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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1386255
The tales of coming together to reveal the truth of human and creature nature alike.
Author's Notice: The four nations: Tishudam(West), Lyforgia(South), Euteria(East), and Aeorix(North) creates Neoxarde.


The Legendary Paladin

Chapter 10

Biggie wiped a tear away. Zeath was rubbing his temples with his fingers with his

elbows on his knees looking towards the ground. Largo was sitting upright, his arms

crossed. The paladins also agreed it was her fault. Biggie had read the letter that Jen left

behind. His lips trembled as he read the letter over and over again in horror.

Dear Biggie,

I'm sorry that I left early, but something terrible had happened in Lyforgia while we

were in that Elvish Camp. I don't know what had happened, but I couldn't wait and stand

there and wait for something bad to happen to our hometown. If something happens to

me...or if I don't come back, please take care of Twinkle and Winkle. They're very

special to me and you're the only one that I trust that can take care of them. I don't

know if I will ever see you again, but don't try to stop me...I'm already gone and you

know it. I will miss you very much...I'm actually missing you already. Haha...Please. Be

careful. I hope I will see you soon, Biggie.

Jen Keffs

Biggie couldn't control himself any longer. He had heard the news about Lyforgia.

They were attacked by unidentified cloaked creatures from the West. They were

unaware of these creatures until they began to attack Lyforgia.

793 acres of trees and land in the Howl Forest were destroyed. No survivors were

found. Zeath took the news pretty seriously. Largo also had taken it seriously and didn't

talk for a long time,though a talkative person that he was. Lyforgia was one of the four

largest nations in Neoxarde but nobody had excepted it to be attacked so suddenly.

Long ago, a rumor of a hero that defeated Zscharchas named Neoxarde proclaimed

his dream: to name the universe in the remembrance of himself. Lyforgia was the first to

agree. Euteria and Tishudam were next, but Aeorix had disagreed. Soon, a war began

between the four great nations and separated themselves from each other which

Neoxarde is now made up of.

During the Zeal War, Zcharchas and his demons had demolished all three nations,

until Neoxarde appeared in Lyforgia and saved the world. To hear the news of the

destruction of Lyforgia by an group of hooded creatures, the three were completely

horrified by the news. This time, Neoxarde could not help Lyforgia.

Biggie knew what those terrible monsters were. Dark Lords recruited themselves

and practiced black magic. Some say that they work for someone, a mastermind. Their

black magic were rumored to destroy whole nations as they rained down Infernos, giant

demons made of fire and rock on buildings and destroy everything in their path. Nobody

lived to tell what they really looked like. Their origin was unknown but they thrived during

the Zeal War. Rumors have it that witches summoned these demons, but they rebelled

against the witches and only acknowledged themselves. According to a legend, the

Dark Lords battled against the Four Guardians of the Earth lead by the Devil Himself.

The Four Guardians were cast down into Hell but before they were cast down, the Four

Guardians sealed the Dark Lords into eternal darkness. It seems the Dark Lords had

risen again to cause terror into all living things. This time, they had led themselves.

Officials and the King of Lyforgia, Lord Lumis IV were the only ones to survive and

they warned to never go back to Lyforgia until the Lyforgian army drove the Dark Lords

back to the West . Lord Lumis IV couldn't contact the PEF in time and civilians and

buildings were left exposed to their doom. Biggie's mind raced and he stood up and

walked out of the Nergian Inn, a small inn where he and the paladins resided 46 miles

into the West.

He inhaled the cold air, trying to compress the anger and sadness that he was

holding within. It was too cold. He went back inside, stared at the paladins and went to

his bed to lay down. He pretended he was asleep, but he knew the paladins already had

known that he was not. He felt the warm tears trickle down his cheeks and closed his

eyes as he remembered the past.

When Biggie was seven, Jen was his friend and his only friend. His friends grew in

large amounts but Jen was his best friend in the world...and now she was dead. Biggie

hadn't lived a horrible life but he felt a sinking feeling in his stomach that he knew was

never going to go away. Biggie wiped a tear that flowed down his cheek.

