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Story number three from me. Still looking to upgrade for my book item. |
This is story number three. I'm still trying to upgrade to get a book item. Pig's Feed: Pumpkin Pie By BSfan Yakov sat at the counter of his father’s curio shop, lazily dusting a silver lamp. The day had been slow and Yakov was sitting with his feet resting on the counter, watching the seconds tick away till closing time. Next to him was a tray containing a half eaten pumpkin pie. Yakov was about to slide the pumpkin pie back into the nearby mini-fridge and hit the lights when the tinkle of the chimes next to the door signaled his latest customer. Sandra Molloy walked into the shop with a curious expression on her face. She looked around the shop and poked at the various gag items and magical trinkets. They were nothing special really, simple items for simple people, nothing more than a few parlor tricks. Yakov kept the real stuff behind the counter for only a very select group of special clientele Sometimes people don’t realize how special they really are and it needs to be pointed out to them. Sandra Molloy was not one of those people. No, she was a simple type, curious to all the cheap “magic kits” and gag items. Her finger traced along a package of itching powder. She laughed at the sight of a whoopee cushion. Sandra curled her long blonde hair with her finger as she nosily cracked her gum. Yakov looked up at the clock on the wall as the second hand clicked past closing time. Wanting to call it a night, Yakov broke with his usual style of letting the customer browse around and come to him, and stepped right next to her. He tapped her on the shoulder. “May I help you?” Yakov’s remark caused Sandra to jump back in surprise. She cracked her gum excessively loud and then began giggling while twirling her hair. “Hi! Ummm…. Oh shoot.” Sandra looked down at her feet and cracked her gum again. “Looking for something in particular?” Yakov sighed deeply, rather annoyed by this naïve young lady that stood before him. “That’s just it. Ummm… My friends, like, sent me in here for some stuff. I just, you know, can’t remember what kind of stuff I was supposed to get.” Sandra cracked her gum again and giggled to herself. Yakov looked over at the pumpkin pie and rubbed his fingers across his palm. “What, perchance, are you looking to use these items for?” Yakov leaned against the counter and yawned. “A prank.” Sandra cracked her gum loudly and twirled her hair. Yakov was becoming increasingly aggravated by this rather annoying customer. Her last remark did however cause him to raise an eyebrow. “A prank?” Yakov pushed himself off of the counter and walked up to Sandra, looking her tall athletic body up and down. “Yeah, yeah, me and the girls are gonna pull this prank on Nicole Buchek. It’s okay though cause she’s a cow.” Sandra let out another shrill giggle. Yakov shook his head. “That name sounds familiar. Tell me, do we go to the same school?” Yakov leaned on the counter again and rested his head on his fist. He eyed the pumpkin pie. Sandra stood there, twirling her hair in deep thought and then began jumping up like a happy puppy. “Yeah! Man, small world huh?” Sandra cracked her gum again and giggled. Yakov shook his head and reached for the pie tin. “It certainly is.” Yakov pulled out his pie server and slowly separated piece from the pie. He placed the piece delicately on another plate and looked back at Sandra. “May I tempt you with a piece of pie?” Yakov smiled a pearly white smile as he held the plate out toward Sandra. Sandra eyed the piece of pumpkin pie, cracked her gum, and licked her lips. “I really shouldn’t. I’m watching my weight, ya know?” Sandra twirled her finger. Yakov slowly reached into the mini fridge and pulled out a can of whipped cream. Sandra watched as Yakov artfully topped off the piece of pie. “Come now, one little bite won’t hurt.” Yakov smiled and handed a tissue to Sandra. Sandra spit her gum into the tissue. She tossed it into the garbage and accepted the plate with a smile. “Thanks.” Sandra dug the silver fork into the moist pumpkin pie. She took a spoonful and placed it in her mouth, getting a spot of whipped cream on her upper lip. It was then that the room began to spin as the colors turned into a solitary purple. Yakov smiled as all this went on without Sandra noticing. She simply continued eating the pie, without so much as making a dent in it. “Sandy my dear, do you know what your problem is? I’ll tell you what it is. You’re a follower. You do whatever those popular girls tell you to do. It’s a shame really. Now, I’m not saying you’re ready to be your own boss. No, you’re too naïve for that. However, I do think it would be a good idea to switch your loyalties to someone more deserving of them. First though, I think we should make it a little harder for you to look down on people.” Yakov watched as Sandra began to change her 5’9 body shrunk down to a much smaller 5’2. Yakov looked down at Sandra and smiled as she continued to enjoy her never ending piece of pumpkin pie. “Now, that’s a very nice start. Next, we have to make you more akin to your new leader. You mentioned before that you were watching your weight. That was a bold faced lie. You’ve never watched your weight. In fact, since a very young age, you’ve been a very greedy little piggy.” Yakov spoke his words and watched as Sandra changed further. Her athletic frame melted away. Her muscles vanished turning into a soft layer of fat. Another thin layer of baby fat covered her entire boy. Her shirt began to ride up her soft pudgy belly. Her thighs thickened and tightened against her shorts. Her ass grew width wise and outward. Her face puffed out and a slight double chin formed. That when things really exploded. Sandra’s stomach expanded into a large spare tire and hung low, popping off the button of her pants. Her thighs became full of thunder and started to touch together. Her ass expanded further, stretching the seams of her pants. Her arms thickened as did her double chin. Her perky breasts extended and sagged down onto her growing belly. The seams of her shorts continued to strain until one of them popped. Then another one popped. Then another one popped. Suddenly her shirt began to rip as well. All at once, as Sandra bloated figure expanded to a full figured 300 pounds her clothes ripped off completely. They were quickly replaced by a pair of pink spandex slacks that were still a size too small. Her original white shirt was now a light pink with a picture of a cartoonish pig face on it. It was bigger, but it still did not completely cover her large middle. “There we go. Now you’re more her size. Actually, you outweigh her by about fifty pounds. Hmmm… how about a few more changes. Nicole is a blonde. You’re a blonde. I can’t have that. Too many blondes and things aren’t very interesting. You’ve always been a brunette.” Yakov smiled as Sandra’s glorious blonde hair was turned into a limp muddy brown. A lifetime’s worth of junk food turned it into a mess of greasy as acne broke out on her face. “And, that hair curling thing you’re always doing. That’s really quite annoying. You don’t have the hair to do that anymore.” Yakov watched as Sandra’s hair shortened and became a curly mess that framed her face to exaggerate its plumpness. “There we go. That’ll do pig, that’ll do.” Yakov leaned back against the counter again as the color came back into place. Sandra eagerly stuffed her face with the rest of the pie. She wiped the whipped cream off of her face with her hand before licking it off of her hand. She looked up at Yakov, crumbs still dotting her cheeks. “Thanks for the pie Yakov. I guess I’ll be seeing you in school.” Sandra nodded her head, her limp brown hair slapping her face. Yakov nodded and pointed to a box on the counter. “Don’t forget the stuff you bought. It should be all you need to give those skinny bitches hell.” Yakov smiled again as he jumped up and slid behind the counter. Sandra jumped as high as her beefy body would allow her and eagerly grabbed the large cardboard box before waddling out the door. Yakov finished dusting and slid the rest of the pumpkin pie back into the mini fridge. He walked over to the door, locked it, turned the sign over to closed, and hit the lights. |