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Rated: 13+ · Other · Teen · #1382807
two friends try their luck in the illegal fireworks trade
“So, Andy” said Tom “who gave you these directions anyway?”
“Westchester, why?” Andy said. He began to frown because he knew what was coming.
Tom folded his arms and slouched into the vinyl seat. He turned his head towards the aisle as if to pretend he didn’t hear Andy’s reply.
“No reason really, but how does he know? His dumb ass hasn’t seen the North side of Adams St. What makes him the go to for directions into town?”
“Well first, he’s the only one I know who’s actually been there. Second, I don’t want anyone else to know where we’re going. You may not like him but he doesn’t run his mouth about stuff.”
“You saying I do?” Tom shrugged his shoulders and put out his hands palms up. Tom communicated with his hands as much as his mouth.
“No, I’m saying I don’t want anyone else knowing. He knows how to keep a secret.”
“I don’t know what the big deal is anyway. If Westchester’s already been in here it should be fine. Plus, I never said I didn’t like him. I just want to know if the directions are worth a damn. Does he know I came with you?”

Andy ignored the question; he turned to stare out the window. First, he glanced at his reflection in the train’s window, then beyond, outside to the graffiti covered buildings going past .The colorful building walls gave way into the marsh as they approached the river. The red brick and multicolored collages turned into a sea of green weeds and brown bogs. The train began to climb as it went onto the bridge and over the Neponset River.

“Are you nervous at all?” Tom asked. He was fidgeting, looking up and down the aisle to see who was in the car with them.
“A little I guess.” answered Andy. His answer had a calming effect on Tom. He was glad to know he wasn’t the only one a little scared. He didn’t want Andy to think of him as a coward.
The train was full of young people bouncing around the city. All kids were off from school, working in town or goofing around in the city. There were a couple of girls sitting next to the door ahead of the boys. Tom noticed that they were looking at them and giggling. He got up to go over.
“Where are you going?” asked Andy.
“I’m gonna try and take my mind off our trip by talking to some girls.” said Tom.
Andy stood still and watched Tom walk over to the three girls and start to make conversation. He started to unconsciously rub at the long scar on his cheek. Andy remembered why he had taken Tom. He was brave. Even though he might be nervous, Tom would still be confident enough to go over and meet the girls. They might even get dates for the weekend. Tom was always confident when it counted.
All four, the girls and Tom looked over to Andy and waved. He turned red and sheepishly waved back. The train entered Downtown Crossing; it was time for them to switch over to the orange line. Tom was already walking back when Andy grabbed his pack and went to the door.

“Any luck?” he asked
“No, those girls were retarded. All they did was laugh at me and ask dumb questions. Why are you wearing those shoes? Why won’t your friend come over? Why are you going to the North End?” said Tom. “True blonds.” Andy looked over to see all three girls were blond, at least two were dyed.
“You didn’t tell them what we were doing did you?” said Andy. Both boys swayed as the train stopped and the doors slid open.
“Sort of, I didn’t actually tell them we were going to buy illegal fireworks off a couple of Mafioso’s. I said we were under cover checking out mafia strong holds for Whitey.”
“You’re an idiot! No wonder they were laughing at you. You sound stupid.”
“They were more interested in why you weren’t coming over. I told them you were the strong silent type.” Tom punched Andy in the arm.
“Man you really sound like a jerk. Let’s go, we got three more stops on the orange then we walk from there.”

