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IMPARAT SI PROLETAR                                        EMPEROR AND PROLETARIAN

Pe banci de lemn in scunda taverna mohorata            On wooden benches of low gloomy pub
Unde patrunde ziua printre feresti murdare,                  Light filters in through filthy windows webs

Pe linga mese lunge statea posomorita                      At the long tables sit morose and drab

Cu fete-ntunecoase o ceata pribegita,                        Grim faces, there a group of drifters club

Copii saraci si sceptici ai plebei proletare                    Poor, skeptic children of proletarian plebs

-Ah, zise unul, -spuneti ca omul e o lumina                -Ah, said one, -you say man is like a flare

Pe lumea asta plina de-amaruri si de chin?                  Upon this world of bitterness and pains?

Nici o scinteie-ntr-insul nu-i candida si plina,                He has no candid spark there in his fare

Murdara este raza ca globul cel de tina                        His light is muddy like the earthly sphere

Asupra carui dinsul domneste pe deplin.                      Upon which he today completely reigns

-Spuneti-mi ce-i dreptatea? -Cei tari se  ingradira        - Just tell me, what is justice? The powerful are fenced in.

Cu-averea si marirea in cercul lor de legi;                    With their wealth and grandeur into their nest of  laws,

Prin bunuri ce furara, in veci vezi cum conspira            Forever they conspire to hoard their looted win
Contra celor ce dinsii la munca-i osandira                  Conscripted are to toiling our people and our kin                                                                                                     
Si le subjuga munca vietii lor intregi.                          And they subject the product of their entire lives.

Unii plini de placere petrec a lor viata,                        Some spend their lives in pleasure, as if they are in heavens
Trec zilele voioase si orele surid,                                Passing their days rejoycing, their hours go in jests

In cupe vin de ambra - iarna gradini, verdeata              Their cups hold wine of amber - in winter verdant gardens
Vara petreceri, Alpii cu fruntile de gheata,                    The summertime for parties, the Alps with icy summits
Ei fac din noapte ziua si-ai zilei ochi inchid.                  They turn night into daytime and put their day to rest. 

Virtutea pentru dinsii ea nu exista. Insa,                        Virtue to them is inexistent. But,

V-o predica caci trebuie sa fie brate tari,                        They preach it for they need your strength

A statelor cara greoaie trebuie-mpinse                            The heavy wicked state's machine to move

Si trebuiesc luptate razboaiele aprinse,                          And have to fight the fiery wars at length

Cind voi murind in singe, ei pot sa fie mari.                      You die in blood so they can valor prove.

Si flotele puternice s-armatele faloase                              And mighty fleets and the imposing armies

Coroanele ce regii le pun pe fruntea lor,                            The royal crown to crown the royal bloke

S-acele milioane ce in gramezi luxoase                            Those millions piled in heaps of monies

Sunt strinse la bogatul, pe cel sarac apasa                      The rich have gathered to opress the poor

Si-s supte din sudoarea prostitului popor                          Sucked off the sweating of the lumpish folk.

Religia - o fraza de dinsii inventata                                    Religion - a story they have themselves  invented
Ca cu a ei putere sa va aplece-n jug,                                Its power's hanging over the yoke upon your necks
Caci de-ar lipsi din inimi speranta  de rasplata,                  If any hope for pay back is in your heart prevented
Dupa ce-amar muncirati mizeri viata  toata,                        After the miser toiling you have all life resented
Ati mai purta osanda ca vita de la plug?                            Would you still bear your burden; that of the plowing ox?

Cu umbre care nu sunt v-a-ntunecat  vederea            They darkened up your vision with inexisting shadows
Si v-a facut sa credeti ca veti fi rasplatiti...                And made you think that you'll get your righteous reward...
Nu! Moartea cu viata a stins toata placerea              No! Death wiped off the pleasure; in this life nothing follows

Cel ce in asta lume a dus numai durerea                  The one who in existence only endured  sorrows
Nimic n-are dincolo caci morti sunt cei muriti.          Has nothing hereafter ; they're dead those who depart.

