Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1388935-Teardrops-Dont-Make-Sense-Anymore
by M@d-Dy
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Emotional · #1388935
This is a story bout a 13 year-old girl who has gone through a lot in her life so far.
Chapter 1 2/13/08
*It All Begins*
Hi. My name is Sam. My "good" dreams are ones where I can get away from my fears but, never do, and as for my nightmares? Really my nightmare. . . .My nightmare is my life. I have a lot of stuff going on in my life. People want to find me and kill me. People want to torcher me. Basicaly all because I probably put their partner in jail or something. Anyway, I have a sixteen year-old boyfriend named Micheal. My "parents" don't know about him though. He is really sweet and I love him to death! Now, the reason I say "parents" is because my real parents left when I was younger. I don't know where they are or even if they are still alive. But, where ever they are I hope they are okay. My best friend Allisa keeps saying that they will come back for me. But, I know the truth. . . . .they won't. Allisa is really worried about me. When I get mad she tries to be like a fuckin' therapist and act all calm and understanding. I really know that she is freakin' out and hopes I don't have a tantrum.
Now back to my life. My life is very complicated, and I've almost gotten killed numorous times. I live in New York City. What a great place for me to live with my life being the way it is, I know. But, Allison and Micheal make my life semi-normal. I don't go to school, I'm too young to get a good job, and my "parents" are always worried I'm going to get hurt in the "Big City." They worry to much. I know how to use a gun, a sword, a knife! But, they just think I will hurt myself while trying to protect myself. Like a few months ago.
There had been really bad reports of people being torchered and killed all around New York. My "parents" where scared since I always some how get into fighting people like that, that I was going to try to stop the killer. The thing is I didn't even hear about it until my "parents" told me that I couldn't go after him. I was kind of freaked out myself. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to go after him. I was in a very delicate stage for some reason. I think I was finding stuff out about my real family and how bad my heritage is. Which is probably part of the reason I'm into fighting and not listening to people. I don't like people telling me how to do stuff or what to do. I don't like it and I would never do it to someone else. Unless I had to.
Anyway, I was wondering why my "parents" where acting all secretive about it. So, I asked if there was anything wrong. All my "mom" could say was,"No, nothings wrong. We are just talking about business and our taxes."
I knew that was bullshit! Come on! Our taxes? I have more things to pay off then they would in a life time! I knew there was something going on. But, I didn't know what. So, I started to sneek around and find stuff out from Micheal and Allison. I wasn't in the house very much after that. I was always out trying to find jobs and find out what the hell was going on!
Chapter 2
*The Rogue Killer*
One night I went over to Allisa's and I asked her if she had heard anyhting about the killer. Nothing. She asked her dad and her mom about it and they claimed they had "never" heard of that stuff going on. Her parents think I will make Allisa's life miserable and make her cut herself or something. Her parents worry to much, too. They are complete assholes to eachother and Allisa. They say they are good parents trying to raise their daughter with respect and other shit like that but, all they are really doing is teaching their 13 year-old daughter how to be a perfect little bitch who will worry about everything. Anyway, I was at her house and since we didn't get any information from her parents we searched it on the internet. Finally! We found something about the killer. We didn't get his name, or what he looked like. . . . . .or anything important for that matter. We just got names of the people he killed and the way he killed them.
"Holy shit! Did you see the way this maniac kills people?!" I said in surprise.
"Yeah, and it's kinda creepy if you ask me!" Allisa is scared of things like that.
"He torchers them to death! And tries to keep them awake for the whole thing! WOW! Sorry to say, but, that's pretty cool!. . . .In a really creepy way."
"You think that people being torchered to death is cool?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Allisa was starting to get a little mad at me. Could ya tell?
"What? I said I think the way he kills people is cool. I never said him actually killing them is cool! God damn!"
"What ever. . . . .Hey! Look at this!" Allisa had found something actually important about the killer. I was even surprised since they didn't even have his fucking height,"They say that the police might know who the killer is. . . . .They say his name is Dennis Blotworth, and he always wears the same thing when he attackes people. Damn that's creepy."
"What hell kind of last name is Blotworth?! He sounds german or something. I'm sorry but, I think they made his name up. That's the gayest name ever!"
"Really? I think I've heard worse!" We both started laughing.
"Yeah, really. Like Mark Semmings! Oh my god I hate that bastard so much!"
