Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1384818-Pigs-Feed-Hog-Call
by B$fan
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1384818
The First Chapter of Story Number Four. Still hoping for the book.
This is the first chapter of my fourth Pig's Feed story. If you like it and want to see the rest of this story, donate some Gp's. If I can upgrade and get a book item it's going there.

Pig's Feed:

Hog Call
by BSfan


Chapter One: Old Friends and New Ones

Nicole Buchek lay sprawled out on her couch in her parent’s basement. Clad only in her black bra and panties, her doughy fat stuck to the leather of her sofa as she aimlessly flipped through television channels. In her mouth rested a freshly lit Marlboro. Nicole took a long drag of her cigarette before artfully blowing out a smoke ring. With one meaty hand, she scratched the expanse of her spongy middle. Nicole’s hand ran down the inner part of her fleshy thighs. She sighed as she took another drag of the cigarette.

That was when the doorbell rang.

Nicole looked up at the basements ceiling and let out another puff of smoke.

“It’s open!” Nicole shouted upstairs as loud as she could, hoping the person outside would hear her. The person did not.

“It’s open!” Nicole called out again, but the doorbell continued to ring. Annoyed, Nicole slowly made her way off of the couch, making a peeling sound as she arose. Nicole waddled her way up the stairs and slowly made her way to the door. Cigarette dangling from her mouth, Nicole opened the door, clad only in her tightly fitting bra and panties, fully expecting to see Sandra. She was not disappointed.

“Hey.” Sandra shrieked. Nicole, visibly annoyed, ran her hands through her golden blonde mane. She removed the cigarette from her mouth, scissored it between two fingers, and looked down at Sandra.

“Do you have the stuff?” Nicole took another drag on her cigarette. Sandra nodded obediently and then tried to shake her greasy brown locks out of her face. Nicole stepped aside to allow Sandra into the house. The two girls waddled into the kitchen. Sandra struggled to hold the large box against her extra large, wide, and low hanging stomach. Sandra heaved the cardboard box onto the kitchen table and looked over at Nicole.

“Since when do you smoke?” Sandra tried to get comfortable on a nearby chair, but her wide, flabby rear end dwarfed the seat and made finding a comfortable spot quite impossible. As she moved the mounds of flesh inside her pants struggled to burst the seams.

“My parents are out of town and my sister is at a sleep over so I snagged one of my dad’s. You want to get out of that chair before you break it?” Nicole laughed and extinguished her cigarette in a nearby ashtray. Sandra did as she was told and rocked her way out of the creaking chair.

“You got anything to eat? I’m starving.” Sandra rubbed her saggy gut and giggled. Nicole rolled her eyes and reached into a nearby cabinet for a pair of candy bars.

“Are you just always hungry?” Nicole tossed the candy bar to Sandra who fumbled it in her hands before tearing off the wrapper and shoving the candy bar into her wide mouth. Nicole shook her head as she watched the wrapper float to the floor.

“Do you mind picking that up? I go to great lengths to make sure this place isn’t a pigsty.” Nicole tapped her foot impatiently as Sandra bent over to pick up the wrapper.

Sandra reached down, try to grasp the wrapper with her sausage like fingers. The seams of her pants strained further. Sandra felt the tightness of her pants but continued reaching for the wrapper. Her fingers grazed the surfaced as she stretched her arms as her as they would go. Her large stomach prevented her from reaching in further. As she finally grabbed the wrapper a few loud popping sounds could be heard. This was followed by a loud ripping noise as the back of Sandra’s pants ripped revealing her fleshy rear end. As Sandra snapped backward, gravity sent her further and she landed on the ground, tearing the pants more. Nicole couldn’t help by laugh loudly.

“Well, I guess it’s time for you to get some bigger clothes… again.” Nicole smiled as Sandra tried to cover her red face. Nicole looked over at the large cardboard box on the table.

“Let’s see what we’ve got here.” Nicole walked over to the box and reached for the flaps. Lifting the gently she peered inside and eyed the contents. A soft laugh escaped her lips.

“Oh, this will do. This will do, quite nicely.”

