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What might this chapter show us?
Isaiah 4

What are the seven women?

Ephesians 5: 23-33 : a great mystery, Christ and the church.
Revelation 1:4: John to the seven churches
Mark 8: 17-21: fragments in verses 19 and 20

Though the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea yet a remnant shall return, or be saved. The Lord said gather the fragments that nothing be lost.

What is the bread?

John 6:35 I am the bread of life.
John 6: 48 - 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven

We all know the scriptures about the clothing of the Lord. The robe of righteousness, shield of faith, shoes of the gospel, diadem of beauty and crown of glory.

Those seven churches will want to be called Christian to remove the reproach in their own eyes while wanting their own bread and raiment. Isaiah said our own righteousness is as filthy rags. The covering they choose and the words they choose are filthy abominable flesh. As written, they have a covering, but not of my Spirit! All they have is their opinion of what the Lord is and not the rightly divided word of truth brought forth by the Spirit.

What is the Branch?

Isaiah 11: 1 : A Branch shall grow out of his roots. Verses 2 - 5 show the seven Spirits, or eyes on this one stone and the clothing he gives us in part.
Isaiah 14: 19 : An abominable branch is as the raiment of the slain. Some had the filthy rags of abominable works and doctrines to cover them. A branch of the devil!
Jeremiah 23: 5 : The days will come when the Lord will raise a righteous Branch. Christ, our covering and righteousness.
Jeremiah 33: 15 : The righteous branch is called she as the the Spirit of God was in a body prepared like unto but NOT sinful flesh. He took on the form of man, or the bride and walked without sin for that bride.
Zechariah 3: 8 : The Lord's servant, the Branch would have seven eyes upon it. The seven Spirits of God. The fulness of the Godhead.
Zechariah 6: 12 : This righteous Branch would grow up out of place. Born of a virgin. Come out of dry ground as Isaiah 53:2 says.

The Branch that beautiful and glorious would be the Son of God born of a virgin and having the fulness of the Godhead. He would be the one that would cause the fruit of the Spirit to grow within the earth. The earth is man who is formed from the dust of the ground as Genesis says.

Who are those who remaineth?

Psalm 68:12 : she that tarried at home divided the spoil.
Psalm 119:162 : word as great spoil
Luke 24: 49 : tarry in Jerusalem until endued with power from on high
Acts 1: 8 : Power is the Holy Ghost
Acts 2: 1 - 4 Baptism of the Holy Ghost
Romans 1: 4 declared to be the Son of God according to the Spirit of holiness. The Holy Ghost.

Who are those written?

Psalm 139: 16 : all my members written before they existed
Psalm 87: 6 the Lord knew them when he writeth up the people

The Lord had already written the names of those who would follow him in the book of life. They would be led of his Spirit and tarry at Jerusalem until endued with that Spirit. As David said in Psalms, those who heard of him would immediately submit to him. They would tarry at the heavenly Jerusalem in Hebrews 12: 22. Those who do not tarry are as written in 1 John 2: 19

What is the Spirit of judgment and burning?

Isaiah 33: 5 he has filled Zion with judgment and righteousness
Zechariah 7: 9 execute true judgment
Zechariah 8: 16 execute judgment of truth and peace

Jesus said the word he speaks is spirit and life. That word written in our hearts and minds shows true righteousness and the covenant of peace when the Spirit rightly divides it.

What is the Spirit of burning?

Jeremiah 20: 9 his word was as a fire shut up in my bones
Luke 24: 32 did not our heart burn within us

That Spirit of burning is the word of God withing our minds and hearts. The renewing of the Spirit causing a burning desire to hear that word as we tarry at Jerusalem.

What are the clouds?

Judges 5: 4 his clouds dropped water
Isaiah 55:10, 11 show the water as the word
Deuteronomy 32:2 shows the water as word
Jesus spake of the water as the Spirit
Psalm 68: 34 his strength is in the clouds
Psalms says where the word of a king is there is power
Psalm 104:3 the clouds are his chariots
Genesis shows that Joseph (Jesus in a similtude) rode in the second chariot

What is the smoke?

Isaiah 6:4 the house was filled with the smoke
1 Kings 8: 10, 11 shows the smoke was the glory of God that filled the house

What is the flaming fire?

Psalm 104: 4 his ministers are a flaming fire
Psalm 105:32 one of the plagues was hail as rain and flaming fire that ran along the ground

Part of that plague may have been ministers (Moses and Aaron) that brought forth the word (hail as rain) as a judgment on pharaouh

What is the defence?

Psalm 62:6 He only is my rock and my defence
Ecclesiastes 7: 12 wisdom is a defence
1 Corinthians 1: 24 Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God

What is the tabernacle for a shadow?

Psalm 17: 8 HIDE ME under the shadow of thy wings
Psalm 57: 1 REFUGE " " " " " "
Psalm 63: 7 REJOICE " " " " " "
Exodus 37: 9 wings of cheribums over the mercy seat

What do we hide in? The mercy of God!
What do we take refuge in? The mercy of God!
What do we rejoice in? The mercy of God!
Where is that mercy? At the mercy seat in the tabernacle!

What is that tabernacle?

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