Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1392107-Fight-To-Live
Rated: 18+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #1392107
3. Heather has to face reality,....the world is not home anymore.
The lights flickered briefly in the cafeteria, an aroma of beans and spice filled Heather's nose as she inhaled.John pointed to a bench for her sit and gave her stern silent look of displeasure. Heather watched him as he walked to the kitchen to deposit her collected can food. Heather scanned the room and looked at her survival family. No more than twenty-five people made this clan. There were no children under the age of nine.Heather looked at Daniel, a thin timid eleven year old and smiled. It was two weeks after the outbreak when she had found him hidden in a bathroom at a gas station.
Heather closed her eyes and rested her head on her folded arms. She couldn't imagine not having Daniel her life.
John walked up behind Heather and placed a cup of beans with steamed white rice mixed in, in front of her. " You better eat the meal before someone else does. I know its rough out there but you have to stay strong for the family we have here." He set a cup of water in front of her and turned on his heavy heels and walked away leaving silence in the air.
Heather sat up straight and put the cup to her lips slurping a mouth full of food. she stared at Daniel and began to think back on the day they met. She could smell fire and death every where she turned. She had been traveling on foot with a iron rod, a pink back pack with crackers and jerky,and a picture of her dead parents. She knew that she couldn't take much of anything if she wanted to out run the undead. Her sleeping situation was the most dangerous and vulnerable time. She would do a day or two with out sleep, afraid she would be ambushed by dozens of zombies while she slept. heather took another big gulp of warm food into her mouth and continued to daze.
It was around ten a.m when she had made it to the gas station on Belmont ave. she heard faint crying and became uneasy. It took her awhile to gather up nerve because she knew that she would have to kill the undead that were locked in the store if they found a way out. she inched slowly towards the gree peeling painted door. Her knuckles were wite and her skin streched paper thin while gripping the iron bar. The crying was more audible now that she was two inches away from the door. "hello....are you okay in there? Are you wounded? My name is Heather. I am not inffected. So if you want help PLEASE answer me."
The door knob turned slowly and opened just a crack. Heather felt the hairs prick up on her neck and she was ready to pounce like a lion waiting for prey. She knew she had to becareful if she wanted live past today. A tiny tan arm appeared out of the door and a small boy steped out shielding his eyes from sunlight.Heather jabbed him in the gut lightly and demanded to know if he was inffected.
The boy was still sobbing, obviously scared and starved. "My name is Daniel." He blinked trying to adjust to the pure light form the morning sun."Don't kill me. Im a good boy." Daniel was sobbing hard in between words and barley could hold himself up.
Heather Turned him around and lifted his shirt up and searched his body for any wounds."Are you hungry? we better leave now before we get caught by the Dead." She started walking East and waved her arm letting Daniel know to follow her. She knew he was slower and might slow her down at night but thought of human connection again was worth it. She bent down and picked a pair of cracked sun glasses of the floor and tossed them to daniel."we will stop as soon as it safe so you can eat. How long were you in that bathroom Daniel?" Heather glanced back at him and her eyes widen with paralyzing fear."RUN DANILE!! RUN TO ME!"
© Copyright 2008 Veronica.D.G (fredyspaws at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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