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Rated: E · Review · Drama · #1394465
hey everyone u have to read this book!! great review for it
ok hey everyone i know i havent written anything for a long time but i have new news!
i read this really great book called twilight,by Stephenie Meyer.she is a great wrighter. this is a great book for all ages but more young adults...i read it when i was 12 but now im 13 and i hear 18 year olds reading it too.this book is about vampires(yes i know that sounds dumb but it rocks)..so 17 year old bella goes off to live with her father charlie and ends up falling in love with a dangerous,but yet beautiful vampire named Edward.When i first heard about this book i was like ya umm no im not going to read this it sounds boaring.NOPE i was rong.before twilight i never read any books.but after this i have read twilight 9 times now and the other books of hers more then once! ya and i know im not that great of a wrighter so i cant make this sound more convincing but ill hook you up with some of these reviews from her website on the book! oh ya their will be a MOVIE comming out soon too and the 4th book in the series BREAKING DAWN! and her is her website-StephenieMeyer.com..enjoy

Stephenie Meyer's first novel Twilight is a gripping journey through the united worlds of fantasy and high school. As soon as I started reading Twilight, I couldn't stop. The plot is the thing that led me to the book in the start. Boy meets girl, girl likes boy, boy turns out to be a vampire. The characters are so vivid, so intense, that you feel like if you look up from the pages Isabella or Edward or Alice is going to be staring at you. This suspenseful novel leaves me with one question... Is there going to be a second?"

Kelly, 15

Twilight is one of the most moving books I have read in a long time. It kept me thinking about it long after I read the last page. Its heartbreaking romance and suspenseful twists made it hard for me to put the book down. Twilight allows the reader to experience a whole new outlook on vampires and how they interact around mankind. After reading this book I recommend it to anyone who would enjoy reading about an incredibly suspenseful romance."

Katie, age 16

Wow! I must admit, that when I heard about Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer, I was very intrigued. A book about a regular teenage girl— just like you and me— falling in love with a gorgeous vampire? Who wouldn't want to read it? I was hooked from the first page, and as I read it, it only got better. Twilight is great because it seems so ordinary; is it possible for this situation to happen in your life? Imagine seeing a guy, more handsome than any you've ever seen, and not being able to tear you eyes away from him. Imagine that the force of your mutual chemistry feels like electricity. I promise you that every girl will want to be Isabella Swan. Throw in a little danger, a sticky situation, and a love more powerful than either character has ever known, and what do you get? Stephenie Meyer's Twilight. It is definitely a book worth reading."

Rachel, 16

so ya and i know i cant get you to buy this book when you read this but you will be missing out on so much.i really do think this is the best book ever.I am 13 now and into so many books its funny!i never read before this.i was one of those people who like to sit around and watch tv .i used to think i rather die than read.i read twilight in 4 hours non stop.(couldnt put it down)now i love reading and im looking forward to the next book and soon to be movie! oh ya and just e-maill me if ur more intrested in this book or if u have any questions about this book before u buy it.IM TELLING YOU IT IS WORTH IT.but just some advice...dont get it from the lybrairy because they never have it or their is like long waiting lists :) so anyways oh ya some other good books are the series house of night novels by pc.cast and kristen cast....or in or out series bye claudia gabel.


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