They got off the train at Haymarket square, walked to the street and made their way into the neighborhood. It was a sunny summer day. The train rumbled underneath their feet as it departed from the station. Both boys had on shorts and t- shirts. Tom had on a Red Sox shirt to match his hat. Andy wore an addidas soccershirt from his travel team. They looked normal enough, but as they entered the neighborhood, it was clear they looked out of place.
“Get the directions.” said Tom
“I memorized them so we wouldn’t look dumb. We don’t need a map anyway it’s only a few turns.”
“Look at all this shit” said Tom.
The north end of the city was another world unto itself. Unlike the stores in Southie, they all had displays outside. Piles of pears and apples sat in the sun, baskets of strawberries stayed the shade. The butcher had actual pigs and ducks hanging in the window. All the kids had dark complexsions to match their black and brunette hairdos.
“That is fucking gross.” Tom stood at the window staring at a duck hanging from a hook in the window. It’s head hung dangling with its eyes open and still. Two ancient ladies emerged yelling and laughing in some foreign language. Andy and Tom exchanged wide eyed glances.
“Come on it’s up here. We’re almost there. You got the cash, right. They’re gonna give us a list. We tell them how many of each we want, give them the money and hope they get the order right. Westchester said don’t even look in the bags till you’re out of the park.” Andy said.
“What if they try to stiff us?” Said Tom
“There isn’t much we could do is there? They’re frickin’ mafia guys. Do you want to argue about what you got and didn’t get with them? Plus, I don’t think they want it getting around that they stiff kids. How would they make money if people are too scared that they might get ripped off?”
“I guess your right” said Tom

The two boys rounded the corner; a few small children were throwing a tennis ball off one of the red brick apartment buildings. Everything in the neighborhood was aged, but clean and tidy. The buildings all had open window revealing the tenants inside. Some of the rooftops had gargoyles or lions keeping watch on the street. Old men with funny caps and slacks sat by the stoops playing checkers and watching the boys walk by. As they came upon the park they stopped for a minute and leaned against the tall chain link fence to survey the scene. The sun was shone down at them, the shade of the buildings was replaced by an open courtyard. Near the fence a few young boys played basketball, across the court a few younger kids played wiffel ball. On the far side of the park next to the jungle gym were two young mothers with their babies. A few older kids, probably students, sat at a bench across from the monkey bars. An older guy came jogging around the corner with two large brown grocery bags. He stopped and handed the bags to the students. They both got up and left as the man made his way over to the two women. He was dressed in a green warm-up suit, the same one the Celtics wore before games.
“That’s gotta be the man.” Said Andy.
“Well let’s do this and get out of here. I’m starving, all this food all over the place. I’m sure we can get a good slice somewhere around here. We can stop and eat and check the bags too.” Said Tom.
“Alright let’s go.” Said Andy.
The boys made their way over to the man and two women on the far side of the park. None of the kids paid any attention to them. As they approached one of the young mothers pointed at them. The man in the green outfit turned to size them up.
“What. What do you two want?” said the man before they could speak. He asked as if didn’t have time for strangers.
“We were told we could get fireworks at this park.” Said Andy.
“Oh yeah, who told you that?” He smiled and looked towards the two women. Both women smirked. One was in a white tube top, the other wearing a tight blue collared shirt.
Andy looked at Tom, “A friend” said Tom.
The man looked behind them to another man who had come up behind them.
“These two micks wanna buy some fire crackers or something.”.
Silently the second man passed each of them a small piece of paper with a typed list. The kind of betting sheet you get for football games in high school. Each column listed different types of fireworks and was followed by a space. The boys sat at the bench across from the ladies. The two men looked over the boy’s shoulders. The second man was all of 300 lbs and older. What he lacked in hair on his head he made up for on his arms and his exposed chest.
“No, No. You gotta write down how many you want. You don’t just check the space you dummies.” said the younger of the two.
The second man, still without a word, handed them two more sheets. Tom caught himself staring at the enormous chest of the woman wearing the tube top. He looked up to see her frowning at him. The boys completed the list and handed them to the younger man.
“Gimme your back packs.” He scanned the two pieces of paper “Okay that’s gonna be seventy five bucks. How far you two going? You gonna be able to carry all this?”
The fist guy looked to the second, “Anthony, there gonna have firework bustin’ out of the seems of these bags.” He was met with a shrug.
“Alright I’ll give you a couple bags. Seventy five, Cough it up.”
Tom handed him the money from several different pockets. It was exactly the amount they had figured on. The man added the bills to a huge roll he took out from his pocket.
“Why don’t you go play wiffel ball or something? I’ll be back in about ten minutes.”

