Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1395333-School-Powers-and-Chaos-Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1395333
Two teens transfer to a new school. What? It is for teens with special powers.
Alright this story I'm going to tell you is about 2 teens and a special school. Around the time of a new school year 2 kids got transferred to a special school. They were best friends and lived next to each other. They did almost every thing together. The reason is that there family had a history the same as this. There names are Devin and Josh. Now that we are done with the basics here is the story.

Devin and Josh, the ultimate tag team is what they call themselves. They use to go to a dojo but they passed in a matter of 2 years flying through the competition get belt by belt by belt. What only there families known was the reason for this was there special powers were showing. That is the reason for them getting transferred at the start of the new school year.

"Hey Josh do you think that school will be easier since we got transferred to here." Devin said. Josh says "Who knows." As they walk on to the school grounds they are greeted by the principal. They try to get him to explain how the school works and how to get around. The principal tells them. The principal also says "There also is a tournament for the groups of people here." "What do you mean Groups." they both ask. "The battle groups," the principal says, "there are many of them but I can't count them you need to have a least 5 members and must register as a group. If you want to join I know just the group they are looking for another person put I'm sure once they see you 2 they will let you both join." "Thanks" they say. As they walk to the groups section of the school people are looking at them. The people all look either surprised or are muttering things. They finally get to the groups section and there group leader comes out and asks "Are these the 2 you were talking about" "Yes they are, and they want to know if they can join your group." The group leader thinking “The principal is very serious about them and I can even sense their immense powers. OK. They can join come in. Let us introduce ourselves." "I'm Michael. I'm the forth ranked person in the group." I'm Brianna. I'm ranked third." "I'm Lindsey. I'm ranked second in the group." "And I'm Keith. I'm ranked first the leader. Our group name is The Destroyers. Also I don't think you know this but you each have a special power just like all of us at this school. Michael's power is that he can reach a top speed enough to break the sound barrier and more. Brianna is like a psychic she is super smart and can read peoples minds and is telekinetic. Lindsey is one of the most important people in the group. She has the healing powers of a unicorn and all the strength of one too. And my power is unlimited shadow. I can manipulate or completely take control of some ones shadow or any things shadow. And judging by the powers I sense you two poses I would say you try to harness it. Also you should go through the same training because your powers seem the same but with a slight difference of the elemental." "OK, we will start our training tomorrow. But for now I think the bell just rung." "OK, let’s go to class." About two and a half hours later after there 5th period class during lunch time the team leader of a group challenged Devin and the team. "I the group leader of The Hammer challenges you to a battle." "We accept your offer to the battle although I had no idea that the tournament already started. Where and when will it be held?" "On Friday after school by the fountain." "OK it is a deal then." Later that day as Devin and Josh are walking out of the school grounds their team leader came and suggested to them "You should stay at the school like the rest of us. Everyone that goes to this school lives on school grounds or at least right outside of the school grounds." "OK" They decided to stay at their leader’s house on school grounds like the rest of the group.

The next morning they started training at 5:00am. "OK, Devin Josh come with me you will train separate from the others until Friday after the battle you may train with the others." Keith says. "OK" They all trained until school started then they went to school. After school they trained some more. The day before the fight while Devin and Josh were training just as they were ready to go in and go to sleep they decide to finish this fight 2 punches later their powers showed themselves in energy form. Devin with the power of the Phoenix, and Josh with the power of Leviathan. The team sensed the energy and came out to see their team leader told them that they can rest and they went to sleep. The next day after school most of the school had already gathered around the fountain. "Alright lets start this battle zone open." What do they mean by zone?" Devin and Josh asked. Keith said "Your about to find out." All of a sudden everyone seen a flash of light and there was a giant field like an exact replica of a beach ocean and everything. "Let’s fight." Keith realized that The Hammers team consists of water attacks. "OK Devin, try not to use as much fire attacks possible." "OK" The battle starts with The Hammer members using water shot. Easily blocked by Brianna's psych shield. The next attack was Michaels spinning vortex using the sand against The Hammer. The next turn there wouldn't have been much fighting because of the sandstorm caused by Michael until Devin used wing gust to clear it out and damage the other group. Keith was about to use shadow wave until he realized that Team Demonic was watching they never watch low class fights. Demoniac’s team members are Chad, Kate, Justin, Ben, Cody, And James as their leader. Anyway the fight went on attack after attack. Until finally Josh used an attack no one thought was possible for a human to use Tidal Slammer. The special attack of Leviathan as written in the schools history script. After the attack the battle was over and Devin and Josh's first adventure in their new school was a success.

"This was a very interesting battle I'm glad we came to watch it."

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