Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1395252-Wifey-Chapter-TWO
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Erotica · #1395252
2nd chapter of Wifey. Please stay tuned for more chapters.
Chapter 2

I was at work one day and my friend/co-worker Jasmine
asked me if I was busy that Friday night. I told
her that I wasn't. I didn't think that Larry and I would be
doing anything particular special this weekend. Normally on
Friday he comes home from the office after work and crashes (which
means lie on the couch and fall asleep with a beer in his hand).
So I told her that it would be ok and what would we be getting into.

Stating that Jasmane is a wild and that is a severe understatement. Jasmane is
the friend that most men would not want their wives to hang around, but I
love jasmane, she has the personality that I wish I had so I live
through her.. She has a lot of drama in her life, but it is
so exciting for me, I just "eat" it up. She is the only one that I
have been able to talk to about my marriage. I am basically
a private person and I know in marriage, sometimes you are up
and sometimes you are down. she told me that it was a surprise
a party that one of her friends has periodically. She said that
she has gone before and that she had a nice time. I told her ok, but I
was a little concerned. When jasmane says that she had a nice time
that can mean a whole lot.

I met Jasmane at work on my first day. She was the very
first person that I spoke to me. I walked in impectably dressed, with
black corporate suit and black pumps. Liz was all over me.. You could smell
her on my suit, my hair, everywhere.. my thick hair was twisted into a
serious bun and you could tell that I meant business. My resume matched
my appearance. As I walked into the door, you could hear the clicking
of my heels and the cool air hitting me in the face when I almost had to
use two hands to pry open the obscenely heavy front door. I smoothed down my hair with both hands and proceeded to the front of the desk. The receptionist
made me sit down and told me that my new boss would be
coming to get me to show me where I would be sitting and working for the duration
of the time that I would at the company. I sat down in the plush
overly priced sofa and bent over to read a magazine... Golf. A golf magazine. Not interested...but I flipped through the pages looking for pictures. My husband is an avid golfer so I started looking at the articles and ran across one that interested me. As I flipped through the page I looked up and noticed a very thin woman tightly lipped. She looked like she was incased in ice.

"Hello, I am glad that you are here". It sounded mechanical, like she
practiced and practiced to sound like a human. She wanted to sound warm.
It didn't work... Anyway, to speed up the story.. she took me to my desk
and I sat down. I put my purse in my desk and looked around at all of my surroundings.
The first thing that I saw was Jasmane. Short sassy black hair with light
brown highlights. She was petite and looked around a size 6. very small. She was so
thin that her thighs didn't touch in the browns slacks that she
wore. She was one of those black women that have absolutely nothing in
the front, flat... but got into the "ASS and hips line" twice. Her hips were
very wide for her side... she had those "birthing hips" as they used
to say in the country. On the plantation she would have been a very
busy girl, pushing out all of those babies. When she danced she swayed her hips
like a woman from the islands, to the front, to the back, to the side.
fluid motions..like the waves moving through the sea.. We locked eyes for a moment,
she smirked and walked toward me. She leaned over my desk, real low..so low I could see down her blouse and said...

"Hi, I'm jasmane,and you are?"
I gave her my name. At that point we were inseparable from there. Then I got to know her, real well. I have been with her when she had to get a restraining order
for one of her boyfriends and I had to testify that he smashed out all of her windows in her Mercedes on a warm indian summer night. I was there as a lookout when she returned to his apartment (or new apartment rather, she found out where he lived).. picked the lock, stole his address book where she contacted all the women in there and told them he was an undercover fag, threw out all of the contents of his refrigerator,
smeared food on his windows, smashed his laptop, kicked holes in his walls, poured bleach on this clothes, smoked a cigarette when she was done and threw it (still lit, of course) in a trash can and walked out.

I knew not to mess with her... Jasmane wasn't even her real name, it was the name she used at work. Gia was her real on her birth certificate...(and that is another story). There was something there that drew people to her.. Ten years later.. jasmane and I still are tight. We have our ups and downs..but we are still cool. Now she was inviting me to her friend’s party. ok.. I was going.

I talked to Larry and it was ok... So Saturday night, I began to get ready.
I took a long hot shower. I wanted to open up my pores and steam...
so I ran upstairs.. closed my bedroom door, flipped on the hot water and started
to undress. I am very conscience about how I smell, I want to smell as well
as I look, so I take time and put on my perfume in layers.. I walked around my room
and admired my body. I have a big huge mirror in my room
on my wall and I can see all angles of my body.. The bad angles
and the good.

I stepped into the shower and let the water run slowly over my body. soft droplets
of warmth sliding down the sides of my shoulders to my arms, across my breasts
and down my back. I took a sponge and put a couple drops of my favorite body gel, a
peachy cinnamon smell..lathered it and smooth it across my body. little white bubbles formed over my nipples that popped when I rubbed my fingers across them very softly...very lightly. Pleasureful. I sponged between my legs and on the sides of my delicate areas watching the hair curl up into tightly rounded spirals. I stood under the stream of water and let the water wash over me, erasing my conscience making me ready for the night ahead.