Instead of going over to baby-sit, the boys went over to the bench where they had spotted the previous customers.
“I can’t wait. I can’t wait to put on a show up at the pond. What are you gonna save.” Tom asked. He was beaming with excitement.
“Well if you’re gonna blow all yours up. I’ll probably just sell all of them.” Said Andy
“I’m not gonna blow all of them. Just like we said, sell enough to make it a free run at least.” Said Tom. “Hell if they go quick, we might have time enough to come back. Maybe make some money.”
“We’ll see; I just hope they get the order right. The 4th is only a couple weeks away. I’m sure we’re not the only ones besides Westchester to make this trip. Who knows if there will be anything left next week.” Said Andy
“Why don’t you go ask fat Tony over there? The strong silent type, just like you.”
“Cuz I don’t want to. The less he knows about us the better.”
“I’m gonna ask him.” Said Tom. He made his way back over to the Picnic table where the older and bigger of the two men was sitting with the two women.

“Excuse me, sir?” said Tom “I was wondering if you guys think you’re gonna have anything left next week?”
The man turned around to face Tom with an annoyed look on his face. He was holding one of the babies in his meaty , hairy arm. “Don’t know.”
“We were thinking that we could come back for some of our friends. But not if there’s nothing left.” Tom said.
“I don’t know kid. The Holiday’s almost here. We’ll have something for you”
“Alright thanks. Cute kid. I just got a baby sister. Nine pounds, my dad said that’s pretty big” Tom said
The man gave Tom a small smile and turned back around. Tom went back to the bench to wait with Andy.
Andy sat there watching the kids play wiffel ball. “What did he say?”
“He said that his daughter over there thinks your hot stuff.” Said Tom
“The one with the kid or the one with the huge boobs?”
“The boobs. He said he’d give you a free gross of rockets if you went over there and squeezed them.”
“That would be the last thing I ever did.”
“Serious, he said if you went over there and milked ‘em a little he’d hook you up.”
“Whatever, here comes our man.”
Tom turned around to see the Celtics fan coming towards them with his hands full of bags. He dropped them in front of the two boys.
“Alright get out of here. Come again.” He said
“Is there going to be anything left next week?” Tom asked.
“What are plannin’ on selling these? Don’t be cutting in on our business.” He said with a smirk.
“No, I told your friend we might come back for our friends.” Said Tom
“We’ll have something to sell you.Now get out of here.”

Andy and Tom gathered up the bags and left. Each had a backpack full. Tom carried one extra shopping bag. Andy had two. Tom opened the grocery bag and started jumping when he looked inside.
“I haven’t seen this many jumping jacks ever. This is fucking cool.”
Andy couldn’t help but smile himself. It had been his idea to go in town and buy the fireworks. He had seen Jimmie Westchester’s closet full of any kind of fireworks you wanted. Westchester was using them on the Holiday up at his parent’s lake house. Andy had thought to get some for himself since he wasn’t invited to the lake. Tom had come up with the idea of selling some for spending cash on the 4th.
“I’m gonna light up the sky.”
“Hold on a second. I have to re-adjust. These bags aren’t light.” Said Andy.
“Fine, let’s just go over there to the ally and count em up” Tom said.
“I’m sure he just put a bunch in a bag we can sort out whose is whose.”
The boys took a few steps into the ally and put down the bags. They began to rifle through their newly acquired armory. They traded bricks of jumping jacks and packs of roman candles. Bottle rockets and mortar rounds were passed back and forth. They each became overwhelmed with excitement.

