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Rated: ASR · Other · Action/Adventure · #1393745
Steve and Sally meet again after 16 years.
Love Conquers All Part II: Two Worlds Collide

When the two of them hit the door they exploded with passions that lit the fires of their soul.  The two of them threw caution to the wind and went for it.  With out a doubt or care other then that very moment.  As they made love to each other they bared their hearts and their souls to one on other.  After they were finished they laid their with the lights down low just talking. 

So tell me how the hell are u Italian with a name like Ulrich anyway?  That’s easy.  Mom was married before I adopted that name.  Long boring story.  So Steve how do you feel.  Amazing I feel better then you can ever imagine.  Its like I been reborn.  Like part of me came alive again for the first time.  Its funny I don’t think I ever felt like this before.  She replied.  I never knew a person who could have so much passion built up inside of them.  Its just the way you touch and do certain things that just makes a girl feel real good. 

In the morning Steve went home.  He woke up early and was really tired.  She drove him to his house to get clothes for work.  His answering machine was next to the couch on the end table.  Which also had a lamp on it he tossed his coat on the couch it hit the lamp knocking it over onto the machine.  He went to pick the lamp up and the coat when he pulled back the coat and saw their was one message.  He looked at the caller id he knew who it was from.  So he listened. 

Hey Steve its me Sally listen I know this is a bit sudden but I am coming to see you.  I can’t live with the fact that you sit their waiting for me anymore.  I am so sorry I ever left.  Yes baby I am coming home for us to be together.  So he dialed her number in an attempt to stop her from coming. Machine picked up and an angry man was talking on the machine.  Said this is the Rogers residence.  Sally is no longer here so if you’re calling for her she left for America last night.  She won’t be back.  Its only me and my kids BeeeeeeeP!!!!!

Just then Alice walked in.  Feeling on the spot his first instinct was to make up a lie, but then he thought about last night last thing he wanted to do is lie to her.  Alice sit down I got something for you to hear.  He played the message for her.  She was in shock.  Listen Alice this was dated last night when we were out u can see that by looking at the machine.  I already tried to call to stop her from coming here listen to what her machine says.  He dialed the number it went right to the machine.  It also played for her.  So she is coming here! 

Alice said so what now!  Steve grabbed both sides of his head and squatted down trying to process all this.  The more he thought the more angry about it he started to get.  To the point tears started coming out of his eyes.  A flood of different emotions filled him.  Everything to why me?  I can’t believe this! to what am I going to do now? 

Alice stood up and said look.  I can see your about to burst right now so I am not going to torture you with stupid questions.  But I need to know how you are going to handle this.  So this is what I am going to do.  I am going to work.  You obviously won’t do any good their.  Call out and think this over.  You want me to come by later or call? 

You actually understand?  Steve said in disbelief.  Yeah most girls would be forcing you to make a decision right now.  But I won’t and you know why?  Why Alice?  Cause I have faith in what happen between us last night.  Funny thing is I think its you having to close this chapter and move on.  Just know I love you!  Steve said thank you so much for how you are reacting believe me its means everything to me.  Come by after work ill be here.  Ok she said.  She started to walk out without a kiss or anything.  Steve stopped her.  And spun her around.  Kissed her deeply on the mouth and said I love you Alice.  She smiled and said I love you too.  Then went out the door.

Steve flopped on the couch and started to cry and shouted Why me?  I wait 16 fucking years to move on and I finally do and I get this.  What is it I didn’t suffer enough?  16 years Sally I loved you and waited for you.  But you never came.  You moved on and then just when I get the courage to move on and have the best night of my life you poison it by coming back profession your love oh I made a mistake I am sorry. 

Just then a knock on the door a male voice said hey bro its me mark open up I just talked to Alice.  Let me in dude.  Its open he shouted.  Mark saw him in a heap on the couch crying.  Mark said Alice told me everything dude this is so fucked up man I can’t believe this shit.  Wear does Sally get off leaving u a message like that on a machine.  Steve replies I guess she thought I was doing my usual waiting away for her.  Look man if I say the wrong shit don’t flip I am just pissed man.  Mark Its cool man I know its not you or Alice. 

Alice is afraid your going to leave her for Sally are you?  She didn’t say it out loud but u can see she was crying.  He jumped up she was?  Yeah man.  Dude can you fucking believe this?  The night I move on Sally decide she wants me back.  I waited for her for 16 year and you mean all I needed to do is wait 12 more hours and she would be mine?  Dude I had the most amazing time last night.  I came in this morning.  Fuck me mark said you mean you guys did it?  No we stayed up and played bingo. 

Smart ass mark said sounds like u B Ied her NGO.  Steve started to laugh  you’re funny.  Dude I am so fucking confused right now and Sally left last night god knows when she is going to show up. 