*At McDonald’s the next day*

“Come on Jen, don’t let those fries sit in there too long. And, you’re on register.” Doris shouted to Jen to hurried to lift the fries out of the oil. Wiping the sweat from her acne covered brow, Jen slowly waddled over to the register. She reached behind her and tried to pull out the massive wedgie her cotton underwear was giving her.She felt her thighs rub together and felt the stretching of the uniform fabric across her gelatinous form.

As Jen reached the register Jessica Slims walked into the establishment.

Something had happened to Jessica. It wasn’t like her to walk into a McDonalds. She avoided fast food like the plague. Jess was also not used to being alone. Easily the most popular girl in her senior class, since the recent dethroning and subsequent humiliation of one Miss Daphne Brown, Jessica was seldom with her loyal group of minions. Fate has a way of making people do unusual things. This day, Jessica had decided against going to her last period gym class and instead took a leisurely stroll home. As she was passing this particular McDonalds it was as if something stopped her in her tracks. She didn’t know why, but, despite having lunch only a hour before, she was hungry. And, despite being only a few blocks from her house, she felt the incredible urge to walk into the McDonalds right in front of her.

Jessica walked into McDonalds and couldn’t help but laugh at the sight the overly well fed worker lumbering over the cash register in her overstuffed uniform. Jessica tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder with her confident gait over to the register. Jessica smiled as she rubbed her rock hard abs under her crop top shirt.

“Can I help you?” Jen rolled her eyes at the vain cheerleader now standing in front of her. Jessica simply continued smiling, as she recognized the person serving her.

“Oh my God, I know you. You’re that fat loser that used to go to school with my sister. She told me all about you. Jeez, you’re fatter then I imagined.” Jess didn’t know what it was that made her recognized poor Jenny, but something did. Jenny just rolled her eyes.

“Can I help you?” Jenny clenched her fist on the table, just wishing Doris would come to her aid again. Doris however was to busy sweet talking the assistant manager Mike in the back. Jessica looked up at the menu.

“Yeah, I’ll just have a salad. See, unlike you, I can control myself.” Jessica laughed again and waited for her salad to be handed to her. She paid with a smile and then made her way to a nearby table where she could enjoy her salad and keep an eye on Jenny.

Jenny stayed at her post at the register, putting up with customers and begging for her shift to come to an end.

*Two hours later at Yakov’s shop*

Yakov found himself in the stock room, looking for an order that he had placed back there. His customer out front was growing impatient.

“Come on! What’s taking so long to find a stupid magic kit?” The man out front was growing impatient. It was his son’s birthday and he was already running late for the party. Yakov had met this boy on several occasions and had been quite impressed by his interest in magic. He had actually sensed some potential in the boy. That was why Yakov had special ordered this particular magic kit. This father however was trying his patience.

Finally, Yakov managed to find the kit. He quickly wrapped it and slid it into a brown paper bag with a special gift from himself to the young boy and handed it to the father.

“It’s about time.” The father reached into his wallet and pulled out his credit card. Yakov was being very nice and selling the kit to the man for the price of a rather ordinary one, but he was beginning to regret this decision. Yakov handed the man his receipt and a smile plastered onto his face, and was happy to see him walk out the door. Yakov then moved on to his next customer.

Business had gotten so good in fact that Yakov and his father had actually had to hire and assistant. His name was Lucas.

Yakov didn’t really no much about Lucas. He didn’t know what happened to his parents, only that he had none. He didn’t know about his background, only that he just seemed to show up in town one day. Lucas appeared to be nineteen, but he did not intend school. Yakov just knew that Lucas had extraordinary powers, not unlike his own. Yakov’s father had decided that this alone was enough to justify Lucas working in the shop. Lucas didn’t just work in the shop however. Yakov’s father had rented out the apartment above the store to him.

Lucas spent most of his time in the store, and when he wasn’t helping out he was reading, and practicing.

Presently, Lucas was entertaining a potential customer. She was tall, with black hair, and she was built like a model. Her long black hair hung to her shoulders. Her lengthy legs were covered in lean muscle. Her breasts were Ds and yet seemed to defy gravity. She smiled as Lucas pointed out at the empty pot of dirt in front of him. He watched as her eyes moved to the shiny gold coin he held in his hand. He pointed to the coin and then to the pot as he tossed to coin into the air.