He heard Zeath whisper to Largo as they got ready for bed. They were still talking

as the lights went off and Biggie was suddenly annoyed. The letter kept coming back to

his head. He shook his head violently as a headache started to overcome him. He heard

Zeath shift uncomfortably in his bed.

Biggie's childhood was great. He loved his brothers. They used to play a lot of

pointless games together. Now they are all dead from the Zeal War. He remembered the

time when his brothers came home, carrying a giant fish that they caught - his parents

were so proud. They had a big party in the backyard to congratulate his brothers'

catch. He was laughing and playing with his friends. It was perfect. Then the Zeal War

began. Biggie's eyebrows furrowed. It was all because of that witch, Julie. The witch had

made him suffer. She had scarred his life forever.

You bitch...if I ever see you again... I'll kill you, you stupid whore...for my family and

my friends...Revenge will be sweet...

He looked at Zeath and Largo but they were already asleep. Biggie had no one to

love now, no one to share his feelings. He decided to travel with the paladins and if he

ever meets the witch...he will crush her with his own hands. Biggie sighed and wiped

another tear away. His eyelids became heavy. He looked at the two seeds that Jen had

stored in the letter. He cracked them opened, surprised to find two fairies as they came

out of the seeds, slowly floating in midair, their tiny wings giving off fairy dust and

emitting two tiny lights in the dark inn.

The fairy with a green leaf-like hat squeaked, “Greetings, I'm Winkle and this is


“Hi, I'm Twinkle.” said the other fairy, which had a pink bow attached to its head.

Biggie collapsed in his bed and watched the fairies dance before his eyes. His

eyelids began to droop every time he breathed. Soon, he dozed off to sleep, dreaming of

paladins and elves playing children games.

Chapter 11

The hot sand stung her bare feet. She gasped for fresh air and stumbled through

the sea of sand. Julie missed Biggie and the paladin's company but now they were

gone. What was she thinking? She knew they were angry at her. They hated her. She

collapsed and sank to her knees and looked at the sun, as it beat down on her with its

rays. Her throat was dry and she violently coughed.

“God...I need something to drink,” she rasped. She saw vultures hanging over her

head and knew she wouldn't last long. Should I go back and give myself up?

Then man's voice suddenly startled her. This is for your own good! Now go!

Who was he?

She closed her eyes, annoyed from the heat as she tried to remember the man's

face. She couldn't see his hooded eyes. But she was sure he had a mustache. She

coughed again and got up and started to walk further away from the city.

She fell again in the sand, breathing hard. This time she couldn't stand up. I'll just

lay here and wait for my death. She gasped in agony, as she felt the hot sand in her

eyes, mouth, and her nose. She closed her eyes, but she opened them quickly, doing a

double-take. A mirage?

There was a overturned boat a few yards away. It was a old fashioned row boat.

She could get some shade inside the boat. She crawled through the sand helplessly. As

she got closer, she could see the name of the boat. Noah’s Ark. “What an unusual

name,” Julie thought to herself and crawled in.

Suddenly, she fell. She kept falling and before she knew it, she saw a termite

carrying its meal toward its nest. A hole under the boat?

She looked around, amazed and shocked. It was big room, with comfortable

chairs, a large glass table, a fireplace, and a giant portrait of a paladin hung on top of a

wide bookshelf. She noticed she could breathe easier than outside in the blazing sun.

The place was full of air and oxygenates. “It's like a underground home”, she gasped

with amazement. She went to the bookshelf and fingered the spine of the books. She

thick books from famous Christian authors and religious leaders. There was more than

twenty versions of the Bible lined in a row.

Suddenly, a noise startled her. The first thought was to jump up and hide beside

the bookshelf, but before she could move a firm voice stopped her.

“Stop right there. Who are you?” asked the voice.

Julie was trembling with fear but she managed out in a weak voice, “I...I'm a witch,

I fell through your ho-home. I'm sorry.”

The man faced her in a curious look. He had a sword in his right hand and was

pointed at Julie's heart.

“A witch?” started the man and lowered his sword. “I'm sorry I startled you. Who?"

“Ju-ju-lie...” Julie stuttered and looked at the ground, feeling embarrassed.

"Julie is it? I'm sorry for scaring you. Come, sit down,” the man said quickly

making hand gestures to move to the couch. He hung the sword on top of the fireplace.