I stepped out of the shower, dried off and added lotion on my skin. I proceeded to rub my entire body from the tips of my toes to my long strong neck. The entire bathroom smelled warm peachy and cinnamony... I proceeded to walk out and a gush of cold air chilled my skin and made my hair on my legs stand up.. I walked to my dresser and put on my black satin panties and black bra...slowly. Since the weather wasn't completely warm, I had to put on some decorated jeans with rhinestones down one leg, after I made sure that I ironed them and put on a long sleeves red low cut blouse. I put on my red high heeled pumps and twirled in the mirror... Sexy. I added my makeup, put on some smoking earrings and I walked out the front door. I felt good.

I jumped in the car with jasmane and she was dressed in a white dress with straps,
even though it was late in the year, we were still having
warm late summer nights. You could smell the burn of the barbeque
that made me hungry. I forgot that I hadn't eaten all day.
I was starving. The smell of that charcoal whipped through
the air and slowly drifted past my nose. aaaaaah.....
so good... I was trying to pinpoint where the meat was located.
a late dinner perhaps? Jasmane was driving smoothly around down the
highway past the traffic and red lights, she had the air condition
going and it was starting to chill me somewhat, but I wanted to enjoy the
night and take it all in. I was starving in so many ways, my body
aching.. at this point anything would be good.

I lived downtown and she started out toward the suburbs, but
kept going and going and going, she reached the outside of our city and I said;

"Wow, your friend really lives far out".
"yeah, they like the country and the love the quietness".
"Oh." I said after I adjusted my seat.

I had no idea where I was at or where I was going. But
I didn't care. She got off the highway and turned down
a dusty road, it was beginning to get pretty dark and there
wasn't many lights on the road. I inquired about how
she knew where she was going and she said not to worry, she
had been here before. She made a couple of more twists and
turns and you could see the house from the road. There
Were no other houses around it and it looked like a plantation
home. Big Sycamore trees lined the side of the private
road. The house was in the distance but it was a huge white old home,
well taken care of. It looked as if it has been there for many many
years, maybe during the civil war.. I could almost see Rhett Butler grasping
Scarlet O’Hara dressed in her green curtain dress on the steps in front of the house
both in a passionate embrace, then pushing her aside when she says
"Rhett what will I do??????" and he says a matter of factly... "Frankly, Scarlet I don’t give a damn".

I glanced up and a big sign said "Grahams Plantation". We drove
down the road and I looked out watching acres and acres of the manicured yard
roll past my eyes. When I finally saw the front of the house
there were rows of cars lining the front, Mercedes, Benzes, hummers..

"Nice crowd".. I said to myself. Nice.

When we stopped, got out and walked in the two huge front doors, we walked in
jasmane leading and the owner of the house, Vernon met her at the door. Tall
Nordic man with flaxen colored eyes and gray tapered hair. He was dressed very feminine in a light purple suit with large white ruffles around his neck, stuck out his huge hand, He gave her one of those air kisses and told her he was glad that she came.

"Oh, I see you brought a friend! She is welcome too".

Something about him gave me the creeps. He had this unnaturally high feminine voice which ran up my spine like a knife and he sounded like the crypt keeper. We walked down the foyer and my eyes, ears and nose filled with the sounds and smells of the room. It was dark in the house and you could see outlines of people around the room.
I made a beeline to the table to grab a plate and put some food in my mouth but Jasmane had already walked over to the bar and grabbed a drink for me. I drank it down greedily and I started to float.. I felt really good. I felt really warm.. I started to relax.
Jasmane grabbed me by the hand and led me to the floor. I was rocking back and forth
to the music and let the words float through my head, from one side to another and spilled out..."lets stay together...good or bad..happy or sad.. " Al Green was playing in the background.

I drank about 3 more drinks and after each drink I increasingly felt better and better.
My eyes scanned the room and I noticed that there weren’t as many people on the dance floor as before. Jasmane started to dance with someone and I started to walk off
the floor, through the house looking at different things and out the side door onto
the terrace. I could see bodies moving in different directions and it was pitch
black. Outlines of persons and movement up and down as if in a dance, gyrating and
softly moaning. I stood there for a moment to take it all in. Honestly, I always say
that nothing surprises me, but that did.. I kind of was in a state of shock but I shook
it off and walked away, hoping no one noticed I was staring.

I walked back in and grabbed an appetizer off the tray and crammed it into my mouth.
I should have been shocked but I wasn't. My needs were taking over my head. I
wanted some relief. Jasmane had met someone.. as usual. I walked over to her and
she grabbed my hand..she said let's go.


"don't worry, let's go"

She led me down the hallway into a small room, beautifully decorated. Swirls of colors
on the pillows that were placed strategically on the sofa. It was dimly lit. I could see the
shadow of another person in the room but I couldn't make out their face. I didn't know
if it was a man or a woman. She closed the door and locked it. I turned around and looked at her. She smiled at me and walked toward me. Her hand reached around and touched the small of my back and she lightly grazed her lips across mine and said..

