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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fantasy · #1391537
A girl that learns she is a demon
Chapter 1 -

Blood is the most disgusting thing ever. Yes, everybody needs it to live. But how do they expect people to be able to do their jobs if there is blood everywhere. I work with computers there really shouldn’t be any blood. It’s not like the computer is going to attack you. They are harmless. Having a job that has to do with computers shouldn’t be dangerous in the least, unless you are one of those people that build them. That is the only time that computers could be even remotely dangerous.

But no, the first thing I see when I walk into the building is blood spattered everywhere. Not, good. Coming in to work early since a week after I started everyday and had a key made so I could do just that is good. Finding blood all over the place once you walk in is usually a bad sign. So the first thing that I did was called the police. Then I called my boss. From there I just let everybody come and do whatever it is that they do.

I got asked a few questions. Once I told them that I didn’t see anything other than the fact that there was blood everywhere they said that they were finished. When the questioning was finished my boss found me and told me that he wouldn’t be opening for a while so if I still had the network connection hooked up I should just work from home. That meant that I would have to go the entire way back home. Odds are though that I wouldn’t work today anyways. Tomorrow though I probably wouldn’t do anything but work.

I went to the parking garage that is across the street. Nothing was wrong with it except for the fact that I seemed to have misplaced my car. Well, technically it is an SUV because it’s a Ford Escape, but that doesn’t matter. It was just gone. That led me to believe that I was just having an all around bad day. To make it even better these two guys started walking towards me. Now, I don’t know that many people and the ones I do know or have met I will remember for the rest of my life but I know for a fact that I have never met them in my life. Yet, somehow they seemed familiar.

Of course at that moment the police come to find me saying that they need to ask me a few more questions. I turned around to look at them for just a moment then turn back. When I turn back the two guys are gone. I just stand there for a second staring. That is when the police start their questioning again.

“Are you sure you did not see anything suspicious?” Said the first officer. Not that they gave me any names.

“No, I did not see anything except for the blood when I walked into the building. I already told you this.” I told them once again.
“Yes, well we just want to be sure that we did not miss anything.” The second officer said.

Yeah, and I’m the Queen of England. No, you probably just want to stare at all of the pretty ladies that work across the street. I’m not stupid, though I cannot say the same for you. Because if you think you have a chance at all then you have some major delusions. “I understand but truly I have told you everything I know.”

I started walking further into the garage. It’s not that crowded so I should be able to find my Escape, and the two guys that I saw before the police came. Not that I get why they would leave, they didn’t do anything. At least I didn’t see them doing anything. They only walked from what I could see. Not that that’s a whole lot. Especially when it is as dark in here as it usually is. Today isn’t so bad. But it seemed like they had wanted something.

That is what got me thinking. If they looked like they wanted something then they probably did. Meaning that I must have something that they want. After all they looked like they were coming towards me. Then I have to go with the fact that I don’t have anything of importance. I’m not even of any importance. Well I guess that I am of some importance after all I make sure that the network is working.

So I guess that they must have wanted something or they would not have left as soon as the police got here. That just seemed odd. But they could just have issues with the police. That would also be a reason that they left to. Maybe it had nothing at all to do with the fact that they wanted something. At least not from me. Or they could have just wanted directions or something.

Great so now I am going to stand here and make myself paranoid. Well I guess that it can’t really get any worse than this.

“Ms. Mathews, we still need to ask you a few questions. So if you do not mind we need you to stop walking and…” the officer suddenly froze.

“What? Hello, earth to mister police officer. What are you looking at?” I started to turn my head in the direction that he was looking when I felt something.

It was an odd feeling. Like somebody turned all of the heat off. Making it colder in the garage than it was. It felt like it was below zero. But it is impossible to suck all of the heat out of a place. Wasn’t it? Last time I checked it was anyways. But then I felt a presence to go with the feeling. It was powerful. Very powerful. But it also felt mystical. That was crazy of course because magic doesn’t exist. If it did the world would be completely different.
Once I felt the presence again I turned to look at the officers again. They still looked frozen. Completely unmoving. Sort of like a statue. The exact same time I thought that I felt a hand on my shoulder. That made me jump in the air about five feet.