The man was young. He had dark brown hair and chestnut eyes. She couldn't

believe she was thinking this in a time like this, but she thought he had a handsome

face. He was also well-built. Julie slowly sat down on one of the sofas. It felt wonderful. It

was the first time she ever felt comfort. She saw him go through a door and come back

with two cold iced tea in china cups.

“My name is Tim Durrell Raiken, but you can call me Tim,” he said in a gentle

voice while he gently placed the china on the glass table in front of her. He smirked and

stared at her as she looked down at the cold beverage. "There ain't much visitors

nowadays so you're my special guest."

“Thank you so much...I was so thirsty...” gasped Julie as took the china and laid it

on the ground, went on all fours, and started to lap up the tea.

Tim stared at her for the whole time. His face expression had changed to a smirk

into a surprised look. Julie saw him staring and she blushed nervously.

“What in the Lord God Almighty are you doing?” asked Tim in a shocked voice.

Julie dropped her head as color rose to her cheeks. She was taught to eat and

drink on the ground like a dog. She expected the paladin to beat her and sent her away

back to the slave dungeon.

Right on queue, Tim smacked his head and raised his hands in the air.

“Oh...I'm sorry, you're a witch...I have forgotten how badly they treat you...come sit

down on the sofa. No need to do that in my house,” said Tim as he picked up her teacup

and set it up on the glass table.

Julie slowly rose and sat on the sofa, her face flushed with embarrassment.

“Here's how to drink tea.” Tim explained showed her the basics of how to drink

from a cup with the pinkie finger up. It took time, but finally Julie was able to drink out of

the cup completely without spilling. Julie realized that Tim was still staring at her and

she felt restless and nervous. No one had stared at her longer than him. It became silent

for a while and she could feel the hot air seeping through the house.

“You are very cute, Julie. For a witch,” Tim suddenly remarked.

Julie felt her face grow hot and she put the china on the table and played with her

hair. “Uh...I'm not sure w-what to say, Sir.” Julie then realized she just talked back to

a paladin. She apologized quickly.

“First of all, I'm Tim and you're human too so you have the right to say whatever

you want. Second, you don't need to be sorry. I don't agree with the society and how it

runs up there. How the humans treat the witches? It disgusts me. When I slaughtered

that old beast, everything changed. It just wasn't right.”

Julie looked at him surprised. “When you said 'old beast', did you mean...the


Tim nodded. He grinned and pointed at the sword hanging on top of the fireplace. It

was the sword that pierced through Zscharchas' head.

“It's called Exodius, meaning Sacred or Holy,” added Tim as he smiled with pride

until his whole teeth showed.

Julie was talking to the legendary paladin! The boy who defeated the beast that

slaughtered hundreds of men at once! Julie went down her knees and bowed to him in


“Nu-uh...Julie, get up. You don't bow in my house, you shake hands or hug.”

interrupted Tim and quickly helped her up. He smiled and put his hand toward her. She

was confused but she did she same. She looked at Tim as he told her to hold his hand

and shake it. She smiled too, as they shook hands and looked at each other for a long


“Well, so tell me your story, Julie,” said Tim, breaking the silence and sitting down

again. Julie sat down on the sofa and told him everything. After the Julie's testimony,

Tim's smile had faded and he was looking at the ground in deep thought.

“I'm sorry, Julie...I feel very bad for you. How can all these bad things happen to a

beautiful girl like you?” Tim sighed. “Too bad I'm retired as a paladin...”

Julie looked at Tim and said, “You're retired? But does that mean you reached your

age limit?”

Tim laughed heartily, “I'm only 24-years-old and you're 16, am I correct?”

Julie blinked with surprise. “How...how did you know?”

Tim winked. “It's paladin instincts. I guess it runs in every paladin bloodline. Funny

that I still inherit it even though I've retired and erased all my paladin history and files.”

Julie played with her hair and said in a shy voice, “So...you just live down here?"

Tim nodded and sucked his right cheek in. “I've already mastered my paladin

skills and somehow I ended up quitting the PEF. Now I'm learning Druid magic. It's

pretty cool. It's main focus is summoning animals and using nature as your weapon.”