Minciuni si fraze-i totul ce statele sustine,                It's only lies and phrases that what the states uphold
Nu-i ordine fireasca ce ei a fi sustin;                          That's not natural order; it's just deceitful spin

Averea sa le aperi, marirea si-a lor bine,                    Defended be their grandeur, well-being and their gold,
Ei bratul tau inarma ca sa lovesti in tine,                  They arm you with a weapon; to hit yourself as told,
Si pe voi contra voastra la lupta ei va min                  And they drive you in battle to do harm to your kin.

De ce sa fiti voi sclavii milioanelor nefaste,                  Why should you slaves be to their millions' rot?
Voi ce din munca voastra de-abia puteti trai?                You, those who of your toiling can barely subsist?
De ce boala si moartea sa fie partea voastra,                Why should illness and dying  be everything you've got
Cind ei in bogatia cea splendida si vasta                      When they within their vast, sublime and splendid lot
Petrec ca si in ceruri, n-au timp nici de-a muri?              Fare like they are in heaven; death even they resist?

De ce uitati ca-n voi e si numar si putere?                      Do you forget how yours are  the number and the power?
Cind vreti puteti prea lesne pamantul sa-mparti                When willing and so easy you can allot the land

Nu le mai faceti ziduri unde sa-nchid-avere,                    Quit building walls for fortunes secluded in their  tower
Pe voi unde sa-nchida cind impinsi de durere,                  They'll jail you when by anguish you're driven to empower,
Veti crede c-aveti dreptul si voi ca sa traiti                        To think that for your life now is right to take a  stand

Ei ingraditi de lege, placerilor se lasa,                          They yield to pleasures being protected by the law,

Si sucul cel mai dulce pamintului i-l sug;                      And they despoil the earth of its most tasteful sap;

Ei cheama-n voluptatea orgiei zgomotoase                  They summon to the din of luscious orgies lusters

De instrumente oarbe a voastre fiici frumoase;              The blind tools of perdition entwine your pretty daugters;

Frumsetile-ne tineri batrinii lor distrug.                          And our youthful beauties their old men wily trap.

Si de-ntrebati atunce, voua ce va ramane                      And if you ask thereafter, just what will be your claim?

Munca din care dinsii se-mbata in placeri,                      Your labour which supplies their intoxicating bliss,

Robia viata toata, lacrimi pe-o neagra paine,                  The drudgery of lifetime, tears on a piece of black bread,

Copilelor patate mizeria-n rusine...                                To your dishonoured daughters the misery of shame...

Ei tot si voi nimica; ei cerul, voi dur                                To them all, to you nothing; them heavens, you remiss!

De lege n-au nevoie - virtutea e usoara                            No need there to be lawful - it's easy to be virtuous

Cind ai ce-ti trebuieste,,,Iar legi sunt pentru voi,              When you have all that's needed..laws only you will haunt

Voua va pune lege, pedepse va masoara                        To you applies the law and punishments infamous

Cind mina v-o intindeti la bunuri zimbitoare,                      When your hand is trying to reach a tempting thing

Caci nu-i iertat nici bratul teribilei nevoi.                          There is no pardon, even for the most dreadful want

Zdrobiti oranduiala cea cruda si nedreapta,                    This cruel and  injust regime you must defy,

Ce lumea o imparte in mizeri si bogati!                          Which splits the world in paupers and in rich

Atunci cind dupa moarte rasplata nu v-asteapta,            If no reward is waiting for you after you die,

Faceti ca-n asta lume sa aiba parte dreapta,                  Make for a rightful sharing of fortunes to apply,

Egala fiecare si sa traiti ca frati!                                    Equality, fraternity to all, without a glitch!

Sfarmati statuia goala a Venerei antice,                        Smash down the naked statue of the antique Venere,

Ardeti acele pinze cu corpuri de ninsori;                        Burn up canvases painting the snow-white skin so nice

Ele stirnesc in suflet idea neferice                                  They cause the spirit to the hapless idea to adhere

A perfectiei umane si ele fac sa pice                              Of flawlessness in humans and cause to disappear

In ghearele uzurei copile din popor                                  Young daughters from the people into the grip of vice!

Sfarmati tot ce atata inima lor bolnava                              Smash up all that  their wicked heart engages

Sfarmati palate, temple, ce crimele ascund,                      Smash palaces and temples which their crimes conceal,

Zvirliti statui de tirani in foc, sa curga lava,                          Hurl tyrants' statues into the fiery lava's purges

Sa spele de pe pietre pina si urma sclava                          Let it wash off the footprints of their slavish stooges

Celor ce le urmeaza pin' la al lumii fund                              Who to the final ending will follow at their heel.

