Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1390645-Commanding-Cold
by Gunnd1
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1390645
When Justin gets lost in the woods with his dogs he doesn't know what to do.
It was the last time Justin would be going to his cabin in Northern Wisconsin, his parents John and Mary were planning on selling it. Justin didn't mind to much, he never was a big fan of going up there every winter. Although he loved it when his parents let him bring his three Siberian Huskies Spike, Jack, and Thunder. Thats the only reason he was going up this time, his dogs. His mother had said that this would be the last time his dogs rode in the car. She said they were spreading to much hair all over her already dirty car. His dad had always loved the dogs too. Especially when they go him the newspaper, that way he didn't have to get out of bed. He didn't get to go dog sledding alot anymore because he didn't have a big enough piece of land to sled on, and thats exactly why he went up to the cabin this last time.

Justin's mom turned around and looked at him with a sort of sweet smile, and said "Justin we're almost there aren't you excited, its the last time we're coming up here!"

"Thank the lord!" Justin said half happily.

"Son you should be happy we're letting you take your dogs up with you, anyways the forest up there is beautiful and for all you know their might be other kids up there your age!"
Justin's dad said in matter of factly tone of voice.

" Dad that wigwam, that you call a cabin, is in the middle of nowhere!" Justin said angrily.

"If you are going to talk back to me like this I will turn this car around and go home!" His dad said threatiningly.

The rest of the ride to the next rest stop was completely quiet, no one said a word. Once there Justin snuck his knapsack, sleeping bag, cooking supplies, rations, clothing, and every other thing that could fit in the knapsack and tied it down to the dog sled. Of course he took a box of Sprite and Coke to tie down with the rest of the items. Then he hitched up Thunder, Jack, and Spike to the sled, then took off into the blowing snow and wind.

After at least 2 hours of the wind whipping at his face and the snow trickling down his jacket, he stopped unhitched the dogs and set to work on building a shelter.

© Copyright 2008 Gunnd1 (gunnd1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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