Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1386695-Once-Upon-A-Zombie-Story-parttrois
Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #1386695
    "Mizzie! Come play with us!" The little girl with straight red hair stared at a much younger Hawk. Her wide brown eyes met with Misery's blue ones and she stretched her hand out to her. "Fate found this really cool playground far from the house! Daddy will never know we went. Won't you come with us?" The girl was familiar, her facial structure and hair color oddly similar to Misery's own. Of course, this was Deliverance... her twin. With a grin, Misery bounced up and took her sister's hand. It was oddly smaller than usual. And her hair... her curls were put up in pigtails? What was going on?

    "So you two made it! Great!" the older teen boy grinned at the younger two and pushed aside a rickety fence to grant them access to their oasis. With a yell both girls ran to the playground, even if they were twelve, and picked their playthings of choice. Dee beelined for the swings, while Misery set herself to climbing on of the jungle set-up with a slide and bridge and stood, hands on her hip, her father's Army tags jangling around her neck. Head held high, she pronounced, "I am Captain Misery Ann Jonstone! No man alive shall ever move me from this post, under pain of death!"

    "Thatta girl, Miz." Fate said with a laugh, watching her.

    "Keep moving, Red." The filthy mongrel stated shoving her in the back with the butt of his shotgun. She shot him a stare that would melt ice cream in January, but he just rolled his eyes and motioned with his head towards the door. "In thar. He's awaitin for ye."

    "Thank you kind sir for you gracious assistance and-"

    Misery grabbed Skye by the shoulder and shoved him in front of her. "No time for eloquence, you dolt." Growling, her voice was low and put him in order, with a somber nod, he opened the...well, he pushed and groaned and shoved the wooden door to no avail. Misery rolled her eyes. "Move." With a swift jerk of the handle, it opened. "Pull, don't push."

    "Well... sorry." Skye said, unable to retrieve his composure after being shown up by his lover.

    "Ah! Vladimir! So great, just great to see you!" Misery faked her joy at seeing the... rather handsome midget. Now, here I, the esteemed narrator shall pause and let you gaze into the realm of ruler of evil.

    Vladimir looks like the love child of Orlando Bloom and Tom Welling. He has dark curly hair that no matter what he does with it, always gives him a childish look and those big blue eyes could melt your soul. If they weren't filled with malice and cold hatred all the time. His skin is a caramel color... no one knows why, he hates the sun and refuses to use a tanning bed or fake tan. Guess no one will ever know! Now, he is a midget. But. He is directly proportional. So. He doesn't look funky. Somehow. Rumor has it that Merlin shrank him because Vladimir hit on him. Huh. Who knows. Now, you would be slightly attracted to the evil doer until he opened his mouth. His voice sounds like Simon the Chipmunk on crack cocaine. It squeaks and leaves you holding your ears and screaming for release from this torture. Ears have been known to actually bleed from ruptured eardrums and other things. No wonder he can't get a girlfriend, or rather HOLD a girlfriend. Though he has one now. His current beau is a lovely lady who favors Penelope Cruz... might BE her, but she's deaf. Not quite sure if it's because of his voice, or what. But... I'm willing to bet it was his voice. Now! Back to Misery and her Boys.

    "Good evening Misery Ann!" The squeak pierced her ears but she didn't even wince. Her ears were used to the pain. She had come in contact with him many a time, but never as this. As his prisoner. Her eyes visibly narrowed more at the short stuff staring down at her. She didn't fail to notice the two hooded figures on either side of the throne. But her eyes were drawn to the guy in white. Patrick. The low-down base creature. Betrayal would grant him a circle in hell all his own.

    "So. Why bring me here? I figured you would have me killed on contact." Her voice was different than when she was talking to the now dead recruits. It was velvety and smooth, but held an air of contempt to it.

    "Because. I need you so the MIDGETS UNITE! club can convene without you intruding." He said truthfully, and shrugged.

    "Liar. I heard zombies."

    "Zombies? Used by moi? Never!"