As the coin flipped in the air the dirt in the pot shifted slightly as a little green stalk began to sprout from it. The coin continued to flip in the air and the little green stalk continued to grow until a bud form at the end. Lucas looked up as the coin reach it’s high point and began flipping downward. As it flipped the bud expanded and bloomed into a beautiful rose complete with full, luscious red petals. The rose expanded and tilted slightly toward the woman. It was a rose without thorns and its smell was something no perfume could ever hope to replicate.

Lucas caught the coin with flair and waved his hands in front of the rose as the woman smiled and applauded. Lucas flipped the coin again. This time, as the coin flipped, the rose petals began to wilt and brown. Suddenly the flower burst into to flame and collapsed. Lucas caught the coin and waved his hands in front of the pot extinguishing the fire. He took a bow as the frightened woman turned to run out of the store.

Lucas smiled as he tossed the coin into the air again. He concentrated on the woman as the coin flipped over and over again. The coin slowly flipped and he caught it in his hand. He smiled at his work.

The model type woman’s figure now resembled that of a woman who had been neglecting going to the gym for weeks. It looked as if the woman had spent those weeks instead pigging out on junk food. Her once shapely thighs were now full of thunder. Covered in cellulite, they were now no longer long and athletic, but they were short and stubby. Her arms had lost there definition. Her breasts sagged and now rest on her stomach which had puffed out considerably. Her six pack was gone, replaced by a spongy pot belly. She looked ridiculous in her close, like a woman refusing to believe she had gained weight. Her spongy stomach rolled out of her shirt and over the waist of her jeans which now strained to contain her large, flabby behind. She jiggled and bounced with every step.

Surely the friends she was on her way to meet would get a kick out of the change in her figure. They would get a laugh out of the model turned couch potato. They’d also ponder how they could have thought she was so tall before. It would bother them for a second, but they’d surely dismiss it in a moment.

Knowing all this, Lucas smiled and tossed the pot of scorched dirt into a nearby garbage pail.

*Early the next morning, just past one am*


Former head cheerleader and queen bitch Daphne Brown sat on the floor, leaning against her kitchen cabinet, rubbing her bloated stomach. Her round face was covered in chocolate. Her chunky thighs rested on the linoleum floor and her wide rear end stretched out the shorts she was wearing. Her greasy hair rested in her in a pony tail on her neck. Daphne sighed as she reach around with her meaty hand. She brushed past several empty wrappers until she found her most recent discard. She grabbed the last Yodell and crammed it into her awaiting mouth. Her chocolate covered cheeks puffed out lke those of a chipmunk.

It was then that the lights came on and a flash went off.

“Oh, this is so going on my Myspace.” Daphne’s sister Mindy laughed as she looked at the display on her digital camera. She looked back at her big sister and laughed even harder.

“Mom, you’ve got to see this.” Mindy slid the camera into the pocket of her pink pajama bottoms. Mrs. Kathleen Brown entered the kitchen, clutching her red satin robe. She looked down at her hefty daughter with disgust.

“Just look at you. You’re such a pig.” Mrs. Brown looked around at all the wrappers on the floor and then at the empty Yodell box.

“You ate all the Yodell’s? You’re disgusting.” Mrs. Brown kicked the empty Yodell box across the room. Mindy picked up another emty cardboard box and held it up for her mother to see.

“She ate the rest of my birthday cake too.” Mindy tossed the box into the garbage and slowly walked over to her sister. She squatted down to give her large pot belly a poke. Daphne let out a loud burp. Mrs. Brown shook her head some more.

“What happened to you? Where did I go wrong as a mother? You were so beautiful. Now, you’re just… you’re just a pig. You’re a big fat greedy pig.” Mrs. Browngently touched her daughter’s thick thigh and sighed. She slowly walked away followed by Mindy.

“I hope you’re proud of yourself.” With that, Mrs. Brown hit turned off the lights as Daphne let out another groan.
© Copyright 2008 B$fan (thewriter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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