Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1382974-Warriors-Flight
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1382974
This is just a story that I wrote a while back. Its a fantasy mostly.
  Chapter 1 the meeting of a stranger

            In a large forest called Tyran two strangers dressed in black cloaks jump down from their horses and approach each other. They came up to each other and grasp forearms in a gesture of greeting. One of them was small and lithe the other was tall and broad shouldered. The smaller one pulled back the hood of the cloak and revealed her face; the broad shouldered one did the same. The woman was very beautiful, about 18; she had long straight black hair down to her waist with braids spaced at intervals along her head. She had a thin leather band around her head to keep her hair away from her face also. Her face was cream colored and her lips were red, but the most entrancing part about her was her eyes, they were as blue as clear ocean waves with the sun reflecting off of them. The broad shouldered man was handsome and about 19 years of age, with shoulder length straight brown hair tied back with a piece of leather his eyes were the same color brown as his hair, like rich brown earth just dug up, dreamers eyes. He had a strong nose and laugh lines around his mouth. The woman took her horse by the bridle and gestured to the man to follow her with his horse. They walked up to a large maple tree and the woman whispered something and the man and woman disappeared into the tree.
            Meanwhile, sitting in a tree unnoticed was a goblin. He was happy because after all of his long searches he had finally found the lair of the dragon riders, but he was frightened of what would happen to him when master found out that his two greatest enemies had become one enemy. One most formidable enemy indeed!
“Oh, master will be most displeased, oh, he will, he will.” he said in a high pitched whiney voice. “What to do, what to do. If I tell master about his enemies he will surely kill me!” he exclaimed. “But wait, if I only tell him about finding the dragon riders lairs he won’t punish me because he won’t know!” he said in a gleeful voice. And with that he ran off to tell his master the good news.

Far below the earth the man and woman entered the vestibule to find that the baron of the dragon keep was already there waiting for them.
            Adrienne, thank you for bringing lord Dirk down to me” said the baron to the woman.
            The baron was a great warrior once but years of good living had made him soft. He could still use a blade but not as he was once able too. He was a round fellow cheerful and pompous and surprisingly ignorant that he was not invincible. In other words, he thought that he could take on all of the warriors in the dragon keep and win even though he hadn’t picked up a sword in years.
            “Lord?” Adrienne said with distaste. “Sorry I didn’t bow,” she said mockingly
“Now Adrienne you don’t need to apologize, I’m sure lord Dirk will forgive you,” said the baron in all seriousness.
            “Auourrrr”, Adrienne growled.
Lord Dirk was looking at them trying very hard not to start laughing because he realized that the baron would not be able to understand mockery even if it came up and bit him on the nose. He really didn’t mind that the woman, Adrienne, hadn’t bowed, in fact he preferred that people didn’t bow to him.
“Now Adrienne, why don’t you get some rest, after all you are still recovering and you need all the rest you can get. That way you can be in tip top shape as soon as possible and get back onto the field.”
As Adrienne stormed off Dirk finally noticed that she was limping.
“Sorry about that my lord, she gets temperamental when she isn’t allowed out of bed” the baron said.
“What happened? And please don’t call me my lord” dirk said.
            “Sorry my… ah, Dirk. She was out on an assignment and was ambushed by a troop of goblins. No survivors left after she got through with them; anyway, she got a nasty cut on her leg while fighting. She’s a fiery one all right and one of the best warriors we have, I trust that I will see you at the feast tonight?” the baron said.
            “Yes, yes I will be there. Will Adrienne be there?” Dirk asked looking down the hall that Adrienne went.
“ Yes” said the baron. “Ahhh, here is your escort he will take you to your rooms. I will have a servant come help you get dressed and to fetch you for the feast.” Said the baron.
            “ Thank you but I don’t need a servant to help me get dressed, thank you” said Dirk, still looking down the hall Adrienne went, then turning followed the servant to his rooms, leaving a very confused baron wondering why the lord was so interested in Adrienne. The baron shrugged his shoulders and walked off to get dressed for the feast.