When I turned around again this time to see who had touched me. The thing I saw was not human. It couldn’t have been human. It was something that I would have just expected to see in a science fiction movie. Not in real life. But here I was staring at some thing. At first I couldn’t move. Then when I could he grabbed my arm and started dragging me towards the end of the garage.

I tried to get it to let me go but it didn’t budge. That is when I saw the two guys again. Only this time there were more of them. Much more of them. I just stood there frozen. Then the thing suddenly let me go and I fell to the ground. Now that really hurt. As soon as it walked away the two I saw earlier started saying something. Then the creature just sort of disappeared.

When it was gone they formed a sort of circle around me and they all started… I guess you would call it chanting something. Now as much as I like sci-fi and fantasy movies and books and stuff this was just starting to freak me out. I mean in a movie or book it is fake. This, I didn’t know what this was. One thing I can tell you though is that it was seriously starting to freak me out, and it takes quite a bit to freak me out. But this group did what is almost impossible. Since they were standing all around me I really couldn’t do anything. I mean I work around computers. Lifting those things is bad enough. They feel like they weigh a ton. So picking a fight with a bunch of guys is probably not a good idea when I can hardly pick up a computer.

So what did I do? What I always do, I just stay put. I don’t like fights. Actually I don’t like anything except what I do. Making sure that the computer network stays up and running. Truly it is the perfect job for me. Not many people. For me that means heaven. So as you can tell I am not a people person. More of a solitary person. People really just annoy me which was why I was trying so hard to get away from the two police officers.

For right now though I think it would be better if I just stayed where I am. Don’t want to make them mad. Meaning that I would like to make it out of here in one piece.

When they finally stopped I saw that there eyes had changed colors. I guess that I don’t have to say that that freaked me out even more. Then they all started staring at me. Why I had not a clue. All I knew was that it was making me uncomfortable. Though me being uncomfortable happens a lot it was still unnerving.
But as soon as I looked away from the first few I found myself staring into the eyes of a guy that was to say the least gorgeous. That in itself should have told me something. I just don’t date. At all. The last time I had a date was my senior prom. I just never have time. I am either making sure my mother is ok or I am working. The only time that I have any semblance of alone time is about ten o’clock at night. But since I start work at seven I tend to go to sleep then or around then.

This guy though was… I don’t know. Anything I could say would just sound like some sort of cliché. My life does not need to become some sort of cliché. Actually my life doesn’t need anything, it is just fine the way that it is. Nothing needs to change. If something were to change it would all go straight to hell. I can’t have change in my life. Change in my life would mean that I would have to change to suit this change. I think I am just fine the way that I am.

I had the oddest feeling that this guy was really going to inflict a lot of change in my life. It seems that if I wanted to keep my life the way that it was I would need to get out of here. Alive of course. Dead would not do me any good. Neither would sticking around any longer. Unfortunately in that aspect I have no choice. At least for now I have no choice. Soon though I will have an opportunity to leave. There is always at least one chance to get away. At least in the movies there are. So looks like I will just have to see if it will work out like it does in the movies. If not I am screwed.

The guy just started laughing all of a sudden. It was odd. He just started laughing like he knew something that was funny all of a sudden. That could be my face. My expression has to look like I am a deer standing in the headlights. That in itself would probably be somewhat funny. Then again he could just be laughing at nothing at all. Another option would be that he can somehow read minds and thinks that my thoughts are funny. Not that I care what he thinks about my thoughts they are mine.

So which is worse, having somebody that can read your mind, or being surrounded by a bunch of psycho’s? I don’t know but I really don’t want to stick around to find out. That would be bad. That would be really bad. At least that is what it seems like at the moment. Then again if I can help it I really don’t want to have to find out. I would rather just leave and be done with it. If I try to leave though they will try to stop me. I cannot have them stopping them. All I want to do is go home and take a nice long hot bath in my apartment. Then maybe order some food. Then go to sleep.

