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The first kiss doesn't happen only once......... |
Sixteen year old Audrey Campbell had never been kissed. Oh, she had been kissed by her doting parents many times. They always kissed her goodmorning and goodnight. A peck on the cheek was in order before she left for school, and another was planted on the forehead when she arrived home. She had gotten kisses from aunts, uncles, and grandparents as well. Her dog, Kipper, even gave her a lick each time she fed him. Her third grade sweetheart, Jason, had kissed her on Valentine's Day, but what had been intended for the lips instead landed on her chin because she was a full two inches taller. Audrey Campbell had never experienced the kind of kiss that makes the hands sweat and the heart flutter, that makes one feel that all is right with the world. That was all about to change, however. For at that very moment she was standing face to face with her first "real" boyfriend. They had begun dating four weeks before. Up till now the only intimacy they had was holding hands or hugging, or maybe the occasional peck on the cheek. On their third date, when they were comfortable enough with one another to be more open, Jason had said to her, "I have this thing for anniversaries. I like to remember the firsts. And I like to plan for the firsts. So many couples kiss on the first date, but I like to wait till our one month anniversary. I think it's more special." They made a date then and there to go to their favorite restaurant and then take an evening stroll in the park. And this is where they were at this moment, holding hands and gazing at each other, their faces glowing in the moonlight. Audrey's brown eyes were wide, and her mind was racing as Jason drew closer. Closing her eyes, she could feel his warm breath and smell his cologne. Her heartbeat quickened as he tightened his embrace and she felt soft lips brush hers ever so gently. He held her chin as they looked into one another's eyes, and he bent to kiss her once more. She had her arms wrapped around his neck, and she wanted to pull him to her again, but all too soon he turned away, took her hand, and led her back down the pathway..... Twenty-four year old Audrey Watson lifted her pregnant frame from the chair she had been sitting in for too long. It was late August, and her eight months were becoming difficult to bear. She was more than ready to have this baby and told herself that she had only a few weeks more. Alec, her husband of two years, offered his hand to help her up. He kissed her cheek and smoothed her hair from her forehead. "Whatever you need, I can get it", he said. Audrey smiled and said, "Can you go to the bathroom for me, dear?" Alec just chuckled, and the couple shared a kiss. She did love him so. Audrey thought often about when Alec first kissed her, not because it was romantic but because it was so unplanned. They had been in town on a date. Audrey had been asked to be in a friend's wedding, and she needed to buy some shoes to go with her bridesmaid dress. She and Alec had planned to go out that Saturday night, so she decided to get up early and get her shopping done. However, when Alec called and learned of her plans, he graciously offered to take her to town himself and spend the day with her. Audrey thought this very polite, being they had only been dating a few weeks. Then again, she recalled, Alec had been nothing but kind and gracious and courteous since the day they met at college. They had been shopping for hours. Audrey was beat and about to give up, but Alec had a positive attitude. They were sitting on a bench outside of what seemed like the hundredth shoe store they'd gone into. She was hot and tired and wanted to go back to her dorm. Alec put his arm around her and tried to cheer her up. "Hey, baby, I have a feeling that the next store we go into will have exactly what you're looking for." Audrey wasn't convinced, but she turned to him and gave him a tired smile. He made a silly face, and she returned it by crossing her eyes and sticking out her tongue. They both laughed. Then, suddenly, she felt his lips on hers. It happened so quickly that she wondered if she had imagined it. But she knew it was real when she saw Alec blushing and wearing a sheepish smile on his face. The day went great after the kiss. They went to yet another shoe store, and she spied the perfect shoes soon after they walked in. Alec seemed as happy as she did, and he took her to her favorite restaurant to celebrate. They talked over dinner then shared dessert. Two hours later they headed back to their dorms for an early night. It had been a wonderful day, but Audrey was very tired. Alec dropped her off by her dorm but not before giving her a nice, long kiss. She had gone to bed that night a very happy girl, indeed. In fact, as Audrey recalled, she somehow knew that this wonderful man would someday be her husband. Two years later, her prediction came true. When she got her first kiss as Mrs. Alec Watson, she felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Audrey suddenly woke in the middle of the night. She looked to see what time it was. Two-seventeen. What had awakened her? A sharp pain in her lower back startled her, and she gasped. Could it be? Of course it could be. It should be. She was a full week past her due date. The doctor wasn't concerned, but he wanted to see her the following week. She lay still in the darkness, bracing herself for another pain. When another hit her, she looked at the clock. Twelve minutes had passed. Should she wake Alec? The pains weren't severe, and the doctor had said to not call till they were five minutes apart. She had seen plenty of tv shows where the wives woke their husbands who panicked and sped them to the hospital only for it to be a false alarm. As she tried to decide what to do, she heard her husband's steady breathing. She decided to wait to see if the pains continued. Feeling restless, and so as not to wake Alec, she got up to get a drink of water and go to the bathroom. Just as she stood, she felt something trickle down her leg. She rushed to the bathroom just before her water broke, and she stood in a puddle. Thinking of what next to do, she heard movement and looked up to see her husband peeking around the doorway. His eyes grew wide at the sight of her, and he began asking her so many questions so quickly that she could only stand there in her soaking pajamas. Gathering his wits, Alec took his wife's hand and helped her remove her pajamas. He got some towels and wiped up the puddle while Audrey changed clothes. The pains were becoming closer and sharper. For the first time that night, Audrey realized that she and Alec were about to become parents. Audrey gazed at her newborn daughter. She couldn't take her eyes off the tiny life in her arms. Alec was standing at her bedside, mesmerized by the miracle as well. He caressed her soft cheek then smoothed her light brown silken hair. She was minutes old and fast asleep, content and safe in her mother's arms. Audrey was afraid to move, afraid she would break her. Her flawless, fair skin made her look like a porcelain doll. But she was real. Audrey bent to nuzzle her baby's nub of a nose. So tiny and perfect. To her parents, Emma Grace Watson was perfect indeed. Audrey breathed in the smell of her then did what she had been wanting to do all along. Gently she touched her lips to her daughter's delicate cheek---a mother's first kiss. |