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Rated: GC · Fiction · Relationship · #1385514
and beds fit for queens

Peter's hand still rested on my stomach as our breathing returned to normal, and we both looked at eachother with surprise.  I brushed the hair from my face and watched him looking at his hand with a smile that turned to confusion, and then back to a smile.  His cheeks were flushed and I bit my lip anxiously.
"What were you going to ask?"  I asked softly as the music kept time around us.
Without looking up from his hand, he replied,
"I think we just answered it," and looked at me with surprise, and a self-conscious smile.  His hand traveled to rest on my hip and the confused vibe I picked up was made more evident with his words,
"Austin...um...I've never been with anyone like you...or with a guy at all..."  He trailed off and I waited for him to continue, "I'd kind of entertained the thought, but...I'm really happy you're here right now."
The blood pulsed through me and all I could do was smile and say,
"Me too...and not being with a guy, that doesn't matter at all."  I said, assuredly.
"So...I kind of really want to try that again."  We exchanged excited smiles, and he paused over me as his eyes, and hands hesitated...searching my face for something.  And I laid still as he came closer, watching him as his fingers trailed over my cheek down to my chin, and he tilted it up so my lips met his.  I closed my eyes as excitement pulsed through me.
"I'm...so attracted to you right now."  He whispered self-consciously...pulling away a bit.  I pulled him in and kissed his lips again.  I wanted to feel his skin, and my hands found his back under the buttoned up shirt he wore.  His body was smooth, warm, and toned.  I tilted my head towards the music as he kissed my cheek, jaw, and then neck.  A shiver rippled over me and I opened my eyes as he'd stopped.  He smiled a little as he seemed to be searching for approval.
"Peter?" I said with a bit of sarcasm and a smile,"I think you're a natural at engaging someone--a guy--like me."
Amusement played about his face, and that smile forever made my body feel weak.  He laid back and I turned his wrist to read the black runner's watch he always wore.  It was 1:30 and we both worked in less than four hours.  I groaned, and he returned my sentiments.  He shook his head,
"How have we both managed to choose such punishing, early morning jobs?"
I agreed, giving him his arm back, and pulled myself up from the couch, scratching my head.
"You know, I should probably be going.." I said with apprehension, not wanting to leave the excitement we'd both just found, but feeling it was appropriate all the same.
"No," he looked at me genuinely, "You can stay here, it's like 25 minutes back for you," He protested.
"Thanks, but it's fine--"
"And we've been drinking.  It'd be nice to have you here...and look at Sam, he insists." He looked at me seriously.  Sam slept away, not having opened his eyes once in the last five minutes.  "I've got plenty of room or you can sleep here on the couch if you'd rather."  I grinned hesitantly.  I felt like it'd be too quick...and too soon.  I was excited, but I didn't want to impose or worse, have him feel like we were rushing into anything...but the concern he showed was not of lust, or deception, but of sincerity.
"Alright."  I picked up our beer bottles and headed to the kitchen, "Have you got a recycling bin somehwere?"


The lights were turned out and Austin laid next to me in bed.  He'd asked what size it was, and he gave me a hard time of it when I told him.
"Oh yeah? Wait, you said it's a what--a queen sized bed?"  He said, snickering.  I laughed, rolling my eyes at the dark.
It was then my turn to swat his arm lightly, and the back of my hand met nothing but the warm skin of his bare arm.  For some reason I was surprised and my hand dropped back to the bed quickly.  I was nervous with excitement.  I'd just shown passionate affection for a guy.  A man whose bare flesh made my cheeks flush and blood pulse through me...and there he was, laying next to me with intervals of breath nearly matching my own.  I wanted to laugh out loud but resorted to a grin.  We both laid there quietly, as unspent energy seemed to buzz between us.  I yearned to feel him again, but sleep protested and eventually overtook my consciousness.

Morning came too soon.  My watch was beeping, and I switched it off in the still-darkened room.  I had to be in by 6 and it was already 4:45.  I knew Austin had to be there by the same time, and I hesitated--unsure of how to go about waking him.  The lamp next to my bed cast a dim glow as I switched it on, and just his messy blonde head poked out from the under the blankets.  He was smiling a little even before his eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning."  He squinted at me wearily, and his voice was a little bit hoarse.  He was truly adorable laying there in the lamplight.
"Morning." I responded, unable to keep the smile off of my face remembering our shared sentiments of the previous evening as I rummaged through my drawer.
"Sleep okay?" I asked him as I walked towards bathroom with a pair of hospital scrub pants and change of boxers in hand.
"Wonderfully," He said and wryly called out, "Your mattress suits me well."
I laughed and and shook my head in amazement of his frankness as I brushed my teeth and put my scrub pants on.
"I have to admit, though...waking up was better."  He said as I returned...eyeing me playfully as I walked through the doorway.
"Oh yeah?"  My eyebrows arched.  I picked up his jeans from the floor and tossed them to him, crossing my arms and leaning against the doorway,
"Why do you say that?"  I smirked, matching the playfulness of his tone.
I watched his body move and stretch as he put his jeans on over his boxers.  He turned around, buttoning them, and walked towards me with a grin,
"For so many reasons." He said, looking at my lips and putting a hand through my hair, and barely audibly said, "Are you alway such a gentleman?"
And with that, I pulled him to me as his lips touched mine.  Our bare skin met warmly, and I felt a familiar arousal shoot through me.  My hands found his hips and as I pulled them to me I knew he was feeling it too.
I kissed him back and it was as though waves pushed me against him.  A little whimper escaped him as he breathed heavily against me.  His cheek pressed against mine, and his hands were still holding my sides as I breathed with anticipation and held on to him.
A little laugh escaped me in defeat, knowing as well as he did that time was not working with us.  He pulled back to look at me as he bit his lip, and a shy look of lust shone in his eyes.
I felt like pushing him back into the bed right then and there.
"God...so involuntarily." I responded playfully as he pulled back and grinned, handing me my scrub shirt.
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