Sfarmati tot ce arata mandrie si avere,                                Smash up all that is showing their vanity and wealth

O! Dezbracati viata de haina-i de granit,                              Oh! Strip life too of its hard granite coating,

De purpura, de aur de lacrimi, de urat...                              Of purple, gold, of tears and ugliness

Sa fie un vis numai, sa fie o parere,                                      Let it be just a dream, let it be fancy stealth

Ce far' de patimi trece in timpul nesfarsit.                            Devoid of passions, shift to timeless floating.

Ziditi din darmature gigantici piramide,                                  Huge pyramids build up out of the wreckage,

Ca un memento mori pe al istoriei plan                                  Like a memento mori; the history's reply

Aceasta este arta ce sufletu-ti deschide                                This is the art which to your soul gives passage

Naintea veciniciei, nu corpul gol ce rade                                Before eternity, not the nude, laughing image

Cu mutra de vanduta ,cu ochi vil si viclean.                            The face of depravation, the wicked, wily eye.

O! Aduceti potopul, destul voi asteptarati                        Oh! the deluge is wanted, your wait was long and timeous!

Ca sa vedeti ce bine prin bine o sa ias'                          To see the good that's coming out of the goods delayed

Nimic...Locul hienei il lua cel vorbaret,                            Nothing...The old hyena replaced by the loquacious

Locul cruzimii veche, cel lins si pizmataret,                      Instead of aged cruelty, you have the slick and envious

Formele se schimbara dar raul a ramas.                          The forms for now are changed, but the old evil stayed.

Atunci va veti intoarce la vremile-aurite,                        Then you'll return once more to fabled golden ages,

Ce mitele albastre ni le soptesc ades,                          Which the blue myth in whispered voice unlocks,

Placerile egale, egal vor fi-mpartite,                              Dividing equal pleasures all equally in stages,
Chiar moartea cind va stinge lampa vietii finite,              When Death itself the light of finite life expunges,

Vi s-a parea un inger cu parul blond si des.                  It will recall an angel with his blond curly locks.

Atunci veti muri lesne fara de-amar si grija                    Then you will die at ease, no rancor and no cares

Feciorii-or trai-n lume cum voi ati vietuit,                        Your lads will live in mankind the way you lived your life,

Chiar clopotu n-a plinge cu limba lui de spija                  Churchbells will not lament as called in by the mores

Pentru acel de care norocul avu grija;                            For him, to whom the luck has answered all his prayers;

Nimeni de-a plinge n-are, el traiul si-a trait.                      No one has grounds for crying, his living time was rife.

Si boale ce mizeria s-averea nefireasca                          Paupery and excesses bring illness in extent

Le nasc in oameni, toate cu-ncetul s-or topi;                  And manifest in humans, will slowly fade away;

Va creste tot ce-n lume este menit sa creasca,              What's meant to grow, will grow to heart's content,

Va bea pana-n fund cupa, pan' va vrea s-o zdrobeasca,    He'll drink life's cup entirely and smash it when it's spent,
Caci va muri cand nu va avea la ce trai.                          When there will be no reason his parting to delay.


Pe malurile Senei In faeton de gala,                                Along the Seine in his resplendent coach

Cezarul trece palid in ginduri adincit;                              Pale, Caesar passes lonely, his meditation jumbled

Al undelor greu vuiet, vuirea in granit                              The waters' heavy rumble, the hoofs on granite rumbled

A sute d'echipajuri gindirea-i n-o inseala;                        Of horses in the hundreds, his reasoning encroach

Poporul loc ii face tacut si umilit                                    The people pull aside in silence, humbled.

Zimbirea lui desteapta, adanca si tacuta,                        The smiling face, astute, intensely quiet,

Privirea-i ce citeste in suflete-omenesti,                          The gaze able to read the depth of human mind,

Si mana-i care poarta destinele lumesti,                          His hand firmly controls the destins of mankind,

Cea grupa zdrentuita in cale-i o saluta                            This ragged mob which bows, is also set to riot

Marirea-i e in taina legata de acesti.                                His grandeur is in secret connected to their kind.

