Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1388788-Stranger-Things-Should-Happen
by Alan
Rated: E · Short Story · History · #1388788
My hope is the reader will see new possibilities for the future.
Stranger Things Should Happen


Under The Influence Of, "The Word"

Taberonis had planned only to rest his eyes. He woke with the book on his lap, still opened to the page he had been reading. The clock showed 30 minutes gained, he figured 15 had gone to sleeping, the other to reading. He turned his attention to monitor 1, and viewed the children as they gathered their quota for the day.

The 9 children had been working hard for three hours now. They could tell by reading the transporters weight that their quota was about made. They had been working in this quarry for about a month, and although each child knew that in a pinch any rocks would do, these made a difference. At the sound given off by the transporters weight detector, the children seem to come alive. The transporter was sent home while the children took the long way which allowed them a swim in the lake.

At seeing this, Taberonis returned to his book, reading this; "And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread". This causing him to spend some time thinking about what life must have been like before it was discovered that high-protein cells could be grown individually by turning them periodically, magnetically. He thought of how people had copied the bird in turning it's egg in order to incubate eggs themselves, for many generations, without realizing what they were really doing. It was the fear of ignorance that came over him which caused Taberonis to turn his attention to monitor No. 2. The transporter was downloading into the bin which funneled above the pulverizer. The children called it the devil.

After being pulverized, the powdered stones were fed to the bacteria growing in the first tank, of an operation known to most as their "food chain". When the bacteria in tank No. 1 reached the desired population, it was fed to the cells growing in the second tank, and so on until the desired individual cells were obtained for consumption. Much of the process was automated, but Taberonis knew how important the human element was, in the chain. His eyes moved from the gauges monitoring the tanks to monitor three. When he noticed the women in the kitchen making bread, he inhaled deeply, trying to capture its aroma.

Satisfied for the moment, Taberonis returned to his reading; " But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God".
© Copyright 2008 Alan (alanejackson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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