Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1391786-The-Fall-of-the-Greatest-Empire
Rated: E · Essay · History · #1391786
essay on the causes of the collapse of civilization
With time everything dies. Why should civilization be any different? It too will surely diminish. And the causes that eventually trigger the collapses are repetitive. The aged platitude “history repeats itself” is genuinely true. The greatest Empires of all time have risen and fallen with predictable symptoms. Rome, Byzantium, Egypt, Britain, the Holy Roman Empire, and many others have all suffered the same defeat and it seems far too evident that one day America may also fade.
The collapses of the civilizations were caused by waves of lethargy that spread through the land like a pandemic. People enthralled themselves with luxury and would stop at nothing to obtain even more. They cursed education and soon lazy, uneducated masses dominated. This sounds frightfully familiar too our own easy lives in America. We wrap ourselves in comfort, rotting away hours in front of the television, making sure to not engage in anything productive. Americans have to get off the couch. If we fail to our doom is imminent. It may be dramatic, but it’s true.
The collapse of the British and Ottoman Empires were not even all that long ago, within the 1900’s. And the causes of the fall of these massive nations are what America is suffering; lethargy, political division, pleasure seeking, corruption, and loss of authority. If we don’t do something to stop these faults now history will repeat itself, resulting in the fall of Earth’s greatest empire, the United States.
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