Suddenly the guy stopped laughing. It was kind of creepy that he can just stop laughing all of a suddenly. Of course I haven’t really been around all that many people that laugh that much. Now that I think about it I have never really willing gone near somebody that laughs that much. Most of the people that I ever hung out with were about as shy as I was, or at least not much of a people person.

He then just stared at me. If I thought that they were creepy before I really think so now. There was nothing I could do about it though, well that was before he told them all to leave.

“But, we still need to finish the ritual. She won’t come into her full powers till then and…”

“Do not tell me what we need to do. I know what we need to do and I will take care of it, all of it. So if you don’t mind think you should go.” With that said they all left, well except for him. “Now, I think I should introduce myself. My name is Alexander Draconis. Also I wish to apologize for my… friends’ attitudes.”

“What was he talking about a ritual?” I asked. Because I know for a fact that I don’t have any powers at all.

“Please ignore them. They do not know what they are talking about sometimes. They take this game way to far.” He said knowing full well that I didn’t believe him.

“Well if this is a game I would like very much too quite playing. All I wanted to do was go home after what I saw in the shop. So if you don’t mind I think that I will leave.” I stood up while I said it and started to work my way backwards.

“Actually I am afraid that you cannot leave yet. I have been sent here to get you because your family needs you. Though you may not believe me on this but the woman you think is your mother adopted you. She was told not to tell you for your own protection. They need you though because they are beginning to fade. And only the blood of somebody from two houses that has not lived in the City can save it. It was prophesized many a millennia but they think it is true so they sent us to bring you back.” He started walking towards me.

I just stared at him and kept walking back away from him as he was walking towards me. Well I kept walking backwards until I ran into one of the supports. Then he just disappeared. Right when I was about to turn and walk away he whispered in my ear. “That is why I sent them away.”

I started thinking about what that could mean when I saw the beast thing again. Truly some things you can take to mean any number of things. But this just threw me through a loop. I mean seriously I just don’t get this guy. Then you have that beast thing again and I really don’t think that I can take it anymore. All I wanted was to enjoy my day off. Buy no, I have to go and get kidnapped by some psycho guy. Wait some psycho guy named Alex. Not that that makes it any better. Actually I think knowing his name sort of makes things worse not better.

At least now I have some actual proof as to why I can hate people. They send freaky creatures after you that shouldn’t even exist in real life. Even though they tell you their names they do not really expect you to trust them. Of course you have some that think you cannot defend yourself because of your size.

Once the demon started getting closer I started moving sideways to stay out of its way. That of course was when Alex decided that he was going to move forward. This effectively trapped me unless I could somehow move down the other way, then work my way around it but I have the feeling that he would catch me first. It is a little suspicious if I just started moving to the other side, so I stayed put.

As the demon came closer Alex started moving closer to it. Then all of a sudden they started talking in another strange language. It then seemed that as soon as they started they stopped and looked at me. When they looked at me I suddenly felt something wet and sticky on my stomach. I looked down and saw blood. That was when the edges of my vision started to go black…

I woke up in an odd room. Nice as it was I was still in an odd room. First I started to get into a sitting position. That was when I felt it. The first time since I woke up that I actually felt in pain. It started out bearable then it just seemed to get worse. Until finally I just had to see what was wrong. I moved the blanket and looked down at my stomach. It looked like I was just in surgery or something. Only it didn’t have stitches in it. Just some sort of weird over top of it.

To top it all off I wasn’t wearing anything. That should have been the first thing that I noticed but I was trying to figure out what was causing the pain and wasn’t paying attention to anything else. But as soon as I figured it out I pulled the blanket right back up. Just then Alex came into the room.

“Where are my clothes?” I asked. Surprisingly I asked that in a calm voice.

“They had blood on them.” He said in a voice that said I should already know that.

“So what exactly am I supposed to wear till my clothes no longer have blood in them?”

“Well since you can’t go anywhere for a while just stay here.” He still had that annoying tone of voice.

“Yeah, well I don’t really want to stay here. Actually I really just want to go home.” I said sitting up.