Chapter 2 Adrienne

            “Who does he think he is, telling me to go get dressed, ha! It takes longer for him to get dressed than it does for me.” said Adrienne angrily.
            “My lady, the baron sent me to help you with your hair for tonight” said a woman at the door.
            “I’m no lady Rhia, you know that” sighed Adrienne.
            “And you know that I have to call you that in public” said the maid. “Because it is not fitting for a lady to have a maid who is her friend, not her servant” they laughed together, quoting one of the baron’s sayings.
            “Now why don’t you let me in, that way I can do your hair and so that we don’t have to shout through the door” said Rhia.
            “Sorry” said Adrienne, as she walked over and opened her door. She let in Rhia.
Rhia is a normal looking person, average, with long, slightly wavy brown hair that was braided back at the moment, and green eyes. On the small side, the only difference from her and the other maids was her fun loving, childish personality and her mischievous smile. Rhia always had plenty of jokes to play on unsuspecting people. Smiling, Adrienne let Rhia in.
            “Now, lets get your hair done and your dress on” Rhia said. “Then after we get that done you can go and admire yourself in the mirror, just like all those noble court ladies” Rhia said jokingly.


            “Damn, can’t get this stupid hair tie to go around my dratted thick hair” Dirk said angrily.
            “Wet it with hot water and then tie it around your hair and as it dries it’ll shrink” said a familiar woman’s voice with long practice. 
            Dirk turned around to see who it was and found himself looking at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was clad in a red and cream color dress that matched her face and her lips. She had a cream colored corset on that wasn’t pulled tight in the court fashion, but loose so that the person inside could breath and move easily. Her dress was the deep crimson red of blood with cream colored firebirds printed on it. Her black hair was scattered with braids and on the top of her head was a silver circlet to keep her hair in place, instead of the leather band. The woman that he was looking at was Adrienne!
            “Ehem” she said
            Dirk blushed, realizing that he had been staring at her for quite a while. “Sorry” he said.
            “That’s all right, it happens a lot” she said sadly
            “Well, are you ready to go?” asked Adrienne.
            “Ah, almost just let me get my hair up” he said running over to wet his hair band.
Adrienne looking around his room saw that it was a nobles quarters with rich hangings and a giant bed able to fit an entire family. It also had a large fireplace and a comfortable chair in front of it. Thinking of dirk, Adrienne thought that he was dressed handsomely in his tunic of crimson red, the same color of her dress. Underneath it a full sleeved shirt of cream colored silk and leggings the same color brown as his eyes.
            “OK, I’m ready now” he said, interrupting her thoughts.
            “Then let’s go, can’t keep the baron waiting” she said mockingly.

            They walked into the great feast hall to the roar of voices all having a different conversation.
            “My lord, your name and title please” said the announcer.
            Dirk glanced over at Adrienne and wondered what she would think of him after he gave his title. I hope she doesn’t get angry with me; I like how she doesn’t care what people think of her. It’s nice to see a woman who doesn’t chase after men and who doesn’t try to impress anyone. Oh well, here it goes.
            “Dirk of Silius.” He said looking over at Adrienne she looked at him and smiled. Dirk, wondering why she smiled, was about to say something when he found out the reason why.
            “Adrienne of Eegrett.” She said, still smiling.
“Dirk of Silius and Adrienne of Eegrett” said the announcer staring at them in aw.
Everyone had turned around to look at them, Dirk, looking over saw that Adrienne was counting under her breath as she and he descended the stairs. “Three, two, one” and then they all turned back and started talking again. Seeing this he collapsed helplessly on the small couch next to him once he was down the stairs with Adrienne and started laughing.
            “It never gets old, watching them all turn around at the same time” she said still laughing.
            “Ahem” said some one in front of them.
            “Oh, ah sorry baron” said Adrienne
            “Its, ah, quite all right, so you and ahh Dirk came together?” asked the baron carefully looking at there matching clothes.
            “No” they both said together
            “Oh well, ah Dirk you have some women that want to meet you “said the baron, looking from dirk to Adrienne.
            “All right” said Dirk
The baron led dirk over to a knot of women, Dirk, looking over his shoulder made a face that made Adrienne grimace understandingly. A group of men made there way over to Adrienne to try to get her to dance or talk to them. What is she thinking! They don’t want to talk they want to court her thought Dirk. Still looking at her and wishing that he could stay and watch her take care of them. Just thinking about that made him laugh which made the duke look questioningly at him. Bracing himself he smoothed his features into blankness and walked toward the women.
            Adrienne watched him smooth his features into blankness and then turned to watch the young nobles approach. Wondering what to do to run them away she realized that she was going to get bored quickly if she didn’t have anyone to talk to and she decided to play along with the young nobles, at least they would provide some entertainment.