Convins ca voi el este-n naltimea-i solitara                        He is convinced the grandeur he upholds

Lipsita de iubire, cum ca principiul rau,                            Bereft of loving, is the wicked's rule,

Nedreptul si minciuna al lumii duce frau:                          Iniquity and falsehood reign the world, the fool
Istoria umana in veci se desfasoara,                                The history of humans eternally unfolds

Povestea-i a ciocanului ce cade pe ilau.                            Hammer on anvil hitting is the rule

Si el - el virful mandru al celor ce apasa                            And he himself, the pinnacle oppressor

Saluta-n a lui cale pe-aparatorul mut.                                Salutes the silent keeper along the road alone.

De ati lipsi din lume, voi cauza-ntunecoasa,                        For if the world would miss you, the transgressor,

De rasturnari marete, marirea-i radioasa,                            The cause of great upheavals, his radiant grandeur,

Cezarul, chiar Cezarul de mult ar fi cazut.                          Caesar himself, the Caesar would long ago be gone.

Cu ale voastre umbre nimica crezatoare,                            With you, distrusting shadows in your plight,

Cu zimbetu-va rece, de mila parasit,                                    Your cold smile which no lenience relates

Cu mintea de dreptate si bine razatoare,                              Your righteous mind inclined to spite,

Cu umbra voastra numai, puteri ingrozitoare,                        Using yours shadow's dreadful might

La jugu-i el sileste pe cei ce l-au urit.                                  He forces his domain on those he hates.


Parisul arde-n valuri, furtuna-n el se scalda                        Paris, a sea of fire, a tempest burning spree

Turnuri ca facle negre troznesc arzind in vint...                    Black towers burn like torches bursting up in the gloom

Prin limbile de flacari ce-n valuri se framint,                        Out of the tongues of flares twisting in waves of doom,

Racnete, vuiet de-arme patrund marea cea calda                Yelling and clinks of weapons cut through the fiery sea
Evul e un cadavru - Paris al lui mormant                              The Old Age's a cadaver - and Paris is its tomb

Pe stradele-ncrusite de flacari orbitoare,                              Down in the streets illumined by blazing bursts of flame

Suiti pe baricade de bulgari de granit,                                  Atop the barricades made out of granite stones,

Se misc-batalioane a plebei proletare,                                The proletarian plebs battalions raising claim,

Cu cusme frigiene, cu arme lucitoare,                                  With their frigian bonnets, their shining arms reclaim,

Si clopote de-arama ce rasuna ragusit.                                And copper bells which sound in hoarsy tones

Ca marmura de albe, ca ea nepasatoare,                            Pale-skinned like whiten marble, like marble uninspired

Prin aerul cel rosu, femei trec cu-arme-n brat,                      Arms- bearing women passing into the red air haze

Cu par bogat si negru pe umeri se coboara                          With thick black hair downfalling to their shoulders

Si sinii lor acopar; e ura si turbare                                      To cover their breasts; they carry rage and hatred

In ochii lor cei negri, adinci si desperati.                              And utter desperation deep in their black eyes craze

O! Lupta-te-nvalira in pletele-ti bogate                                  O! Fight wound up in rich hair flowing spin

Eroic este astazi copilul cel pierdut!                                      Of the lost child of yore, the hero grew!

Caci flamura cea rosa cu umbra-i de departe                          For the red flag away there with its shade

Sfinteste a ta viata de tina si pacate;                                    Absolves your life of miseries and sin;

Nu, nu esti tu de vina ci cei ce te-au vandut!                          No, not your fault, but theirs who sold you!


Scinteie marea lina si placele ei sure                                The glossy sea, a glitter of gray tides to the fullest

Se misca una pe-alta ca paturi de cristal                            They're moving in and out like crystal slates

Prin lume pravalite; din tainica padure                                Descending on the world out of the mystic forest,

Apare luna mare cimpiilor azure,                                      The moon shines over the blue fields in its broadest,

Implindu-le cu ochiul ei mindru, triumfal.                            Which splendid and triumphant her vision permeates.