Julie smiled. “Wow...so amazing. I've seen elves do it. It is very beautiful indeed.”

Tim grinned and said, “How about you? You know your magic?”

Julie smile slowly faded and looked at the ground. She was a failure at school and

she was always told that she will never be able to cast a spell. Julie looked up at Tim

with a weak smile and said, “I don't know any spells. That's pretty pathetic, huh? I was

never really good at anything in the first place.”

Tim raised his right hand to signal her to stop. “Julie, no one's perfect. I was

horrible at paladin magic when I was young too. Never say you are pathetic. That

comment will only hurt yourself.”

Julie lowered her head and whispered, “I'm sorry.”

“Forget it. So, how did you escape the slave dungeon?”

Julie fingered the china, wiping the dew off the sides. “It was a man. He had a hood

on. He bought me then he said to run for your life. So I did.”

Tim whistled and chuckled. “Oh, he's Ricky. I knew him since I was 3rd grade. He

agrees that the society is unfair too and tries to buy every slave he can and set them

free. I think he calls his group the "Freedom Fighters". I guess he saw you, the only

female in that stand and chose you. He has been living there all his life you know.”

“Wow, he is a very nice man.”

“Yes he is.”

“But why did he sound so angry and why was he cloaked?”

“Because he doesn’t want the soldiers to be suspicious, and if they do they won't

mind a disguised man looking like an old fart.”

“Please, please tell him I said thank you.”

“I sure will. Anyways, we better get you back where you came from,” explained

Tim, standing up. “The West is not a good place for witches right now.”

“Oh...OK, but how will I get back?” asked Julie in a scared voice. “The soldiers

will search for me.”

Tim smirked and said, “Don't worry about a thing. I have a friend that can help us.

For now, stay here and have dinner with me. But first, go take a shower. You are dirty,”

said Tim smiling slyly.


Julie sighed as the cold water hit her overheated body. She closed her eyes and

sighed with relief as she began to wash her hair. She never liked warm water, because it

reminded her of the urine and spit. She hated that boarding school, but she had no

choice to go. It was hell. Suddenly, flashbacks struck her and she remembered the

times when she was just around 8-years-old attending boarding school


At recess, they would pick teams of soccer or softball. She was bad at both sports

and that made the children hate her more. Players would line up on the fence and the

captains were to pick players one by one on each turn. Julie turned out to be the last

one. She always was.

“You pick her, I don't want that stupid bitch on my team,” argued a captain.

“Fine,” spat the other captain and he turned to the dugout. He called to the new girl

that just attended the boarding school. “Hey, Lisa, want to play?”

The new girl, Lisa perked her ears and smiled, “Sure! I would love too!”

Julie watched her run out of the dugout and to the outfields. She slowly turned

towards the exit, her head down and walked back to class. She took out a box of

crayons and a sheet of paper and drew butterflies. It was her favorite animals in the

whole world.

“What are you doing here, Julie? Why aren't you with the kids?” the teacher asked

her as he walked into class.

“The teams were full...so I guess they didn't need me...please don't tell them I

tattle-telled, Mr. Hanson,” pleaded Julie.

Mr. Hanson's eyes narrowed. He hid his hatred towards her. “We'll do something

about this, no matter what.”

Mr. Hanson and Julie went back to the field and he told everyone to let Julie join

the game. Most of the children looked at Julie in disgust. Tattle-teller. Julie blushed and

looked at her shoes.

“You kids should be nice to Julie here or you'll be sorry. Okay Julie, go play with

the kids. Why don't you join Phil's team,” said Mr. Hanson and pointed toward Phil

Harwood, the captain that said he didn't want the stupid bitch on his team. Julie slowly

walked in the field. She could feel everyone watching her. She felt really nervous.

When Mr. Hanson was away from hearing distance, Phil called out to Julie, “You

be shortstop, you hear?” Julie smiled and nodded, but everyone was still staring at her.

“Go to your position...” Phil gritted his teeth. “What a stupid bitch.”