            Adrienne was seated opposite from dirk when the feast began. As always there was plenty of food and drink. Right before the feast she had gotten rid of the nobles by telling them to go bother someone who actually listened, they, of course, grumbled about how women today didn’t know there place.
            “Adrienne, would you please pass me the roast duck,” asked dirk
She handed the duck to him and as she gave it to him she felt a peace of parchment slide into her hand and then she slid it up her sleeve inconspicuously. She looked up, startled, once she had hidden it and saw him looking at her. He gestured for her to open it, she put her hands in her lap and slid the paper out of her sleeve and read:

Meet me in the training yard after the feast.
Dress to fight, I want to see how good you
  are with a weapon and I want to talk to you
    about the shadow.

Adrienne looked up and nodded wondering how he knew about the shadow. Hopefully she would find out, but he might be in league with the shadow, better be on her guard. How else would he know that she fought the Shadow? That was top secret information which only the baron and she knew.


Dressed all in black so as not to be seen Adrienne walked into the training yard. She had put on a silk kimono to keep off the chill and to enable her to move if she was attacked. Out of the darkness came Dirk making her jump.
“Good, you came” he said. “I was wondering if you were going to come”
“The guard?” asked Adrienne
“Bribed in their rooms and asleep,” he said
“Now I have some questions, how did you know that I fight the Shadow?” she asked
“I’ve heard a lot about you and how you fought the shadow, stories about how you fight and what you do. I pieced it together from how you were hurt, the way you talk to the baron, and the way you walk like you expect someone to attack you at any moment.” He said
“That’s because I do expect to be attacked and, let me guess, you’re the man that everyone talks about, the one that fights the shadow also.” She said. “The man they call arrow.”
“And they call you Moriah” he said
            “Yes” she laughed.
            “What is so funny?” he asked
            “Well, the thing is that I never called myself Moriah, that’s the name of my Gryph. She said “one of the times Moriah started trying to turn back because the people below were in awe of her, she’s very fond of praise and very vain, she hates to get dirty, and I yelled her name to get her to turn back and the people below thought that I was yelling my name in victory and now every time I go out to fight they call my name.” She said
            “Ah, I see” he said smiling.
            “Why do they call you arrow?” she asked
            “Because I didn’t want to blow my cover and have monsters following me everywhere I go” he said “well I know you can fight so can I see your Gryph?”
            “Yes, of course” she said
            “I thought that they had dragons down here” he said
            “They do” she laughed “that’s why it’s called the dragon’s lair”
            “Oh, but then….” He began
            “Then why do I ride a Gryph?” she finished. He nodded. “I ride a Gryph because dragons are too conspicuous, I mean look at them, they’re huge. Gryph's are smaller and faster, and more vicious, mine might be vain but I would hate to be the one fighting against her. She can kill a man before he even lifts his sword.” she said. Dirk gulped. “Don’t worry she hasn’t killed anyone in oh, a week or so.” Adrienne said nastily.

“So, you’re from Silius.” Adrienne said questioningly. “Tell me, do the trees really talk in your forest or is it just a tale they tell children to scare them at night?”
“Yes, its true but they’re not all mean and… some of them can walk too, which is not a good thing. The only time they walked in our histories was when there was when the Great War started. I had thought that they were all gone from this land, but maybe they just didn’t want us to know that they were there.” he said. “And your the princess of Eegrett, the land of romance were couples go to be together in peace. I’m sorry but I don’t see you as the romance type or the peaceful type either.”
“Hey, you just haven’t seen that side of me yet” Adrienne said defensively.
“Well, I hope I do some day” he said sincerely.
“And I’ll have you know that not all you hear about Eegret is true. It’s actually a…
“Let’s go see the dragon pens and my Gryph” Adrienne said, trying to change the subject quickly. Looking over at him she smiled seeing his face go pale, knowing that she had gotten back at him for that players line about getting to know me better. Still, it might not be that bad getting to know him better, he’s one of the most polite men that I’ve ever met… shaking her head to get rid of such nonsense she started walking with dirk following close behind