Pe undele incete isi misca leganate                                  Upon the gently moving waves they sway

Corabii invechite scheletele de lemn;                                Old wooden ships sail driven by the gusts

Trecind incet ca umbre - tin pinzele umflate,                      Pass slowly on, like shadows on their way

In fata lunei care prin ele-atunci strabate,                            Moon's light sends into their full sails its ray

Si-n roata de foc galben sta fata-i ca un semn.                    Its fiery yellow circle, a warning omen casts

Pe maluri zdrumicate de aiurirea marii                                Upon the shore eroded by agitated breakers,

Cezaru-nca vegheaza la trunchiul cel plecat                        Caesar's still waking there by the tilted trunk

Al salciei pletoase si-ntinse-a apei arii                                Of the old weeping willow, on spacious open waters

In cercuri fulgerinde se pleaca lin suflarii                              The swell of wind forms sparkling circles clusters

A zefirului noptii si suna cadentat                                      Of nightly Zephyros and sound in cadenced clunk

Ii pare ca prin aer in noaptea instelata,                                A semblance's passing airy across the starry sky,

Calcind pe virf de codri, pe-a apelor mariri,                            Treading high above treetops, on waters austere

Trecea cu barba alba pe fruntea-ntunecata                          White beard; dark shadows on his forehead lie

Cununa cea de paie ii atirna uscata,                                    The wilted crown of weeds is hanging dry,

Mosneagul rege Lear.                                                        The elderly king Lear.

Uimit privea Cezarul la umbra cea din nouri,                    Amazed was watching Caesar the ghost up in the heights
Prin creti ai carei stele lin tremurind transpar,                  Transparing through the stars' smooth twinkling

I se deschide-n minte tot sensul din tablouri                    A hidden sense appears out of the bygone sights

A vietii sclipitoare...A popoarelor ecouri                          Of glittering life..... Echoes of people's sound bites

Par glasuri ce imbraca o lume de amar;                          Appear to be voices out of a world despairing;

"In orice om o lume isi face incercarea                          " In any human being a world attempts to surface

Batrinul Demiurgos se opinteste-n van;                            Old Demiurgos's stressing vainly in the proud;

In orice minte lumea isi pune intrebarea                          In any mind returns the asking sentence:

Din nou: de unde vine si unde merge floarea                    -Wherefrom it comes and whereto goes the essence

Dorintelor obscure sadite in noian?"                                Of the obscure longings implanted in the crowd?"

Al lumii-ntregul sambur, dorinta-i si marirea,                    Yearning for grandeur sits at the world's core,

In inima oricarui-i ascuns si traitor,                                  It lives absconded deeply into the heart of man,

Zvarlire hazardata, cum pomu-n inflorire                            Hazardous thrusting by the blooming tree of lore

In orice floare-ncearca intreaga a sa fire,                          Which up Into each flower its essence tries to pour,

Ci-n calea de-a da roade cele mai multe mor.                    In dieing ends for many their delicate life span.

Astfel umana roada in calea ei ingheata,                          Also the fruit of humans is iced up in its way,

Se petrifica unu-in sclav, altu-mparat,                                One petrified as slave, another king by call

Acoperind cu noime sarmana lui viata,                              In nonsense clad his poor life's disarray

Si aratind la soare-a mizeriei lui fata,                                And sunlight shows his face worn by dismay,

Fata -caci intelesul-i acelasi la toti dat.                              Just a facade absconding, a meaning same for all

In veci aceleasi doruri mascate cu-alta haina,                      Eternally same longings disguised in other dress

Si-n toata omenirea in veci acelasi om                                And always in the humans an only man of note

In multe forme-apare a vietii cruda taina,                              Life's cruel secrets many forms express

Pe toti ea ii insala , la nimeni se destaina,                          Deceiving all, to no one they profess,

Dorinti nemarginite plantind intr-un atom.                              Unlimited desires  implanting in a mote.

Cind stii ca visu-acesta cu moarte se sfirseste,                    You know that all this dreaming in dying ends at last,

Ca-n urma-ti ramin toate astfel cum sunt, de dregi                And all you leave behind you is equally unfurled
Oricit ai drege-n lume - atunci te oboseste                            Despite of all you managed - then weariness is fast

Eterna alergare si-atunci te-ademeneste:                              Of the eternal rushing; you're tempted to forecast

"Ca vis al mortii-eterne e viata lumii-ntregi".                          "That dream of death eternal the life is of this world"

Mihai Eminescu,                                              Translation by Stefan Ichim, M.D.

1874, December, 1.                                          2008, March 24
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