Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1387672-Eternal-Bliss
by Cliona
Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1387672
Counting her last days.

It was getting dark, cold breeze brushed the jar opposite the window making the curtains swing. The sunset emerged more dazzling than ever before, perhaps it’s because this will be Alisha's last sunset. She heard a noise, when she turned around to see a white plump cat sitting beside her on the bed. It rubbed its face on her hands when she cuddled it. She felt her body becoming weaker and weaker every second making her nerves numb, and then she slightly tried to get up to sit on her bed. It hurts terribly as if her elbows are broken; she gave up the effort and slowly reached under her pillow to pull out her family album.

The first page consisted of her baby pictures and she looked cute in the pink outfit her mother knitted. Then she slowly went through her childhood pictures where her brother, mom and dad were enjoying each other on their vacation. She remembered how she fought with her brother when they were playing hockey, he would never give a chance. Then she saw her high school graduation picture in which she looked very beautiful, tears filled her eyes and tiny drops started to wet the album. It was all perfect, very perfect indeed. Her mother and father loved her more than anything else, she thought her life is perfect enough to end so soon. Everything was wonderful until she heard that one day, when she came home after classes...

She looked at the first car her dad gifted in the picture, he said “I love you sweet heart, I hope this is just a beginning. You will be a successful girl in the future; I wish you all the best.” It sounded unreal to her now, since she never got the chance to go out of this room. She closed the album and turned to face the cat. “Hey rose, do you know that I’m leaving you today? I’m sorry but I hope you could help to bring that tape recorder. Can you?” She pointed her fingers towards the tape recorder on the foot of her bed as she couldn’t raise her hands. That white cat immediately cupped it with its mouth and brought it to her, it curled under her arms like a baby. “Good girl rose, you are a very special friend for me girl” she said rubbing it's head. She slowly pressed the record button and began speaking.

“Dear Mom and Dad, I’m really sorry for leaving you so soon. I can feel how bad it is to lose me in the family at this point, but I want both of you to be strong enough to accept the fact and to move on with your lives. As you know mom, I'm twenty five and I have seen all the beautiful things and experienced the greatest love in this world by being blessed with such a wonderful family. I love you so much mom…and dad for sure I bet you are so proud of me for realizing and bravely accepting the reality and also for leaving a message on my death bed. I couldn’t feel any fear upon death as I truly believe that whatever is out there beyond this life will be marvelous because I can see the power of god and his influence in my life by taking the forms as my mom, dad and brother…also as Rose. You won’t believe how Rose helped to get the tape recorder and is pampering me at this moment. In one way or other, I think am glad enough to leave this world alone without anyone by my side, because I didn’t see you all crying, instead, I imagine you all as sending me off happily with big smiles and also, I think I can feel the angels around me to help me through out this process. Hey Willie, how are you? I m sorry for fighting with you all this time but I always admired you as my mischievous brother not as a crying child so please don’t cry. I love you so much and you are the best brother in this world and I swear that I'm very luck to have such a beautiful family. Okay mom I think I should take some rest..if I can I will talk again back in a few minutes…even if I don’t talk that means I'm safely in god’s hands so do not worry. Dad I’m wishing you the best for your new project and mom I hope you will be promoted by next month. And Willie I didn’t’ forget you, you will get honors this year. Okay so good bye everyone and may god bless you all..bye”

She could remember the day she got home after class and stopped when she heard her mom crying in the living room discussing with her father over something. After listening to the conversation, she knew that she had cancer; it was so painful in the beginning for her to accept it as it is. But the bright side is she learns to live every moment in her life completely enjoying herself and her family. Alisha didn’t make anyone sad and she never let anyone to feel sorry for her.

She stopped the recording, she knew her eyes were getting darker and something was lighting up. Rose climbed on top of her lifeless body. Alisha looked like an angel in her white dress even the death couldn’t raze her divine beauty. Alisha’s soul gazed at her body once and disappeared into the eternal light.

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