Adrienne led dirk through a twisting hallway with tapestries depicting old dragon battles.
“How do you find your way through here? Are there any symbols to guide you?” asked Dirk.
“I learned how to get everywhere by memorizing the map of the city, we don’t put up guiding symbols because if the dragon lair was ever breached then the enemy would know exactly where to go to steal our dragon eggs, but without guiding signs and all the passages it is almost impossible to find were we keep our dragons” Said Adrienne
“Dragon eggs, why not steal the dragons?” he asked.
  “Because the dragons and there masters wouldn’t allow it, every dragon and master has a bond that can’t be broken, many masters have died when their dragon dies because the bond is so strong” said Adrienne sadly. “I have lost many friends that way”
“Wait, you said that people have died taking care of your Gryph and you said that everyone takes care of there own mount” he said suspiciously
She smiled impishly and laughed “I lied, I wanted to see your face when I said it” she said

“Ah, here we are” she said after a while “Moriah” she said quietly, opening up the door.
Looking up he saw a monster, about twice the size of a horse, as black as night with eyes like stars. Its needle sharp teeth about two inches long, capable of ripping through the toughest armor with ease. Looking over he saw it had bat-like wings and skin that resembled mail.
Adrienne walked over and Moriah swung her long neck over to give her wet lick to the face.
Seeing this dirk smiled. Adrienne beckoned him over and he walked over only to be stopped when the Gryph suddenly swung its head around to stare at him.  Dirk said “oh, what a beautiful thing you are” remembering how Adrienne had said that she was vain. Seeming satisfied she turned back to Adrienne.
All of a sudden Adrienne heard fighting, looking over she saw Moriah was listening hard and was restlessly pacing back and forth in her pen. All of a sudden she heard a terrible screeching that made dirk and her cover their ears in pain, Moriah roared in pain and anger also, then the screeching was cut off. Realizing that the screech could only be one thing Adrienne and dirk paled. It was a banshee, and it was inside the dragon’s lair and that meant that they were under attack!

Chapter 3 invasion!

Running over to the secret chamber she pushed on the knot and pulled out her long, 
Curved rapier and another sword longer than hers and tossed it to dirk. He caught it and swung it experimentally; looking at it he nodded, signaling that it would do. She climbed up on her Gryph and signaled him to get up behind her, he shook his head, he didn’t trust her enough yet. Adrienne shrugged then, smiling grimly she urged Moriah out into the hallway with dirk following behind.
“Come on Moriah lets get them out of our home,” she said, then giving a fierce battle cry launched Moriah into the air, but the goblins were ready for her.
            “Ready the archers we’re going to shoot the Gryph down and bring Adrienne back to the king and don’t kill her, just break her spirit, and a few bones” said the goblin smiling nastily.
            Looking down from her Gryph she saw them aim for Moriah and her, get under cover she yelled and they dove down and landed in one of the dragon pens. I’ll have to do something that they wouldn’t expect, but what? She thought to herself. Wait I’ve got it, remembering the secret doors into each dragon’s pen. I can let all of the dragons loose! Running over to the first one she unlocked the cage and hoped that the dragon would find its master.
            Meanwhile, Dirk had seen them try to shoot Adrienne and Moriah down and had stayed to the shadows. He went to get reinforcements hoping he would be able to find them before getting too lost.
            After Adrienne had unlocked all of the dragons she gave a yell for them to attack, it was a lucky thing that she visited all of the dragons regularly. They all rose for the attack and Adrienne ran out of her hiding place and attacked with them. Looking over she saw that a wing of the guard had attacked at the same time she had. Many of the dragons had riders on them now and from the look of things we were going to win. All of a sudden all of the monsters moved away from her. Looking up she gulped because right in front of her was a huge troll about twelve feet in height and uglier than all the rest. He smiled and reached down to grab her. She dodged his hand and twisted in midair to slash his hand. He gave a roar of pain. Adrienne rolled back onto her feet and prepared herself to attack. He took his club and swung at her and she realized that she wouldn’t be able to parry his blows because of the strength and size of his club, which probably weighed more than she did. Adrienne sheathed her blade in a fluid motion and jumped as he swung at her. She jumped over his club then dodged as he reversed it. Then, unexpectedly, he swung his other hand around and grabbed her, lifting her into the air. Struggling she tried to get out of his grasp which only made him squeeze her until she couldn’t breath. Her vision started to go gray when a sharp flash of pain across her head and shoulder, and the fact that she could breathe again, made her realize that she had been dropped. Getting up she grabbed her sword, ignoring the flash of dizziness, and joined the fray. The fight was over soon after that.