That was when the pain got really bad. He must have noticed because he left and came back with some water and pills. That leaves me with the option to either take the pills or be stubborn. I’m taking the pills only because my stomach really hurts because of the cut.

Looking around the room again it did seem kind of like I have been here before. The walls were black with a blue tint. Same with the ceiling. The floors were a blue, black, and purple color. The bed I was on was freaking huge. It was black as well with blue silk sheets and a purple silk comforter. There was a small table beside the bed that was also black that had a blue lamp, and a purple clock. Well at least they had a color scheme. Unlike my room that is just a bunch of things thrown together.

But it really was a nice room though its color scheme is a little weird. That’s when I realized that when I had looked to see exactly where the pain was coming from that my bellybutton ring was missing. I felt for my earrings and they were missing as well.
“What are you doing?” He asked suddenly.

“Huh, oh, where are my earrings?” actually I had forgotten that he was still here.

“Not here.” He said.

“That really doesn’t answer my question. That just tells me something that I already know.” I think my voice sounded annoyed because he started looking at my funny.

“Technically you already know where they are. So I find it pointless to tell you even if you can’t remember.” He sounded like he was trying not to laugh.

Now that I find really annoying. Because being laughed at is not really on one of my lists of things to happen to me. His not laughing at me but sounding like he’s laughing at me just makes it worse. Don’t ask me how but it just does. Me though I would rather just have somebody laugh at me than try not to laugh at me. That just irks me.

The pain is now gone. I started to try and get out of the bed when he put a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

“You really shouldn’t move.” Now he seems concerned.

“And I really don’t need you to tell me what to do thank you very much.” I said still trying to get out of the bed.

“No you just don’t want me to tell you what to do. But you still shouldn’t move.” He said again.

“One, do not talk to me. Two, I don’t need your help. And three, where are my clothes and how do I get out of here?” I asked.

“Well since I can’t talk to you and you don’t want my help how am I supposed to be able to do three?” He asked the laughter back in his voice.

“And quite acting like a smart ass.” I said finally sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Hey, you’re the one that made the rules not me so I don’t see what your problem is.”

“Would you just tell me what I want to know?”

“Right now, no.”

I got up and wrapped the blanket around me then started walking around the room. The room itself was huge, but the bed was the focus not anything else. This room I could actually see myself in, in a doom and gloom sort of way.

Alex was sitting on the bed watching me the entire time I was walking around. How I new that without looking was odd though. Sort of like that feeling you get when you are somewhere and you feel that somebody is just watching you. Yeah, well I knew who was watching me. Unfortunately without telling him that it makes me uncomfortable I can’t get him to stop.

So back to the room it had a very large closet the size of my bedroom. A bathroom that was the size of my little kitchen in my apartment. I found my earrings and bellybutton ring on the sink in the bathroom. Well it looks as though I have found my jewelry. Though why it is in the bathroom I will probably never know.

“So, how do you like the room?” He asked from right behind me.

I jumped. “Jesus, what is your problem?”

“Sorry it’s a habit.” He said standing back a little as I put my earrings in. “So once again I ask, how do you like the room?”

“Its fine.” That was honest.

“Fine, that’s all you can say is that it is fine.” He sounded upset.

“What is your problem now?” I said turning to look at him.

“You just practically insulted the room. Do you know how much this room cost?” well that says that it is some sort of hotel.

“Sorry, I didn’t know that it would make you feel bad.” I said walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom again. After all there was still one more room that I had to check out which is probably the living room part of the hotel room.

“Some people just don’t appreciate anything.” He mumbled.

I walked into the living room and just sort of froze. It was amazing. Completely the opposite of the bedroom. The walls and ceiling were a golden copper color. The carpeting is a golden, copper, and silver color. The furniture was white-like silver color that had gold and copper threadwork in it.

“Well, I may have been wrong.” He said from right behind me again.

“You really need to quite doing that.” I said turning around.