Just then a knock came to the door.  Then it opened.  Its me honey.  Surprise!  It was Sally.  Mark said listen man I am out you need me call me.  He left.  Sally looked at Steve he didn’t look surprised at all or happy.  What’s wrong?  I know baby your right we have a lot to talk about.  But I never could get over you waiting for me.  You wasted your life waiting for me I feel horrible I had to come back. 

Sally Steve said.  Exactly 12 hours ago I was on a date with a woman who was amazing.  I felt things I never felt in years.  Everything was perfect then when I was taking her home that’s when you called I got your message maybe 20 min ago.  She just left.  I was moving on.  Now here you are! 

Steve listen I know this is sudden but you have to know I always thought about you!  Really Sally you think about me when you were making your three kids.  Were you thinking about me when you laid down every night with your husband.  That’s not fair!  Steve what we had could never be duplicated and you not going to with that girl.  Oh yeah I saw her leave it doesn’t matter.  We had a love that set the world on fire.  Steve replied really sally I think Italy cured that.  Bullshit Steve I always called and seen how you were I never could get you out of my head.  You kind of hard to forget.  Yeah that’s what they say and yet I was lonely for years.  Its like my family in a lot of ways everyone forgot I was alive. 

Steve you remember the hospital.  You’re an asshole Sally.  I knew you would go their.  You think a kiss from Alice would save you?  Remember Steve Our love Conquers All.  Remember when you took down my ex in the hospital what you said.  Its not about you its about us.  Our love the perfect circle with no beginning and no end bring you back to life.  No mater how long it takes or how much we have to fight nothing or no one will ever tare us apart forever.  Your words Steve.  Your telling me you lied and all your love stuff is just crap. 

Steve shouted you left me!  I was lonely I waited for you for 16 years hoping and praying you and I could continue the greatest love story ever told in life.  Then you have the balls to sit here and question my heart.  You took the first thing smoking and started a family and never looked back  you sit their call my mom when asking about me.  Then call me to do what rub it in. 

No Steve I missed you!  Sally you didn’t miss you hit me right in the heart and it bleeds and it broke.  It took 16 years to heal.  I want to fix it baby.  Let me heal your heart Steve.  Your not the woman for the job. 

Listen to me Steve I spent everything I had left and gave up my family my own kids if that’s not love I don’t know what is.  Steve replied well maybe you should go back.  Cause your dead to me now fucking leave. 

No Steve I am not leaving till you listen to me.  Your not doing this.  You had one date with some dumb bitch theirs no way that out does what we had. 

You don’t get it.  Do you Sally its about your heart.  I love Alice and I am over you.  You gave up if you give up on love its not pure.  What we had might have been close but its not real if it didn’t last. 

Our love was pure you poisoned it.  Even if you came back it would of never worked out.  You killed it why?  Cause I got jealous and beat the crap out of some kid.  It was more then that.  I was afraid.  I was afraid of us it was too strong I didn’t understand it.  Steve I couldn’t breathe when I thought how I felt about you.  I got scared and ran once I did I realized their was no going back.  Then It never went away it just stayed their every time I made love to my husband I made love to you.  All my kids I had with you. 

Ask my husband who I really love he will tell you it was you.  Damn it Steve I was alone too.  Every Christmas new years I cried every time I walked into a room I saw you their.  I lived what you lived.  Till I could not do it anymore.  I had to come back.  You have a right to be mad but don’t let anger ruin the perfect love.  Knowing how you felt makes me sure that we were meant to be.

Steve jumped in When my heart beat it beated once for me and once for you.  Tears flowed from his eyes.  I would of done anything for you.  You were everything without you I was nothing and became nothing.  I believed that. 

Without true love in my life I am nothing.  But Sally our love is poisoned.  I live with it everyday when I wake up.  I hate you coming here like this now.  You have no idea what happened to me yesterday.  I met the perfect woman for me.  I became who I was again.  My soul was resurrected from the hell you threw it into. 

I remember it all Sally id die for you! I am nothing without love!  Jesus Christ I think I was possessed by the ghost of Bon Jovi.  Sally laughed.  Yeah slippery when wet right.  That’s the Steve I know.

Look Sally your life is in italy its not here anymore.  You going to give up your kids for me?  Look you have to be realistic here.  What about your kids?  Don’t you think they will miss you.  Whoever this guy is he stuck by you the last 16 years.  If he isn’t the one so what.  You have to make it work. 

Sally returned.  You have no idea how hard it really is going threw this everyday.  It got so bad I made the choice to come here.  Steve replied you can’t live your life everyday in the past.  Sally replied why you did it?  You never gave up that was always you never give up on someone.  Look sally I should of long ago I wasted my life and the love I have in my heart.  I wasted it crying over you.  Its not right anymore.

It can’t work.  You have kids you will want to see them.  And I will not move to Italy and your husband will never move them here for your convenience.  Your kids need you Sally.  Then what about us Steve?  Sally you got caught up in a whirlwind of love long ago.  So did I?  you were afraid it happens.  Steve I am truly sorry I left you if could take it back baby I sware to god I would. 

