Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1383287-Drinking-is-a-work-related-injury
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Experience · #1383287
The introduction to a story I'm progressively working on
There was just enough gas in my car to get me to and from work. I hoped at least. I had 12 dollars in my pocket but that would be better spent on a pack of smokes, a cola, a half pint, and some chips.I stopped at the liquor store a few blocks from ym apartment. They weren't officially open yet but the owner gets most of his business out of my liver so he unlocked the door when he saw me pull into the lot. "How are you doing today, my friend?" he asked me as I blew passed him into the store. I went over to the coolers and grabbed the cheapest soda i could find and picked up a bag of BBQ chips on my way to the counter. " I also need a half pint of MacIntyre's and a pack of Morley's" "Ok my friend whatever you need." He walked along the back wall searching for my half pint as I stared at the sign above a donation jar.
                              "Children all over the world are not living life.
                                  Everyday hundreds of children die from starvation
.                                Your spare change could save the lives of these youngsters
                                  Look within your heart and Please donate. Thank You"

He set the half pint and the smoke down with a thud.  I come out of my stupor. " You know if I still had a heart I might actually give a  shit about those damn kids."
"Your total is $11.67," he said. I handed over the cash. "The money goes to help all the starving kids from my homeland,  There is no food for anyone to eat much less those that don;t have any money."  "Well you should've brought them with you." I grabbed my items off the counter and with my free hand, sent the jar rolling back and off his side of the counter. "Keep the change"

    I didn't have to be a prick to him but I'm mean when I'm sober. I got into my car and pull out onto the road. I was driving down the road, steering with my knee as I tried to pour my drink. I had the cola bottle resting on the wheel and i poured the whiskey in. Cars driving passed me with drivers who glared dirty looks at what I was doing. I finished up, chucked the bottle out the window and kept going on my way to work.

  By the time I had pulled into the lot, I had most of the bottle down and a little over half a pack left. I had drove right passed the employee lot and parked in one of the first spots in the customer lot. I polished off the bottle and lit up one more smoke and got out of my car. I was standing in front of the building finishing my cigarette when my boss Gene came out the door. " Rick, your a half hour late. Where in the hell have you been?"  Although this has become routine he seemed a little more frustrated than usual. "Paul and Gary have been asking for you all morning, You need to report to the director's office right now. Put that fucking thing out and get in there." I took one last hit and flicked the butt out into the lot. What purpose would they have to talk to me? Neither one had authority over me. Paul was a little younger than me. Fast tracked up the ladder and had lately grown a huge set of balls. Everyone contributed him growing a set to the fact that he recently started fucking one of the directors from another store, Sharon. I don't know exactly how to describe Gary, he is ex-military, and because of that he has absolutely no personality whatsoever.

I approached the office and was taking a moment to adjust myself when Paul opened the door.  "Oh you are here? I was just going to go look for you. Come in. Have a seat."  I sat down and he closed the door. I could smell the bourbon on my breath so I know they could too.  Paul took a seat next to the desk that Gary was sitting behind. "How you doing Steinhurst?" Gary asked me. He never called anyone by their first name. "Your looking a little rough this morning." "Yeah well its one of those days I guess, why I am in here?" I responded.  "Well Rick," Paul said, "we are looking to strengthen up our afternoon shift and since Gene said that you do your job well but have a little problem with getting here on time. We wanted to ask you if...." "Ask? Shit. Steinhurst, starting tomorrow you are with us. Gary said.  "Well...." I didn't know what to say.  "Well....nothing. You are gonna love it, Paul is going to tell ya everything about it and  I'm gonna go hit the head." Gary said as he stood up and made his way out the door.
© Copyright 2008 Rick Steinhurst (msick124 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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