The children laughed and Julie tried to hide her humiliation as she walked to the

shortstop position. Phil, the pitcher looked around the bases if any bases were being

stolen. Then he threw a sharp fastball. The batter struck it, making a crack and it flew

straight at Julie. Julie screamed and ducked her head as the ball flew and bounced over

the head. Phil screamed in anger and threw his hat down and stomped on it. Her team

was glaring at her, as the other team happily cheered and ran all the bases. The next

play was a double play by Phil which he threw to the first baseman, Kyle Williams.

Time passed and it was Julie's turn to bat again. Last inning. Second out.

“Gerald, go bat and send them all home and we'll win,” said Phil excitedly.

“Sorry, man, we need to let her bat once. We all batted like four times. She might

rat on us again,” said the team slugger, Gerald Pullman.

Phil looked at Julie, sitting at the edge of the bench away from everyone else. She

was staring at the ground and kicking at the dirt.

“Julie, it's your turn to bat,” called Phil and cringed with disgust as he said her

name. “Please hit! At least touch the ball.”

Julie smiled weakly at Phil and said, “I...will try.”

Phil only ignored her and talked to the next batter after Julie, Kevin Tibet.

Julie took the bat and held her position. She had seen the others bat and she just

needed to swing like them. Then they will know she is worth something. She swung as

the ball whizzed past her.

“Strike One!” called the catcher.

The pitcher looked at Julie and smiled, “You should just give up, bitch. You suck.”

The pitcher did a hook throw and Julie flinched, closed her eyes and swung. The

other team laughed.

“Strike Two!”

“Don't swing the bat, Julie, goddamn it!” cried Phil, pulling his hair in anger and


The pitcher threw. Julie didn't swing this time.

“Strike Three!”

The other team cried out in joy. Phil's team was groaning with defeat.

“Get out of here, you stupid little bitch! You're never playing again!” cried Phil,

punching the walls of the dugout and pushed Julie to the ground.

Julie dropped her bat and stood up with her hands folded in front of her and she

whispered, “I'm sorry...”

She slowly walked out of the field and felt tears welling up in her eyes.

“Why don't you go try out for cock-sucking, you slut!” someone cried out in the

other team. “Go home you cum guzzling, cock-sucking whore!” cried another. Julie

covered her face and cried all the way to the boarding school.

Some of Phil's team came in her dorm that night and forced her down in a corner.

The bullies spat and urinated at her. Then they began to kick her repeatedly and Julie

quietly accepted the beating. After they were satisfied they surrounded her, cracking

their fingers and Julie pulled up her legs and hugged her knees, trembling with fear and


“You suck, bitch, no wonder you were chosen as the Outcast,” she heard an angry


“Say you're a cock-sucking slut Julie, come on. Say it, bitch,” she heard another

voice and felt someone pull her hair back.

Julie trembled and whispered, “I'm a cock-sucking slut.”

“Louder! What did you say, bitch?”

“I'm a cock-sucking slut,” said Julie a little louder, choking on her sobs.

The bullies snickered and spat at her and left one by one adding more insults and

kicks. She sat there in the corner and hugged her knees and cried herself to sleep.


Julie wrapped herself with a towel and came out of the shower. She changed into

the pajamas that Tim had brought her. It was very comfortable. She had never worn

cotton clothing before. She sat on the edge of the bed, looking at a mirror. She combed

her hair down so people won't be able to recognize her face. She didn't have much

confidence anyways. She walked out the room feeling refreshed. Tim was already

dressed in his clothes.

He whistled at Julie as she came out. “Wow, you look sexy with pajamas on.”

Julie blushed and looked down at the ground.

“Ha-ha, I'm just kidding. So, ready for tonight? Change into your clothes I laid out

for you on the couch. I washed and dried it out. You wouldn't want to be out in the cold

with pajamas on. It will be the great escape,” winked Tim. He told Julie it was a promise.

That night, Julie and Tim ran through the desert, south to the docks. Julie saw

some soldiers pass by them, but they quickly hid themselves. There were still many

boats on the docks, but it was fully guarded. They were carrying over surplus from

another city. Tim grabbed Julie's hand and led her into a corridor then quickly hid from

two soldiers patrolling their way.

“No, man, she had huge boobs! I wanted to squeeze them so badly.”

