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by Bunny
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Fantasy · #1391650
This is a sample of a story I am working on. Let me know what you think.
         The clouds rolled in as the yellow taxi pulled up to the simple house. An elderly woman got out of the taxi slowly with a solemn look on her face. She sighed as she pushed a stray gray hair from her eyes. Closing the taxi's door she walked up to the door of the house and set her simple small suitcase down. As she lifted her hand to knock, she paused. Sighing to herself, all the elderly woman could think about was the young woman inside. The young woman who was now all alone in the world. Finally she brought her hand to the door and knocked slowly three times.
         After several moments, the door finally opened and a young woman stood there. Her smoldering grey eyes were red and blotchy from hours spent crying. Her normally shiny black hair was now dull and she looked like she had literally had the life sucked out of her. After realization hit her, the young woman threw her arms around the elderly woman and let out a cry.
         "Nani!" she cried as she embraced her, finally letting all her emotions pour out.
         "There, there, my little Mika," Nani cooed as she stroked the young woman's hair. "I'm here now. I will make things better. Let's get inside."

         "So, little bird, how are you holding up?" Nani said as she handed Mika a cup of tea.
         Mika shrugged, “I am doing as well as can be expected." Mika sighed as she took a sip of her tea. "Mmm, green tea with honey and lemon. Just how I like it."
         Nani smiled and hugged the small framed girl. After releasing her, she took her hands, "Have you spoken to the lawyers yet?"
         "Yes, I have. I called them this morning," Mika sighed. "That is why I asked you to come here so suddenly."
         "Oh? Has it been determined who shall assume guardianship over you then?" Nani asked clearly concerned. She had loved Mika since the day she was born, and now was concerned as to whom would be supervising her upbringing for the years to come.
         "According to the will, guardianship goes to you, Nani," Mika said slowly.
         Nani's eyes lit up, "Me? You will be coming home with me?" Mika nodded. "Oh, this is wonderful! I cannot wait to tell my daughter. She will be thrilled to have a young lady in the house."
         "Are you sure it is alright? I don’t want to be a burden to you or your family," Mika said sorrowfully.
         "Are you kidding? You are like family to me," Nani said as she looked at the clock on the stove. "Oh my, look how the time flies. You must get some sleep. Tomorrow we will work on getting all your things packed so we can go to your new home. I just know you will love Tokyo."
         Mika yawned, "Yes Nani. I cannot wait. I love this home, but being there just holds too many painful memories. The sooner we leave the better. Besides, my uncle wants me out of the house by Friday anyways."
         "Well my little one," Nani said as she laid her hand over Mika's. "We shall make sure we are out of here and on a plane by Thursday."
         Mika smiled, "Good night Nani."
         "Good night little one."


         The mansion was quiet, just the way he liked it. Mamoru opened his bedroom door a crack and peered into the hallway, confirming that the hallway was empty. He smiled a smile that could render any girl weak at the knees as he secured his long ebony hair into a ponytail and grabbed his leather jacket that hung on a chair at the desk against the far wall, tonight was the perfect night to go out for a late night ride. Now all he had to do was get out without his parents seeing him. After slipping it on, he entered the hallway, securely closing the door behind him and stalked down the hall towards the master staircase. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he noticed the light peering from down the left hall. Mamoru moved towards the light until he was near his mother's drawing room, and waited patiently, listening in on the words his mother was saying.
         "Oh my, how awful," he heard his mother say. As he looked through the crack in the door, he saw that she was on the phone with someone. "Mother, of course I understand. I wouldn't have it any other way."
         Grandmother? Mamoru thought, but she left for America yesterday? He listened closely, now extremely interested in what his grandmother was speaking with his mother about.
         "The poor thing, of course. I will have everything ready upon your arrival. Well yes, we will have her things sent here, but I am not sure how long that will take. I will make sure and take her to get some new things. Living in a new home is difficult, especially after the tragedy she has already had to endure."
         She? Tragedy? Living in a new home? What the hell is going on? Mamoru thought. He then decided that his ride would have to wait, he was far too interested in finding out just what was going on.
