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by Lily86
Rated: E · Other · Children's · #1387110
Funny and cute little tale of a young girl with large feet who wants to be a ballerina.

If someone were to ask Olivia Ortiz what she what she wanted to be when she

was older, she’d say that she wanted to become a ballerina. Of course, this often

drew laughter from her fellow classmates and siblings. As you may have

guessed, Olivia was quite clumsy and was often teased due to the rather large size of her

feet. She attended a private school where there was a strict dress code. Every

student had

to purchase all the required articles of clothing, from hair ribbons all the way down

to shoes. Olivia dreaded the annual trip to “John’s Uniform Emporium” with her

mother. Olivia’s mother, Mrs. Ortiz, would often cause a ruckus with

the poor sales associate because none of the shoes would properly fit Olivia’s feet.

“I’m very sorry” said the Sales Associate. “There just aren’t any shoes that fit your

daughter’s feet.” “Are you saying that my daughter has enormous feet?” asked Olivia’s

mother, slightly annoyed. “Oh, absolutely not. There just aren’t any shoes here that are her

size. As you can see, I brought out all the boxes that we have in the back. They just don’t

fit her. Perhaps, You should try women sizes?” replied

the sales associate, as he nervously fiddled with his name tag. “Okay, that’s it!” yelled

Olivia’s mother, as she lunged towards the sales associate knocking him towards the

display of boy’s penny loafers. There were boxes flying all over the place and alarms

setting off. (We’ll just say, that next year, Olivia can only return to the store with her

father). This embarrassing squabble lead Olivia and her mother to “Big Bertha’s

Wholesale” where

Olivia had to peruse through the women’s shoe section. Olivia’s mother also had to

write a very embarrassing letter to the school principal, explaining the reason why

did not have the proper school shoes. Otherwise, Olivia would face detention for her

improper school uniform. Olivia would’ve gladly chose detention during recess if it

weren’t for her mother, who was very much against this idea.

“Why are you wearing those type of shoes?” asked Penny Peppercorn. “You’re going to

get detention.”

Penny was the most popular girl in school. Everyone liked her but Olivia thought she was

snooty. Ironically, she had an upturned nose and walked with her head elevated at an

abnormal level. She had her own clique called “the Peppettes.

Olivia disliked them and jokingly referred to them as the “Poopettes”.

“Oh, It’s just that I — uh..” stuttered Olivia.

“I know why!” interrupted Pudgy Parker “she has webbed feet! She’s a duck!. Quack

Quack”. The whole class erupted in laughter. Olivia was relieved when Mrs. Fairfield, their

teacher, overheard pudgy parker and sent him to the principal’s office.

She blamed the abnormal size of her feet for her

clumsiness. Although, her Doctor informed her that her feet were growing at an absolutely

normal rate.

“Your feet are a normal size for someone your age” said Dr. Rattlebee, as he scribbled into

his clipboard.

“Yeah, If you’re a dinosaur.” chimed in Michael, as he narrowed his eyes and stuck his

tongue out at Olivia. Michael was Olivia’s pesky little brother.

He loved nothing more than to tease his sister. If you were to ask him, why he often

teased his sister, he’d respond with a simple “It’s my duty as a little brother”. Olivia

ignored all the teasing but was secretly annoyed that everyone thought of her as a big

footed oaf. One day during lunch, Olivia overheard Penny and her friends

talking about the upcoming auditions for the town’s annual talent show. “My mom can

provide the costumes” said Penny. “We’re totally going win!”. As Penny and the

Peppettes left their table, Olivia reached over and grabbed the pink flyer that they were all

looking at. “Hmm, auditions are this Saturday afternoon?” Olivia whispered. “The Prize is

$100, I’m going to try it!”

For the remainder of the week, Olivia secretly practiced the ballet scene she had created

and would use for the audition in her room. She begged her grandmother, who used to be a

seamstress, to create an original costume. Everything was going as planned.

It was finally the big night, The school auditorium was filled with students eager to show

off their talent. Olivia skimmed through the children waiting on line, to see if she saw any

familiar faces. There was Sandy Sawyer with her tap shoes, Eric Edelman carrying a

stuffed toy rabbit while dressed as a magician, and in the back of the line was Penny and

the Peppettes dressed in similar glittery outfits, practicing their singing routine. After a

half hour of waiting on line, Olivia was up next!. “Next!” said the judge, who was

clearly bored and tired. “Hi - My name is Olivia and I am going to perform a ballet routine

that I created myself.” Olivia heard a few snickers and giggles in the crowd but she

quickly ignored them as the music began. Olivia pirouetted and pranced all over the stage.

Contrary, to everyone one’s belief, She did not fall nor did she break any bones. As the

music stopped, Olivia opened her eyes, slightly confused by the silence of the auditorium.

Every one stopped talking and no one laughed. “Wow, that was amazing” said the judge,

as he began to clap. “Really?” replied Olivia. The whole auditorium began to cheer even

Penny and her friends began to clap.

Mrs. Ortiz was waiting outside for her daughter. “Hi, Honey” said her mother.

“How was the audition?”. “Oh, It was alright. I didn’t like waiting on line very much”

replied Olivia. “But...I am going to be in the annual talent show!”. “Really?!” yelled her

mother. “How about a nice scoop of rocky road ice cream? To celebrate.”. Olivia nodded

her head in agreement as they walked off into the sunset. That day Olivia carried her head

a little higher.
© Copyright 2008 Lily86 (liannar1130 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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