Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1391445-Marcus
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1391445
this is the beginning to a story i have just began writing...
It was the middle of spring, you know, when the warm weather taunts us during the day but the nights are full of whipping winds; today, in fact, was the most spectacular day anyone could ask for.  The sun was high in the sky and shining brightly down upon the world and there was no sign of a cloud among the blue.  Evie Woodrick had placed herself on the soft, green grass with her head to the sky, dreaming of excellent adventures she desired but knew did not exist.
It was her Uncle who informed her that no girl should ever dream as Evie did; it was wrong for someone of her status to desire things that only exist within the imagination.  She was to belong to society, then marry into another ‘important’ family where she would bare ‘important’ children to marry into other ‘important’ families.  How exciting for Evie!
Anyway, back to where we began; Evie was letting her imagination soar through wondrous worlds, where she walked hand in hand with unimportant creatures.  It was not until her name was being called in the distance that Evie sat up.  Her pale blue eyes took in the last of her surroundings before she went running back to the garden that surrounded the back of her estate.  They would kill her if they knew she left the property; that was forbidden for someone like her.
Her mother stood a top a grand staircase that lead to the entertaining area of the garden; she was dressed for a party, in a soft yellow gown with little white gloves with matching yellow bows.  Her patience was wearing thin with her only daughter, always running off when important matters had to be attended too.
“Evelyn, dear, hurry now; we have to get you ready quickly.” Her mother’s words were quick, as was she, already guiding Evie into the estate and toward the dressing chambers.  “You are to look as if you spent no time outdoors today; I want to show you off.  You are the most beautiful child to ever walk these streets.”
Here she went again, going on and on about how she had given birth to such a beautiful child, that it was because of her that Evie looked the way she did.  In a minute or so she would begin saying how lucky any man would be to have her, but that she had to be picky.  Evie would normally turn to her mother and say ‘boys mean nothing to me Mum.’ However, today Evie kept her thoughts to herself.
Her mother had left a blue dress out that matched her eyes, and a big white bow to wear in her black hair.  Evie would do as her mother pleased, there was no sense in disobeying her when there was no way she would win.  The maid servants spent over an hour washing her and brushing her hair, by the time they were finished she looked like the child her mother was always describing.
“Oh Evelyn, you look marvelous.” Her father called out so everyone waiting in the foyer would hear and turn to look at her.  Evie was prepared, already smiling a fake smile so she looked as if she enjoyed the gawking.
“Maryin, your daughter is the picture perfect child.  Just look at her elegance, she will surly marry well.” And so they began; one after another, the comments came.  “It is a wonder to what will become of this child.” She heard the last one the loudest for it was not like any she had ever witnessed.  She glanced at her parents who seemed to not have heard the last one; they were lost in a conversation with Dr. Henry and his wife. 
Evie moved on through the crowd until she found the door to the kitchen; she could escape through there.  She took one more glance at the crowd, making sure no one would notice her departure, and fell through the door.
“Heavens me?” one of the kitchen servants yelled out as Evie fell into the work table.  “Child what are you doing?”
“Please don’t tell!” Evie begged.  “I just want some air; it’s always so stuffy in there with all those people.” She knew they would not stop her, but they had to pretend, just in case someone was listening.  Evie gave them a sweet smile before slipping out the kitchen door and into the work yard. 
There were very few servants out here at this time, since most of them were inside working for their money.  Her escape was even better then she had planned, well, that was until she tripped over a cat and fell into a mud puddle.
“Oh shoot!” she said quietly, pretending as best she could that she was upset with the ruin of her dress.
“Are you alright?” A voice called out, though Evie could not see to whom it belonged too.
“I’m fine, thank you.” she said, still unaware of whom she was speaking with.  She shook off as much as the mud that could be before she broke out into laughter. 
“And what it so funny?” his voice was coming from her right, so she spun to see him but he was still hidden, somewhere in the shadows of the trees.
“Nothing really, just that my mother is going to murder me when I return.” She looked down at her feet and only saw mud.  “Why are you hiding in the trees?” she asked, quite curious now.
“It is better if you keep your distance child.” He called out to her.
“Why must you call me child like all the others?  I am not a child!” Evie pleaded.  “I am almost sixteen.”
“And you are still a child.” He said and she could feel the smirk on his face.
“What is your name, mysterious one?” Evie asked, taking a step closer to the trees.
“Marcus.  Now please do not come any closer.” 
Evie did not move another inch; she froze before the trees, catching the silhouette of something.  “My name is Evie, in case you wanted to know.” She said, ignoring the fact that she was a little frightened.
“I was already aware of your name; you are the daughter of two very important people.” Marcus said.
“What is this?  Are you here to kidnap me?  To hold me hostage until my parents pay some ridiculous ransom?”
“You would only hope.” He replied, almost insulting.
“I must get back now.” Evie had enough of this ridiculous conversation.
“I will see you later my lady.” Marcus informed her.
“And how do you expect to see me later?”
“I am invited to your parents evening ball tonight.”
  Evie had forgotten that tonight was the worst part of the stupid party.
“Good bye Marcus.” She said before marching away, splashing a little more in the mud before retuning to the estate.
Her mother’s screams were undeniable as Evie made her way back into the party.  She could see her father smirk a little before his wife turned to look at him.
“I’m so sorry Mum; I went out side for some air and tripped in the mud.  It was a huge accident; I am so sorry.” Evie could see it in her mother’s eye that she believed her.  This was one of those rare times that she did.
“I am always prepared when it comes to you my dear.” She led her daughter back into the dressing chambers, where she put on a white dress, pulling her black hair away from her face.  “I wanted you to wear this tonight, so I guess it will be fine if you put it on for dinner as well.”  This dress was different from all the others her mother had ever given her; this one fitted Evie’s frame perfectly.  She glanced at herself in the mirror, and for the first time she saw what her mother had always described.
