Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1394244-Effort-is-the-key
by 2hands
Rated: E · Article · Educational · #1394244
This article focuses on effort in general and how we need to give more.
Effort is the Key

Effort is the one quality that always has to be ongoing. How much real effort have you given to your goals or dreams? All of us what more in this thing called life. Whether it's a bigger home, better position on your job or just the chance to enjoy more luxuries. It’s human nature to want just a little bit more. We almost all live by the creed "more is better" Which is not always a negative ideology. Giving maximum "effort" produces maximum effects. I'm not saying anything here most of you have not heard before. The equation is quite simple. Whatever effort you put out, you will receive that much or more back. Excellent theory, right. All the eloquent words in the world won't change that basic principle. So if you are out here giving a half-hearted effort but steadily complaining about not getting ahead don’t; it is your own fault.

You are doing yourself a disservice to not take the time to look at the cause of the problem within. It stands to reason that you may not be giving your all to the situation. Increase your effort and I almost guarantee you will increase your results. If you don’t believe that then look at the cold facts of plus and minuses. For example if you are a salesman and you only knock on five doors, you chances of making a sale are not going to be great. However, if you knock on one hundred doors the probability of you making a sale has automatically skyrocketed. Don’t leave your life up to a roll of the dice. Get up, get out and hit the floor running. If you fail, guess what you are in good company. Most successful people failed hundreds of times but it’s the one time they accomplished their feat is what is remembered. There is a song by Donnie Mc Clurkin that is entitled "We fall down “. A lot of you may be familiar with the lyrics “We fall down, but we get up". That’s a mouthful right there. Don't sweat the small stuff. Hurdles, problems, and issues will be constant in your life. How you deal with these elements, will separate you from the pack. Are you an ordinary person just passing through this life or are you extraordinary, put here to make a difference? It’s time to stop the pity party and do what you are destined to do. Effort is the secret ingredient that separates the good from the great. Someone once was quoted saying the definition of CRAZY is doing the exact same thing but expecting different results. I don’t know about you but it makes perfect sense to me. Once you give all the effort you can then you can be satisfied with the results.

> >
> >I'm striving for balance in my lifetime
> >Closed my eyes toward the sky
> >Searching for a clue, tell me what should I do
> >A journey to my inner world-disconcerns bad curves
> >A positive force pulls the strings of my ill world
> >Craving for direction, influences my sessions
> >Two paths feel the wrath, I choose this learning
> >lesson
> >In the mist, can I twist all my wrongs into rights
> >Opening Pandora's box, it's the curse of my life
> >Took the bait, didn't hesitate but evil sometimes
> >lurks
> >But when God is the force in your life, you can
> >Breathe easy, Exhale--Foolishness I don't deal
> >Meditate while I kneel, all my prayers always real
> >Convey mental energies, Currently your sending me
> >Mixed signals of hope--never trip off those enemies
> >Don't fold your control...I strive to be bold
> >With some effort, many blessings, my sanity flows
> >Wicked ways of the world, shake to wake all my mind
> >power
> >The key is in "ME" to stand tall like a tower
> >I'm not innocent nor naive, yet still I believe
> >In life, love, and happiness pluse real peace
> >So my Pandora's Box is unlocked..let me deal
> >Lord, please bless my soul, help me to reveal.
© Copyright 2008 2hands (jennswords at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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