This was getting annoying. Because I actually felt like I could like this guy. That was just crazy. Only, that could be because I really don’t think that I have time to date. Although being a lie it is a good one. What can I say I like to make myself think that I don’t have the time to do those things. Any of them. Like dating, going out with friends, watching TV. I just don’t give myself the time to do any of those things. Of course it isn’t a bad thing. After all I get all of my work finished on time. At work I have some free time since I only make sure that everything is up and running.

Liking this guy though would be like telling me that I actually had a chance of winning the lottery. That one I know will never happen. Plus I don’t want to win the lottery anyways. I am a private person, winning anything like that would just put me on the spot. Not exactly something that I would do. Ever.

No, I like to just be left alone. The odds of that happening here aren’t very good. Especially since he keeps following me around. Half the time I don’t even know what he is talking about. But with my clothes I would have to think that they are at the dry-cleaners. Unless this hotel has a nice cleaning service, then I guess it could be getting cleaned here.

But, this guy just sort of gives me the creeps. Like there is something else about him that I can’t quite figure out. As much as it may annoy me until I figure it out I really don’t think that I want to figure it out. At least not until I figure out what those guys were talking about. Because I still don’t have any powers. That is just absurd.

You would think that if I had any powers that I would know if I had them. Seriously that is not something that you can just not notice. Sooner or later you would think that I would. So the whole powers thing is just some stupid thing that a bunch of crazy people were making up to play some sort of stupid game. That’s it, well at least that is what I am going to keep telling myself until I figure out the truth. See, perfect plan. Now all I have to do is find a way out of this place.

“What are you thinking about?” Alex asked.

“Huh, oh, nothing. Do you have a computer I could use?” I asked walking out of the living room and back into the bedroom.


“Because I need to make sure of something.” I said.

“This something would be what?” he said walking around me.

“Oh, that the network that helps to run my boss’ business is still up and running.” I said walking back into the bathroom.

“When do you need this computer?” he asked following me until he reached the door.

“As soon as possible.” I told him shutting the door.

Ah, much needed alone time. I think a bath is in order. After all it isn’t my apartment so this place must have hot water. That it does. I seriously need to just relax. Truly it isn’t everyday that you are kidnapped, and technically held hostage in a nice hotel room. That is huge. Also nice. Now I’m thinking of all the good things about being kidnapped. Jesus Lexi what is your problem? No, don’t answer that. I don’t even want to know.
Once I got the bath running I rummaged around to see if there was any bubble bath, or at least bath salts. Just my luck there were both. They were also in the same scent. Lilies and Jasmine. It smells really good, but by the time I got them all in he knocked on the door. Great just great, right when I thought I would actually get some time to  myself he has to go and knock on the door. Why do all these things always happen to me. It’s just not fair, it’s not fair at all. All I asked for was some time to myself, what do I get, him knocking on the door.

“What?” was all I said as I opened the door.

“Well I can’t get you a computer till tomorrow, but I did get you some clothes that’ll be on the bed when you come out.” He turned and walked out of the bedroom and into the living room.

“Thanks.” I said shutting the door.

Getting into the tub was like heaven. I swear. It was the perfect everything and it smelled amazing. Of course once I got in I think I fell asleep because the next thing I know there is this annoying sound that wakes me up. Then of course when I look over at the door it opens up. Just wait, that can’t be right because I locked that door. Well, I’m pretty sure that I locked that door.

“Don’t worry the door was locked, I just happen to know how to pick a lock.” He said looking about everywhere than at me. Wow, guess that not all nice guys have died off. They’re just an endangered species.

“What do you want?” I asked grabbing a towel and standing up.

“You’ve been in here for almost an hour. Just making sure that you didn’t drown.” He said.

“Well, now you know. So anything else?” I asked walking into the bedroom.

“At the moment… none that I can think of.”

“Good to know, so you can leave now.” I said motioning towards the door.

“Right.” With that he left.

I started looking at the clothes that were on the bed. They all looked like they were just bought. Picking them some of them up confirmed it. They still had the tags on them. Also it seemed that they cost a fortune. Never in my life would I ever even be able to afford any of this stuff.

