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by Ace
Rated: E · Essay · Comedy · #1386979
A sarcastic, slightly comical, essay I wrote to describe my noneventful winter break.
Stal as Last Year's Bagel
By: Ace

My overall winter break proved to be uneventful, bland, and nothing out of the ordinary. Lack of planning, visits from third cousins twice removed from the family whom I’ve never even heard of, and lazy days of lounging on the couch with a bag of cookies took up the vast majority of my two weeks. Silly, some would say, foolish even, to waste precious time while I could be completing (or attempting) assignments that are of top priority. Further more, at some of the darkest (not to mention coldest) times of the day I often found myself dreaming of the morning that I would return to the desolate halls of the school most would consider a prison.

One of the most frustrating and energy draining tasks is trying to coordinate an event at the last minute. Ideas of who to invite, where to go, and what time it should take place are thrown back and forth between parties until at last, the outing is canceled. It is at this point that I returned to my room to change into something more casual once my hopes of something exciting, have been utterly dashed. Mall trips with friends, ice skating with family, and drives to the Keys are all laid to rest in the graveyard titled; “Could have beens”.

Family members that come from Michigan to Texas, to Mexico to Daytona and even from New York, are what I have come to call, “The Outer Planets”. They are the unfamiliar and mysterious ones that seem to be even more alien than E.T. Not that their any less human, granted most are very nice just that they aren’t as close or accustomed to as the usual Thanksgiving attendees. Still, no matter how pleasant or sweet these relatives can be, it doesn’t make me any happier about relinquishing my bed to someone I don’t know very well.

Mornings were spent watching seasons one threw nine of America’s Next Top Model, afternoons were filled with reruns of How It’s Made, and finally evenings consisted of procrastination. On my list of ‘Things to Do’ I have assignments that have been waiting to get started since November. How wasteful, then, to lay on the couch hogging up the T.V. and eating anything I could get my hands on. The days of T.V. and food blended into a span of two weeks covered in boring grays. Minutes crawled by reluctantly, hours inched on, and days moved like a slug on molasses. The count down to five thirty (a.m.) on Monday morning, January the 7th 2008 had long since begun.

Winter, Spring, Summer and any other break are all a dreaded thing for me. Usually I stay home and become couch potato. My insufficient planning tactics (or lack there of) restrict me from anything such as the movies or a friend’s party. Visits from Outer Planets and extra terrestrials force me to surrender my bed and room all together. Finally, my dizzy hours of dominating the couch and T.V. prevent me from doing anything productive and only further prove my brother to be right when he calls me lazy. Overall the days of my winter break all blurred cloudily until I could no longer remember if it was Monday or Saturday. In conclusion, the first day of school could not come soon enough.

[ reviews are appreciated, i accept critisicm openly]
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