Tim looked at Julie then at the soldiers and he shook his head. Jeez.

Finally, Julie saw a small steam boat floating near the Gold trade ships. Tim

looked from left to right and led Julie to the boat. He kicked the boat and whispered

loudly, “Hey, Big Jay! Are you there?”

There was no answer, but ten seconds later, a very tall, dark man grabbed the rail

and looked down at them. Big Jay smiled and waved. He lowered the ramp and Tim

backed away.

“Sorry we didn't get to know each other too much, Julie. I hope we can see each

other again, babe,” Tim said as he gave her a bag. “It's stuff you might need for


Julie thanked Tim by bowing her head to him in respect and then she walked up

the ramp. She went to the top board and continued to watch Tim as he waved at her.

Julie blushed and thought someone really might have cared about her even if she was a

witch. Tim just didn't know she was The Outcast. When she couldn't see Tim no more,

she picked up the bag with both hands and went inside the ship cabins.


Julie unpacked her things and lay on her cot. It was uncomfortable but it was

better than the cold ground. Suddenly, the door swung opened and Julie squealed in

surprise. Big Jay stood there with a crossbar in his hand.

“You feeling okay, kid? You comfortable?” he said in a gruff voice. Julie nodded in

haste as she grasps her cloak. Big Jay also nodded and grunted at Julie and slammed

the door closed.

Carefully listening to the fading of Big Jay's footsteps, she laid on the bed for a

long time thinking and pondering on the big journey she just had. Now she was going

back to Biggie and the paladins. She already missed Tim. He was a good person. She

closed her eyes and listened to the waves crashing against the boat and the humming of

the steam engine.

51 miles from East, Violet Windsing, the Elvin archer huntress opened her eyes

and screamed.

Chapter 12

Boar ran to Violet's tent and shouted, “You OK?”

Violet felt a sweat drop trickle down her cheek. “Yes...I dreamed I ran off with this

ugly Orc...whew...what a dream...” She looked Boar and screamed again. “Oh my God!

It's true!”

Boar leaned on the tent pole and mumbled, “Violet, please don't scare me like

that. I thought someone was attacking our camp site.”

Violet shook her head and ignored him. “How can this be? An Orc? I'm crazy. Yes,

that's it. I'm crazy.”

Boar sighed and said, “Violet, you came with me to go exploring in the Temple of


Violet's gasps stopped. She thought for a minute and laughed, “Yes, that's it.

You're right, Boar. I'm sorry.”

Boar grunted and went back to his tent. He tripped on a rock and cussed loudly

into the cold morning air.

Boar was a Dirt Traveler. It was an occupation of an archaeologist and a hunter.

Because Boar had studied maps throughout his whole life and it helped him very

effectively and put it into good use. Violet was a Elvin huntress, a woman warrior. Boar

didn't know why she wanted to go with him to the Temple of Ghestin, but he didn't care.

The Temple of Ghestin was an old ruin building that was left to rot during the Zeal

War. Many explorers from around Neoxarde tried to solve the mystery of the temple.

Ghestin was an old merchant who camped in the temple during a stormy night. It

already was abandoned so Ghestin decided to name it for himself. That night, as he was

sleeping he heard a deadly whisper echoing throughout the temple. As if he was

possessed, his body began to walk towards a coffin. His body opened the coffin but his

mind had screamed in horror to stop. That was the end of Ghestin as to what most

explorers had hypothesized. The coffin, which was later recognized as an altar had been

investigated many times but no one was able to solve the disappearance of Ghestin the

merchant. Some created rumors that monsters were summoned on that very altar

thousands of years ago.

Boar couldn't wait till to go the Temple of Ghestin, to investigate the ancient altar

that might have held a mysterious creature that was sealed by magic. Boar looked at

the sky and smiled to himself. It was early in the morning but Violet's scream had

awaken most of Boar's search team. He packed his tent and waited for the others.

Violet had changed her clothes and walked out of her tent, shivering.

“God, it's freezing," whined Violet as she looked around the opening of the woods

and hugged herself from the cold.

“C'mon people, we don't have all day!” called Boar to his team. He motioned Violet

to follow and his team formed a line, following Boar on the great journey. Boar smiled

with pride. He had a feeling that he will be the one to solve the mystery of the temple.