    "Again. Liar." Misery crossed her arms, her head cocking to the side slightly. "Tell me the truth short stuff. I can still kill you with my bare hands."

    "You wouldn't get too far, lovely. See these guys?" He brandished towards the hooded figures. "They'd kill you before you got within three feet of me. So, good luck with that. And what if I used zombies? You proved once again, that you can't defeat me."

    "All you've proven is that you're insane and that you like to hear yourself speak. Vladimir, why did you bring me here? You have a rea-" Misery was cut off by the sudden impact of a bare hand on her face. She stumbled backwards, until Skye caught her and gave a glare to the man who had dared to lay a hand on her. It was one of the hooded figure, though in the spur of movement the hood was tossed aside.

    Misery looked up and her eyes widened. What she saw... there was no way. Completely overcome by the sight, her mind sank into darkness.

    "What do you think of this Dee?" Misery giggled from where she sat atop the tree, gazing down at her sister with glittering blue eyes.

    "I think Daddy will beat you if he sees you up there." The other twin said, her straight red hair blowing in the light breeze as she continued to read her book.


    Misery frowned, but she knew her sister was right. Their father would beat her if he saw her up so high. But... she was Misery Ann... wasn't she her father's favorite? Nonetheless, the seven year old started down the tree, unfortunately she slipped and fell. Deliverance looked up just in time to see her sister crash on the ground and the sickening cracking noise of Miz's radius and ulna snapping in two.


    "Misery.... wake up, doll." The voice was cool, cool as the cloth laying on her forehead. She opened her eyes to look into a pair of green ones gazing down at her. A smile cut the face in two, a smile that was so familiar to her, yet so far away from her grasp. But, then it rushed back.

    "Fate!" She sat straight up, sending the man flying backwards. "You're... you're dead... I saw the corpse!!" An accusating finger pointed straight at his chest. "I... I don't understand..."

    Fate sighed and adjusted the black robe on his figure, "It was a ploy. Vladimir thought it best for you to think us dead and then come back later and use it as artillery. What he didn't count on, was that he would require your help." He held up his hand as soon as she opened her mouth to ask, "Yes. YOUR help. See, the Council of Evil he belongs are plotting his own demise, because he... donated some money to a cancer clinic."

    "Huh. That doesn't sound so evil." Misery mused crossing her arms.

    "Exactly. So, they're gonna kill him. He thinks that he could get away with it if he killed them first. Because, you can only be ever so heartless. Children are the essence of everything. If they're killed, who will be his future minions? Sad as it may be, it makes sense. So, he needs you to kill them. You and your boys. Which are the best in the land, right? None better."

    "That may be so, but why should I help him? He's done everything in his power to make my life hell on rocks." Her eyes turned to a darker shade of violet. "He isn't worthy of my help."

    "And are you worthy of life, little sister?" Fate countered. "For all the souls you've sent to the blazes of Hades, are you more worthy than he to live? Must you live up to your name day after day? Year after year? Do you do this to prove Father wrong? That you are worth something and that Misery is just your name? Why do you feel so cold towards us?"

    "Because you let him. You didn't stop him. You had the power and you didn't do it! All you had to do was yell stop and he would've have conceeded, but in all your strength you found your weakness. Your Achilles' heel. Pride. Pride, Fate Christian Jonstone. And I shall never forgive you for that. She was never the same, NEVER!" Misery's voice rose in decibel until not only she was yelling, but she was on her feet and her elder sibling was backing away. "You let him tear her down. You LET HIM! And when I tried to stop him, he broke my nose and three ribs. But at least I tried, Fate. You sat there and watched. I'd rather see my sister DEAD than the way she is now! Not even Vladimir could bring her back, could he? COULD HE?!"



    "Answer me, Fate!" Misery's eyes were flaring and could probably shoot streams of flaming magma at anyone who dared counter her at this moment.

    "NO! He couldn't... No one can..." Fate said faltering under her gaze.

    "And it's your fault. I'll never have my sister back because of YOU!!"
© Copyright 2008 Ailannah Mathis (ailannahmathis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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