"I want to help you, just let me... after we won't even talk about it". Her lips touched mine, they were very soft..they felt differently from a man’s, which feels more taut..not bad just different. Then she kissed me deeper and I started to feel a warm feeling rising from my body. I felt like I was watching myself in a movie. Somewhat outside of my body, I felt strange but natural at the same time. I could feel her hand move from the small of my back to my hips, she started to hold my hips with her hands
and then run her hands up toward my breasts. Her kisses became stronger and more passionate, I felt myself kissing her more strongly and deeply. My chest began to heave up and down. She grabbed my blouse and pulled it over my head, my bra was exposed. She unbuttoned my jeans and slowly moved her hands down the lower part of my stomach and she touched the elastic on my panties. I felt the kisses move from my mouth down to my neck and to my breasts. I closed my eyes..

I almost fainted. Her fingers ran across my panties and touched me.. She pushed me down on this plush sofa aggressively and I landed on my back with a slight bounce. She started to undress. She pulled down the straps of her dress seductively and showed me the prettiest breasts that I have even seen. Beautiful and perfect. She stepped out of her dress and you could see the pink outline of the embroidery of her nude colored panties. At this moment something took over me, I wanted her... I wanted it... I wanted something to cool the burning that I was feeling. I was feeling hot, angry, and selfish all at the same time. I want to do this and worry about the consequences later. She pulled off her panties and she actually had a better body that I did. Not perfect but whom was I to judge? Perfect enough. She laid on top of me and kissed me again, she then moved her tongue down my neck and she smelled really nice... I inhaled her, her natural smell mixed with her perfume. I reached around my back, pulled off my bra and slid down my panties, she sat up and started to grind roughly on me. Strongly on me. Her mouth traced my breasts and licked them...She sucked them but didn't try to yank them off in the case of making love with a man. She knew exactly how hard to suck and to lick. I pulled her head up and kisses her again even more deeper, with my tongue flickering around between our mouths. I just wanted to drink her, to experience her... maybe to be her. I started to feel free.

I touched her body and touched the warmth between her legs. It was totally wet. I felt awkward, but it came naturally. I just knew that what makes me feel good would probably make her feel good.. I knew that she would guide me. I was so turned on and hot. I loved it because she took time with me..she touched me.. she kissed me, she didn't rush.. when she was done I was begging her....Fuck me..

Fuck me... I said softly in her ear breathing very deeply.... Fuck me. I felt her slide down and open my legs.

"You are so wet"

She opened my legs and put her mouth on my lower stomach and then on my lips. She licked at first and then she started to suck. My eyes began to roll backwards.. I felt dizzy.. She sucked stronger and then I felt her fingers moving in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out..She sucked, sucked, sucked, sucked and I let out a soft moan, then a stronger moan, then a louder moan..I felt waves..washing over me..
I felt the pressure building up and building up.. She started sucking deeper and her fingers were moving faster and faster and faster...She pulled out one finger and tasted it...

"I want to taste you".. She pushed them back in,out,in,out,in,out,in,out...

"uuuuuuuh!!!!!!!!!!!..." My god! I felt so good. I have never felt like that before. I immediately flipped her over on her back and hungrily opened her legs. I never did this before but I felt free, I felt so good. I felt relief for the first time in months. At this moment, I didn't care who it was, when or where... I just knew that I needed
it. I hiked her legs in the air and I could here hear her giggle. She was enjoying it. My whole mouth was wet, it was a combination of me and her... together. I wanted her to feel as good as I did. Secretly, I was loving every moment. She turned me out.

Once I heard her "sing" to the heavens, I released her and started to suck her toes.. I just wanted to give her pleasure like she was giving me.. I turned around slightly and I could barely make out the figure in the back but I didn't care. I needed this and I didn't want anything or anyone taking it away from me. I needed to grasp the moment in time and feel good.. After it ended, I put on my blouse and pulled up my jeans stuffing my panties into the pockets and wiping my mouth. I fingers smelled sweet.. nice. She put on her dress and grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room, but before she did… she gave me a single soft kiss. My drive was finally quenched.. for now. I was soo hungry. my eyes.. searched for something on the table on the way out of the house, but it was all gone..

I was in a daze getting into her car. Physically I felt so much better.
Relaxed and hungry. We stopped at a burger place and I ate the best burger I think I ever had in my life. It was warm hot steaming beef with the cool lettuce, hearty tomato and thick white mayo. I could feel the piping hot fries sliding down my throat filling my stomach washed down by the icy cold cola spike with cherry. I felt content...for once in a long time. Later, she turned down my street and drove up my driveway,
I got out and walked in. Trying not to jingle my keys to much to awaken my husband.
As I walked up the stairs, I felt lighter, happier. Overall, I felt better. I snuggled
into the space behind my husband and put arms around him. He moved his body so he knew I was there. Again, I felt happy and safe.

But, did I feel guilty?

For some strange reason.

Hell No.
© Copyright 2008 BLAZE (dorianblaze at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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