Looking around Adrienne saw dirk sitting down with a painful looking wound on his leg. Remembering her own wounds she looked at his shoulder, there was a jagged slash that had luckily missed anything vital. She also had a large split and bump on her head that was purpling and, lifting up her arms, found that she had a few bruised ribs. She sat down next to dirk.
            Giving her a weak smile he said, “You look almost as bad as I feel”
            But Adrienne didn’t hear him because she had passed out.

Chapter 4 the shadow

            “What!” the shadow yelled at the trembling goblin. The shadow is a terrible creature thought to be gone from this world for thousands of years. It was said to be a legend, a story to frighten children, until this one made itself known to the world, striking terror in every soul. They were supposedly slain by Wilmot, the greatest warrior of all. The shadow kind had hidden and few had escaped Wilmot’s wrath and the shadow was one of the few. Shadow’s are immortal but can be killed by white steel which is a pure steel forged by heavenly beings. Like all of the shadow kind he dressed all in black, no part of his skin showed, and he wore a hood to keep his face covered. The only things you could see were his eyes, which they were the color of blood. 
            “Th-th-they w-w-were together, m-master” said the goblin.
“Why wasn’t I informed of this?” said the shadow menacingly.
“W-we weren’t told of it, master,” said the goblin.
            “Who knew?” said the shadow quietly, which was even worse than him yelling.
            “W-what” said the goblin, not understanding.
            “Who knew that they had combined forces you idiot” said the shadow lifting the goblin into the air and shaking him.
            “G-goblin n-n-number 157, m-master” said the goblin fearfully.
            “Bring him to me” he said giving the goblin a kick out of the door.
            Once he brought goblin number 157 he would kill the both of them for their stupidity, he had no use for such stupid and cowardly goblins in his army. He had a special treat in mind for number 157. He would show the goblins what happened to those who disobeyed. His enemies Adrienne and Dirk, what to do about their partnership, they were a formidable enemy now that they had met. Before they had been a nuisance, but now, he had better keep a close eye on them. A knock on the door broke his train of thought “come in” he said.
            “Here is g-goblin number 157” the goblin said.
            “Bring him to me” the shadow said. The goblin slowly dragged the other one in and placed him before his master. “You may go now,” the shadow said. As the goblin turned to walk out the shadow raised his hand and muttered something, the goblin let out a shriek and went up in flames collapsing into a pile of ash. Smiling he turned back to goblin 157 and started muttering and the goblin screamed and started to writhe and twist in pain. Smiling at the goblins pain he checked his strength levels and saw with satisfaction that they were at full strength, so he could keep torturing the goblin for as long as he liked. He let out a cruel laugh and any that were near enough to here that laugh cringed away from it as if it were a plague.

Chapter 5 recovery

            Dirk drifted out of painful dreams towards voices nearby. “Eehnnnm, what happened?” he moaned.
            “You were in a fight and were wounded” said an unfamiliar woman’s voice.
It all came back to him in a rush, the fighting and... Adrienne! She was hurt and had passed out. He opened his eyes only to find that a woman looking into his face blocked his vision. A nurse by the look of her, red hair braided back and wrapped around her head, her face a mask of worry. “Are you all right, do you remember everything now” she asked.
            He nodded. “Adrienne?” he asked worriedly. Please gods don’t be dead he pleaded in his head. Please.
            She nodded over to the left, then left to get something and, in doing so, cleared his line of vision.
Adrienne was looking over at him and smiling.
“I’m touched you remembered me,” she said.
            “You’re hard to forget,” he said smiling in return.
            She blushed and he laughed. “So how bad are you feeling” he asked Adrienne.
            “Not as bad as I could feel” she said truthfully.
            A thought came to him “how long has it been” he asked Adrienne cautiously. She looked uncomfortable “how long” he repeated more forcefully.
            “A week” she said.
            “A week” he yelled.
            She cringed “and five days” she continued, getting as far away from him as she could without falling out of bed. “I just woke up a few hours ago too you know” she said.
            He sighed he should have known, he had been hurt badly so it was only right that he sleep this long. He looked under his sheets to find that most of his wounds were almost healed and only the worst ones were still wrapped in bandage and realizing that he had no clothes on. He blushed and Adrienne chuckled probably guessing.
He wondered if she was also. He razed an eyebrow
“Before you ask, I am too,” she said laughing.” Looking up at the creak of a door opening she said, “Great, now it’s my turn for some healing to be done.”
            Your turn now they told Adrienne.  And with that they closed off her side of the room with some curtains

