Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1390408-A-one-page-school-assignement
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1390408
"The Absolutely, Positively, One Hundred Percent, Worst Night of my Entire Life … Ever!"
         The absolutely, positively, one hundred percent, worst night of my entire life was the night of the colossal earache. It was a Thursday, and I had just returned from countless hours of dance. Fortunately I had previously finished my heaps and heaps of homework. My dance lessons ended at 9:30, now it was ten. I wasn’t the least bit fatigued, so I grabbed a book, flopped onto our coffee-colored couch and began to read.
         Twenty minutes later my ear began to sting. At first I ignored it, but it got worse and worse. None of the medicine in my house could stop the pain. Ten minutes later I was in an ambulance with my mom. My ear was a fire alarm, ringing off the hook, or so it seemed. The driver took forever, and because my powerless body could do nothing else, I passed out.
         A little while later I awoke to find myself in an unfortunately familiar room, the hospital waiting reception area. When she saw that I was awake, my mom told me that we had already been waiting two horrible, horrific hours! I, weak and helpless, quickly lost conciseness again. When I awoke, I found myself in a new room. The pale, faded pink, floral wallpaper was almost completely covered with charts and ghastly pictures of bedridden, diseased people, dying in pain and anguish.
          “Just a bit longer, Devon. They should call us shortly,” said my mom. I groaned.
         “Where am I?”
         “Another waiting room! We’ve been waiting five whole hours!” Again I groaned. My right ear felt like it was about to explode into a billion bazillion bity pieces.
         A half an hour later, the secretary finally called my name. A large mob of nurses wearing green, bloodstained outfits moved towards me. They carefully lifted my limp body onto an old, stinky, blue stretcher and wheeled me into an undersized yellow room. The handsome walls were lined with sparkling white cabinets and adorable pictures of little babies dressed in bumblebee costumes. At least I’ll have a worthy doctor, I thought. Alas, I’d spoken too soon.
         A hideous, eerie doctor entered the room. He had an evil, crooked grin and repulsive, yellowish green teeth teeming with cavities and what looked like month old lettuce. Slowly he walked towards me, snapping his gloves, laughing a malicious laugh.
         “Vell, vell, vell. Now vat do vee have here?” he said slyly as he laughed his terrible laugh. Fortuitously for me, I fainted yet again, and didn’t she what he did. My mom said it w as dreadful! The next thing I knew, I was being delicately laid down on my bed. My ear no longer ached and hurt.
         “What, what happened?” I moaned.
         “Shh,” my dad answered softly. “After that horrid man finished examining you, the nurses gave your mom some pills for you to use. I came and picked the both of you up and drove you home.” He turned off the lights, shut the door and left. I rolled over and looked at my clock. It read 10:00 a.m.
         “Home sweet home,” I thought as I closed my eyes and slept through the rest of Friday.

                                                        *  *  *

         That was absolutely, positively, one hundred percent, worst night of my life... ever! And in case you were wondering, yes, the pills were the most revolting things I’d ever tasted! Providentially, they only lasted two weeks. Never see that doctor.
© Copyright 2008 Sarah L. Blue (dancer-260 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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