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Crop Circles, UFO, and the cross-section of your soul. |
The false soul is described as the sine of the inverse tangent of counting numbers and their reciprocals. You will see it in a crop circle if i am the prophet sent by God for these last days to prepare you for his second coming. Its possible to draw the concentric rings. The strange act of God is to bring all to repentance if possible: Isaiah 28. Your covenant with death and agreement with hell will be disannulled. The writng is on the wall -- in the crop circles -- and your reign is over. The coduit is closing: Steve Alexander: crop circles: signs wonders and mysteries 2007. The stone the builders have rejected has become the chief cornerstone and it is wonderful in our eyes. Upon that stone are seven eyes. Zechariah 3&4 Revelation 6. Would God be stingy and only give you only one of his spirits? Hardly. You are a new creature-- apostle paul -- and not a false soul as above but a true soul of ten rings with seven significant or higher rings-spirits. Laodicea "church" is ring 27-36 degrees. What is a spirit? A spirit is an energy with a colour. Like a vibrant cloud. The spirit identifies with the manner and power of any of our actions-feelings or thoughts. We have many actions and many spirits for those actions. The soul is a ball of light about the head. It has many layers. If we cut an onion in half we see many rings, and the diagram I call a Nest, is what one would see if the soul was sliced in half at its equator. The soul feels like a pearl. If you repent, a time will come when the world will disappear and be replaced by the love-light of God: like oils washed from a canvass. In this way, God invites you to paint a new picture on his canvass. And soon after that you will become aware of the spirits of God as if your own feelings. 'He who stumbles on this stone will be broken [repentant] but he upon whom the stone falls will be ground to powder [he who refuses the truth will be destroyed by the truth].' This sounds like a threat but is a warning. God destroys nobody, rather people who upset the laws of nature bring destruction on themselves. For example, sin caused the flooding of the earth in Noah's time. Sin caused Sodom and Gomorrah to be destroyed. If God is harmony, then upset the harmony in place and then you reap the consequences. So its true the bible saying God did this and God did that, but only if we understand God is harmony. Harmony flooded the earth? No, upsetting the balance, the harmony, pulled a trigger which flooded the earth. In the same way, the coming destruction of the earth by fire is caused or a knee-jerk reaction to sin. So the stone falls on those who by their actions and thoughts ask to be ground to powder. You reap what you sow. Also, God did not create hell, because he created everything pure and perfect. Rather, it was and is people who have created hell by living opposite to natural requirements. So hell is located below the earth because sin runs as far as it can away from heaven above: the firmament located at about 7.3 earth-to-moon distances above us. I suppose its hot. A total sinner is going to interprete love as flames that hurt is soul and body. It took me a long time to realise God did not create hell, but that humans did. The love-light of God shines down and out from the firmament shell. So hell was chosen as a tiny point furthest from love-light at maximum power. As an example, sinners who love hot and wild sex now, will do the same things in hell, but unlike earth life there will be no pleasure mixed with the pain. But those in hell will be unable to stop giving each other pain. After 14 years of giving and receiving pain in work and sex, they rest 2 and 1/3 years in filthiness: the unholy spirit. But 'rest' will be a state where anything is possible effortlessly and not actual slumber or meditation or other. The same years in heaven will be dedicated to pleasure. (These ratios just the beginning.) On this earth, excitement is pain and pleasure mixed. Be worshiping precision (and godly attributes) you can remove the pain until only pleasure is left. The bible talks about Satan as an angel that rebelled; however, it is the human covenant with death and agreement with hell that is a creation of hell, because hell is a mirror image of good -- Isaiah 28:15. Woe to those who say good is bad and bad is good, who say light is dark and dark is light and sweet is bitter and bitter is sweet -- Isaiah 5. This agreement-covenant is a place of psuedo good and psuedo bad and everyone is an actor beleiving they are in a play; so that, there is no reward for righteousness and no punishment for doing wrong. However, old age is a direct result of choosing to sin: is the punishment for sin on earth. And long life and health and even rapture without dying is the reward for righteous living. 'For the wages of sin is death....' Romans 6;23. A wage is a reward paid weekly and in small dosages, so it seems as if there is no suffering from sinning, but wages acrue. Adam and eve worshiped the spirit of power (tree in the middle) and began the creation of hell by doing things directly contrary to the natural way. Thus for every good spirit they created a bad spirit in mirror image. A spirit is an energy-cloud that has a color and sums up the shape and size of our actions and thoughts and stores the energy from those actions in these clouds. However the true soul stores well but the false soul does not, and causes slow death. Have i described the souls? Sine 9,18,27...90 as concentric rings, shows the equatorial cross-section of a normal soul. The false soul is as above. |