Hardest part of this is I know you would now and that will help me heal.  But I can’t let you give your kids up for me cause their 3 lives at stake.  Even if it were yesterday and I never met Alice I couldn’t let this happen.  The fact you traveled half way around the world means a lot its just our time was yesterday it can never be today. 

Sally said I can’t except that.  Steve just kiss me once if you don’t feel it anymore I sware I will walk away.  I can’t sally I have someone now and you of all people know I would never do anything like that to her.  Sally said I know how you are and I expected you to say that.  But you listen to me Steve Ulrich before I leave here I will have one last kiss with you.  And when I do you will feel it again and then you will be mine. 

Sally your thinking crazy here I am not kissing you.  Oh yeah you will I promise you that Steve I promise you that.  These full precious lips saved your life and they are connected to your soul.  You know in your heart that one kiss could not only bring you to life but it could take you away from Alice and put you in my arms forever.  What’s the matter Steve you know I am right don’t you.  Steve started shifting around very uncomfortably at the statements by Sally.

I waited 16 years just like you Steve.  And I am not leaving without it.  You will leave without it sally cause it not something I will ever give you cause my heart belongs to someone else.  You will Steve one way or the other I guarantee that!  Well you better be willing to take it cause I never give it.  And I doubt you can force me to do it.  She walks to the door Steve I guarantee you will.

I didn’t wait 16 years give up my husband and kids to come here and you to get all nice guy on me.  At the risk of sounding cliché.  Who better to take you over to the dark side.  Ask yourself this.  You know how strong our love was once.  If we knew a love that strong how strong do you think my determination and will could be.  You ever stop and think you may not have a choice but to kiss me cause ill do anything even if it means taking it.  But no I am the nice girl right.  But nice gets you so far sometimes you have to just take it.  Go practice on your girlfriend cause those lips belong to me.  She walked out and shut the door.
Steve stayed to himself the rest of that day trying to piece together the last 24hours.  He decided to write in his journal to pass the time. 

It’s a very weird 24 hours for me ear do I start.  I found the love of a lifetime then it was immediately tested by my worst fear.  Someone please tell me what the hell is going on.  Alice is a goddess damn you should see her to believe her.  Not only is she absolutely stunning to look at.  But the way about her.  She is every bit the way she looks.  Her eyes can peer threw you and reach your soul her touch can raise you from the depths of hell and her kiss can set you soul on fire.  It was amazing

Then I get home next morning.  Leaving details out here.  And who called me but sally  not only called to say she was coming back to me but shows up at my door.  Alice took it so well suggested I call out and handle this.  She has my back so much.  Funny thing is she has so much faith in me its not funny. 

Then I see sally Son of a bitch she looked good but I think the chic went psycho.  She started saying something about I will kiss her and threw up in my face about how it brung me back to life and it will bring me back to her. 

I never saw her like that it actually kinda freaks me out.  Who the hell knows whats up with this chic anyway.  Me I am still a case here.  I totally blew sally off.  I have to see what Alice has to offer.  I loved sally but she wronged me.  Its that simple.  She did something to me I will never forget.  I sat their 16 years I move on and she shows up its like she knew or something.  Even if she did its an insult.  Someone is knocking I think its Alice got to go.

He went to the door it was Alice.  Come in he said I am so glad to see you.  Are yeah she replied.  He walked up to her and kissed her deeply on the mouth.  Damn maybe you are! She said

I saw Sally she came here.  Alice asked What happened?  He went on to explain every detail of the conversation.  Even the parts he rather leave out. 

Can I ask you something Steve?  Yeah babe anything!  You waited for her for 16, then years you have one night with me.  Why are you not running to her?  She betrayed me and I deserve better then to be forgotten.  Plus I am not an idiot either I know what I did was wrong but it wasn’t wrong enough for her to run out on what we had.  She got scared!  How does something pure and true scare you?  And if it does is it real? 

I spent 16 years waiting hurting over her, knowing we had the perfect love.  But was it?  How could it be if she left.  Now when I find something that feels so right to me she is going to come back with her story of I left my husband and kids for you?  Can’t you see Alice she tainted our love we had for ever.

How could it be pure as it was when she poisoned it.  That’s the point cause of her actions it could never again be that pure.  Its over.  She ruined it I knew it when I saw her.

But Steve you know she came half way around the world to see you, you really think she will give up?  It doesn’t matter anymore.  She can beg me all she wants.  The fact is maybe she needs to know what its like to have someone say no to her.  And to know how much she wants it.  It will never happen cause that what she did to me.

Steve I don’t think she is going to give up and sure as hell don’t think this is over by a long shot.  You said she said that you will kiss her.  To be honest she sounds like she is getting a very lethal obsession here.  If she felt like you did Steve.  You might just have to hide!
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