Walking around the bed I saw that there were also all of the unmentionables. All of which are just my size. Note to self, next time you are going to pass out make sure that I rip all of the tags off of my clothes so anybody that decides they want to kidnap me they can’t get the size of my clothes. Then again the odds of me knowing when that will ever happen again are not that good either.

“Last time I checked it doesn’t take this long to get dressed.” Alex said through the door.

“Where did you get all of this stuff?” I asked him pulling on the first things that I came across. I must say that they were really comfortable though not what I would normally wear even under my clothes.

“I have my ways.” He said. “So will you hurry up already?”

“Just give me a minute.” I said looking through all of the clothes that were on the bed.

“Fine… One, Two, Three…”

“You are a smart ass you know that.” I said picking up a skirt and putting it on. It was an a-line skirt and as nice as they are I normally don’t wear them.

“Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve…”

“Would you quite that already?”

“Fine, but since you are interrupting me I am going to interrupt you.” He said walking into the room.

“No, you’re not a smart ass, you’re an ass whole.” I said grabbing the first shirt I saw and putting it on. Good thing that the skirt was black. Because the shirt was a blue, gray, silver, and black tank top. See, I can match while just grabbing things. With help of course because of the fact that all of these clothes were bought with the fact that you can wear any of them with something else. They all go together. Amazing. “You know for a guy you are really good at picking out clothes. Though next time I would like very much to pick out my own clothes.”

“See, but you are saying there will be a next time.” He said with a smirk on his face.
“Your ego must be about the size of the world by now.” I said walking towards the door.

“Not quite, you could always keep talking to me though I am sure that it will get there.”

“I really hate people.” Muttered a very annoyed me.

“No you don’t, you aren’t around people enough to hate them. More like you don’t understand people. That in itself is completely different. Plus hate is a very strong word.” He said following me into the living room.

All I did was turn around and arch an eyebrow. Then I saw that he had at some point taken off his shirt. Let’s just say that I was not expecting that. It just sort of shocked me. Actually it really shocked. If I was going to be even more honest I couldn’t even tell you why it shocked me. It’s not like I have never seen a guy without a shirt on before. With a look at my face at the moment though you would probably think I was back at my freshman year of high school.

“Now, I’m lost as to what is wrong with you.” He said walking closer. Then he just stopped. “We have to go.”

“Huh, wait, why do we have to go?” I asked.

“Because they are coming. Just don’t ask questions right now. We have to go.” He said walking back into the room. “We’ll just get some clothes and then we have to go.”

I followed him into the bedroom where he was throwing clothes into a duffel bag from the bed. Then he went to the closet and threw some of those clothes into it. When that one was full he picked up the shoes that were sitting by the bed and tossed them towards me.

“Put those on because we have to go now.” He said while I sat down to put the shoes on. “Take these as well.” First he tossed me a cell phone then he tossed me a gun.

“What am I supposed to do with this?” I asked, though it was a stupid thing to say.

“Shoot anybody that tries to stop us.” He said heading for the door.

“Ah, I don’t know how to use this. Are you even paying any attention to me?” I said fumbling with the gun.

“All you have to do is push the safety button then you aim. Not that hard.” He said opening the door and walking out.

I followed, not really sure what was going on. Following him probably wasn’t exactly the smartest thing to do either but what are you going to do about it. I never said that I was ever the smartest person ever. Actually sometimes it is the complete opposite. So yeah, I followed him with a gun.

“Just out of curiosity where is the safety button?” I asked running to catch up with him.

“You’re being serious aren’t you?” He seemed surprised.

“Yeah, so where is it?”

“Just wait a minute.” He opened the door to the stairwell. As soon as I stepped through he dropped the bag and held out his hand for the gun. I gave it to him just wanting to get rid of it. “Now the safety is here.” He pointed to a little button a little above the trigger.

“Right, so how am I supposed to get this out of here without people seeing it?” I asked taking the gun back.

“Take your hair out.” He said. I took my hair out of the pony-tail that I had it in. “Now give me the gun.” Then he walked around me and lifted my shirt then put the gun under the back of my bra.

