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by Jack
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1382657
60 minutes TV program:Inside the Free Redemption Defence Force
Child soldiers of Blue Earth:
60 minutes TV show; inside the Free Redemption Defence Force

The Free Redemption Defence Force or the FRDF was a branch of an underground movement set up by a group of teenagers from the real planet earth called the Free Redemption Movement (FRM). The FRM was made and led by a 17-year old named William Morgan Weasely.

Like many of his colleagues, William was a young person who became separated from his parents for unknown reasons. His parents were in fact high ranking officials from the Council of Alternate Earths. He was later grown by his foster pafrents in America.

William Weasely  was  a good student at his school, he earned many friends and many teachers liked him and he received good grades at school . On the “other side” however , he was someone who was defiant towards his foster parents. His foster parents  “grounded” him several times , which only made his  defiant behaviour only worse.

One day, his foster parents heard about a tough disciplinary camp. The “camp” involves a series of  harsh physical and mental activities, including tramping for a hundred miles in remote location. The camp was to last for about a month.

Will Weasely was later sent to the camp. As he was being introduced to the camp intructors, they confiscated his cellphone and his watch. They later blindfolded him ,took him into a remote location and began the tough disciplinary program.

When he was introduced to the other people in the camp,he showed hints of being defiant by smiling at the camp instuctors and the other “Students” in the camp. During the first night into the camp, he only showed signs of self interest, he began having fun by teasing the other “students” , which got them into trouble. On the second night, however, as he hear stories about other people in the camp about the brutal guardians and the other people that they surround themeslves with, he develops a sense of compassion towards those other people and the motivation to help them out of the camp.

While the instructors were asleep,  he began playing around with his charisma and charm to convince them to defy the instuctors, who are trying to make the “students” feel small and “sub-humans” as if they were cabbages and eventually lead them  out of the camp. At first, a majority of the “students” ignored him but promised him to keep it secret, a sign that he was already winning the hearts and minds of other people. As the other “students” fall asleep, he began trasmitting distress signals with a small elecrtonic device implanted into his left arm.
William proved his plan as the camp progresses into the second night when several dark figures approached the tent, grabbed The Youths away from the instructors ,took them into a helicopter and dissappeared. He soon gained respect from the rest of the camp victims .They were kept hidden somewhere in a strange alternate earth called Blue Earth, where William and his camp victims created the Free Redemption Movement or the FRM . They gathered a group of gang leaders about the camp, the movement  and about the people of the “Authorities” who treated them like “scum” and that the “Authorities” had been to Blue Earth before and will do anything to punish the camp victims and those who helped them. At first, only a few gangs ,some from Blue Earth, some from the real earth and some from oter alternate worlds ,joined the FRM. Among them was the Blue Janitor Gang with an 18-year old three-star Air Force General from the Blue Earth Superpower country of Kalimantan named Indra Widodo, who was to be one of the founders of the Free Redemption Defence Force. They then met the President of Kalimantan, who later took them to another alternate earth called the Mysterious Planet. There they met the Council of Alternate Earths (CAE for short) who gave them access to their strange and advanced technologies , among them was a wormhole generator that could serve as potrals to travel between parallel realities , where the FRM grew rapidly.

The Free Redemption Defence Force (FRDF) was formally established as a new branch of the undergroud organisation  after the “Authorities” launched a massive invasion of  the Blue Earth continent of sumatera and established anempire known as Republik Matematika or the Nation of maths. It was initially made to “ manage supplies FRM with weapons ,ammunitions but also to provide the training needed for combat” in less than a month, more than 10,000 people joined the FRDF.

They owned private- military bases and training facilities on many alternate earths, the largest of them was code-named “Brotown” in the Mysterious Planet. It has facilities such as skateboard parks, places to sleep, classrooms, dining rooms, cafes, administrative work stations and even airfields. Although the FRDF has just been set up, they have acquired large quantities of weapons  from the black market ,including assault rifles, rocket propelled grenades,bombs and even stockpiles of nuclear weapons. They have also acquired American style kevlar helmets and rumour has it that they’re getting fighter jets and other modern day heavy weapons platforms.

A member of the FRDF said in an interview that “we may already have acquired weapons from the black market and weapons used by some of the most powerful and advanced nations of the real earth like America. But this is just the beginning.With the Free Redemption Defence Force  growing at rapid pace,and the situation in Blue Earth getting more desperate ,the FRDF will become a much more effective fighting force.”

As I tour around “Brotown” I came across hangars with choppers insideand even private jets ranging from Learjets to B737-800s with people working inside those planes, suggesting that these private jets will be used as weapons platforms. I also toured around the workshops and warehouses of  “Brotown” where people were could be seen modifying cars and turning them into weapons platforms such as assembling guns into cars and making their own cruise missiles.
Athough the FRDF has grown into a large force ,it does not yet have a form of a chain of command but does have high ranking military officers from the Blue Earth nations of Aceh and Kalimantan and other smaller nations as well. Not much is known about the FRDF as it is still new and is shrouded in mystery.

Many members of the FRDF are between ages 12 to 24, some with useful backgrounds such as mountaineering , aviation (flying , scuba diving,rock climbing and mountain biking. However there are also those people with backrond in engineering , science and other,  unrelated fields.  The FRM  also has set up training clubs to train members and other recruits.

Most FRM  facilities have wormhole generators to enable the FRM and its Defence Force to carry out operations in Blue Earth from other alternate earths. Over the past few days, the FRDF have launched a series of terrorist attacks on Republik Matematika Military bases, in which some ended in failure. Altough on-one  in the FRDF was killed nor captured, many  were injured and some of those operations ended in  failure. However, these attacks have caused some delays in their advancements into the countries of the central parts of the Sumatera continent . According to an intelligence source from Jambi, acountry in Central Sumatera, claims that “Not only did their attacks slowed the advancements of the Republik Matematika Imperial Army but also gave our rebel forces time to plan a counterstrike against them …who ever is behind those attacks has gained support from the locals and many village people are joining the organisation . Republik Matematika may have installed puppet governments on the countries they (Republik Matematika) occupy ,but those governments won’t last forever. Likewise the occupation will come to an end.”