Mark Semmings is my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me and thinks that I should take him back because "he's changed." I keep tellin' him he's the same asshole I dated 7 months ago. I got over him in a month. It was easy because Allisa actually helped me get over him. I thought I was in love with him! Holy shit was I WRONG! But, after the month I got over him I started dating Micheal. Who is the hottest boyfriend ever!
We were both happy I broke up with him. Especially since he tried to fuck me and my friends. He didn't give a fuck about anything other than fucking and making out.
"Yeah. I can't believe you went out with that asshole."Allisa said in a an angered voice.
"Wel, I'm known for doing stupid and and weird things!" I giggled.
"Yeah. But, still he's not worth it to cry over."She was starting to giggle.
"I didn't cry! I was just upset from other stuff."We laughed together.
"Like what?! Stuff at school?" There was silence. I had always been very sensitive about me not going to school. Allisa goes to school and so does Micheal. I can't go because I am always busy with other stuff and my "parents" don't have enough money to send me to school.
So, when she said that I got mad. But, not mad at her. Because she didn't mean to say it. I was mad at my "parents."
"Oh my god! Sam I'm so sorry!"This is when she was worried I would throw a tantrum. Cause, when I throw tantrums I say stuff I shouldn't, I throw things around, and she is actually afriad of me when I throw tantrums.
"It's ok. . . .I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at my dumbass "parents" who can't get enough fucking money to send me to god damn school! They have enough fucking money to buy stuff they don't even need! You know what I found out a few nights ago?"
"What?"Allisa looked scared.
"I found out that they are saving up for a new car! So, they can save up for a new damn car and not save up for me to go to fucking school?! Shows what kind of good "parents" they are! I don't even fucking know if they love me! They say it but there is no fucking way in hell that they show it! They think they know me?! Well, they don't! They don't know about Micheal. They don't know about my life before I came to them. I started living with them when I was 11. Did you know that? I was 11 fucking years-old and they think they know everything about my life! They don't know shit! If they know so damn much about my life then why don't they tell me about my mom and my dad and why they fucking left me! I want to know why they left me!" I was crying by the time I finished takling. I was really upset. As you can tell. But, I just didnt undertsand why my parents left me to die alone with no one there to save me.
"I'm really sorry. You know what just forget them. If you want you can stay at my house. I don't care that my parents don't like you. You are my best friend. So, do you want to stay here till your parents get the hint? Or what?" Allisa was surprisingly being very calm. I didn't understand why. I guess she was just learning how to be calm about stuff now.
"No, I'm fine. I'll just go home and sit in my room like what I normaly do when I'm pissed off."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm fine now. I just wanna go home and calm the fuck down."
"Okay. I'll call you later, okay?"
"Alright. See-ya." I said while walking out of her room.
"Bye." She was really worried about me. I could easily tell. But, she is always worried about me. So, it wasn't a surprise.
So, I walked in her living room and said good-bye to her parents. They were happy so see me leave. I could tell that they had heard me screaming in Allisa's room. They looked like they thought I was trying to teach Allia to be like me. I wasn't.
I walked out of the house and started walking to my house wich was a few blocks away. It was late at night, the clouds were covering the moon. I could barely see anything. I walked into some garbage pails a few times and then I heard something behind me. I turned around quickly after hearing something fall over.
It was a garbage pail then I just barely saw a dark figure on the ground. I turned around and started walking away. I heard it running behind me. Wondering what it was, I turned around quickly to mak it stop moving and grabbed it.
"Holy shit! Ow!" I screamed in pain,"You fucking bit me!" I dropped it on the ground and got out my phone to shine some light on it to see what it was. I felt so stupid once I found out what the attacking creature was. A possum. It was a damn possum. I could not believe I was worrying about a fucking possum.
"Go away!" I yelled to the possum. I shined some light on it and it ran away.
I started walking home again. I looked around the city. I saw people fighting, eating dinner, fight while eating dinner. I saw lots of stuff. Some stuff I didn't even need to see! About half way to my house I felt like someone was following me. I figured it was that damn possum again so I got out my phone, quickly turned around, shined the light on they ground, looked up and then screamed. . . . .
Chapter 3
*So, Now We've Met
"What the hell?! Who are you?" I saw a shadow I was scared. . . .sort of.