Two weeks later
            “I’m glad you could make time in your busy schedule to come and see me.” said the baron. “I know how busy you have been with helping clean up and every thing from the battle” he said to Adrienne and dirk.
            “It was no trouble and it seemed urgent” said Adrienne looking curiously at the baron. “So what is the news?”
            The baron sighed and rubbed his face. Adrienne had never seen him look so old; she had come to think of him as immortal. Now you could see all of the years of fighting and hardship. He was almost 42, he wasn’t old but you could see he was getting tired and worn.
“It has come to my attention that Adrienne was not the only thing that the shadow was after, a new maid, Mellena came to me today and told me that they were after her also.”
            “But what would the shadow want with an ordinary maid” said dirk interrupting.
            The baron held up his hand “let me finish, it seems that she is not what she said she was, a maid from the farming fief of Merriam, but is actually forest sprite.” Said the baron grimly.
            “But what does the shadow want with a forest sprite, and why did he come here to get one when he could have easily gotten a sprite from the forest?” said Adrienne.
            The baron looked at her “how long has it been since you’ve seen a forest sprite?” he asked looking at her oddly.
            Adrienne thought, how long had it been, “it’s been about 6 months” she said surprised. Usually you see them every where you go but she hadn’t noticed because she had been so busy. She liked the forest sprites; they were kind and helpful if you were respectful to them. They had helped her out of a jam more than once.
            “Exactly” said the baron. “He wants them for two reasons.” He paused and shook his head. “First” he said sadly. “if he has them he can turn the forest against us and second it seems that he is afraid of them or some thing happened long ago that made him fear them, a war maybe.” he shrugged. “But there is good news of a kind. Mellena is the only forest sprite that the Shadow hasn’t captured. If the shadow gets her he will have full power over the forests but without her he can only control small portions of a forest. He needs all of the forest sprites to control the forest. Without her his plan will not succeed.” he said.
            “At least we have some good news” said Dirk
            “I’m not finished yet.” Said the baron. “I want you two to take her away from here and protect her; you’re the best people for the job.”
            “Where should we take her?” asked Adrienne. “What place would be safe from the shadow?”
            “I want you to take her to the kingdom of Night if she can’t be protected the then there is no place that I know of that will keep her safe. It’s also the last place that the Shadow would think to look for her.” Said the baron. “Now, listen carefully, you will get to Night by going through both of your kingdoms and you will enter the Forest of Plights. You’ll have to ask Mellena how to get to her kingdom from there. I didn’t think it would be wise for her to tell me here in case there were any prying ears.
            “I’ll get on it as soon as possible” said dirk as he rose swiftly to his feet.
            “As will I” said Adrienne as she was rising.
            Once Adrienne was in her room she sat down to think about what the baron had said. Why would the maid hide here of all places she thought? It could have been for safety or maybe she was working for the shadow and needed information on how to get in. oh well, no use in worrying about it now she thought as she undressed. Looking over she saw the nightgown that Rhia had laid out for her. Great, she thought, I have to put that thing on. Chuckling, she remembered the day one of her soldiers had come in to wake her up because she had slept in late. The look on his face when she jumped out of bed thinking it was an attack; it was like he had never seen a naked woman before. Oh well, she thought, might as well and pulled on her nightgown. She climbed into bed and pulled her blankets over her and blew out her candle falling asleep instantly.

Adrienne lounged peacefully in the sun, a rare moment to just lie there and do nothing for once. Looking over she saw dirk fidgeting as he waited for the arrival of Mellena.
            “Relax and enjoy the peace, were going out into the battlefield soon and I doubt that we’ll get much peace out there.” said Adrienne as she stretched, gathering admiring looks from all the men and sour expressions from the women.

TBC when i have time.
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