Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1383796-The-Knocking
by Aisha
Rated: E · Other · Erotica · #1383796
a persistant stranger...
The Knocking

A gentle knock on the huge oak door awakens her from her sweet slumber. She glances sleepy eyed at it for seconds, not wanting to open it, sending the person at the other side a silent plea to leave her alone.

The knocking persists forcing her to leave her bed of sensual black satin. Urging her up in her naked state and towards the door, curious to see who dared come through both the gate keeper and the watch dogs. And then midway she stops scared and unsure "No" she thinks "No one is supposed to knock on the door...... not now not tonight, not ever".

She ignores the rapping and walks towards the window, opening it with both hands ..... inviting like a lover the cool breeze which had been unrelenting in it's pursuit, till ages to come into her room. Happily it dances in, wrapping it's chilly arms around her small body, teasing the downy hair on her skin, arousing them to a delicious break of goose bumps...... pulling strands of hair loose from the chignon, and spreading the fragrant rose smell through out the moon lit room.

The knock came again, harder and louder, and she is startled from her trance. "Go away" she wills silently "Please let me be". And yet the knocking never stops. Like the wild beat of her heart it continued growing louder and louder.

She stays rooted to her spot, shivering and trembling. The room is dark and lonely, now being deserted by the moon and her light. And the gentle breeze boldened into a wild wind brought with it and sprayed, continuous drops of rain that clung vice like to her lithe body, tracing its wet fingers down her warm skin awakening the buds at the peak of her breasts and sleeping soul as if for seconds set on an icy fire. Eliciting a gasp of painful pleasure from her lips..she opens her beautiful mouth...enabling the raindrops total liberty to invade and ravish its softness and hot bed of flesh inside.

She trembles with sweet arousal and intense fear, giving up her whole being to the ecstasy of an imaginary lover and the nearly frenzied orgasmic knocking on the door in her reality. And she decides to succumb to the reality of her life, to let go of the imaginary world for the time being....to find out what the person at the other side wanted from her, what he wanted her to see, to find out whether he was the answer to her unasked questions.

She walks away from the rain, the wind, the dark and the window, crossing the room towards the door where the knocking has reduced to just a slight tap. She takes a deep breath locking it in, letting her rain kissed chest expand for a moment before she granted the trapped air release.

She grasps the door handle, not quite sure why the world was so quiet all of a sudden. She flings the door wide open... and finds herself staring at a void of nothingness.....opens it to, full emptiness, to a receding back of a figure not unfamiliar. She lets her eyes trail him until he was no more than a spot on her vision...cursing herself for taking forever to submit to the temptations, for being so unsure of unveiling her curiosity... and she cursed the receding figure for tormenting her time after time ...... for not being patient enough to wait for her submission..for not believing that she will sometime somehow answer his knocking....
© Copyright 2008 Aisha (aisha76 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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