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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Animal · #1387348
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Stupid Humans!
         Gorillas are similar to humans in many ways. Gorillas and humans have 98% of the same genetic make-up; both animals are social by nature and live in groups that normally consist of a father, mother, and offspring, although some variances of this structure have been observed; and both animals have found ways to communicate with one another. Humans, however, have characteristics and ideas that are unique to their species, and it is because of these characteristics and ideas that humans are inferior to gorillas. Ignorance, religion, war, and self destruction are concepts that are unique to humans. These concepts have caused humans to engage in acts that are both illogical and irrational; such as, killing each other with little or no reason and destroying the planet they inhabit by overusing and exploiting its resources. Humans, in general, are an ignorant, illogical, and self-destructive animal, yet some humans still consider themselves to be superior. To those who harbor that notion, you have been misinformed.
         Gorillas do not kill for reasons other than survival. When they kill, it is either because they need food, or they are protecting themselves and their families. Humans also kill for food and to protect their families, but humans, feeling they needed to one up the gorilla, have come up with several other reasons to kill. Humans kill each other because of greed, jealousy, power, lust, or even something as mundane as a simple disagreement. If one human has something another wants, instead of working to get it or asking for it, the human will simply kill the other and take whatever it was he/she wanted. Some humans kill other humans because they hear an imaginary voice that tells them to do so, or because they just want to know what it feels like to kill.  Humans will even kill themselves directly, and indirectly. They do self-destructive things, like drinking to the point of incoherency, or abuse substances that will cause them to slowly deteriorate physically, mentally, and emotionally. A gorilla depends on its physical strength to protect itself and its troop, a group or family of gorillas, so to be self-destructive to the degree that humans are would greatly reduce its chance of survival. Gorillas do not harm themselves because they are sad, nor do they kill other gorillas for no reason. Contrary to popular belief, gorillas are peaceful animals. They are not self-destructive, nor do they kill or maim unless it is essential to their survival. To say that humans and gorillas are cognate in this aspect of their behavior would be misleading and would give humans praise that they do not deserve.
    War seems to be a popular idea among humans, often resulting in large numbers of these animals killing and dying. They engage in war when two or more groups of humans, or tribes, disagree on an issue. I am sure that the issues they are killing or dying for are of great value and importance, and hundreds of thousands of humans should die because their beliefs differ from that of another human or because one tribe has more resources than another, but I fail to see the logic. For one human to kill another because they think differently makes no sense. Wouldn’t it be more logical to accept the differences and then learn from one another and share the resources that earth has provided, which could lead to the advancement and overall preservation of their species? Humans, despite their intelligence, do not seem to realize this. Humans should take a lesson from gorillas in the concept of logic and preservation. Gorillas do not have wars. They do not kill each other in large numbers because one troop doesn’t like the way another troop thinks. They share the earth and live within the means of their resources. For a gorilla, self and species preservation is a way of life, but to humans, it seems a concept that it too commonsensical to grasp.
    Gorillas do not feel the need to conquer or destroy their environment the way humans do, nor do they pollute the earth. They live in harmony with the earth because they depend on it for their food, water, and shelter. Humans, however, are indirectly killing every living thing that depends on the earth to sustain life. They selfishly use the streams, lakes, oceans, and the lands of the earth to dispose of toxic chemicals and other waste products. All animals, including humans, drink this water to survive. Humans also cut down trees. This is understandable because they need trees to build shelter, but instead of cutting down only what they need, humans cut them down superfluously, often clearing the trees from miles of land to build unnecessarily large shelters. They also create machines that burn up gasoline, consequently polluting the air. Humans appear to be destroying the planet earth in any and every way they can, never taking into consideration the repercussions that could, and will result from their careless actions. They do not seem to understand that trees convert the deadly gas they exhale into oxygen or that the water they are contaminating is one of the basic elements that is needed to live; perhaps they do, but are just not willing to sacrifice the commodities that they have become accustomed to. So while a gorilla’s basic needs are food, water, and shelter, a human’s needs have become convenience, luxury, and power, and they will destroy the planet and everything on it to make sure their needs are met.
    Gorillas and humans are both animals that inhabit the earth. Both are primates and are even classified under the same family of primate. Their genetic make-up is almost identical, and their family structures are alike in many ways. Both have been known to use tools to make tasks easier and both animals have ways to communicate. It is because of the numerous similarities that one must be forced to wonder, how did humans become so inferior to gorillas? Human’s selfish, arrogant nature is to blame. Humans seem to think that it is their right to rule the world and everything in it, while gorillas are content just to be a part of it. It does not matter to humans if another animal cannot drink the water that they are polluting, or that they are destroying not only their home, but the home of every species of animal that depends on earth’s nourishment to survive. Humans and gorillas are similar in many ways, from their genetic make-up to their family structure, but the differences between them hold much more significance. Whereas one is a social, species preserving, eco-friendly animal, the other is a stupid human.
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