Julie frantically searched for a communication booth. A communication booth was

a small stand near most stores and marketplaces. Inside contained Languisis, a

magical green stone that touched the brains of the human being. The message a person

send will spark in one's brain and transfer it to the closest Languisis or that was within

the town. Luckily, she found one near the Toarisca Islands, where Big Jay left her off and

learned that Biggie and the paladins were nearby in an inn from bystanders called the

Nergian Inn. The innkeeper was on hold for a long time. Finally someone picked up.

“Who’s this?” asked a voice.

“Hello, Zeath…It's me, Julie,” said Julie.

“Julie?” She heard murmurs and then angry shouts.

“Is that the bitch on the phone? Give it to me! Give it to me! Hello?” asked an angry

voice. It belonged to Biggie.

Julie took a deep breath and said in a weak voice, “Hi, Biggie -”

“You got a lot of guts calling here, you stupid bitch. I'm going to kill you. Stay right

where you are and I'll make it painless,” Biggie interrupted with rage.

Julie's face turned pale. “W-what are you talking about, Biggie?”


he insulted and cussed her more but Julie was too shocked to speak.

There was arguing and grunting then Large finally picked up and said breathlessly,

“Julie? Are you there?”

“Hi, Largo...what's going on...?”

“Julie, you should stay where you are. We are coming to get you. Where are you?”

Julie bit her lips and looked around her surroundings. “Umm, downtown in the

docks in a communication booth...what's going on, Largo?”

But Largo just hung up. She slowly took her hands off the Languisis and leaned on

the wall next to the booth. It was not long before she saw Biggie and the paladins. She

smiled and waved. Wow, Biggie must be grouchy today.

“Hi, Biggie, what's going -” Before Julie could finish, Biggie pulled out his sword

and kicked Julie in the stomach. She felt the air leave her body as she fell down on her

bottom and looked up at Biggie in horror.

“W-wait…Biggie...” whimpered Julie.

“Shut up you cunt, don't worry. Like I said before, I'll kill you painlessly,” said

Biggie with a cold voice. Julie got up quickly and ran. Biggie was following her but she

was much more ahead. What had she done? The bag she was holding was getting

heavy. Suddenly, a burning sensation flowed through her body and she fell to her knees.

She looked back.

Oh God. The paladins were shooting holy bolts at her. People stared at them

in confusion as they walked on.

“Stop that bitch! Stop her!” shouted Biggie pushing through the crowd. Finally, two

men heard Biggie's plea and grabbed Julie by the arms.

Julie winced as she felt the powerful arms grip her wrists. Before she knew it, the

paladins bounded her wrist and forced her on her knees. The two men were looking at

Biggie with confused looks on their face and went on their way. Julie was looking up at

the paladins and then Biggie with tears in her eyes. “What's wrong...?”

“I'll tell you what's wrong. You are. Jen is dead and so is my family. And it it all

your fault. You must die. Now be a good bitch and stay still while I behead you,”

Biggie gasped as he tried to catch his breath. He pulled her hair back to reveal her neck.

The paladins watched Biggie move his sword close to Julie’s shoulder. Then Biggie

aimed and then swung as hard as he can. Julie closed her eyes tight.

I'm sorry, Biggie. Clank!

A sound of metal and metal colliding. Julie slowly opened her eyes but she was

still on her knees. She looked sideways and yelped. Biggie's sword was a few

centimeters away from her neck.

“What you're doing is murder and a sin,” said Julie's savior. Julie recognized the

voice but she couldn't believe it. She saw him on the docks waving good-bye. “And I

wouldn't let you do both.” Tim...

The paladins had their swords out. “Who are you?” asked Largo.

“I'm Tim, the Zscharchas slayer. Well, I was called that a long time ago,” answered

Tim. “I see you two are paladins.”

The paladins' eyes widened. “The legendary paladin?!” called out Zeath.

Tim snorted and replied, “Who would you call someone who killed that fat lard.”

Tim easily twisted Biggie's sword out of his hand. The blade flew up and Tim caught it.

Biggie glared at Julie and at Tim. “So you're the legendary paladin.”