Several thousand kilometres away , with the Kalimantan Federation President Dimas Hermanto still missing , the Blue Earth superpower is now under the Vice-President and his military Junta. And rumour has it that Jack Roughan, the Vice-President of Kalimantan, is  secret agent of  Republik Matematika –the puppet nation of the “Authorities” in Blue Earth, and is collaborating with them to kidnap The Youths who escaped the camp , bring them back to the Disciplinary Camp and take over Blue Earth. The rumour became apparent when Roughan chosed not to take an aggressive stance towards Republik Matematika and some of the officers from the Kalimantan Military resigned over the disagreement of that decision.

The Free Redemption Movement, however ,took advantage of the situation and they quickly became a dominant entity within the underground society of Kalimantan. Many of the powerful gangs of Kalimantan and even some military commanders and local authorities have joined the movement.

One night ,when I returned to Brotown, I came across several people, all of them were between fifteen to nineteen years of age. Indra Widodo , Andy Potter and William Weasely was among them , who said that “We may have escaped the disciplinary camps, but others aren’t so lucky…howver many of those other people are here with us and that the ‘Authorities’ will do whatever is necessary to get us … We will do whatever it takes to stop them dead in their tracks…We will overpower them and they will find us to be ustoppable…”

Indra  Widodo, however, has a different story
“I joined the Kalimantan Federation Air Force since I was twelve years old and I’ve been working part time in that Air Force for almost six years and I rose through the ranks pretty quickly. I have fought the ‘Authorities’ in previous conflicts on other Alternate Earths within the unseen realm of the Great Cosmic Labyrinth. Although I do want to help them fight against the ‘Authorities’, there is another reason why I want to fight against this Republik Matematika…It’s what my parents did to me when I was younger…In case you don’t know if you tranlate Republik Matematika into english it wouold become the Republic of Mathematics…my parents used to give me lots of maths questions… they seemed to be obsessed about maths in front of me and that I HATED MATHS SO MUCH . I have always daydreamed that I would wipe maths off the face of the planet and now, with the appearance of Republik Matematika, now is the sweet chace to do that! I don’t care if my parents likes that stupid country… IT MUST NOT EXIST IN ANY WAY!”

Wlliam Weasely then said “ the Free Redemption Movement was initially made created so that we will have something with us when we fight against the ‘Authorities’. It is also a means to gain lots of support. However as we grow larger and larger, our movement have pretty much become a conglomerate of underground gangster-type organisations. We want to surpass the sweeping power of the ‘Authorities’ so that they can never threaten us again. We have enough of them messing around with us… and they will stop at nothing to bring us back to them…we simply won’t let that happen for our own good.We have the right to defend our underground world.”

As I walked around Brotown and interviewed other people, I came across a 13-year old boy named Edward
“Many of my friends at school bullied me all the time and the teachers let them get away with it… right now,It’s my chance to prove that I’m not the vegetable  they think I am… I’ve learnt martial arts, boxing and rifleshooting and with the appearance of Republik Matematika,its time for me to break loose.

To those of you who evers dreams of making a repeat of the Columbine High School incident, DO NOT  aim your guns at innocent people, but aim them at Republik Matematika, they don’t really have human soldiers,the human soldiers never show up in the front line , those soldiers  in the front line are robots…unleash your anger as much as you want and shoot, shoot and SHOOT and no human will get shot! Which is GOOD! It’s time for us to burn all those money ,time and the resources that the ‘Autrhorities’ have spent to torment us all the time! Make them listen and respect and show them that we will defy for our rights! Make them realise that their battle to catch the survivors of the camp and bring everything under their control is something not worth figthting for! ”
Edward said, with his face twisted in anger.

On another interview with William Weasely, the leader of the Free Redemption Movement said that
“We have escaped and we now have a powerful organisation and we have gained many support , but this would not have have been possible without the help from the Council of Alternate Earths, who helped us built Brotown and the Free Redemption Movement ,expand our organisation to many Earths in different alternate realities ,taught us everything we need to know about the ‘Authorities’ and on how to stand up against them and set up bases over those , we owe them a very big thank you… In fact, the origins of the Council was very similar to ours.

We have made several agreements with the Council prior to expanding our organisation, they’re pretty much classified. We will maintain our co-operation and collaboration with the Council and abide to their policies, regulations and their bylaws. Some of the Council’s policies are directed against the ‘Authorities’.

With news spreading out about this underground organisation, the morale among the people who now lives under the occupation of Republik Matematika and lives under its tyrannical rule in Blue Earth are growing stronger ,but we have to be patient and wait for the right time to rise against Republik Matematika and fight the puppet Empire head on. In the meantime ,we will focus on weakening and eventually ‘reversing’ the growing power and influence of Republik Matematika. Once they’re weak enough, we’ll transform our Defence Force into a big , global paramilitary organisation and concentrate on capturing the critical assets of Republik Matematika and use those things against it and we’ll probably resort to offensive campaigns and those sorts of things if we need to.”

Analyst predicted that as the Free Redemption Movement continues to grow at a rapid pace , the policies of some countries  and international organisations, wether on Blue Earth or on other Earths regarding security and defence matters will change when the FRDF becomes a paramilitary force and perhaps become a significant part in their agedas regarding military affairs.

In the meantime, not much is known abou the Free Redemption Movement and its agendas.

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