         "Yes, we will have the car pick the two of you up the day after tomorrow. Don't you worry about a thing, mother, I will take care of everything here. Be safe," Akina said just before she hung up the phone, and then looked up. "You know, my dear son, it is not nice to eavesdrop."
         Knowing he had been discovered, Mamoru opened the parlor door and strolled inside, "Was that Grandmother? How is her trip to America going?"
         Akina smiled, knowing the love her son felt for his grandmother, "Yes, it was. She will be coming home the day after tomorrow. We will also be having a new houseguest. I would greatly appreciate it if you were at least somewhat kind to her."
         Mamoru did a double take, "Her!? What the hell?"
         Akina scowled at her son's choice of language, "Yes, her. A very dear friend of your grandmother's has humbly requested that her daughter be allowed to stay here. So she will be arriving with your grandmother the day after tomorrow."
         "Why is this girl being allowed to stay here? What are they homeless or something? Trying to get a free hand-out?" Mamoru said with a smirk. "I'll bet they just figure they can use their friendship with Grandmother to their advantage."
         "Enough!" Akina yelled angrily. Mamoru had only rarely seen his mother truly angry and wondered why. "If this is how you will behave, I don't want you to have anything to do with her. She has had it hard enough as it is and doesn't need the likes of you to keep adding to her troubles."
         "Whatever," Mamoru said as he turned towards the door. "As long as she stays out of my way, I will stay out of hers." With those words, he headed for the door and went out into the night.


         Mika stood in awe and amazement as she walked through the Tokyo Airport. Never before had she seen so many people in her whole life. Nani smiled as she observed the young woman as she picked up her bags.
         "Stay close, little one. I don't want you getting lost. The driver should be waiting just outside to take us home," Nani said comfortingly. Mika nodded and followed Nani outside the airport. The wind whisked by Mika as she walked through the doors to the outside. She looked up as she saw Nani speaking with an older man standing next to a black limo. Nani walked with the man to the back of the limo and he opened the trunk and placed her suitcase inside.
         "Come here, little one," Nani called to her. Mika scurried to her side, bags in hand. "Mika, this is Jonus. He is the Kato family's personal driver. Jonus, this is Mika. She will be staying with us from now on."
         Jonus bowed his head, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mika. Let me take your bags so we can be on our way. You both must be very tired after your journey." Mika handed him her bags, muttering a 'thank you' and he closed the trunk and hurried to open the door for Nani and Mika. They both climbed in and soon they were off. Mika sat there in silence for most of the trip, focusing on the sights outside the car window as Nani chattered away to Jonus about her trip. Before they knew it, they had pulled up to large iron gates that lead to a beautiful mansion. There were rose gardens everywhere. It looked like paradise.
         "This is where you live?" Mika asked wide eyed.
         Nani nodded, "Yes, and this is now your home."
         The car pulled up to large steps that lead to an exquisitely designed front door, where a beautiful woman was standing next to an older gentleman waiting for the car to come to a stop. The gentleman moved to open the door closest to Nani, who gracefully stepped out of the limo and the gentleman moved to open Mika's door. Mika slowly and cautiously got out and walked around the back of the limo and stood beside Nani, who was busy embracing the woman standing on the steps.
         "Oh Mother," she said as she embraced her. "I have missed you so."
         "And I you, my daughter," Nani said as she pulled away and gestured towards Mika, "This is Mika, Mika; this is my daughter and mistress of this house, Akina Kato."
         Mika bowed deep, "It is an honor to meet you, Mrs. Kato."
         Akina smiled as she embraced Mika tightly, "No, the honor is mine. Welcome to my home, and please call me Akina." As she let go of Mika, she turned to the gentleman that had been standing there patiently, "Take Miss Yukimura's things to her room." The man nodded and carried her bags inside.
         Mamoru grabbed his helmet that was hanging on the dining room chair and trotted outside the door, nearly being ran over by the butler carrying several large bags.
         "What the hell?!" he exclaimed as he slid by, barely making it before the butler ran him over. "Mother, what the hell is up with all the bags being brought...?" Mamoru called to his mother as he walked out the front door stopping in his tracks as he saw that his mother was not alone.
