swaped presents...he opened his and the expression on his face was perfect. I got him a hat that says " Get er Done!"...seriously that's all he said after he saw the cable guy, on the comedy network. And I opened mine, and laughed...I laughed so hard that everyone thought I was crying- I denied this of course. But it's a notebook that said " I got problems, and so do you...DEAL WITH IT! I AM!". Eventually everyone caught on, but ever since that turn of events in my life he has been there for me. Despite his social rank...despite...what anyone thought of me. Cause he is smart as a whip...grreat humor.

So, today...he seems in a better mood. But the teacher starts up right away, while the two girls behind us ask Charlie who he is going to prom with. He chuckles and turns his head.
" No one...I'm a ladies man." He says in a self-absorbed, jokingly tone. The two girls giggle, and then I feel someone tap me on the shoulder, I turn back as well, getting a smile my way. I'm about to blush, but I learned to control this.
" Who are you goin' with?" the giddy, high pitched, Michelle..very nosey.
" Umm...I'm not going." He pushes my shoulder back, lightly.
" What? NO way?" He says, I smile.
" Well..why don't you two go together? We're getting a party bus?" They both lean in, and he looks at me. I shrug.
" We...us? Nah, he probably got girls lined up..right?" I ask him, he says nothing.
" Or you oculd go with me?" the other one sugests. I want to strangle her...I can tell he is flattered...but the way she batts her eyes tells me he's not even 10% rootin for it.
" I think I'm just going to go with my friends..." We then get shushed and we both turn around. " wanna go with me?" He whispers. But my immediate reaction is shocked, and then...worried...and then anxious...and then the bell. He closes his books, probably thinking I didn't hear him. He then stands up, and he streches revealing his electice gutiar boxeers, I bought him from a bet. But I had to wear them on my head for the class. He then looks over at me, and I shut my jaw. " WHat?" I shake my head and gather my things, the class in funneling into the busy hallway. " Come on...tell me?" I move around him, taking a good whiff of axe again.
" nothing..."
" Nothing? THat doesn't even answer my question..." I walk out of the door and freeze bumping into him, he leads me away from the crowded all to a near by stair well...I guess we are taking the long way.
" Well..there's nothing to say. I just looked at you...and those stupid boxers." I hold the door for him, and he passes through.
" Thanks- well if your not going to answer me...then get it over with now. Cause once you hit the main forum I don't see you again." He stops on the stairs, and I'm confused. " Whatever...don't worry about it. See you tomorrow, k?" just then I see a group of people at the foot of the stairs, goofing around. I lok up and he's gone. But I know where he's going. Suddenly I have this confidence...I never new I had. Okay...Sara today...today is the day. But I'm still frozen in time...going back in forth in my mind....what if...what if...he loves me...he loves me not....what the hell?! Listen to your self...you have faced rejeection from your own parents...they didn't want you cause they were younge and stupidly in love. I don't even know them...but what I do wanna know is if they ever loved me. I guess that's what everyone wants...to be loved. It would be nice. It would help me move on, cause I think I'm stuck...and I don't want to be stuck. I hate how I sometimes let these things happen- but then again it wasn't my fault! I should tell him! I...I have to! For crying out loud, we still managed to be us when he wasn't single....he always found away to complement me. Even if I wasn't in the mood to hear it. And! I feel like I'm dancing in a feild of fireflies right now...I shold catch them before there's none left. I'm going to get my chance. Even if it hurts.

So that very day at lunch, I was on my way to down the main stairs when I noticed him walking past me and jump the last two, towards his hockey buddies. He didn't notice me until he glanced back just in case it was and gave me a sexy guy nod. I smile and turn to head into the caferteria. Not today Sara! So like a jolt, I magnetic feild, I find my feet doing all the talking, and my heart doing the pumping, and my eyes ready for his to meet mine. His friends notice when I walk up, he says a quck Hi, cause they were in a decicion.

" Hey." I got him...right where I want him...I'm like a freakin venie fly trap.
" What's...up?" the guys snicker, but I look up...something I should of been aware of is how lazy people are. There's a mistletoe. Everyone else looks up and I clamp my jaw close again. He looks up.
" Is that some sick joke?" He asks himself. I giggle, and make that last step in, his friends get up as well trying to get it down. Swating at it...like a bee hive.
" Your an idiot...of course I want to go to prom with you. As if you haven't noticed the way I look at you...I can't help it. Somedays you make me breathless. Somedays...I wonder...will he ever feel the same way as I do. Maybe even brave...and ask me out some god damn day... I can't take it back now, crap! Why did I open my big damn mouth!" And then I look around, his friends slowly back away, and all is quite...like a good show is being put on. He turns around slowly. " I just ...said that out loud..." I say to myself, loud enough for him to hear. He looks down, and then crosses his arms, folded against his defined chest. he's my dream guy...my first real love...and everything hinges on this momemt. But I can't handle it...I'm like a duck, calm on the surface, but my legs going a million kilometers a minute...underneath it all. He makes eye contact with me finally.
" I'm...gonna-" I cut him off.
" - pass...well...okay..I'm going to go." He steps in to grab my arm, but I'm to quick. I head up the stairs, but he runs after me.
" Stop" I press forward, but he runs up the second set, halfway. He doesn't let me go by, so I give in and lookaway. " I was going to say. " He places his hands on my shoulders and rubs them alittle bit, and then he brings my chin up to his level. His evey pericing mine. " It's about time..." My mouth drops again, but he closes it and leans in for...my first...passionate ( but not wet...yuck!) kiss...the tingle through my body to my toes...the heart fluttering. My eyes open and so does his. We both smile and go for more, but he turns my head to whisper in my ear. " Wanna hoold my hand...I think you just asked me out." I walk down a couple steps, and he tilts his head like a puppy would, I outstrech my hand. And he takes it. he stole my heart, he can take my hand. I lead him down a hallway, but he pulls me into stair well. he lets go and we stand on ether side of the wall for a little bit. I watch him...maybe he's shocked at what we just did. Suddenly he starts to laugh really hard. And the magnietic pull. He puts his hands on ether side of my face, and then I wrap my arms around him.
" I...just want to...be away from everyone to tell you this..." I feel my heart sink, but I manage to smile and give him a nod. I'm just happy he's holding me. " There's so much I want to say...and now that...it's evident...I really...really like you...like so much that...I think......I know...I'm falling for you. I fell for you...from the moment I met you. And I" I look up at him and put my index finger over his mouth.
" Shut up fool, I love you too."He then lefts me up and twirls me around, suddenly the doors open, it's a sunny winter day...and I feel...all lit up and on fire. ' Come on!" I run out and he runs after me. This is not an ending...this is another beginning...in the chapter...of my life.
The end *Heart*

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