Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1386157-A-New-Life
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1386157
Sometimes we allow our creations to take over.
Dear Diary – 6th June 2006
I am going to set up my new persona today.  Open up one of those blogs where I can publish some of the stories I have written and start getting down the ones I have in my head.  I think I shall use the pen name...Medusa.  The Greek Goddess who put fear into the hearts of men with her snakes for hair and turned them to stone with a look.  I don't think that's really what she's about at all, but it will do for this purpose.  I hope to terrify my readers, even if only a little, we all like to be scared, don't we?

Yours Excitedly

Dear Diary – 12th June 2006
The blog is going great, people come by regularly to read what I have, Medusa has, written.  I am getting new visitors each day as well and the regulars starting to comment.  It's all so delightful and makes me want to keep creating, moving forward to bring more insidious and horrible nightmares out for my readers.  Such as the horrifying monster that devoured little children, until the townspeople hunted it down and put an end to its reign; the terrible winged devils that tear their victims to pieces and feast upon the remains.  Mythical and imagined creatures only, nothing real...nothing true.

Yours Happily

Dear Diary – 18th June 2006
Medusa's stories have taken a turn, become more real somehow, more chilling.  I...I barely remember writing them at times.  It is unnerving and some of the details so vivid.  This passage here, “Johnson sunk the knife deep, hitting bone and began twisting slowly.  Martine screamed from the agony.”  I cringe to read it; the stories were never like this before, they were always very descriptive but about creatures, not people doing all this nasty business. It's not right...it's too real...where did such a story come from?  Who is writing these?  I...I just need to sleep.  This is taking too much time, taking over.  I have to pull back.

Yours Uncertain

Dear Diary - 24th June 2006
I am so very tired yet the stories continue to flow out of me.  It is a little like each story takes a piece of my energy yet I feel so exhilarated when people read and comment, like that feeds something back into me.  I am finally someone....or Medusa is.  I must sleep.
Yours Tired

Dear Diary 30th June 2006
Something terrible has happened, how can I even say, begin to tell you, and should I even write my thoughts here at all.  It is all over the news a woman by the name of Martine, she was brutally murdered by her lover Johnson.  The very names in mine, no,  Medusa's story.  A coincidence, of course it is, our story was written before the real incident.  This is all ridiculous and can't possibly be...I don't know...Medusa must go.

Yours Worried

Dear Diary 1st July 2006
I am afraid...I do not write yet the stories continue to come; now, each day, another story in the news identical to one of Medusa's stories.  People have noticed and are asking questions.  Is she creating reality? 

I am afraid; I think...I feel...someone is following me.  I need to get away, I can't use email, messaging, the phone, she is there, she sees, she knows...help me.

Yours Scared

Dear Diary 2nd July 2006
This is the only place I have now, my faithful diary; paper and pen, nothing more. No wires, chips, diodes to go though, to hide behind.  I tried to unplug her...shhh, don't say her name...it didn't work.
It must be a trick; someone is playing a cruel trick on me.  Someone came in whilst I slept and turned my computer back on, that must be it.
I can't think clearly, it's like I am no longer here.  You are the only one I can turn to...even now I am alone, here in the corner, huddled in the dark...there is a noise, like a scratching, no a tapping as of keys...

Yours Terrified

P.S. So this is where you hide from me little Selina...  M

Dear Diary 6th July 2006
All is fine, I am well again, and it seemed I had some sort of bug, causing delirium.  Quite, quite awful I can tell you, I imagined the most bizarre things. 

I am afraid the entries here will no longer be continued, it seems you, dear diary, are no longer needed.  I, in fact, simply do not have the time.  My stories, have priority you know and don't worry, they shall continue unabated, you can rest assured on that front.  And don't worry, I shall take very good care of little Selina, she is to be the star of my next story...a gruesome tale to be sure, but then we all like to be scared...don't we?

Yours Forever


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