         "Ah," Akina said, "This is perfect timing. Son, this is our guest, Mika. Remember, she and Mother were due to arrive today."
         Mamoru looked up and down at Mika, how her soft, shining black hair flew loosely in the wind. She wore dark blue, tight capris with a soft pink baby doll top that showed off her perfect figure, complimented by black heeled sandals. Her soft grey eyes clearly portrayed her innocence and seemed to have an air of mystery around them. 'Damn, she is hot!' Mamoru thought just before he noticed his grandmother's face watching him intently.
         "Grandmother!" Mamoru cried as he ran and embraced Nani. "I have missed you so much!"
         Nani smiled and hugged him in return, "I have missed you too. Where are you off to?" Nani looked down and noticed the helmet in his hands.
           Mamoru looked at the helmet in his hands, "I was planning on going for a ride. I forgot that you would be arriving home today."
         "Well I am glad to have caught you. There is someone I want you to meet," Nani motioned for Mika to stand beside her. "This is Mika Yukimura. She will be staying with us for the time being. Mika, this is my grandson, Mamoru. He attends the same school as you will be."
         Mika bowed slightly; as she looked up she finally got a good look at him. His dark black hair looked as though it had a blue tint to it and was pulled back into a low ponytail while his dark eyes seemed to pierce her. He was tall, much taller than she, and she could see that he was very muscular. He wore dark denim jeans and a red muscle shirt with a black leather jacket over it. She barely noticed the tribal tattoo down the left side of his neck. If she hadn't noticed the look of contempt he was giving her, she would have probably tried to get his attention. "It is an honor to make your aquantience, Kato-san. I hope that it is no trouble for me to stay in your home," Mika said with sweetness in her voice.
         Mamoru smiled to her, "It is no trouble at all. I hope that your stay here is pleasurable." Mamoru looked over to his grandmother, "Well I am gonna take off."
         "Wait a moment," Nani said. "Would you be willing to take Mika for a ride, maybe show her around Tokyo?"
         Mamoru sighed as was about to refuse when he noticed how Mika's eyes lit up at the idea, "I guess so. Yukimura-san, you will need to change your shoes and if you have a jacket you will need it."
         Mika smiled, "That's no problem. Just give me a moment." Mika began walking inside and stopped, "Umm...."
         Akina smiled, "Follow me and I will show you to your room." Mika followed Akina inside. After leaving Mika to get changed, Akina went back downstairs to speak with her son. "Son, why did you agree to this? I thought you wanted nothing to do with her?"
         Mamoru sighed, "She looked excited and I didn’t want to disappoint her."
         Akina nodded, “Well all I ask is that you take extra care not to scare her.” Mamoru nodded as he turned to see Mika coming down the stairs. His jaw dropped as he saw her choice in clothing. She had changed from her capris and baby doll top and instead was wearing a tight pink tank top and a pair of dark denim flair jeans that seemed to be molded to her body with a pair of black boots. She had a black leather racing jacket hanging over her shoulder and was carrying a black helmet in her left hand. Her long black hair that had just moments ago hung freely was now secured in a low ponytail.
         “I’m ready to go now,” Mika said when she reached Mamoru and Akina, with Nani following her.
         “Where’d you get the helmet?” Mamoru asked.
         “Oh this?” Mika gestured to her helmet. “This was a gift from my mom. My dad got me a motorcycle for my sweet sixteenth birthday. I know, a lot of girls would have rather gotten a car, but I love motorcycles, so instead of a car, I got a bike.” Nani smiled as she noticed the look of amazement that was in her grandson’s eyes.
         “Well,” Mamoru said. “Let’s get going then.” Mika nodded as she followed him to the garage. Nani walked up and stood beside Akina as they watched the two walk off.
         “Interesting,” Akina said after a few minutes.
         “I was so hoping that they would get along,” Nani said with a smile.
         “You knew they both shared a love for those dreadful motorcycles, didn’t you?” Akina asked.          
         Nani smiled again, turning to look at Akina, “Of course. Who do you think told her father the type of motorcycle to buy her?” Akina’s eyes widened as Nani walked back inside.
© Copyright 2008 Bunny (usakobunny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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