Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1387845-the-fishing-trip
Rated: E · Short Story · Tragedy · #1387845
a story about a girl and her dad who goes fishing. it has a surprising twist at the end.
There was once a girl named Mary. Her father was Jared, and she loved her father dearly. Jared was a man of great stature, and had a thin, but muscular appearence. She had known him scince birth, and has yet spent many memorable times together. One cold summer day, she and her father went fishing. While they were in the boat, just sitting quietly, Mary looked over at her father. Today he was wearing a plad wool jacket, and some faded blue jeans. It was saturday, so he had somewhat of a beard growing in, and his usual shoulder length hair was tied up in a pony-tail. While admiring Jared, Mary remembered a time she and her father had spent together. It was one of here many weekend mornings over at her fathers, and Mary had the sudden idea to go out on the roof. It was winter, but she had no worries. She awoke Jared, and pulled him into the kitchen. Mary then opened the window, peered out, and then back at her father. He agreed, and with no words said, they threw on their jackets, and climbed out the window. Onto the roof they went, carefull not to slip and fall on the icy shingles. When they reached the top of what seemed like Mount. Everest, they simply sat, and looked at the road below. She could see some morning joggers were coming, and thought it would be fun to throw a snowball at them. She grabbed up some snow, and with no second thought, threw it. It managed to not even come close to hitting the passerbys, so she tried again. This time the snow hit them, and they looked all around to see who threw it. Well, at this point Mary couldnt contain herself, and giggles overwhelmed her. She burst out in laugter, and her father, who was usually a meek man, joined in. As quickly as posible, without hurting themselves, they climbed back through the kitchen window, and into the kitchen. Jared made breakfast, and they had a lovely time chatting about their little adventure. Marys thoughts drifted, as Jared unexpectedly got a tug on his line. He stood up, and slowly reeled the line in. With extreme hope that he had caught "the big one", he reached for the net, and scooped the fish out of the water. It was no "big one", but it was a fair size. By this point, the fish count was two for dad, and zip for mary. The day turned to night, and Mary still hadnt caught any fish. They were just about to row into shore, when there was a bite on Mary's line. She yelled with joy. Her father told her to pull back on the rod, and she did so, a couple times actually. Unfortunetly, in all the excitment, neither of them noticed that their boat was rocking back and forth. The rocking increased, and the boat began to flip over. They flew into the water, and quickly swam to the surface. Jared abruplty swam over to Mary to see if she was alright. Just as he got there, Mary began to be pulled down. While in the process of being thrown out of the boat, she had unknowingly been tangled up in the line of her pole. The fish was still trying to escape, and Mary was a mere child, so the fish was overpowering her. She was being pulled to her death. Frantically, her father, not a good swimmer, dove down to rescue her. Mary was quite a ways down into the water, and by the time Jared had gotten to her, he had just enough time to break the fishing line, and shove her up to the surface. He was almost out of breath, so he swam fast. Just as he could see the surface, he began to fall slowly back down into the water, deeper and deeper. He seemed to be in some sort of paralysis. He stared up at the light above the water, and at his daughter. He was trying so hard to swim up to her, but he couldnt. He felt his life flash....then slowly closed his eyes, and gave up. Mary looked frantically for her father, but he was nowhere to be found. That day at the lake, Mary's life was changed forever when her beloved father was gone.
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