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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1385016
What if there were no more children on earth?
I remember when it happened; I woke up one morning and the children were dead. Every child under the age of 6 lie dead in their beds. Some having died in most foul and most unforgivable ways; Improbable and impossible ways.

Crimson stains pooled and dried. Jagged gashes cross necks and face. Some with skin blackened and charred from fires as hot as hell itself. Teeth and claw marks upon splintered bone. Flecks of brain splattered along the wall shined in stark contrast to the subtle beige decor. Some say it was a curse by the christian God himself, cast upon us for our collective sins. Other say the time is come for the rise of the deep ones. Cruel and lethargic they slumber. Buried beneath the earth eons ago, not quite sleeping yet not quite awake, they say that a time will come when the dark gods will rise from the earth, lava flowing within their veins, spittle flying from foaming mouths filled with sharp rows of dagger like teeth, skin cracked and hardened like leather, bellowing with rage to leash their wrath upon us. I wonder if they are as dangerous as the christian god.

Regardless of these speculations, the children lay dead. There was panic at first. Mothers and fathers screaming and carrying on. Police, firetrucks and other emergency vehicles crowding the otherwise deserted streets. Telephone lines backed up with urgent and desperate voices. I watched in shocked distress as these events unfolded about me. Unsure of how to assist, I retreated into the solace of my darkened apartment. I remember turning on the television and scanning through the channels. My eyes flickering, not quite catching the blurred images. Emergency sirens and government messages cascading upon my already burning ears. I remember that no one had an answer then and one never came.

Things slowly calmed down over the passing days. Our greatest minds could not come up with an explanation as hastily planned funerals completely filled the graveyards. Millions of heartfelt words filled the obituary sections of countless newspapers.

I remember that people had to deal with what happened because thats all you could do. There was talk of having more children which was a good idea until we realised that our females could no longer maintain pregnancy. No woman since the massacre has been able to keep a baby longer than the first 3 weeks of term. Once we realised this, our children became coveted. Kidnappings were rampant until the government came down with mandatory death sentences to would be child snatchers.

Thousands of scientific programs designed to allow women to maintain pregnancy were implemented. When that failed we turned to In-Vitro Fertilization only to realise that sperm and egg wouldnt take outside of a womans body. We lived in a state of constant panic and confusion. That was about 30 years ago.

Now facing extinction, our leaders are frantically searching for something that could save us. Humanity finally working together to achieve a common goal. Its too late though. The human race is finally over. We have been parasitic for millions of years. Maybe when the Dark Ones or the Christian God do come, they will rule over a dead planet, lifeless but for the plants and animals. Ironic really.

© Copyright 2008 Baxter St. Clair (chriswilkerson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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