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When I was 17 year's of age i was New years day something happened.
As, your going through life you go through many faces and most of the times you think that your better than the whole world, smarter, prettier, nicer, stronger and more. You take life for granted and everyone in it until something happens.

It was 3 o’clock p.m. the date was December 30, 2004. I just arrived from Doctor’s Hospital my mom got out of the front row seat of the green expedition and she asked me “are you okay?” I simply replied with “yes”. She opened the car door and helped me get out. I was still too weak from the outpost tonsil removal surgery. My dad got my little sister out of the car seat and my brother rushed towards the door to open it for me and my mom. We walked towards my back bedroom (a pastel yellow room with a view to the outside pool) were I changed from my blue jeans and my green sweater to my lavender flowery pajamas. My mom went to the kitchen, to out my medication in the fridge. I walked slowly towards my brother’s room; I laid down there because it was closer to the living room. My Dad went to blockbuster to rent movies for me. Just before the surgery I asked them If I could see them and they told me “once we get home, I’ll run to blockbuster and get lion king 2 ½ and Cinderella 2.” My dad arrived with the movies, my mom and dad came too my bed side asking me “how are you kid?” my mom asked “are you hungry do you want some Jell-O it looked nasty a greenish color.) I said “no thank you”. I turned on my side and fell asleep. I couldn’t recall any of the dreams. But, my mom woke me up a 10:30 p.m. so I could take a medicine (Tylenol) which was much stronger than over the counter medicine. I got the spoon and shoved it down my throat. I took the spoon out and sipped my water slowly. As, I stood from my bed my mom came and helped me. As I walked towards the bathroom I looked at my mom’s fair face and said “mom, I feel dizzy. I don’t feel that good.” she then said “ On Monday I will take you to the doctor and ask him if it’s usual” so, we finally got to the bathroom which it’s super close to the bedroom but, for me in that state it felt like I was walking miles without stop. I reached the bathroom, my mom helped me to get on the toilet she closed the door and said “I’ll be outside the bathroom once you finish just tell me.” I finished; I washed my hands and called her in, I was holding on to the towel rail. She walked me to the bedroom. I fell into a deep slumber, I had a nightmare that I had 7 toes, and then it went into a white light. During, that time 3:23 a.m. my mom went to check on me. She found me coded (I was no longer alive.) There was blood by the side of my mouth, my tongue a deep purple color and my eyes slightly opened. My mom started screaming, my dad came running from his back bedroom. He carried me off the bed, took me into the living room and began CPR. My mom stood there for a sec then my dad said to her “Donna, go call 9-1-1.” As, my mom was calling the 9-1-1 operator she was crying hysterically. The operator said to her “Mam, I need you to calm down and tell me what happened.” “My daughter just had a cardiac arrest, she has no pulse, our address is 1816 Lane, please hurry.” My mom put down the phone; she walked back to the living room where my dad was still giving me CPR. The door bell rang it was the paramedic’s. They came in with a stretchy and the air mask. They blow air into me but, my chest wouldn’t rise. They got me into the ambulance my mom was riding with me in the back. She heard the paramedics call in there radio “we got a code blue.” During, the ambulance ride they tried to get the life support tube down my throat. But, it wouldn’t go down. As, they got me into the ER room, the ER doctor got the life support tube and stuck it down my throat. The Doctor went out from the ER room into the waiting room where my mom, dad, brother, and little sister. He approached them my parents got up from the seats and said to them “Mam and Sir, if you daughter does make it she will be a vegetable and remain like that.” The next day it was New Year’s Eve I woke up at 3 p.m. I tried to get off the bed but, I couldn’t I looked down to my abdominal I was full of tubes. They bugged me like crazy I couldn’t move at all. The nurse who was next to said “she’s awake.” My mom said “Do you know where you are?” I said “Mercy” they asked “how do you know.” I said “because, of her ID.” Then, my mom asked me “do you remember what happened”. I said “NO”. Then, they told me the story. I started to get a migraine I hated those migraines they were extremely painful my vision would blur, I would start crying, and I would have lots of pain in my head. I had lots migraines of those throughout the week I wouldn’t talk much because, of the tubes and I would take long naps, also I would drool so my mom would get the suctioned tube and suction the drool up. That week passed slowly and painfully for me. The Doctor came in on Friday morning to take off the tubes. As, he was pulling off the life support tube I grabbed it and yanked it out. At 12 p.m. I was changed into another room a regular room. They would come in and see how I was doing every 20 minutes. When, I was in the regular room for another week they found out I got pneumonia. They were very cautious of me and would give me my medicine every 4 hours. During, that week my mom brought in photos of the past and showed me who was who. I got released on the 12 of January. As, the year went by after my cardiac arrest I began to remember most of my past and the present. I told my brother everything that I could remember from the hospital the outpost surgery, when my mom was clasping my hand praying to Santa Theresa. About, the disgusting food, and how grateful I was for my parents and their skills. You should always remember to take one day at a time, to be thankful for every day that your there with your parents. Don’t take people for granted especially your parents they do the things they do because, they love you and care for you so much and, always remember that god placed you there with your parents and family for a reason. Be thankful for everything you have. Live everyday like there’s no tomorrow because, sometimes you don’t get a 2nd chance.
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