“That is very uncomfortable.” I said really wishing that I didn’t have to even touch it.

“Sorry can’t help you there unless of course you plan on changing your outfit here. Must say I wouldn’t complain.”

“Yeah, I’m sure I can live with the uncomfortable feeling.” I told him. “Now, I do believe it was you who said we should be leaving. So why don’t we get going.”

“You seriously take things to personally. You need to lighten up.” He walked past me. “Because if you don’t some guys may think you’re a lesbian, no as hot as that is I’m pretty sure that would annoy you even more.”

“I have a question.” I said trying to keep up with him. “Do guys think with anything above the waist?”

“That is cold.” Hi said stopping so suddenly that I ran into him.

“What, it was an honest question. So am I getting an answer or not?” I asked him backing up a few steps.

He dropped the duffel bag and spun around. Then he started up the stairs towards me. When he was right in front of me he just stopped. “I am going to need you to help me out with this?”

“My help with what?” at least my voice didn’t betray what I was feeling.

“They split up and some of them are coming up the stairs. We need to make sure they won’t realize who we are.”

“How do you plan on doing this?” Lexi, from now on just don’t talk.

He grabbed my arm and started turning so fast that we both fell down with me on top. That probably had to hurt. “Oh, my god, are you ok, I’m sorry. Jesus, are you alright?”

“Lexi will you just relax, I’m fine. Now, are you going to help with this or not?” he said.

“Fine.” Great so now my voice shakes.

“Is that your answer for everything? Fine.” He said.

“Are you making fun of me now?” I asked in a peeved tone.

“No. Why would I possibly make fun of you?”
“If you laugh at me I will hurt you.” I said in a tone of voice that could only be described as pissed off.

“Really, hurt me how exactly?” he asked in mock surrender. “Just out of curiosity of course.”

“See, you are making fun of me.” I said about to mock slap him in the face.

He caught my hand before it reached his face. Placing my hand on the step near his head he leaned up and kissed me. When I made a small sound he deepened the kiss. To say it was amazing would be an understatement. That’s when I felt it. This cold feeling like somebody sucked all of the heat out of the stairwell. The same feeling that was at the car garage.

“Don’t move.” Alex whispered into my ear working his way down to my throat.
This has to be one of the oddest situations that I have ever been in. having some guy that you know practically nothing about kissing you. Though it was only supposed to be to make sure whomever it is that is after us it was still fantastic. That’s an understatement as well. But that cold feeling wasn’t so cold anymore. Actually the only thing I was feeling right now was a burning heat.

Then the cold was back in full force. When I felt it I also felt something touch my hair. At the same time I felt that I felt Alex’s hands on my waist which kept me where I was. Then the feeling just stopped. The cold was gone but the heat was still there. That unfortunately was not a good thing.

“Alex, we have to stop now.” I said in a breathless voice.

“You and I both know that we don’t want to stop.” He said against my collar bone.

“Alex, I’m being serious we need to stop. Plus we can’t do this in a stairwell anyways. We have to go.” I am quite sure I am not pretty. “I really don’t want to be here if that thing comes back.”

You would think that he would at least be kind enough to listen to me. No, all he does is try to get me out of my clothes. This day is just going great. Perfect really.

Trouble breathing, my head felt like it was about to explode, feeling something odd. Sort of in the way that I felt the coldness, only this was coming from me. Not somebody else.

“Your eyes are glowing Lexi.” So now he says something that has nothing to do with what we are doing.

“What do you mean my eyes are glowing?” I asked suddenly getting up off of him since he finally let go.

“How the hell does somebody not understand how their eyes are glowing? Glowing sort of like they have their own light in them. But your eyes change colors when they glow. And before I said anything they were practically going through every color there is. The first was red though, which is odd.” He said it all like I should have known all of this already.

“What does red mean?” Might as well as just ask.

“I really don’t think…” he must have seen the look I was giving him. “Red is usually anger or passion. Happy now?”

“So why are my eyes ‘glowing’ exactly?” I asked getting a little jumpy.