"Answer me! Who are you?!" I screamed in frustration. But, he wouldn't say anything.
He just stood there. So, I started running. Then he started chasing after me. I was scared and didn't know that was really even going on. I had no idea of what the fuck to do! What could I do? I started yelling. Then he started running even faster! So, many things were going through my head. Try being scared to death while running New York City trying to get away from a man dressed in black who won't talk and just chases you! It's not very easy to stay calm and thing of a way to get away.
At one point I looked behind me to see if he was still there and he wasn't. As I was turning around I saw him on the other side of the street. I wasn't paying any attention to where I was running since I was still looking at "him" standing on the other side of the street I ran into a tree! I fell to the ground and opended my eyes, looked over to the other side of the street and saw him standing there staring at me.
I turned my head and looked away for one damn second, opened my eyes and there he was standing over me. Next thing I know I'm dreaming about that night. I could barely see him standing before me. Of course I couldn't see his face. But, even in my dream it felt like I was going through it all over again.
After that I woke up to the sound of a drill. I looked around but couldn't see much. Everything looked blurry. I was chained to a chair and noticed my ankles were bleeding. The chains around them were dgging and cutting into my skin.
"Holy shit! Where the fuck am I?!" I yelled.
Luckily he didn't chain me to the back of the chair so I could move around in the chair. He fucking locked my hands together with a chain and a lock. I struggled to get out of the chair. He heard you moving and ran up to me and grabbed my hair and pulled it back. I yelped in pain. I was scared to see him so I closed my eyes and tried to look away.But, he wouldn't let me move at all.
He had something sharp in his hands apparently. I know this because he cut my cheek with it. I felt the cold blade run on and through my cheek. Then all I fet was the warm blood rolling down my face. The pain made me remeber something from when I was about 7 years-old.
I was walking up and down my driveway waiting for my mom to get home. It was around 2 o'clock in the morning and it was completely dark. I had no idea where my mom nor my dad had been all day. My mom came home once aorund 2 o'clock in the afternoon and said she would be back in a few hours.
"I have to go take care of something for your father. He won't be home for a few hours so don't expect him to be home soon, okay?" My mom explained to me.
"Okay, Mommy. I love you!"
"I love you too, sweety." She said then she left.
As she was walking down the driveway to her car i noticed shad had mouthed something. She also shed one little tear. I didn't know why she was crying or what she had said but now that I am older I now know what she mouthed before she left that afternoon,'I just wish you knew the truth.' is what she had mouthed as she walked away. That whole night after she left that's all I thought about. I didn't know what she had said because at that age I didn't know how to read lips.
It was 4:00 in the morning when I saw lights down the dark street. They were car lights but, they kept swurving and going back and forth across the street. I was very confused why they were doing that. The car got closer and I realized it was my dad's car but stll didn't understand why the hell it was ging on.
I heard a scream from the car. It sounded like my mom so I got scared.
"Mommy! Mommy!" I cried.
"Sam! Sam, go inside and hide! Hid Sam! Hurry!" My mom yelled out the car window. I didn't know what was going on so I just ran inside and hid under the sink in the kitchen. From under the sink I heard my mom scream again. It was deep cabinet so I went into the back. I heard the door slam open and my mom crying and screaming.
"Let me go!" she cried,"Let me go! Please! Joe! Let me go!" My mom begged.
"Where is she?!" My dad yelled to her,"Where the fuck is she, Angie?! Go find her!"
My mom was scared and so was I. I heard her scream and then heard a big crash. I didn't know what had happend so I opened the cabinet door a little bit and saw my mom lying on the floor on our glass coffee table.
"Mommy!" I screamed as I ran over to her,"Mommy are you okay?!" I cried to her. She didn't answer. I saw blood behind her. Then I heard another crash upstairs. I heard my dad coming down the stairs.
"Sam? Sam! Get your ass over here!" He yelled to me.
"What did you do to Mommy?!" I cried to him thinking he would answer truthfully.
"Mommy fell. Now come here!" He demanded.
"No! We have tohelp Mommy!"
"What? No! Get your fucking ass over here or I will drag you over here!" I was scared so I didn't want to disobey him. If my dad said he would dosomething like that I know he would because it's happend before. But, not like this. I didn't know what was wrong.
So, I walked over to him and looked at my mom
© Copyright 2008 M@d-Dy (maddyb01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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