“What’s up guys?”
Tom turned around and was met with a punch in the face. Andy jumped up; he was stopped by two Hispanic kids. Two El Salvadorians from East Boston. One was tall and a little fat, the other of average build and holding a knife at Andy. It was a small, cheap pocket knife.
“So we’re just gonna take these bags. You shut up and I won’t stab your pale ass.” the smaller of the two said.
“Get up!” the fat kid grabbed Tom and pulled him up. He pushed him against the wall.
“Fuck you, you fat bastard.” Tom said.
“Talk like that again and I’ll mess you up.”
“You’re not gonna get out of this neighborhood, as soon as you drop that knife and pick those bags up I’m gonna kick your fucking ass.” Said Tom.
“What is your problem? Those guys around the corner will kill you for this.” Andy added.
“We’re not worried about that. You two are just in the wrong place at the right time for us. We’re gonna take your bags and any money you have.”
“We just spent all our money asshole.” Said Tom.
The bigger of the two boys started to laugh. Tom surprised everyone and kicked him in the crotch. The boy doubled over. As he jumped back Tom was caught on the arm by the smaller boy. In one swift movement he sliced at Toms arm, kicked him to the ground and swiped at Andy to back him off.
“That was not smart. Get up!” he said. The larger kid got up scowling at Tom “What should we do?” he asked.
“Take off your pants!” said the little guy.
“Fuck you Zorro. I’m not down with that shit. You can stab my ass before you get to see me naked.” Andy said.
The fat kid punched Andy in the gut sending him to the street. He picked him back up and did it again. Andy gasped for breath and looked at Tom who was beginning to look scared.
“Now take your pants off. I’m not a fucking weirdo. I’m gonna take your pants so you can’t chase after us, and because you decided to make it hard. Now take off your fucking pants!”
Andy got up and pulled off his pants reluctantly. He looked of at Tom who was bleeding and shaken. Tom simply shook his head.
“Just take of your pants and we’ll leave. If not, we’re going to take your stuff and beat the crap out of you.” The fat boy said.
Tom turned around and pulled his pants down. The fat kid took both pairs of pants. Tom remained turned towards the ally. His pale bare ass out for all to see.
The two boys started laughing out loud. They even managed to get Andy to smirk at the situation.Tom’s head hung low. The two boys began gathering the fireworks.
“Since when do you go commando?” Andy asked Tom.
“Shut up.” Tom said.

“What the hell is going on over hear?” from the top of the ally The younger of the two men looked over the scene. “Hey you two, what the hell are you doing back here. I told you if I saw you again I’d beat your ass then tell your old man what you were up to.”

The two boys exchanged a quick glance and simultanously made a dash down the alley. The fatter of the two grabbed at Toms pants and almost fell over himself laughing as he ran away. The smaller of the two grabbed one of the bags filled with fireworks as he took off. The man yelled after them but made no real effort to stop them. He started laughing when he saw Tom’s bare ass and red face.

“What the hell are you two doing with your pants down?”
“We got jumped. He had a knife and we didn’t know what to do.” said Andy.
“He got your pants too. Huh, kid?”
Tom just stared at the ground not knowing how to respond. The firewoks man was biting his lip to keep from laughing.

“So what do we do now? He has no pants and they stole some of our fireworks.” Andy said.
“Hey, I can’t do anything about your fireworks. Like I told you. Come back next week we’ll have something for you. If I’m around I’ll throw you a bone, a free brick of black cats or something. I’ll get him some shorts, then you guys gotta get the hell out of here. And it would serve you not to go around tellin’ everybody about what happened. You understand?”

The man left and came back with the older man, Anthony. Hehad a pair of gym shorts skimpy enough for a cheerleader.
“These belong to my sister but it’s all your gonna get.”
Tom made no protest. He kept silent until they got home and called for a ride. Aside from a few sideways glances at Tom’s attire we made the rest of the trip without incident. The story remained a secret between the two boys. In a week Andy and Tom had all but forgotten the episode as they threw jumping jacks at the girls and sent bottle rockets up into the air over the lake.
© Copyright 2008 chillybutnice (chillybutnice at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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