“When’s your birthday?” Well that’s a new one.

“Today. Great, now she’s going to think I bailed on her.”


“Huh, oh, my friend Jenny. I promised her that on my twenty-first birthday that she could take me to a bar.” I said getting sidetracked.

“Hmm, a bar. You at a bar. Seems kind of hard to believe.” He said.

I glared at him. “Hence the reason why she’s going to think that I bailed on her. Keep up will you.”

“Sorry. I will try to keep up with stuff that I know nothing about from now on when you are speaking.” He said getting up.

“What time is it?” I asked him standing up as well.

“Almost nine why?”

“Where are we exactly?” I started checking to make sure that everything was still in place. Yes even the gun.

“At the Imperial Hotel.” I’m pretty sure that my mouth was hanging open.

“Right, so that means that we are only twenty minutes away from the bar that she mentioned. Unless there is traffic then it would probably be more like an hour so it would probably be easier to just walk there.” I said walking down the stairs.

“Who said we were going to a club? No, we are not going to a club. Are you crazy?” Well, that just makes me feel nice.

“Yes, we are because I would like to keep the one friend that I have thank you very much.” I said almost at the bottom of the stairs. When I looked up he had the duffel bag and looked like he was about to jump from where he was which looked to be about three floors up. “If you jump I will freak out.” I yelled up to him.

“Hey, you’re forcing me to go to a bar. I can do anything I want.” He said. Then he jumped.
He landed right beside me. Being the big wuss that I am I made a little squeaky noise. “I told you not to do that.”

“You seriously need to lighten up.” He said putting his arm around me and starting to walk.

“No you need to be a little more serious.” I told him ducking under his arm. “I think though that you are high.”

“I’m not high, at least it’s not a drug.” He said stopping till I caught up with him. Then he waited till I passed him and he started pushing me forward.

“You seriously have problems.” I said pushing open the door.

Once we were in the lobby he wrapped his arms around me. I am not even going to ask why. He would probably just tell me that it is so we don’t look suspicious. So yeah it is pointless. We made it outside without incident. I even found out that he has a Lamborghini.

He put the bag in the trunk. Then he opened my door for me. After I got in he went around and started the car. “We’ll get there in twenty minutes or less. Trust me.”

“Yeah, I would have but then you added the whole less part and I don’t think I want to trust you.” I said pulling the gun from out of my shirt and putting my seatbelt on.

“You are one odd girl.” He said putting the car into gear.

We drove in silence. I was trying not to psych myself out about actually going to a place that has people let alone a bar. Then you have that I have to find a way to explain why I am coming with this guy that she has never met and we talk to each other all the time. There is also the fact that we are going to be late no matter when we get there.

“We can’t walk in there together.” I said out of nowhere.

“And why is this?” he asked glancing over.

“Because I don’t know how I would explain suddenly having a boyfriend to my best friend. No thanks.” I said when he parked in front of the bar.

“Fine, you are just lucky that this is the only bar in a forty mile radius of the Imperial Hotel.”

“I really hate you.” I said looking over at him.
“No you don’t. Now I suggest you get going.” He looked out his window.

“Just out of curiosity why?” I asked. All he did was turn around. “Yeah, gotta go.”

I opened the door and got out. After I shut the door I realized that I didn’t have anything that was mine with me. “Would you happen to know where my driver’s license is?”

“In the glove compartment.” He said getting out the other side.

“You could have told me that before I got out of the car.” I said.

“Now why would I do that. That would just be stupid.” He said coming around the front.

“I don’t even want to know why you didn’t tell me earlier.” I was about to open the door when the window suddenly opened. “Not gonna happen.”

“Hey, a brothers gotta try.” He can be so infuriating.

I opened the door and sat down to open the glove compartment when I heard him take in a sharp breath.

I let out a breath. “What seems to be your problem now?” He looked like he was just struck by something. “Hello earth to Alex.”

He just stood there staring at me. You would think that with the number of times he has stared at me it wouldn’t be as weird but it is. “I’ll meet you back here later.” With that he left.
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