Re-entering the party was another event, however, this time no one said a word; Evie’s beauty captivated them all that no one found use for words.    Her eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a face that could belong to Marcus.  She did not even realize how captivated she had become of the strange man from the woods.
Dinner lasted over two hours, but before long all the guests were out in the garden, celebrating the coming of summer.  They would use any excuse to throw such extravagant parties.
Evie made her way through the crowd until she found a quiet table where she could sit unnoticed by others.  Ever since her entrance back into the party, every pair of eyes were on her, then after sometime it was only the men who stared.  It was obvious that the women were becoming jealous at the attention Evie was given; even married men wished they had waited until Evie had come of age.  However Evie’s mind was no longer on the party that went on around her, her thoughts were on one thing, or person, only.
It became obvious that she would not be able to pick Marcus out without having seen his face, so she just gave up.  Her mother’s eyes caught hold of her daughter and in that brief moment, three things happened.  A crash erupted from inside the house, which averted all eyes from her; her mother screamed a shrieking yell as her eyes caught hold of something; and someone took hold of Evie’s arm and pulled her away from the madness.
“Excuse me?” Evie began saying.
“There’s no time; we have to get out of here as quickly as possible.” It was his voice; Marcus had found her.
“Marcus?” Evie was bewildered with everything that was happening.  It was not until that moment that she realized Marcus’s touch was like ice, and for the first time she saw his face.  He was the most beautifully handsome man she had ever seen.  His hair was the colour of the night sky; his skin as white as the snow; his cheekbones were elegant, bringing his face together like a piece of art.  “What’s going on?”
“I will explain, but I have to get you out of here before anyone notices.”  His voice held a slight panic as he spoke. 
His speed was angelic, though if he wasn’t holding on to her, there was no way Evie could have kept up.  It was not long until they reached the woods in the back of the estate; at this time it was still quiet there.
“Are you alright?” he turned to look at her, his emerald eyes taking her in.  “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine Marcus.” She said feeling a little worried.  “What is going on?”
Marcus turned and looked back up to the house; he could hear the distant screams and cries, but he knew Evie could not.  “I’m sorry Evie.” He said, looking back at her.
“What are you sorry for?” Confusion was beginning to take over her entire mind, though there was still the slightest fear inside her.
“Your family has been murdered.” Marcus confessed.
“What are you talking about?”  Her eyes stared in utter worry at him, unsure of what to believe.
“I am not who you think I am.” He began but Evie cut him off by screaming, “I don’t even know you!”  And he knew that, so he only nodded in agreement.  “That’s right, you don’t know me.  I saved you for no good reason and I will probably be killed along with you when they find us waiting here like dogs.”
“They?  Who are they?” Evie could feel the tears swell up behind her eyes; if what he was saying was true then she had nothing left, nobody left. 
“My coven.” Marcus whispered.
Evie had heard that word used before, but only in a story, a make-believe tale that use to frighten her as a child.  A fable about a Vampire coven that lived within the woods, hunting the children who strayed to far from their parents; it was only a story though, not one part of it was true.
“A coven?” she looked at him as if he was playing a trick on her, but his eyes had no hint of a lie in them.  She took the sight of him in, realizing that what he looked like were what most people described vampires as and that was when the full terror settled in her. 
A scream was beginning to form in her throat, and she was about to let it out when Marcus’s hand shot up and covered her mouth.  “Please keep quiet; I really don’t want to be discovered.”  But his hand did not move from its place.  Fear had overcome Evie, causing her to begin to shake vigorously.  Tears began streaming down her face as the truth settled within her.  “I’m not going to hurt you Evie.” His words were genuine.
But she did not believe him; she bit hard on his hand so he pulled back immediately, shocked at what she just did.  Her feet took over her as she tore off through the trees.  Her only chance was to hide, but where?
She found a bush and dove under it, hearing her dress rip as she did.  Within moments she heard footsteps around her, but there was more the one.
“I can smell her; she came this way.” One of her pursuers said.  “But his sent is gone.”
“Maybe she killed him.” the other said with a laugh.
“I doubt that.”
“Come on, let’s check over here.”  There footsteps faded into the distance.
Evie was shaking beyond control and her breathing was really heavy.  What was she to do now?  Her family was dead, she could not go home and she bit the only person, vampire, who wanted to help her.
“Evie?”His voice was quiet but she could hear him clearly.  “There is no sense in hiding anymore; I can smell you under the bush.”  Her heart slowed for a moment before she crawled her way out.  “I’m not going to hurt you Evie, I promise.”  He grabbed her hands and helped her up.
Her eyes were heavy but she could not look away from him.  “Why did this happen?”
“I will tell you what I can, but we have to get somewhere safe before they come back.” He said, taking a quick look around.  Thoughts of the other two that had passed by came crashing into her head and without thinking she took a hold of Marcus’s cold hand.  He glanced down at their hands then began running in the other direction.
They did not stop for some time; they were know somewhere in the middle of the open country with the night sky above them.  It was a cloudless night and the moon, in its fullness, sat staring down upon them.
“We can rest for a while, but we will have to move before the sun comes up.” He informed her.
“Will you answer my questions now?” Evie asked, looking at the damage done to her dress.
“I will answer you what I can.” Marcus replied.
“Why did your coven kill my family?” she gave him a stare unlike any he had ever seen.
“Your parents have something that my family wants.” He said with stern eyes. 
“And that would be?” Evie’s eyes were curious.
“They want you.” he said in barely a whisper.
Millions of thoughts came crashing into Evie’s head; why and for what purpose?  Was Marcus only leading her to a trap or was he truly trying to protect her?
© Copyright 2008 E A Dillon (eadillon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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