Tim glared back. “Yeah, got a problem?”

Biggie narrowed his eyes and walked back towards the Nergian Inn without saying

a word. Tim gave the sword to Largo. The paladins greeted Tim with warm welcome,

saying “I can't believe I'm talking to the legendary paladin!”.

Julie stood up, her wrist still bound and waited for them in a corner. Attention drew

more people and they greeted Tim and he greeted them back. Julie was still in shock of

what Biggie had said to her. She was also shocked to see Tim. The crowd started to

increase and the paladins brought Tim into the inn for cover. Tim noticed Julie in a corner

alone and motioned her to follow. Julie slowly followed, a few feet away from the paladins

and Tim. She had seen the paladins shoot her and she didn't want to be shot at again.

When they got to the inn, Julie stayed out of the inn but Tim told her to come in.

“Who tied you up?” asked Tim as he cut the ropes on her wrist.

“Thanks...” said Julie and peeked at Biggie who was lying on the bed, facing the

wall. She massaged her wrists which were already red from the strain on the ropes.

Evening quietly arrived and everyone was getting ready for bed while talking and

laughing quietly to each other. But no one paid any attention to Julie. That night, Julie

sat up on her bed and hugged her knees and stared into space. Tim shifted his body

and opened his eyes and saw Julie.

“Julie. Julie...what are you doing?” whispered Tim, trying not to wake up anyone.

But Julie was still out. So Tim snapped his fingers and Julie blinked, looking around in


“You OK?” Tim asked, looking at a fat man snoring loudly and became slightly

disgusted. Julie nodded through the darkness.

“Want to go outside for a while?”

Julie nodded. Tim carefully jumped out of his bed and helped Julie get out of hers.

He put a jacket on Julie and he slowly opened the door, wincing at every creak it made.

He let Julie out first then he went out into the cold air, slowly closing the door behind

him. He shivered and sat down at a snow covered bench.

“Wow...it's really cold...” Tim snorted and shivered. He looked at Julie. She was

staring into space again, her face flushed and her cheeks and nose were scarlet red.

“Hey Julie...are you OK?” Tim asked again.

Julie turned towards him and smiled weakly and nodded. Tim patted the bench

next to him and she sat down. They were quiet for some time until Tim broke the


“Are you sure? You don't seem OK,” asked Tim. His ears were freezing and his

teeth won't stop chattering.

Julie looked at Tim and looked at the ground. She shifted her body uncomfortably

and moved her feet to grind the slushy ground.

“I don't know what happened today...at the dock...Biggie was so angry...”

stammered Julie. Tear slowly started to form in her eyes. “And I'm really sorry if I did

anything wrong. I-I really am. I'll accept the punishment if I have to.”

Tim wiped her eyes with his thumb. “It's alright. You didn't do anything.”

Julie hugged Tim tightly and Tim slowly hugged her back.

“It's going to be OK, Julie,” said Tim and patted her back softly.

Julie sniffed, “Why did you come, Tim? It would have been better if Biggie just

killed me.”

Tim shook his head. “No, you're wrong. No one deserved to die in the middle of the

streets. Especially a girl like you. I came here because I wanted to. I just couldn't stand

there seeing you go. You are too pretty to let go so soon.”

Julie let go of Tim's embrace and squeezed out more of her tears.


Julie had fallen asleep in Tim's arms and he carried her to the inn. He gently laid

her on her bed and looked at her. She breathed softly, her chest rising and falling as he

took off her jacket and hung it over the bedpost. He pulled a strand of hair behind Julie's

ears and kissed her cheek. Then he pulled the blanket over her and looked at her once

more before he got into his own bed. She was so pretty...but so depressed and

heart-broken. He pulled the covers over his body and shivered. Suddenly, he sneezed

four times in a row.

Tim watched Julie, then turned his body to look at the crazed maniac, Biggie. He

knew it was a good idea to follow Julie or she would have died from him. He decided to

join the paladin and the crazy man for a while. Tim wanted to make sure Julie didn't get

hurt and to see where this group was headed. He closed his eyes, sighed and sneezed

© Copyright 2008 JamaJuice (jamajuice at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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